Chapter 479 Killing and killing hearts, the incompetence and rage of the motherland (seeking

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Fox was lying on the sofa eating donuts. Feeling bored, he turned on the TV to entertain himself~

I was thinking about watching the classic TV series Friends when I suddenly noticed that the TV screen had changed.

A man wearing a weird mask appears in the video.

Then, the 5-minute countdown below the man continues to decrease~

Seeing this weird scene, Fox was stunned for a moment: "What's going on? Why is this broadcast on TV today?"

He pressed the remote control at will to switch channels.

The same man wearing a weird mask appeared on TV.

Fosse continued to switch in confusion.

Fox, NBD, BCZ, BBA...Kyoto TV, this is the case with all TV stations.

"Walter, are all TV stations like this? Is the TV station hacked? Or is my TV hacked?"

Thinking of this, Foss was about to call his deputy, Colonel Pierno, to ask if something was abnormal at the base.

Sure enough, bad news soon came from Pierno.

"Sir, I think we're in trouble!"

Fox's heart tightened: "What's wrong?"

"All external radio stations in our base have been controlled, and our base's internal network has also been hacked."

While speaking, Pierno handed his tactical computer to Foss.

Seeing the masked man appear on the tactical tablet, a cold sweat broke out on Foss's forehead.

"Have the people in the technical department been fooled by the Heisei woman and not resolved these intrusions as soon as possible?"

Pierno said hurriedly: "They are solving it!"

Fox turned twice and then said: "Check, someone must have entered our server group. There may be external network equipment controlling our equipment, physically cutting off the power, and enabling the backup server! Also, first-level battle preparation!"

Upon hearing this order, Pierno felt a chill in his heart and quickly conveyed Foss's order.

Looking at the busy combat command center, various tactical tablets, etc. all showing the masked man, Foss quickly let the fighter planes take off to defend against possible enemies...

"Who could silently hack into our chain of command?"

When Foss, the commander of the military base, was confused and helpless, people in the world were also in panic.

All devices connected to the Internet will switch to this screen.

Soon, in addition to people at work, at least one billion people knew that there were super hackers who used advanced technical means to control the world's network power.

People are scrambling to find possible hackers and use various methods to prevent video playback.

The intruder's technology is definitely 20 years ahead of current human technology.

The technicians of the Black Robe world found themselves completely unable to deal with this kind of hacking.

Controlling the global network for live broadcast at the same time is actually the artificial intelligence Jarvis and the supporting quantum supercomputer that Chen Mu temporarily rented from Samsung Mall.

The Dongfeng Team spent a total of 200 million points to let artificial intelligence Jarvis and super quantum computing cooperate with each other. In just a few hours, they took control of the world's network communication authority.

The next few days were Chen Mu's home network.

Unless the world's entire network shuts down, they have enough time to get the message out to everyone.

Walter Group Headquarters.

The motherland and a group of superheroes who had just finished having fun arrived in the large conference room and watched the TV program curiously.

They eat melon happily.

At this moment, these people still think that all this has nothing to do with them...

Superheroes don't matter, but Eagle Sauce, the Walt Group, and the technicians from major TV stations are all crazy.

The ability of these hackers to silently control network permissions is terrifying.

If you can control the Internet today, you may be able to control super weapons tomorrow.

These hackers are dangerous!

It was also at this time that the countdown below the man officially ended.

A disguised voice sounded.

In the East, his voice naturally switches to Chinese.

In the West, this disguised voice has become English, German, Portuguese, Spanish and other languages...

"Hello fellow human beings."

"We don't want to meet you in this way. But human civilization has reached a moment of life and death."

"Today, those in power have completely become the villains of evil. They control the mouthpieces that spread voices and control the Internet. They are unscrupulously using false information to guide human consciousness."

After speaking, the masked man disappeared.

The explosion from two days ago appears in the picture.

"The super mutant biochemical disaster that you have seen in the news these past two days is raging in the East, and the news that Yingjiang had to resort to bombing with a hundred weapons is actually outrageous fake news."

"Their purpose of releasing these weapons is just to kill us."

"Haha, it's a pity that we have many methods, and Yingjiang and Walter Ji haven't made any military exploits."

"This attack killed 3 million people. Tens of millions of people will be affected by radiation in the next thirty years. Billions of people around the world will also bear the consequences of radiation."

