Chapter 52: The border is set, the slaves are destroyed, and the fear of the golden family Lin Danha

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Hauge, who had run out of fuel and was exhausted, was puzzled at the moment!

Lin Dan Khan and Kor Xi are mortal enemies.

Talking about Korxi, Ming Dynasty, etc. is even more dirty.

Why the sudden alliance? What interests maintain the covenant relationship?

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he thought carefully about how to deal with it!

Lin Dan Khan is their mortal enemy, and surrender is absolutely impossible.

Is this to destroy their wealth?

"Khan, what should I do?"

"Get ready to fight."

The deputy general sighed, and then obeyed Hauge's arrangement!

After a while, a sound like muffled thunder sounded.

This is the sound of tens of thousands of cavalry rushing.

The enemies in front are ready to attack them!

Hauge, who had almost grown up on horses, naturally knew the power of this thing.

The Jiannu cavalry began to adjust their tired horses, set up their positions, and prepared to fight with the enemy.

The dry food and supplies they carried were insufficient, and their escape could only be eaten away by them bit by bit.

Only by defeating the enemy head-on can there be hope of survival.

Soon, the cavalry from both sides met.

Without even saying hello, both sides speeded up and began horse-mounted shooting and hand-to-hand combat.

The soldiers on Jiannu's side knew that the Korxi tribe had betrayed them, so they took very heavy measures.

Although the three parties who intercepted Hou Jin's remnants had different ideas, they were very determined to annihilate Hou Jin's remnants.

The cavalry from the two camps began to come into contact.

The battle became intense as soon as it started.

Hand-to-hand combat and mounted shooting battles are fiercely underway!

Knights who fell off their horses continued to fight even after falling off their horses. They fought with their enemies with their teeth and limbs.

However, the Jiannu cavalry had been on the run for many days, their body and mind were exhausted to the limit, and their combat effectiveness dropped off a cliff.

At this moment, I suddenly encountered the enemy and was completely unable to withstand the attack of the prairie cavalry.

If you fight back and forth, you will be at a disadvantage.

In a few combat rounds at most, Jian Nu will be defeated!

The one who performed most brilliantly in the battle was naturally Cao Wenzhao's vanguard army.

They cut slaves like mowing grass!

The cavalry led by Cao Wenzhao wore steel light armor, and one person carried a double-engine revolver.

When the two-shot cavalry approached about 50-80 steps, they fired all the bullets from their revolvers.

A revolver can be equipped with six bullets. Twelve thousand bullets form a dense rain of bullets!

I saw continuous gunshots, white mist scattering, Jiannu's cavalry array screaming repeatedly, and the soldiers fell off their horses like dumplings.

In just one confrontation, more than a thousand Jiannu cavalry were killed.

Cao Wenzhao asked all the troops to change directions and fight again.

In the second confrontation, more than a thousand Jiannu cavalry were killed tragically!

The two rounds of fighting lasted only a few minutes, but caused at least 2,000 casualties. The morale of the Jiannu flank cavalry suddenly fell to the bottom.

A Jiannujiale commander's eyes were red and he screamed loudly.

"Continue to organize the charge. The enemy has no time to equip the muskets with gunpowder. We will definitely be able to kill them individually this time!"

More than a thousand cavalry mobilized their horses' heads again, hoping to start a hand-to-hand battle with the Ming cavalry!


Bang bang bang!

The brave Jiannu organized another attack.

I also saw countless bullets fired in the Ming army formation, and a large number of Jiannu cavalry screamed and fell to the ground!

The advantages and disadvantages of revolvers are very obvious.

It has the disadvantages of poor air tightness and short range.

But it has the advantage of continuous fire. The revolvers assembled by Cao Wenzhao's troops were adjusted and transformed by modern thinking.

Although the pistol is equipped with paper-cased bullets, the knights are equipped with a set of bullet plates and armed belts.

This kind of bullet plate allows knights to easily load sets of bullets into revolvers while riding horses and running.

So it became a nightmare for the slave cavalry.

Three waves of charges directly annihilated 3,200 Jian slaves.

When Cao Wenzhao wanted to organize his soldiers to launch a fourth wave of charge, he saw that the Jiannu cavalry was defeated and fled in all directions.

"Haha, Jiannu escaped and attacked Jiannu's army!"

The fleeing Jiannu cavalry will naturally be surrounded and suppressed by other soldiers. Cao Wenzhao only needs to defeat the enemy's central army!

