Chapter 599 Machiavelli's sense of spiritual will

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Thanks to [TMRevoluti] for the reward, thank you very much!

When the heroic warriors shouted the slogan of living for death and crashed into the interior of the Marathon-class space cruiser, these warriors tasted the fear of death.

It was a bloody massacre!

The powered armor of the Dragon Kingdom warriors who rushed into the battleship was thick and could easily defend against their armor-breaking kinetic energy weapons. Even weapons equipped with electromagnetic ring acceleration could not break through the armor of the Dragon Kingdom warriors.

The high-powered individual laser guns and explosive bombs in the hands of Dragon Kingdom warriors can easily destroy the invaders' defenses.

A rebel warrior equipped with power armor tried to rush in for a hand-to-hand fight, but was split in half by the Dragon Kingdom warrior's power sword...

This is massacre, a one-sided massacre.

Seeing the devastating Dragon Kingdom warriors rushing into the battleship, and listening to the bad news coming from various departments, the Italian captain Leon Dixon suddenly thought of what his idol, Machiavelli, said more than a thousand years ago.


[War starts when you want it, but it doesn’t end when you want it]

Therefore, Leon Dixon exerted the traditional Machiavellian spirit.

"Give up resistance and surrender! We surrender!"

The battle ended too quickly.

In just five minutes, all the officers and soldiers of the six fleets with evil intentions chose the most honorable method.

"This is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding. We thought there were rebels on the planet Yuzhou."

When Leon Dixon was brought inside the Dragon Kingdom battleship, this was the first thing he said.

"Oh, that sounds like the truth." Captain Long Guo raised the weapon in his hand and aimed at his head.

Being threatened with death, Captain Leon Dixon suddenly swallowed his throat: "This...what is your surname?"

"The dead don't need to know my name." The high school commander of the assault warship replied with a smile: "Say your last words!"

Along with the words, a strong mental pressure was released.

Dixon seemed to see mountains of corpses and seas of blood, saw the people on his home planet wailing, and saw the human federation turning into hell...

"You can't kill me, I'm useful, I'm of great use." Dixon, who wanted to be generous and generous, became sincere again after being mentally coerced.

"Oh? Let's see." While the high school team was satisfied with his performance, it also despised the opponent's weak mental resistance, and his performance was extremely embarrassing.

How did a guy with such a fragile mental will become the captain of the combined fleet?

Dixon only felt as if he was in hell, suffering from the torture of being cut to pieces. It wasn't until the mountain of mental pressure dissipated that he collapsed to the ground like noodles.

After regaining some energy, he revealed the plan of action with lingering fear.

"You are really audacious to use the entire human life of a colonial star in the Dragon Kingdom as a warning tool!"

"I...we have no choice but to..." Dixon wanted to argue, but unfortunately he encountered another wave of mental pressure from the high school team.

He collapsed on the ground like mud again.

"Trash, we have recorded your remarks today. If you want to survive, you must state it truthfully in the future!"

Dixon struggled for a moment, then nodded in frustration.

At this time, he suddenly thought of another famous saying of his idol: "Politics has no morality"

"Oh my God, what have I done?"

He wanted to die, but suicide requires courage. People like them who regard life as everything, if they get a chance of survival, they naturally want to seize it.

He doesn't want to die!

After the six warships were taken over at once, good news came to the members of the Dongfeng Brigade. They had made all preparations.

In the afternoon of that day, Longguo announced the warship attack.

When Captain Dixon and Captain Stark, as well as the rebels with a little dull eyes, revealed everything about the attacks on the hostile forces of the Human Federation over the years, human society was in an uproar.

"Punish the criminals!"

"Catch the murderer!"

"Enemy of Mankind!"

All kinds of comments and street demonstrations against Dixon and the forces behind him immediately boiled over.

Bad news spreads like light to all human colonies.

Wanting to use the life of a colonial star as a tool to establish power has aroused the hatred and anger of all mankind. This kind of power must not be allowed to remain, and they must accept the great trial.

Harvest Star.

Inside Musk's luxurious palace, crackling sounds and angry roars resounded.

It was the roar of an extremely angry human being. It didn't sound like a human being, but more like a beast.

"When did I issue the plan to destroy a colonial star? This is slander, slander!"

Musk smashed everything in sight and then collapsed to the ground, holding his head and muttering to himself, "What should I do? What should I do?"

"Sir, there is a call request from Windsor."

"Put it on!" Musk yelled.

Then, an old white man appeared in the middle of the holographic projection: "Musk, you messed up such an important thing, and it will be difficult for the family to handle it."

"I tried my best to recover the losses."

"It's too late. That bastard has revealed everything about us. Several good people at the top of the federation have already learned about our plan. We must get some people to calm down their anger."

Hearing this, Musk showed a hint of astonishment on his face: "We decided to attack them together before!"

