Chapter 581 The sluggish task progress Keisha's killing intent? Please

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Chapter 581 Sluggish mission progress, Kesha’s murderous intention? (Please subscribe)

With the death of Hua Ye, the leader of the scum, Kesha suddenly appeared. It was a disaster for the attacking party!

The morale of the allied forces, composed of the animal civilization of Styx, mottled blue triangles and male angels, has plummeted!

Since ancient times, both sides in flesh-and-blood wars have fought for morale.

If morale is gone, the war will be difficult to fight!

Coupled with the fact that Queen Keisha returned to Merlot Heaven and used her sacred weapons arsenal, the incoming invaders suffered heavy casualties.

As the most powerful sacred weapons arsenal in the known universe, dealing with the invader allies who have lost the support of top warriors is a complete waste of time!

The silvery white and dark golden light hunts the enemy with unpredictable speed and weird ways.

In just a few minutes, thousands of elite invaders died tragically on the spot.

It was originally a very reasonable arrangement for the ground troops composed of Taotie and the invaders to approach the Merlot Heavenly Court to fight.

This tactic can offset the difference in powerful weapons between the two sides, and then use close combat to eliminate the enemy's effective strength as much as possible!

But all this needs to be based on their strong close combat capabilities.

If the invaders are powerful, they can gain an overwhelming advantage after breaking into Mero Heaven, completely occupy the core planet of the angel civilization, and then use Mero Heaven as the core to spread to the outer stars.

Unfortunately, their calculations made a serious error - Queen Keisha did not die.

If calculated carefully, they have only been in this universe for a month.

"We have no clues about Karl at all now. The universe is so big, we can't look for it from planet to planet, right?"

The other party's strange behavior caused everyone's uneasiness!

Chen Mu felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

Now he has defeated all Carl's minions and the Chaos Alliance against the Justice Order.

Suddenly, a humanoid creature appeared inside the core of the planet.

After the siege of Merlot's Heavenly Court was lifted, Kesha dispatched troops and horses and asked various angels to clear out the intruders in the nearby angel star field.

Normal people would never!

Killing them is the best way.

But this guy is a complete lunatic. For the sake of experiments, he once destroyed several planets in one go and turned tens of billions of intelligent beings into experimental mice.

After waiting for a while, Kesha once again appeared in the big clock in a very eye-catching way.

"In view of the Taotie civilization's record of aggression against other civilizations, we have decided to carry out a death trial."

Chen Mu's methods were slightly beyond her knowledge!

"A fraud? Haha, you think too highly of Karl. That guy is a sensitive and cautious person. After the foreign visitors destroyed his plan, the other party must be hiding in some place to analyze the pros and cons!"

This creature absorbed the core heat and energy of the Taotie Mother Planet, and its weird biological stance began to decompose the Taotie Home Planet from the inside out.

Chen Mu, the high school team and others looked around and found that a large number of angels had quietly surrounded them.

After solving the home planet of the Taotie civilization, the mobilization ability of the Styx galaxy was suddenly reduced.


"Can you explain the evil method you used to destroy Taotie?" Kesha looked at Chen Mu and asked in a slightly hoarse voice.

"Oh, Karl hiding in a dark corner must be regretful that he lost a good subordinate."

Chen Mu's Celestial Clan avatar was just a malnourished larvae in the early stage.

Angel Yan said in frustration: "No, no one has seen any trace of Zhi Xin."

Chen Mu, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, felt the changes in the Celestial Clan avatar, with a look of joy on his face.

In the dark matter information, the Taotie parent star was originally peaceful.

This civilization has existed for tens of thousands of years.

After the 26th Earth Day, all large-scale invaders were wiped out, and the huge galactic war left only the ground. However, these sporadic exchanges of fire will not affect the overall trend of the entire war.

In just one hour, the humanoid creature completed its transformation and expanded rapidly...

The unpleasant feeling in Chen Mu's heart suddenly increased: "Yes, this is the result we came up with based on the intelligence we analyzed!"

You must know that Chen Mu has only one main mission - to interrupt Carl's research and prevent the other party from cooperating with the intruders to unleash the ultimate fear.

Only a few rats running around were left among the other beasts.

"What kind of technological means are they? Their cultivation methods?"

