Chapter 590 Searching for the Enemy

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Chapter 590 Searching for Enemy Traces (Please subscribe)

Super God Universe.

The angel warriors and earth forces who were constantly monitoring the periphery discovered the changes in the subspace cracks immediately.

"The crack, the energy of the crack has changed."

"The cracks are no longer spreading. Hey, the energy leaking out from the cracks has been rapidly reduced!"

"There is a problem with the energy leakage of the space channel, and they seem to have achieved results."

People talked about their discoveries.

After a while, the number of monsters that originally emerged from the cracks in the subspace began to increase, as if something in the subspace was driving them away.

The culprit who caused the subspace monsters to flee crazily appeared.

The large angel battleship that entered the subspace emerged from the cracks. While flying, the battleship dropped the modified aura bomb.

This operation will definitely be recorded in the history of the Kamigawa civilization in the universe.

"The shrinking rate of subspace rifts is accelerating."

Only some powerful civilization forces know about the speculations of angel civilization.

In addition to this, Angel Kesha also announced that the coalition forces will help civilizations that are invaded by subspace monsters and ensure the safety of civilizations.

"According to the intelligence of the Diak people, the most recent communication by Death God Karl was from the planet B-1-35713 in the Obscure Star Field. He has been asking these civilizations to collect information about stars in the universe that are nearing the end of their lifespan."

The angel battleships and the earth's army, which rushed into the subspace and fought countless demons, ushered in the highest-level triumphal ceremony.

"Stars that are approaching their lifespan must also be screened to ensure that these stars will not cause irreparable damage to civilization..."

"Search for planets within 10 light years."

Subsequently, the angels mobilized detection equipment to survey No. B-1-35713.

Countless people cheered, hugged, and vented the darkness that was weighing on their hearts.

After being attacked, the laboratory's dark matter defense system opened its shield, blocking out the dangerous angel's judgment beam.

Queen Keisha's words were a signal. After receiving the signal, the angels and the Earth Alliance quickly took action against these second and fifth troops.

Then, a blazing light lit up, and the dazzling blue light quickly turned into a beam of light, rushing downward at the speed of light.

"Chen Mu was injecting energy into the formation while observing the connection between the thin threads of fate.

"Come out! They are really back from the expedition!"

The triumphal ceremony did not announce the inner ghost.

Looking at Karl flying into the universe from the barren planet, Kesha snorted coldly: "Create endless wars, try to destroy the left and right civilizations in the universe, and turn the universe into a paradise for demons. Karl, I really underestimate you."

"Use your equipment to inject energy into the formation's core."

The extremely enchanting demon Anza appeared from beside Karl.


The energy ray hit the laboratory deep into the rock formation hard.

"This is Karl's provocation!" Angel Yan asked.

After everything was resolved, the Super God Universe Alliance held another meeting.

Karl is as cunning as a fox. Although their troops arrived suddenly, they did not rule out the possibility of digging a hole for the opponent.

"Jiejie~ The variable is of course me! Angels and people on earth, you didn't expect that I'm still alive, did you?"

Their current layout time is too short to destroy the universe at the same time. But they can already be used as a killing move.

Their civilization may not be destroyed, but these guys who betrayed the universe will definitely suffer the cruelest punishment.

"This is a large array fragment brought from the Fortress of Khorne. The resonance effect of the evil energy inside the fragment is of great reference significance. We can use this fragment to create a means of detecting evil energy within a certain distance to ensure that we can detect the evil energy contaminated by the subspace.


Kesha muttered in her heart, and then immediately notified the angel troops to take action.

"Then it's up to you!" Kesha said softly.

In order to find Carl, the angels have checked tens of thousands of problematic stars that are on the verge of destruction.

"The other party is very close to us. At most 10 light-year units."

Seeing that Kesha's face was dull, Demon Anza looked at Karl and signaled him to get angry.

This kind of grand trial is very good against low-level civilizations, but it cannot cause fatal damage to Karl. Therefore, Kesha mainly focuses on testing.

Although the nodes of the subspace crack are destroyed, the melting speed of the crack is not instantaneous.

"Long live the angel of justice!"

"Everyone, as you can see, we have completed the operation to destroy the space node. At the same time, we have also received accurate information that there are some traitors who are willing to act as devil dogs and become evil executioners, so capture them!"

