Chapter 385 Su Shi was caught? Li Xiaoyao's new neighbor

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Chapter 385: Su Shi was actually caught? Li Xiaoyao’s new neighbor (please subscribe)

What is a ghost? What is a soul?

In the understanding of the material world, everyone thinks that ghosts are just some kind of special energy bodies with certain thinking abilities.

This kind of ability body has certain intelligence and possesses various characteristics of an energy body!

For example, killing, loving blood, loving meat, and other characteristics that go against the survival of living things.

They believe that ghosts and living creatures in the material world are two completely opposite entities.

If a ghost does not have the characteristics of an energy body, the ghost will definitely perish.

After human beings die, the soul body becomes a ghost. In the perception of the material world, it should have become some kind of energy body.

In addition to possessing the anti-biological properties of ghosts, this energy body may also have conditions that require it to survive in a special environment.

The reincarnation of the underworld and the ghost world of the fairy sword world should be some kind of energy body transformation method!

For example, transforming ghosts into babies, or fragile soul bodies, and then into new lives.

This is Chen Mu's understanding.

Because there are ghosts and ghost realms in the world of Fairy Sword, they made plans to explore ghosts before conquering Wanwan.

Unfortunately, Zheng Pei from Fairy Island did not give them a reasonable explanation.

They say that ghosts almost do not exist in the world. Even if there are ghosts, they only exist in the world with the help of special terrain or physical bodies.

The exploration of ghosts in Kyoto progressed slowly and almost came to a standstill.

But where there is a will, there is a way! They will definitely find out the secret of the ghosts.

The Dongfeng Brigade still gained something. They really found many extremely intelligent creatures in Wanwan.

Such as deer, goats, apes.

But they are far from the legendary spirits.

In the following months, the scientific research team of the Dongfeng Brigade traveled across the winding mountains and rivers in search of news about the spirits.

Unfortunately, after half a year of searching, they found nothing.

It was fine that they didn't find the ghost, but who knew they caught a big fish.

On the 43rd day after conquering Wanwan, their fleet encountered a Song Dynasty navy that was conquering Wanwan.

Although these navy only had about 500 people and drove 12 small boats, they were still the fleets of the Song Dynasty.

In order not to expose the news, Chen Mu directly launched an artillery bombardment.

This hasty naval battle ended in only 2 hours.

If the naval battle was over, it would be fine if these Song Dynasty naval officers were captured, but they actually captured a big shot.

The eight great masters of the Song Dynasty created countless classic poems and invented various delicacies, including the fat Su Shi.

When Chen Mu learned that they had captured the Song Dynasty navy and the navy commander Su Shi, they were thrown into confusion on the spot!

This would be 1098. Didn't the fat Su Shi serve as an official in Qiongzhou (Hainan), and then was transferred to another place within a few years, and then died running around?

Why does he appear here?

After some roundabout interrogation, they found that Su Shi in the world of swords and swords was even worse than in the official history.

After Su Shi in the World of Fairy Sword experienced the failure of the reform, Wang Anshi and his party were hit many times.

Su Shi had lived a life of ups and downs for more than ten years, and had not lived a good life for many years.

And he was able to become the commander of the crusade against the Wanwan pirates.

It's not that he has any talent, but it's because of the pitiable partisanship.

After Wang Anshi's reform, the war between the old and new parties continued.

This struggle lasted until the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty.

The talented Su Shi is naturally a thorn in the side of conservatives and a thorn in their flesh!

In order to kill Su Shi, they did everything possible.

If it weren't for Su Shi, a genius who was not only proficient in poetry, philosophy, food, but also martial arts, perhaps Su Shi would have died long ago.

Knowing why Su Shi came and understanding the chaotic political situation of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Chunfeng Brigade held a meeting on the spot.

Then, everyone's infiltration into the Song Dynasty began in advance.

On the 55th day after conquering Wanwan, Ju Chengyan disguised himself as a businessman and officially landed in Yuhang Town.

Ju Chengyan then relied on the information obtained from Su Shi to use elegant poetry collections and rare treasures to get rid of the officials of the Song Dynasty.

Then, we started some mutually beneficial cooperation with the local gentry in Yuhang Town.

In terms of money and some inadvertent displays of muscle strength, the cooperation between the gentry and the businessmen went very smoothly.

Shops, land, and shops were purchased by them at high prices.

Subsequently, they recruited craftsmen aggressively and began to build modern bookstores, textile stores, and industrial supplies stores!

With super high product quality and countless novelties, Chunfeng Store quickly established a foothold in Yuhang Town.

The reputation of Chunfeng Store has gradually been established.

What a coincidence, the location of Chunfeng Store is very close to Aunt Li Xiaoyao's restaurant.

The two stores are less than 100 meters apart.

As the business of Chunfeng Store gradually prospered, Aunt Li Xiaoyao's restaurant also began to become busy indirectly.

The hard-working Li Xiaoyao started his career as a child serving tea, pouring water, cleaning tables and delivering food.