In terms of freedom and development, Taotie is undoubtedly tragic, but they have survived at least tens of thousands of years.

"Does Carl give a damn about the big clock?"

At this moment, Angel Yan and a group of angels went out to welcome their queen.

It was also at this time that the angel civilization sent a message saying that it would take at least three hundred years for them to crack the big clock.

The whole trip was uneventful.

When Kesha finished saying this, Chen Mu and his team members were shocked.

"Nine years, Ma Dan! Why is it limited to such a short period of time?"

"Just like Hua Ye's void engine, maybe Karl has developed a celestial computer that is comparable to a large clock?"

Chen Mu, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, didn't care about Kesha's prying eyes at the moment.

Are we closed?

Since the end of the last war, the other party has disappeared out of thin air and does not care about any of its arrangements.

Carl and Keisha teamed up?

At this critical moment, Chen Mu, who was nervous, suddenly had an inspiration in his heart, and he suddenly asked.

The way we treat triangles is completely different from humans.

Kesha took her own holy battleship and arrived at the lair that dared to attack the order of justice.

Kesha smiled and said leisurely: "Is this your explanation?"

Dark matter detection clearly recorded the destruction of the Taotie civilization’s home planet.

It's a pity that Karl's research was too expensive. The Styx civilization was all animal-like, so it was naturally crowded out by the Divine River body (human beings). After tens of thousands of years of development, there were only three or two big cats and kittens.

They all advocate the law of the jungle.

"Go to the core of the big clock. I want to see what the big clock that Karl has controlled for so many years has been transformed into. By the way, I also want to remotely see the attack methods of those outside the territory!" Kesha said earnestly.

They ran away in confusion, but unfortunately the angel civilization that invited you to the urn had already made arrangements~

That day in the Merlot Heaven, countless allied warships turned into dazzling space candles!!!

They were annihilated one by one in fear and despair, and then became one of the dead in this war.

She played the scene of the destruction of the Taotie home planet over and over again, and asked Angel's celestial computer to analyze the behemoth that was thousands of kilometers high.

In just one month, they participated in many things and changed the fate of many civilizations and life forms!

Morgana died, and the demonic civilization was wiped out.

There, part of the historical data and scientific knowledge of the Taotie Civilization has been collected by the Dongfeng Brigade.

The Taotie civilization, the main fighting force in the Styx galaxy, was basically destroyed.

Hearing this, Chen Mu was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and then cautiously refused: "Dear Queen Kesha, just as you will not make the secret of the fourth generation divine body public, I will not make ours secret either.

The killer weapon is laid out in a grand manner for everyone to analyze!"

After Kesha said this, she asked Chen Mu about the news about those visitors from outside the region.

"Queen Kesha, as I said before, I did have contact with those guys who call themselves void. But I made the mistake after being deceived by them."

"Oh, if we find him, can we close the subspace rift?"

"The subspace rift near the earth cannot be closed, and we cannot fully search for traces of Karl."

Chen Mu and Angel Yan learned about the mysterious disappearance of the God of Death, Carl, through some tasks of interrogating the big clock.

Most of the intelligent life forms of the Styx Civilization were animal bodies.

"Then Queen Kesa, if it is true as Karl said, do you think we want to destroy this universe?"

"Okay, Queen!" Angel Yan immediately understood what the Queen meant.

In short, these nine years are the time for a child to grow from childishness to maturity.

The most powerful celestial computer in the known universe is jointly controlled by them!

As long as they kill Carl, they can complete the last part of the mission.

Even if this mission fails, they still need to destroy that annoying crack!

Whether it is the countless monsters that emerge from it or the evil gods that may exist in the subspace, they are all problems that need to be solved urgently.

The alien invader Demon Anza, the guy who claimed to be a servant of the Blood God, has been killed. Karl should have used some of the opponent's skills or abilities to create a subspace rift.

"Have you found Zhixin?"

Unfortunately, something happened to the Angel Computer that could record everything before.

"Would you make friends with a piranha that could kill you at any moment?"

It was an ordinary ape before. Because it followed Karl and received limited help from Karl, it developed and grew over tens of thousands of years.

Keisha was puzzled.

"Carl, did you hear that? They say you are the cause of all trouble."

