Chapter 436 Traditional Virtue Spreading Plan, Alienation of Consumption

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When news about human cloning and genetic composite monsters in Jurassic World Park was announced, hundreds of people died.

The top executives of the gene company were in chaos on the spot.

It was also at this time that Chen Mu got the reminder that the mission was completed!

[Congratulations on completing the first phase of the mission. You have investigated the truth behind Jurassic World and revealed the secrets in the park to the public]

[Task reward: 10 million points]

【Do you want to receive the second phase mission? 】

"What will you do if you don't accept the mission?"

[You can choose to return to the main world]

"recieve the task!"

Chen Mu naturally chose to receive it. After completing the task, there was not even a lottery draw. Chen Mu did not want to do this loss-making business.

[Task release completed]

[Task attributes: phased tasks]

[The second stage: expose the ugliness behind money, and within the specified time, let the traditional virtues of the Eastern people cover this world that is tortured by interests and plunder]

[The world is originally colorful. Unfortunately, after capital took over the world, capital, with the purpose of colonization and plundering profits, took control of everything in people's lives. It controlled the throats and topics, controlled human emotions, life, old age, sickness and death. Human tradition

Virtue is no longer beautiful, greatness and selflessness have been completely alienated, and people's hearts have been dominated by money. Humanity's safety is at stake]

[Task reward: 100 million points, two special draws]

[Task time limit: 90 days]

When Chen Mu narrated this mission, the faces of the team members present showed solemn expressions.

"It's actually a traditional virtue?"

"This is difficult to handle!"

There is no mysterious oriental power in this world, and civilizations full of historical precipitation have little impact on this world.

Under the rule of Anglo civilization, the beautiful label advertised is nothing more than special plunder and oppression.

People think this is all right.

It is believed that this rule is a system that has existed since ancient times.

This is a stubborn disease that can never be eliminated in human society.

As long as humans exist, stubborn diseases will always exist.

They never consider whether it is reasonable to exist since ancient times!

Human beings in this world have their thoughts suppressed by religion, and they do not want to solve problems from the most fundamental system.

Coupled with the lack of philosophers and the lack of key philosophical thinking, money-based consumerism corrodes the human soul.

As for the world’s criticism of consumerism.

All I can do is laugh~

In short, Jurassic World is a world where alienation is completely completed from body to soul.

Predation of the weak, wanton plunder, and double standards of freedom are the essence of this world!

Want to introduce traditional virtues to the world in just three months.


"Confirmation only 90 days?"

Chen Mu nodded heavily: "Yes."

Everyone's expressions were a bit unpleasant.

Even if the think tank had speculated that there would be such a limitation of less and less time, the mood would be just as heavy.

This phased task seems simple, but this simplicity needs to be established without time limits.

With the three-month limit, the difficulty of the task suddenly increased countless times.

Chen Aiguo smoked a cigarette and said with a forced smile: "We don't have much time, this is the online world. We still have task delays!"

"It's not easy to do things like this. There are too many refined egoists in this world. Spreading traditional virtues is extremely difficult!"

"I feel that the task can still be completed. The task prompt is just to warm the world with traditional virtues. This task does not kill the word."

"Let's start a brainstorming session and figure out how to complete this task within 3 months?"

There are many task modes assigned by the think tank analysis system.

For example, the follow-up mission of medical rescue based on the subsequent impact after the conspiracy was revealed.

Or play the project of changing the dynasty.

They also hypothesized a solution to deal with some kind of alien civilization!

Of course, there are missions that go awry, and the humans of Jurassic World reject their solutions.

But the task of spreading traditional virtues goes slightly beyond everyone's assumptions.

Fortunately, there is an action plan for this task.

Even this task has a lot in common with the previous one.

The Dongfeng Brigade began to brainstorm about the second phase of the mission. The high-level humans of Jurassic World were in a state of confusion because of the exposure of the matter to all media.

Exposures about human cloning and medical dinosaurs by one or two media outlets will not attract their attention.

These matters will be resolved by professionals.

However, all the well-known media in the world reported it, and all kinds of miscellaneous fish also followed it. The matter definitely exceeded everyone's expectations.