"Their purpose of attacking here is just to eliminate enemies they don't know exist. They used the black-robed pickets as bait..."

After the whole story was told, the screen changed and the video turned into a video from a certain laboratory.

The senior executives of Walter Group, the senior executives of Eagle Sauce, and the people of the motherland wearing the stars and stripes stood here, watching the experiment ahead.

The content of the experiment was a video of a human being turning into a zombie after inhaling the drug, and then fighting against the human being.

Seeing this video, people in the motherland feel uneasy.

He pursed his lips and said angrily: "These damn bastards, how dare they frame me?"

The people of the motherland are the main culprits in instigating the biochemical disaster.

But he didn't go to watch these masterpieces with Yingjiang's people like the clown.

This is too cheap!

"Damn bastards, these guys actually used AI to change my face to frame me. Please close the video."

The motherland man looked at the technician next to him, his eyes glowing dangerously red.

The technicians trembled and told the people of the motherland that there was nothing they could do at the moment.

Because all Internet platforms in the world are broadcasting these scenes.

The people of the motherland have become ants on a hot pot, but a few superheroes who dislike the motherland are relatively happy at the moment.

For example, Starlight and Queen Maeve, one of them has a clear conscience, and the other has just joined the superhero team for only half a year.

Both men suffered PUA from their homeland.

For example, Queen Maeve, for the sake of her girlfriend's safety, had no choice but to let her girlfriend fly with that bastard.

Not long after Starlight joined the superhero team, she was forced to eat bananas by the people of her motherland.

That workplace PUA made Xingguang hate the people of the motherland from the bottom of her heart.

It's a pity that the strength is not as good as others, and the blood jade of the motherland is still mentally disturbed. Starlight can't do the things in the original work that expose the background of the motherland~

The video continued to play, and some ordinary people felt chills in their hearts when they saw the Vought Group's evil deeds.

A country that claims to be a democracy has experienced extinction. What is even more frightening is that these radiation disasters will continue to affect the entire world in the coming decades.

The term "community with a shared future for mankind" expresses it most vividly.

If only these superheroes were gentle and kind, forget it.

But the video begins to reveal the sins of superheroes~

After the biochemical disaster, superheroes killed ordinary people wantonly, and the Vought Group conducted inhumane and horrific experiments everywhere...

Video of some people from Yingjiang's side participating, and then destroying Ah San and destroying humanity...

After seeing these videos, ordinary people feel chills in their hearts!

The super are so unscrupulous, if they are not restricted by the law, they will definitely come back to bite them in the future.

Some superheroes staying in various places immediately yelled that the video was fake after seeing themselves in the video.

It's a pity that three people make a tiger, and the weak one has conflicting emotions towards the strong one.

They worship the power of superheroes and long to become superior to others. Then they rely on these powers to obtain money and realize various dreams.

But they are also afraid of superheroes. Once these powerful guys are out of control, they have no ability to resist.

As the video plays, the endless anger in the hearts of the motherland can hardly be suppressed!

Suddenly, the screen cuts back to the man wearing a mask.

"Fellow human beings, do you know why the people of the motherland are planning to exterminate the human race in Asan? Haha~ You know LaCui, right?"

After saying this, the video switches again~

The figures of Storm Girl and Soldier Boy appeared on the big screen.

Oh, the video showed another video of a native of the country having sex with an old woman named Medellin.

"Storm, a superhero who has lived for more than ninety years, haha... This Storm is actually a chipmunk."

The video is playing of Storm Girl ravaging innocent people~

"After the end of World War II, this person changed his career and worked for the Watt Group. In addition to this, Storm Girl and Soldier Boy are also the biological parents of the motherland."

"The people of the motherland are not born naturally. They are cultivated with the eggs of Storm Girl and the essence of Soldier Boy!"

"The Motherland is a laboratory product! Because he is a laboratory product, he inherits the madness and extreme character of Storm Woman. He is violent and cruel, and only cares about his own feelings. This is also the reason why he kills humans."

The video switches to Pyro Man, and there are also confession videos of some well-known superheroes.

They all say that the people of our motherland are very cruel!

Some people say that the people of the motherland are murderous, and the sunshine on the surface is just a disguise.

The Vought Group controls everything...