Nine years is a long time, seven years of itch, eight years of classmates, and nine years of compulsory education.

"Oh, that makes sense. We have fought side by side before, so I have some respect for you. When will you close that subspace rift?"

"After the battle, some of them separated to study the big clock, and some of them launched an attack on the home planet of the Taotie civilization."

The super foodie who devoured the life of an entire planet is now several times more powerful than before!

From the embryonic stage to birth, every Celestial Clan requires the life of a planet as a sacrifice to hatch.

Everyone looked towards the depths of the hall.

As long as humanity is immortal, they will be remembered.

Later, Kesha studied the big clock.

Civilized war is extremely cruel!

"Keep looking. The right wing of the majestic angel cannot disappear silently."

Countless information appeared, and the super computing power of the divine body helped her review these complex information, and she quickly got the information she wanted.

Unfortunately, this part is too torturous.

Chen Mu had a feeling in his heart.

"Compared to the mistakes I made when I was deceived, you should be more concerned about these guys who claim to be visitors from another world. They are the real dangerous elements, trying to destroy the angelic order of justice and turn the known universe into hell

The devil of paradise.”

Karl came out, who gave them a good look.

"Thank you to all the Taotie members for their selfless dedication!" Chen Mu gave these guys a thumbs up and returned to the starship.

Weapons and equipment, various experiments, and even their bloodthirsty and warlike genes all have Karl's shadow.

In three hundred years, the day lily has become cold!

"It seems like the God of Death, Carl, doesn't care about anything at all. Queen, is this a scam?"

But if the most unstable Karl is not dealt with, trouble will definitely arise.

After confirming that the big clock could not be cracked in a short time, Queen Kesha was not angry, and then turned her attention to Chen Mu and his party.

Human beings will not have any compassion for them. As long as the triangle is discovered, it will be an endless war!

Returning to the interior of the spacecraft, Chen Mu took a cursory look at the vast and smoky remaining knowledge of the Taotie civilization.

Now, as long as they get rid of Karl, they can be sure to have nothing to worry about!

As for the Triangle civilization that participated in the offensive area, although they were powerful, after their main force participating in the expedition was defeated, other troops directly hid in the north and south, not daring to show their faces.

If they really can't find Karl, they can only look for opportunities in the subspace cracks there!

Among the Styx civilization, the strongest one is naturally Karl. This man has lived for tens of thousands of years and has extremely rich knowledge and experience. He has also cultivated a variety of animal civilizations.

"Yes, the demon who claims to be a servant of the Blood God should cooperate with Karl. Karl is very likely to be the anchor point for the evil god to locate this universe! As long as we kill the other party, we have a high probability of closing the subspace rift!"

The clone is matured, and its combat power is completely different from those of the normally growing Celestial Clan. Therefore, more energy intake is needed in the later stage!

Seeing the entire planet being absorbed by the humanoid creature, and then the humanoid creature dissipating, Keisha took a breath of air.

Destruction is not unfair!

On the way to the Great Clock, they have been sorting out the information obtained from the interior of the Taotie home planet.

"Yes, we have done so many things in a month. We will definitely find Karl and kill him within nine years!"

"Impossible! According to intelligence, the more powerful the celestial computer is, the larger it is, and the greater the dark matter information it can calculate. If Carl has a computer that surpasses the big clock, it must be a void computer! If that is the case, we will


If we compare nine years with the universe, it is just a blink of time.

Chen Mu felt slightly uneasy: "Karl is the culprit who opened the subspace!"

10 billion points and the realization of a strong person’s own cultivation experience are really difficult!

On the way back, everyone discussed the specific matters again and thought about whether they could find a breakthrough through any subspace crack.

At the beginning, after they destroyed the defense line of the Great Clock, they protected the Great Clock for a long time. During this time, they did not find any incoming fleet.

At this moment, the fatal crisis alarm sounded in Chen Mu's heart.

Due to poor intelligence, the Tianzha Group that invaded Merlot Heaven was annihilated by Kesha's plan to kill most of them. The remaining male angels will definitely be useless in the next ten thousand years.

The home planet of the Taotie Civilization is a good sacrifice.

They were completely unable to search through the Super God Universe in nine years to find Karl!