After several rounds of fighting, the Jiannu cavalry, which was already at a disadvantage, could not withstand the crushing force of Cao Wenzhao's troops.

After two charges, the Chinese army led by Hauge was defeated.

Tens of thousands of Jiannu cavalry fled in all directions, and Lin Danhan and the Horxi tribe engaged in a pursuit battle with the Ming vanguard army.

after one day.

Hauge was tied up and pressed into Cao Wenzhao's army formation.

Hauge looked at Lin Danhan and saw an old acquaintance, Dayu'er's brother Wu Keshan.

He asked Wu Keshan viciously: "Why did you betray Hou Jin?"

Wu Keshan looked a little uncomfortable, but did not answer his words.

He said nothing, but Lin Danhan was very proud.

"Because Korxi doesn't want to be exterminated by us!"

Hauge's expression was proof, and then he looked at Lin Danhan disdainfully: "Do you have the ability to destroy Cole?"

Lin Danhan's face turned red: "We don't have it, but the Ming Dynasty has this ability! You slave builders have repeatedly invaded the border, harassed the Ming Dynasty and the grassland tribes, and even boldly slandered the descendants of the great Golden Family!"

Hauge was stunned.

You, Lin Danhan, want to kill all the people in the Korxi tribe, but now you actually say that you want to avenge Korxi.

Also, when did we tarnish the descendants of the Golden Family?

It’s obviously a free marriage!

While Hauge was confused, Lin Danhan looked at Cao Wenzhao flatteringly: "Sir, how about I kill this slave chief later to worship his ancestors?"

Cao Wenzhao smiled and shook his head: "Whether Hauge is to be killed or retained, he still needs orders from his superiors!"

"Okay, Xiao Wang is waiting."

More than ten minutes later, soldiers from the special team walked into the military tent.

They set up the communication equipment and then started shooting randomly at Haug!

The flashbulb flashed, and Lin Danhan subconsciously took a few steps back.

Cao Wenzhao, who was standing next to him, looked at Lin Danhan's appearance and asked in surprise: "Is the prince very nervous?"

"No, no! My eyes just hurt!"

Seeing Lin Dan Khan continue to retreat, Cao Wenzhao did not point out his fear, but quietly waited for communications from the rear.

Lin Danhan watched the operations of these soldiers wearing strange armors, and thought about what he had experienced these days, and swallowed subconsciously.

This was the first time he encountered the ferocity of the Ming army, its powerful combat effectiveness, and its strange equipment.

Half a month ago, Cao Wenzhao led thousands of Ming cavalry deep into the desert and frequently attacked Lin Dan Khan's tribe, which made him extremely angry.

The desert grassland is their home, and dogs must not be allowed to wreak havoc.

Lin Dan Khan immediately ordered the organization of tribal warriors and personally led the troops to annihilate the enemies who penetrated deep into the grassland.

Because I heard that the tribesmen who escaped said that the enemy's weapons were fierce.

Lin Dan Khan directly summoned 20,000 warriors to prepare for a battle to determine the outcome.

Then, his army was defeated by Cao Wenzhao's revolver cavalry, and he lost all courage.

The unlucky Lin Danhan was captured alive by Cao Wenzhao.

He was extremely scared at the time.

I thought I was dead!

Who knew that Akito didn't kill him, but wanted to cooperate with him.

He said that they would destroy Houjin together, conquer the Horxi and other tribes, unify the grassland, and let the grassland people call him king.

Who is Lin Dan Khan?

The bloodline of the Golden Family, the king who wants to restore the glory of the grassland.

It is a pity that this king has great ambition but little talent, is greedy for power and sex, willful and self-willed, has no ambition, and is seriously lacking in vision.

More importantly, he is greedy for life and afraid of death!

Involuntarily, Lin Danhan pinched his nose and accepted Cao Wenzhao's arrangement for the sake of his own life.

It was natural to send troops to attack Korxi, and then unite with Korxi to stop the remnants of Haug!

Jingle bell bell~

The phone rings.

"You have done a good job, Captain Chen and the others know it, but Hauge and the prisoners of Houjin try to keep alive! Hauge is at least a prodigal, so we must give him dignity. Lin Danhan also please return to the capital."


The phone was hung up. Hauge felt relieved when he heard that he was going to be kept alive.

Then, he looked curiously at the thing that made the strange sound, then looked at Lin Danhan who was standing, and then lowered his head.

He wanted to commit suicide, but he didn't know why he couldn't muster the courage!

The captain said that he should treat himself decently.

Maybe, I have a chance to survive.

This chapter has been completed!
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