Of course, there are various videos of the laboratories and bases where the Vought Group was raided.

In just five or six minutes, the Vought Group, which has a good image and is disguised as a savior force, was sprayed all over the place.

After spraying, the specially processed sound sounded again.

"We can guarantee that everything here is authentic, valid and reliable, and our videos have not been edited in any way."

"We will publish video materials and laboratory record data on 10 million accounts and short video platforms across the Internet, as well as TV media. These are the most authentic evidence. You can download these videos from the Internet to confirm their authenticity."

"The so-called superheroes of the Vought Group are the chosen ones, but they are actually all false."

"Haha, all superheroes are human beings who have been biochemically modified since childhood. From birth to the end of their lives, they were sold by their parents to the Vought Group."

At the end of the video, they announced the production process of Compound No. 5 and the temporary Compound No. 5.

"This is the secret of Watt Group, the temporary No. 5 compound and the complete production process and preparation technology of No. 5 compound."

"If you want these things, then hurry up and download it! The production plan and various evidence materials are all in a compressed package!"

The people of the motherland were already very angry, but when he heard that the entire preparation process and technology of Compound No. 5 and Temporary No. 5 had been announced, his heart was filled with anger and fear.

His mentality is broken!

Temporary No. 5 is garbage. It can turn people into superheroes, but the number of uses is very limited. A person can only use it three to five times in his life.

This stuff has leaked out, but it will not affect the Watt Group.

Compound No. 5 is the foundation of Vought Group.

This thing is the core of the Watt Group and is absolutely not allowed to be leaked.

Once this toy is leaked, it means that the era of the Vought Group controlling the world's superheroes has passed.

"If it's fake, it must be fake!"

Like many people in the Vought Group, the people of the motherland are staring at the technical solutions on the display screen with their eyes wide open at this moment.

When a large number of Vought Group technicians confirmed that the technology was genuine, a certain line suddenly broke!

The people of the motherland trembled all over. These damn enemies attacked them desperately and bound the Walter Group to themselves.

Once the Vought Group is finished, the people of his motherland will also suffer the same fate.

Then, a doubt emerged in the hearts of the people of the motherland: "Only six people in the head office know about Compound No. 5. Who leaked the secret?"

After a while, Medellin rushed over in a panic.

"Azu, it's not good. Our experimental base that produces Compound No. 5 has sent an urgent request for help. A group of strangers have invaded the underground base. Now Quark and the others are hiding in a safe warehouse, waiting for rescue."

"When did it happen?" When they heard that the base was attacked again, the people of the motherland asked quickly.

"Five minutes ago! Azu, go to Detroit quickly, the warehouse where Compound No. 5 is stored is about to be captured!"

After hearing this five minutes ago, the fog that shrouded the hearts of the people of the motherland suddenly lifted.

"These damn bastards, they are really diverting our attention!"

The global display platform’s video presentation is not a secret enemy’s trump card.

Instead, it is a tool to divert the attention of the Watt Group.

What can really kill the Walter Group with one blow is the synthesis plan for Compound No. 5!

With the leakage of this No. 5 compound, the status of the Vought Group is in danger.

Thinking of watching the video like a fool, the people of the motherland suddenly became furious.

His eyes emitted blazing rays uncontrollably, cutting the display screen in front of him in half.

The power of the heat ray remained unabated. It came out from the other end of the Watt Group building and continuously penetrated several buildings next door, destroying several toilets, sewers, and load-bearing columns.

An unlucky guy who drank coffee was suddenly pierced through his body and died in the office~

"Farke! Farke! Farke!"

The people of the motherland smashed the table into powder again, feeling aggrieved: "How dare they? How dare they?"

He was angry and afraid.

Since obtaining the blood jade, his strength has become several times stronger, and his personal character and life have naturally undergone major changes.

In order to improve his own strength, he faked disaster and massacred billions of people.

In order to satisfy his powerful spiritual pursuit, he uses blood jade to influence people's thinking ability and make people become his appendages.

Wherever he goes, people will worship him crazily.

He became the supreme god of this planet.

It's a pity that this live broadcast made all his hard planning come to nothing.

"Azu, hurry up and support Detroit. Once Compound No. 5 is leaked, the Vought Company will really be doomed."

This chapter has been completed!
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