Tracking the formation is an extraordinary method. The principle is to record some characteristic fluctuations of the target, or pheromones, and then use aura particles to simulate the opponent's breath, and then use this aura particle model to find the target location.

In addition to the Diak civilization, there are also two werewolf troops under control.

“It actually works!”

The troops under the Diak's command were all controlled in less than a minute.

Considering that Carl has not yet solved the problem, in order to ensure information security, they will also take information control measures during this period.

The angel army that rushed into the subspace is not even afraid of countless great demons, let alone an isolated and helpless great demon?

Chen Mu and others had long expected that the subspace demon might still exist in this world.

"it's here!"

"We have evidence that Sasaki, the Diak, communicated with the God of Death, Karl, and leaked combat intelligence within our coalition."

She frowned slightly.

"At least there is a way! Our people are actively looking for traces of Karl."

A humanoid demon with the appearance of a Kamigawa body performs evil forbidden magic, swallows the blood of victims, or makes humans fight and amuse themselves. Traces of Karl appear from time to time...

"So, we must find the God of Death, Karl, as soon as possible."

Under the ultra-high temperature, all matter was reduced to ashes, and everything that Carl once retained was destroyed.

"Oh, you are really a madman!"

"Oh? What kind of gift is it?" Kesha had a look of amusement on her face.

If these foreign reinforcements leave this universe, the subspace invaders will surely be like a sword hanging from the ground, making the civilization of the super-god universe uneasy.

"Karl, come out! Your little scheme has been seen through."

Therefore, we must complete the blockade task in these three days to ensure that subspace monsters will not spread out and cause trouble.

Exploring the dark matter pheromones in the bones of more than 100,000 victims, Kesha saw countless scenes of their lives.

Chen Mu walked to the corpses of the victims and felt the cries of the remaining souls of many victims in the void. He closed his eyes and looked for a way to search for Karl and the demon.

"Find a large laboratory and residence in the style of the Styx civilization!"

"The great gift you are talking about, is it a supernova explosion? Or is it releasing a black hole of destruction towards the Merlot Heaven?"

"Of course, eradicating evil is what we should do!"

At this time, Chen Mu discovered that Karl actually had a demon companion.

These words were broadcast through the dark energy communication channel more than ten times, and Karl, who had disappeared for a long time, recovered the news.

According to inferred calculations, it will take at least 3 days for the space crack to heal completely.

When many civilized commanders were chatting happily, the face of Queen Kesha appeared in front of everyone.

But this is enough. Major civilized events in the universe are often decided by the top level. If we inform them of this news, more uncertain factors will arise.

The formation began to change with mist, and then traces of the demon that had massacred countless humans appeared in the formation.

Three hours later.

After confirming that there was no danger, Kesha's side descended on the planet.

In short, everything is developing towards the stage they want.

This is cruel, but it is reality!

Two days later~

A light lit up somewhere in the Hazy Star Field, and then, several huge warships came out of the light, and a large number of warriors blocked the space around the planet to prevent Karl from escaping.

In a barren and desolate planet, several circular rays of light suddenly shone. Six angel battleships quickly emerged and then surrounded the planet.

About ten minutes later, the large tracking formation was set up.

"The Angel Troop is really powerful. It is indeed the most powerful troop of the known civilization in the universe."

"What are you going to do? I am reinforcements, not rebels, I~"

"As you command, Queen, prepare for angelic judgment!"

"Oh, that's not certain."

Chen Mu shook his head: "Just trying to find it. The universe is too big, and the success rate of our method is very low."

Kesha shook her head: "Use the Great Judgment."

Looking at the position on the star map, Kesha raised her eyebrows slightly.

"They have indeed completed their mission!" Some soldiers under the command of Karl, the God of Death, felt incredible about this result.

"Let's give it a try. We may need the energy support of angels."

"Queen, will you send a landing force to conduct reconnaissance?" Angel Yan asked.

The dark energy broadcast message quickly spread Kesha's words throughout the planet.

"It seems that the search facilities of Angel Civilization need to be updated."

"Is that the demon Anza?"

In just a few seconds, they found out what was different about this planet.

A faint gray thin line poked out from the demon's shadow, and then spread out into the void...

They saw the angel battleship in the distance beginning to adjust its angle.

If it weren't for the support of the angel civilization that mastered dark matter energy, Chen Mu would not have used this tracking method at all.

It is very easy to use it within hundreds or even thousands of kilometers. But when the distance unit of tracking the target changes from kilometers to light years, the energy consumed will be astronomical.