Unfortunately, the troublesome thing is that Aunt Li's cooking skills are really not good, and these busyness may disappear soon.

The business of Aunt Li's restaurant has improved, but Li Xiaoyao has suffered.

His career of serving tea, pouring water, cleaning tables and delivering food didn't last long, but was interrupted by Ju Chengyan's initiative.

On this day, Li Xiaoyao, who was cleaning the table, saw these strangers arriving at his aunt's restaurant and expressed their wish to meet Aunt Li.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Aunt Li come out, Ju Chengyan smiled gently and said: "Hello, it's like this. Our Chunfeng store has too many people and has very high requirements for food and drinks. We are all neighbors, so based on the idea of ​​mutual benefit,

I hope to reach a cooperation project with a designated restaurant!”

Aunt Li was naturally curious: "Please tell me the details of the cooperation!"

Ju Chengyan smiled and told them their plan.

The plan is also very simple. The store staff in Chunfeng Store are nervous, and they need to provide food for the staff and entertain the guests coming and going.

In order to save time, they planned to live and rest in their aunt's restaurant.


"It's okay, but my food is a little rough, so I'm afraid I won't treat your guests well!"

"Don't worry, we provide complete recipes, you just need to cook according to the methods we teach."

Aunt Li was even more happy when she heard there was a recipe.

Suddenly, Aunt Li thought of a bad scene.

She asked carefully: "Why are you so generous? What exactly do you want us to pay? I can tell you... I don't sell this store! This is my lifeblood."

"Don't worry, we will not acquire. Win-win cooperation is the way to do business! By the way..." Ju Chengyan took out a contract: "This is the contract for our cooperation. You can take a look.


Aunt Li took the contract and looked at it carefully.

Li Xiaoyao's family is from a good family. Although they are not a wealthy family, they are still able to read and write.

The contract Ju Chengyan handed them was very fair and just.

As long as I sign this, not only will the restaurant have a stable income, but I will also get dozens of dish recipes for free.

This thing, no matter how you look at it, it’s worth it!

"These conditions are very good, but we need to think about it." Aunt Li said after taking a moment.

"Yes, but please reply within 3 days. Our time is precious and we cannot wait any longer."

"Don't worry, we will reply to you soon."

Time flies, half a year has passed since I conquered Wanwan!

In the past six months, the Chunfeng Brigade has been conducting infiltration work into the Northern Song Dynasty.

And Benwan is also undergoing significant changes every day.

The first change is naturally the way of life of the local people, which has been completely overturned.

half year ago……

Most of the more than 100,000 people are farmers digging in the soil, and a small number rely on fishing for a living.

half year later……

The working environment and lifestyle of more than 100,000 people have undergone major changes.

In half a year, the lifestyle of 100,000 people changed from farming, fishing and hunting to building various factories.

Cement plants, steel plants, various textile factories...

For example, Liu Erxi, who became a prisoner of labor reform, saw and ate countless good things in the past six months that he had never seen in several lifetimes.

Liu Erxi once believed that eating bacon, whole fish, or making delicious hen soup during the New Year and holidays, and then hugging his wife and children would be a magical day.

But in the past six months, he has learned what life is and what enjoyment is!

In the past six months, his living standard has directly improved dozens of times.

Let’s talk about food first.

Liu Erxi used to eat two meals a day, but now he eats three meals a day.

Breakfast is the richest among the three meals.

There are meat dishes for lunch and dinner. The food is not only rich and varied, but also extremely delicious.

Fresh tomatoes, tomatillos and other vegetables enhance their nutritional intake.

Various types of meat such as cattle, sheep, and fish enrich their stomachs and strengthen their bodies!

The happiest thing for them every day is when the working time comes, and then they hold the plate and eat full!

In the past six months, he had eaten all kinds of delicacies.

Calculating carefully, Liu Erxi ate at least a hundred dishes by himself.

Several of their fellow prisoners once said that even life in officialdom was not as good as theirs.

At first, Liu Erxi felt the same way.

He once thought that officials also had to farm, but it wasn't until he received literacy education at night school that he realized the emperor's luxury.

He had no control over the emperor's luxurious life.

The only thing he wants to do now is to earn enough points and redeem his freedom!

The people from the Chunfeng Brigade said that as long as he works enthusiastically every day and completes all tasks, he can go home early.

And these people promised them stable new jobs!

Liu Erxi hopes to get rid of his identity as a prisoner and return to Yuhang Town to take his family back.

Everything is fine here, except you can't be lazy.

When Liu Erxi was a farmer and a pirate, they both had busy seasons and dull seasons.

During Danji, everyone either talks about mountains, plays Pai Gow, or plays mother-in-law.

Liu Erxi's favorite thing is to play the baby-making game with her mother-in-law.

If it weren't for the excessive taxes collected by the officials of the Song Dynasty, he would not have escaped.

Thinking about it carefully, he hasn't seen his mother-in-law for a year and a half, and he doesn't know how her mother-in-law is doing or whether she has remarried?

It’s the weekend, morning!

