Chapter 470: The Power of Faith? Cruel

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This is yesterday's chapter. Due to some special content, most of it has been deleted. We hope for your understanding!

Billions of people have been sacrificed, which seems like a cold number.

But behind this number, countless living lives have been destroyed, countless families have been broken, and countless civilizations and inheritances have become extinct.

The land of China.

Chen Mu, who was assigned to return to this land to perform a mission, was collecting intelligence.

On this day, Chen Mu came to the Magic City.

Seeing the once prosperous magic city reduced to ruins, a look of sadness appeared on his face.

Because of biohazards, monster attacks, and other random factors, the lively atmosphere of people's activities in the past has completely disappeared.

In addition to aura, there is also very uncomfortable radiation in the air.

This thing can collapse the human body's genes, turning what was once a livable place into a desperate place.

It will take at least 30 years for people to live there.

Chen Mu continued to investigate intelligence.

First-tier, second-tier, third-tier, and fourth-tier cities were directly reduced to scorched earth.

They were all destroyed by monsters or ultimate weapons.

I don’t know what the mentality of the people who released these weapons was at that time.

Chen Mu, who had hidden his traces, continued flying, flying over the granary and over the industrial area.

What the West said about the loss of more than one billion people in the East is an exaggeration.

It’s not more than one billion, it should be more!

Along the way, Chen Mu saw almost no urban clusters.

It can also be said that the eastern industrial areas and large cities where talents gather have been completely destroyed.

There is uncomfortable radiation in the air in many places.

The livable place has now become a place that induces human genetic mutations, and the rich granary is completely unable to survive.

Hunger, radiation, insufficient resources, disasters...

Chen Mu searched the eastern land for five days and found the largest gathering place with a population of only 300,000.

In order to investigate the situation, Chen Mu sneaked in specially.

Then, he saw many familiar pictures.

Artistic photos of people from the motherland can be seen everywhere!

In addition to this, many skinny humans are offering sacrifices to their motherland with some things that are common in peacetime but not common in times of disaster.

"What's going on?"

Chen Mu hid his figure and looked for a man who lived in a shanty town and was in poor condition.

"Hey~ buddy?"

The man turned his head and looked at Chen Mu who suddenly appeared and was stunned for a moment: "You...are you?"

"We are obviously from the East, so why do we act like the West? Why do we worship the people of our motherland?"

Hearing this, the man suddenly became angry.

"Fuck, you dare to insult the gods?" The thin man wanted to attack Chen Mu, but then his eyes blurred and Chen Mu suddenly disappeared.


After snapping his fingers, the eyes of the man who was looking for Chen Mu suddenly became confused.

"I have to use unconventional means!" Chen Mu's figure was revealed, looking at the hypnotized man, he snorted: "Why do you need to sacrifice a crooked nut?"

Chen Mu found many people worshiping the motherland in the West. He thought it was just the fanaticism of weak converts, but in the materialistic world of the East, there were actually so many people worshiping the motherland.

This is definitely not normal.

The man said with dull eyes: "You must worship the gods. Only by worshiping him can you obtain salvation when your life is threatened."

Xiaoshuting app

"Oh? What threat do you have?"

"Viruses, zombies, monsters, and scary monsters! Those who do not believe in gods will be punished and attacked... Only those who believe in the motherland can be safe."

Hearing this, Chen Mu felt cold in his heart.

He always felt that this scene was weird!

His eyes suddenly narrowed and he stared at the thin Gu Han in front of him and asked: "Does disaster only attack groups who have no faith in the motherland?"

The man thought for a moment, then nodded: "Probably... right!"

That means it's not certain yet.

Chen Mu felt that he had vaguely grasped something.

"Your name? Age?"

"Gu Han, 25 years old."

Chen Mu wondered why this young man had the physical condition of a forty-something year old?

"Why are you so old?"

"I...I don't know. After a disaster happens, it's not easy to survive."

Looking at the other party's appearance, Chen Mu sighed and continued to ask: "Well, let's talk about the disaster? Tell it in detail."

Gu Han nodded and slowly told Chen Mu everything that happened more than ten years ago.

"Before the disaster, everything was normal. We have never had superheroes in the East... The first day before the disaster, we held a large-scale military exercise. We didn't know why we had the military exercise... At that time, our network was completely paralyzed, and we could no longer

Making phone calls to others. After being unable to access the Internet, we lost the Internet and almost returned to primitive society."