"Let's do our best. We have changed so many things and destroyed the other party's arrangements. He will definitely continue to implement his plan."

Unfortunately, they didn't find any clues about Carl's whereabouts.

Computers can only record the appearance of giant objects, but cannot analyze the internal structure!

"Those people have so many secrets!"

As a sign of their importance to Kesha, the Dongfeng Brigade was led by Ju Chengyan and participated in the event to welcome the Queen.

Then, she saw a scene that surprised her.

"Yes, Queen!"

With his thin figure, handsome face, wise eyes, and wearing a hood, anyone who sees Carl will call him handsome.

After analysis, she temporarily confirmed several troublesome issues!

The big clock has been encrypted and programmed with a special algorithm by Karl. Even if the angel civilization's celestial computer is used, it will take 300 years to decipher the secrets in the big clock.

Chen Mu and his party, who successfully arrived at the Big Clock, met up with Angel Yan. Just when they were about to discuss how to deal with the cracks in the subspace, the figure of Queen Kesha appeared...

Subspace rifts are extremely dangerous.

Zhi Xin, who had disappeared, actually came out.

He only regards Taotie as a test subject and tool.

Karl treats the gluttonous race only by taking advantage of them, without showing any kindness.

The Taotie of the future will be recorded in books.

A series of order civilizations such as the Angel Civilization represented by the Order of Justice won the final victory of the war!——

Seventeen days later, Styx galaxy, celestial computer clock.

"You will always find it."

Looking at the entire large clock that had been destroyed by the war and appeared quite damaged, Keisha silently used dark energy to scan the large clock.

The inevitable war collapsed in an instant with the arrival of Queen Kesa!

After Hua Ye died, the remaining allies fought for more than ten minutes, and then discovered that the angel suddenly transformed into a Saiyan, beating them until they cried for their fathers and mothers.

"The big clock should be Karl's most important tool. Why would he give up this powerful celestial computer?"

Space battles began again, and clashes of blood and fire were frequently staged.

Kamigawa is quite merciful when dealing with beasts, and some beasts can at least have a way to survive.


They completed the mission of destroying the Taotie civilization.

The former Taotie home planet area.

Karl didn't know whether he was alive or dead, as if he didn't care about them at all.

She was obviously waiting for a reasonable explanation.

After Karl finished speaking, Kesha looked at Chen Mu and his party with a scrutinizing gaze.

Angel Civilization has time to slowly decipher it, but Chen Mu can't wait any longer!

This is not good news!

The angels stood patiently, waiting for Chen Mu to explain. Karl stood respectfully in the distance, as if he was Queen Kesa's most loyal servant!

Zhi Xin, who disappeared and came back, had an expressionless face, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

Kesha thought for a moment and issued an order to deal with Karl: "Karl is extremely dangerous. He has repeatedly destroyed civilizations on other planets for experiments. We are going to send some personnel to find him and be sure to kill him!"

If he answers wrongly, he and his team members will die!!!

This is not a long time, but for Chen Mu, it is a time that cannot be waited for.

He doesn't feel guilty at all about destroying a civilized planet and wiping out billions of beast bodies just now.

Without their commander-in-chief and unified coordination, the invaders and Allied forces could not escape the fate of destruction.

Karl, who is hiding, is definitely holding back his ultimate move.

If we say they are pitiful, then during the expansion of the Taotie civilization, they personally destroyed hundreds of intelligent races.

Explanation is just a wording to achieve a purpose, and it is just an attitude that shows that one is not hostile.

The Taotie took the lead in invading the earth, and what they did to humans was even more abominable!

Chen Mu just counterattacked passively.

When dealing with foreign races, even if all the enemies were wiped out, Chen Mu's heart would not beat faster.

But what kind of attitude can be more effective than the Queen's will!

"Oh, you are very interesting. Except for some old friends who have passed away, no one has talked to me like this for a long time!"

Lost old friend?

Is this a threat?

Chen Mu thought about Kesha's words in his heart and said: "Whether we are a friend of the just order or an enemy of the just order is decided by the will of Queen Kesha. We are here to kill Karl!"

Kesha was silent, and Karl stood aside waiting for Kesha to make a decision. The huge hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Most people's eyes were looking at Kesha, waiting for the order from the King of Angels.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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