Liu Erxi, who was sleeping in during his lunch break, was suddenly awakened by a loudspeaker...

"All the reform-through-labor personnel of the 12th Production Brigade, upon hearing the news, immediately went to the 12th Square to assemble!"

"All the reform-through-labor personnel of the 12th Production Brigade, upon hearing the news, immediately went to the 12th Square to assemble!"

Liu Erxi got up in confusion: "Old Zhao, what's going on? Why are we working on weekends?"

The production brigade continued the rest schedule established by Chen Mu. They allowed these labor reform prisoners four days of rest a month.

Today is already the weekend and it is their day off.

Why does the loudspeaker make people gather?

Is there going to be a war?

Thinking of fighting, Liu Erxi suddenly became nervous.

In the past six months, he has received a lot of ideological education. He has also actively participated in activities such as complaints conferences.

In order to learn knowledge, he was also forced to join a night school literacy class and became an adult student.

In half a year, he learned more than 600 words and learned to write a simple letter home!

Of course, what he learned most in the past six months was the knowledge of losing his head.

If these things were in the Song Dynasty, they would definitely be reported and exchanged for rewards.

For example, how was the emperor formed?

What is feudal society!

What is the class of scholar-bureaucrats and scholars?

Why do businessmen have a low status?

Why do farmers work hard all year long but can only earn enough food to survive?

What is bargaining power!

What are means of production.

What is a worker!

What is a farmer!

These rebellious remarks grew like weeds and took root in a place where no one cared about them.

Liu Erxi met Teacher Ma, Teacher En, Teacher Lie, Teacher Mao, and Teacher Deng.

He knew the reason why he had been poor all his life despite working hard.

The life of fine clothing and fine food created by others is nothing but exploitation of them!

These people stand on their shoulders, telling them about loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness, telling them about the goodness of the court, and telling them to abide by the law...

However, what these privileged people do are destructive things.

Six months of labor reform made him aware of his identity and his status.

I, Liu Erxi, the great shovel-dancing worker!

Although I am a sin-bearing person, as long as I work hard and atone for my sins, I will definitely be able to obtain salvation.

This is the inner thought of Liu Erxi, and the inner thought of hundreds of thousands of people.

Here, they can see hope.

In the Song Dynasty, there was only the strict hierarchical Confucian-Legal system and the decadent Song Dynasty politics.

After getting dressed and washing up, I followed the coworkers to the square.

As soon as he arrived at the square, Liu Erxi found more than a dozen large trucks lined up.

These trucks have a weird appearance. The front part is a large tractor head, and the back half is a carriage modified from a wooden box and a metal chassis.

The person in charge of the 12th Production Brigade was a dark-skinned man. He took the list and read the name first: "Sun Yang!"


"Liu Erxi!"


After the person in charge recited the names of 30 people, he loudly said: "Everyone who recited the names will get on the bus, and let's go dry the food together!"

Liu Erxi, who was about to get into the car, asked out of curiosity: "Drying food?"

"Yes. The rice we planted in other districts is mature. The weather in the past few days has been very abnormal. The leader issued an order to speed up the harvest."

Liu Erxi still wanted to ask, so he was pushed into the car by the dark man: "Hurry up and get in the car. There will be a driver on the road who will tell you about the work these days!"

Liu Erxi and others took the bus with doubts. While driving, the driver loudly explained to them the work to be done next.

This time, we have no choice but to let these people go to work in the fields!

Because the machinery is enough, but the people are not enough.

As early as Chen Mu conquered 100,000 people, he actively started to divide the production plan.

Powerful machinery and equipment, as well as various incentive policies, allowed the Dongfeng Brigade to quickly take root in Wanwan.

Driven by the people's own interests, they actively cultivated 500,000 acres of fertile farmland in just one month.

500,000 acres of fertile land were planted with seeds cultivated by modern science, and they achieved a bumper harvest in the first wave.

According to the actual measurement of the yield per mu, they found that the rice yield per mu this time actually reached 5,000 kilograms.uuReading

This is a heart-pounding figure. You must know that the yield of these rice per mu in the main world is only 3,200 kilograms.

The harvest of crops in the Xianxia world is amazing.

Because there were too many crops, Chen Mu decided to let everyone participate in the harvest in order to win over the people.

This good harvest will definitely make more than 100,000 people return home.

In fact, Liu Erxi's team finally found out that it was because of the special nature of the labor camp.

They didn't know about Wanwan's crop yields at first.

In order to manage these people well and complete the training as soon as possible, the Dongfeng Brigade separately managed more than 100,000 people in Wanwan.

They have divided a total of 10 ordinary production areas, and the ordinary areas are mainly treated gently.

The prison area passively accepts production and construction work!

After Liu Erxi and others arrived at the work site, their main task was to pack and dry the grain.

These tasks are ingrained in our bones, so everyone is very skilled at doing them.

After more than ten days of harvesting, all 500,000 acres of rice have been harvested.

When a group of people started farming again, the excess grain had already been packed and transported to the Northern Song Dynasty~

This chapter has been completed!
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