After all, the scandal of the cloning island cultivating living people as new bodies for rich people is very anti-human.

Coupled with the impact of hybrid dinosaurs on the world's military structure, these topics cannot be suppressed once they are exposed.

As the news was released, the responsible persons in various places had no choice but to look for scapegoats and unlucky people. On the surface, the responsible persons in various places also began to unanimously condemn these inhuman experiments and banned these things on the surface.

Almost everyone is united in suppressing these messages.

Secretly, all high-level officials around the world were investigating the leak of this information all night long.

However, the investigator, who was extremely powerful on the technology side, was met with disappointment.

Some of the media leaders who released the news swore that they were doing it for professional ethics.

Upon investigation, the investigators found that the person in charge had received more than 100,000 yuan in benefits from behind.

Some people said that after receiving a report from an informant, they felt that the news was very exciting, and they announced the news immediately.

They even found a person in charge who lost a bet before releasing these verified information.

The media's excuses for releasing news are not unified, only the time is highly unified.

But they searched for more than ten days in a row and couldn't find any useful clues!

Such a mysterious thing made their investigation more difficult.

While investigators from all over the country are worried about this supernatural incident, the Dongfeng Brigade continues to act.

The people in charge of the media they hypnotize will once again release shocking revelations uncontrollably after receiving some external interference.

Some negative news about the consortium and reports about all kinds of crazy things are still going on.

The people were very angry when they saw the news. They walked out one after another, stood up and shouted that these culprits should be brought to justice!

Beautiful scenery in various places are intertwined with each other. These actions make local senior officials feel numb and restless.

The Anglo side preaches freedom and public pigs, but in order to ensure their own selfish interests, they never openly preach that freedom and responsibility complement each other.

For humans to give up other things for the sake of freedom is an act against human civilization.

After the clones and the clone island industry chain were exposed, some things began to get out of control.

This trend is getting bigger and bigger.

As the saying goes, if you sow melons, you will reap beans!

These guys who have been sparing no effort to promote freedom are now suffering the backlash of freedom.

However, this is just a small fight.

You are a pariah, not worth mentioning!

If we say that these are just a small fight, done by a few people, then the momentum is overwhelming and the world is in turmoil.

This kind of turmoil starts with a few special group leaders.

In a place that does not eat pork and loves cattle and sheep, the archbishop responsible for spreading oracles suddenly held an oracle conference.

The archbishop announced several important news on the spot.

The archbishop stood on a high place, holding a loudspeaker, and shouted loudly: "Last night, I suddenly saw the figure of the Lord, and he said a few words to me. After I woke up, these words circled in my mind.

I will never forget it for a long time.”

“After I woke up, I immediately went to the church to pray, and then I received an answer from the Lord again!”

“You want to know how the Lord responded to me?”

"have no idea!"

"Wealth cannot be fornicated, poverty cannot be moved, power cannot be surrendered, sacrifice one's life to achieve charity!" The archbishop said with admiration on his face: "This is the Lord's oracle. The Lord sees that the world is full of money and interests, and people's hearts are corrupted. He is spreading the word

Virtue. We must always remember the Lord’s warning!”

The archbishop was not one of those who received the oracle.

Almost on the same day, all over the world, high-ranking officials belonging to the same sect received oracles that spread beautiful virtues.

If that's the case, forget it.

But these people who dreamed about the oracle suddenly found that their physical fitness had become stronger.

They could easily lift objects that would have taken three people to lift. All their ailments disappeared and their bodies returned to normal.

Some people have even performed miracles of rejuvenation.

People have not seen the Lord in dreams, but this does not prevent these pious people from spreading this knowledge.

"Wealth cannot be fornicated, poverty cannot be moved, power cannot be surrendered, sacrifice one's life to achieve benevolence!" So it took root in this land.

Originally, these things only happened between sects and had little impact, but within two days, the cardinal of the sect who liked shepherding also dreamed of something.

After these people with impure thoughts woke up from their dreams, the expressions on their faces changed.

On that day, all the bishops held an emergency meeting.