"For half a month, they rushed in and there was no news for half a month. Finally, they came out safely."

But this was just the death struggle of the self-defense system that automatically activated in the laboratory. After 30 seconds, the energy beam fiercely penetrated the energy shield and smashed into the interior of the laboratory.

"Do you have any way to search for each other's traces?" Kesha asked Chen Mu.

Because the angel advance team scanned the target planet indicated by the clues of destiny several times and found traces of Carl and the devil.

"Damn heresy!"

This is a poor finding.

If no accident occurs, the situation is set!

"So, we do not rule out that Karl is planning to use these stars to create black holes, phase neutrino radiation and other methods to kill intelligent creatures, please the evil gods, and create a larger subspace channel!"

"Apart from these bones, no signs of the existence of intelligent creatures have been found, and no remaining evil energy information has been discovered."

While they were cheering, someone monitoring the subspace came with other good news.

Kesha said calmly: "This is Karl's challenge announcement. How is the investigation of stars that have reached their life limit?"

Make sure no civilization informs Karl of what's going on here.

History will definitely remember this great expedition!

After the battleships came out, the major fleets on the earth suddenly turned into a sea of ​​excitement.

The angel technical chief on the side injected energy into the formation holes according to the energy value provided by Chen Mu per second.

"Dark matter shield was discovered, and there were fluctuations of energy weapons."

"We scanned the bones of 150,000 victims. They were tortured during their lifetimes. Judging from their arrangement, it was the blood god Khorne's method."

"As expected of Queen Kesa, she can even search for the location of the little god."

Hearing this, Karl's expression changed slightly: "Her Majesty the Queen's guesses are almost all correct, but unfortunately there are still variables."

Seeing that the angels were about to rush over, Chen Mu looked at a planet marked with civilization on the star map, and he suddenly thought of something...


He still wanted to speak, but then he was punched to the ground.

"The road to success is accompanied by sacrifice. They dedicated their lives to science and died a worthy death." Karl replied lightly.

After the bomb envelopes the subspace monsters, it can easily turn them into dregs.

They need to kill Karl, the god of death in the super god universe, to ensure that the other party will not reopen the subspace rift.

After settling this, Kesha held a higher-level meeting with Chen Mu and his team.

"So, what are your variables?"

Chen Mu nodded, and then began to arrange a large tracking array in front of the bodies of the victims, trying to search for traces of the demon that killed the victims.

"Is it you who bewitched Carl to carry out the plan to destroy the universe?"

Seeing the way Karl stared into the void, Kesha felt that the other person was looking at her.

The last battle made Kesha discover how difficult subspace is. The angel civilization has little understanding of subspace and evil energy, and its countermeasures are limited to low-level methods, which cannot destroy the threat of subspace.

Looking at the Anza demon locked by the dark matter information, Kesha didn't say anything.

If Carl cannot be killed, there will be consequences for the universe.

Therefore, everything should be done on the safe side.

"A super gift that can destroy your sacred body and destroy the angel civilization!" Carl's face showed a hint of excitement.

"Jiejie, you are very smart, but it is a pity that I will witness your death soon."

Unfortunately, Carl was never found.

After Kesha said this, the commander of the Diak civilization, Sasaki, suddenly changed his expression.

The meeting was concluded in just a few hours. Considering Karl's strong skills, Kesha did not inform the weak Allied Forces of the news.

The meeting discussed subspace cracks and subspace creatures.

"It's all for scientific research, Queen Kesha. In order to prevent you from continuing to block my experiments, I give you a big gift. I hope you like it."

Since then, the subspace crisis and the werewolf traitor have come to an end.

They can't save so many people.

"Commander Sasaki, would you like to come with us?"


Chen Mu and others on the side also saw the judgment used by the angel for the first time.

Soon, he found the target location.

Karl, on the other hand, was extremely indifferent and ignored Demon Anza's prompts.

"Queen Keisha, I am very curious about the destruction of the subspace rift. I wonder if the Queen can shed some light on it?"

"In order to destroy the rift in the subspace, we rushed into the subspace and fought a battle with the Blood God and those big demons, and then destroyed their formation and destroyed the subspace passage. Karl, what are you going to do to become the demon's lackey?

Where is the method to summon your master?"

"Queen Kesha, we just have a purely cooperative relationship, they can't order me."

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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