"Half a month later, someone escaped from the coastal area, and a biological disaster occurred. There were also monsters attacking humans. We started mobilizing, and then... woo hoo... then people were killed in groups... The monsters were too strong

It’s over... We don’t have heavy weapons and can’t deal with the sea of ​​zombies, and our front is retreating steadily.”

Gu Han burst into tears and continued after a while.

"Then the nuclear bomb came. Although we killed the zombies, we also suffered heavy losses. Then, the monsters also came, and our losses gradually increased. This lasted for a long time... until Yingjiang sent superheroes

, and then the temporary superhero serum appeared, and we got a chance to breathe."

The following story is almost the same as what Chen Mu knew from the West - the story of a group of superheroes saving them.

These words made Chen Mu feel that they were full of a strong flavor of conspiracy.

Gu Han continued: "Although the temporary serum has serious side effects, you will die after taking it a few times, but there is nothing we can do."

"Oh, then why worship the motherland?"

"That's what the people of the motherland say. Only by believing in the people of the motherland and worshiping him as our lord can we obtain the temporary superhero serum!"

Chen Mu frowned and said, "Then there's no need to worship day and night, right?"

Isn’t this native a superhero? Why do we engage in incense and Shintoism?

Gu Han's face was full of enthusiasm: "After worshiping the motherland, our base area has never suffered large-scale attacks. Not only that, there are devout people in our camp who have received enlightenment from the motherland, and their physical fitness has improved significantly!"

"Oh~ So that's it!" Chen Mu said calmly.

Are they getting more and more nonsense?

People who believe in the motherland can actually gain strength, and people who worship the motherland can actually avoid disasters.

Nine times out of ten, the disaster has something to do with the people of the motherland, or the Vought Company behind it!

Why are humans still allowed to believe in the people of the motherland?

Could it be that the people of the motherland can gain the power of faith from it?

Gu Han worshiped and said: "The people of the motherland are our gods."

Chen Mu snorted coldly and asked, "Then what would you do if all this was a conspiracy by the people of the motherland?"

"The people of the motherland are gods and heroes, he is not a conspirator!" Gu Han showed a look of struggle on his face.

Chen Mu shook his head. It seemed that he couldn't find any useful clues from this man.

Chen Mu waved his hand and used hypnosis and fascination: "You haven't seen me, forget this conversation."

Gu Han's eyes became dull again.

After a while, he returned to normal.

By this time, Chen Mu had long since disappeared without a trace.

Investigation at the grassroots level cannot yield any more clues.

Chen Mu directly looked for the senior management of this gathering place.

Then I discovered that this senior executive was actually very physically fit.

He is at least three times as strong as an ordinary person.

"Those who believe in me will be strengthened and even gain eternal life. This is too similar to the faith settings in some novels."

Such human beings are just a little troublesome to Chen Mu.

He once again increased his aura and used the method of enchantment, asking the other party about disasters, the people of the motherland and other things.

Compared to Gu Han, the senior management gave Chen Mu more detailed information.

For example, before the disaster, their satellite was suddenly destroyed within a few hours.

Then, mysterious civil strife broke out in the east, and various war zones fought independently.

Their leader also died because of the war.

Because of the death of their senior leaders, they lost unified command and were unable to coordinate operations.

During this chaos, a biological disaster occurred among the crowd.

Zombies and mutated monsters suddenly appear and attack densely populated cities crazily...

Humanity, which lost its army, was quickly defeated, and then was completely defeated...

Except for this, superheroes and people from the motherland appear.

The leader of this base accidentally discovered that when people believe in the motherland, their bodies will be strengthened, and then began to preach the benefits of faith.

After confirming the news, Chen Mu followed the person's instructions and went to the Yangtze River area to find a gathering place.

Suddenly, more than a dozen monster figures came into Chen Mu’s eyes~

"This is? A smaller version of Godzilla?"

Looking at the direction in which several Godzillas were sneaking, Chen Mu's expression changed slightly: "These guys should be deliberately attacking human settlements."

"team leader?"

The once powerful leader died due to various accidents during the first wave of attacks.

This chapter has been completed!
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