A party is a confabulation party.

When everyone heard that they had received the Lord's oracle in their dreams, they were overjoyed.

Subsequently, this sect also began to promote certain traditional virtues.

Words such as "patriotism, equality, thrift, frugality, loyalty, filial piety, friendliness..." quickly came out of the mouths of these bishops.

These bishops had a very firm attitude before.

But after several bishops swore that they had dreamed of oracles and that their health suddenly improved, they decided on the spot to increase their pious investment in the Lord.

Then, those who like to shave their heads and those who like to use cow urine as treasure have all received oracles in the past few days.

The world, which was originally full of science fiction, has recently been made dizzy by these bishops.

Behind these bishops are the beliefs of billions of people. As long as they can be dealt with, some knowledge can be spread smoothly in this world.

Don't think this will ruin your job, but it is a pain in the development of the times.

People will be grateful for this day.

Anise Palace, an office.


The coffee cup hit the ground with a crisp cracking sound.

There was also a cursing voice coming from the office owner's mouth: "They're all twice as good! Damn you bastards, you can't find anything, what do you want them to do?"

"Farke, Farke!"

While the owner of the office was still cursing, there was a sudden knock on the door.


"Sir, I am Gai Yin. We have orders from the boss here."

"Come in!" the office owner said, suppressing his anger.

Several men and women in uniform walked in and handed a stamped document to the old man.

When Perkin Brandon saw the document in his hand and the autograph below, his eyes suddenly turned into light bulbs: "Is the boss crazy? You actually let us spread these useless things in the army?"

"Sir, the elders, deputy elders, as well as the legislative and council elders have received oracles in the past few days. Everyone has been tasked with spreading traditional virtues."

Perkin Brandon laughed disdainfully: "What about them? Are they getting younger? Or are they getting richer?"

All people who receive oracles in dreams will find that their bodies have become much younger and stronger when they wake up, and their physical fitness will also be greatly improved.

These people who have received the gift of the oracle are true believers.

"Sir, they do look many years younger."

A sneer appeared on Perkin Brandon's face: "Haha, it's just an illusion."

"Uh, sir, but these people are really strong!"

"Can you live forever?"


The assistant could not answer the fatal question.

Seeing the other person lowering his head, Perkin Brandon shook his head impatiently.

After occupying high positions, they have more responsibilities and face more temptations.

Immortality is a favorite thing to discuss!

"Since you can't live forever, don't discuss this kind of thing again!" Perkin Brandon waved his hand impatiently.


"Since the superiors have said that these articles should be put up, we should review them a few more times before putting them out. Although these articles containing traditional virtues look good, they are difficult to implement."

"Never mind them, let's just do our part."

Although Perkin Brandon was dissatisfied with his boss's casual orders, he still followed his orders.

In this way, things about traditional virtues began to spread downwards.

They had been clamoring for worship, and then they began to talk about these traditional virtues in search of atonement, and reminded the people around them.

Some things need to be done from the bottom up, but some things need to be done from the top down.

After Chen Mu used enchantment charms and magic arrays to capture high-level officials one after another, he was very successful in promoting these traditional virtues that were beneficial to society.

In just one month, various traditional virtues about the East spread all over the world.

At the same time, the scandals surrounding human cloning and medical conglomerates continue to expand.

People who thought they could suppress the heat were a little panicked.

Because they found that these grassroots humans did not settle the matter as they expected, but instead stepped up the pace of conquest.

They lashed out at the darkness of International Gene Corporation, saying that immortality goes against the laws of nature.

They are frantically attacking the genetic company, as if they want to completely bring this dirty company to its knees.

When these low-level enemies participate in activities, they will also get a lot of pamphlets.

The pamphlet clearly shows how greedy businessmen stimulate people to consume.

The brochure also explains why commodities are commodities and why people consume them.

Why do people get heart disease? Why do psychiatrists and doctors prescribe antidepressants and sedatives to their patients...

On the surface, the things written in these pamphlets are all irrelevant, and they are all about profiteers.

But inside, they are attacking the distorted nature of the world.

This chapter has been completed!
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