"But the continuation of the parliament and the family is above all else. Musk, your subordinates are trash. If you want to blame, it's your mistreatment of people." Looking at Musk, who was dumbfounded, the old man sighed, and then said: "This is us.

This is the last communication, our relationship needs to be severed."

Musk smiled sadly: "I know, old patriarch!"

After the communication was interrupted, Musk calmed down for a while before issuing an order to the artificial intelligence: "Delete all communications with the old patriarch and prepare backup information. You are also prepared to self-destruct!"

"Yes sir."

Looking at the news in the distance that some evil forces are trying to destroy mankind, Musk's face showed a cold look.

"Since you reported it like this, why not let the fire burn even more fiercely..."


Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly saw a burst of dazzling light, a special flash and an explosion specially designed to produce noise, which directly caused Musk to lose his ability to perceive.

Before he fell into coma, his last thought was that the old patriarch was so cruel that he made a follow-up plan so quickly.

What he didn't know was that someone else was arresting him.

And the old patriarch he was talking about could no longer protect himself at this moment.

Da da da~

The energy released by the laser gun destroyed the security robot at Musk's residence. Then the soldier walked up to the dazed Musk and said: "Eagle's Nest, target No. 6 was successfully captured. The target's body is in a coma without any fatal injuries."

"Very good, collect information and make sure all this becomes irrefutable evidence."

"Do not worry!"

The soldiers who broke into Musk began to collect items in the house.

They were the operational troops dispatched by the Dongfeng Brigade, and they formulated a series of plans soon after cooperating with the Dragon Kingdom.

After Captain Stark was captured before, they formulated a plan to punish him and kill the chicken and scare the monkey to temporarily control the forces of the Human Federation.

Having been in contact with the Angsa Alliance for hundreds of years, everyone knows each other. These guys who sold their souls to the devil of money are definitely one of the best at holding back the enemy during the war.

Of course, they are also the top three guys in the human federation.

By sacrificing the flag with their blood, you can gain the right to exercise the law in the fastest and easiest way.

Concentrate your efforts to do big things, and kill chickens and monkeys to save mankind.

They must die.

Shortly after Musk was captured and controlled, the Dongfeng Brigade soldiers dormant on other planets and the Dragon Kingdom's intelligence department also started taking action.

With the assistance of the soldiers of the Dongfeng Brigade, and the Dragon Kingdom providing intelligence support and subsequent transportation support, hundreds of evil forces who were obsessed with profit were brought under control.

These super defense systems, which have cost countless dollars to build, become nothing more than a showpiece when faced with the dimensionality reduction power of the Dongfeng Brigade.

Members of the Communist Party, as well as many powerful companies and consortium families, underestimated Long Guo's determination.

They don't want to make some breakthroughs, but they want to fundamentally eliminate the administrative capabilities of this group of people.

Carrots and sticks are the most effective method since ancient times.

While the special forces were dealing with these consortium families, some soldiers from the Dongfeng Brigade also conducted infiltration work on some key personnel.

It doesn't require very high skills, you just need to find a few key figures to perform soul interference and make them "rebellion" to your own power.

For example, the media, some high-level intelligence agencies, and some commanders who can mobilize warships.

The power of the media is under control, and consortiums such as Angsa seem to have lost several arms.

Their top officials were arrested one after another, but no force was able to increase the power of public opinion in their favor and help them reduce their firepower output.

The leaderless Angsa representatives were defeated by the forces of the Dragon Kingdom.

In just seven days, the members of the Angsa Consortium became street rats.

The forces under their command were also unable to mobilize the fleet to attack the Dragon Kingdom because their power was too dispersed.

This is what the Dragon Kingdom wants.

They then held a meeting concerning all mankind. During the meeting, everyone first verbally and writtenly criticized the group of guys on Angsa's side and made their position clear.

After a simple argument, Angsa and the consortium that dared to attack the people of the Dragon Kingdom will be judged.

As for the group forces under their command and the major colonial stars, there will naturally be a battle.

Although everyone knows that the people of the Dragon Kingdom are not easy to mess with. In just a few days, they have crossed a distance of hundreds of light years and captured more than a hundred Angsa forces in the colonial star. However, everyone still wants to give it a try and try again.

Divide and moisten the cake.

However, Long Guo behaved very generously this time.

They directly and publicly stated that these forces will be included in the human federation, and taxes, patents, assets, etc. will all be included in the human federation.

This news made many people object and also made many people look shocked.

Just when everyone was scratching their heads, the representative of the Dragon Kingdom once again made shocking remarks, saying that he would soon arrive in the human area and threaten the Covenant forces.

They also used the honor of their country as a guarantee!

When the news spread throughout the conference room, the senior executives of the Human Federation who had just heard the news were shocked and confused.

"Isn't this too nonsense?"

"There is no Star Alliance. I always feel that this is a conspiracy of the Dragon Kingdom people."

Many people don't believe there is an alien alliance.

Everyone can accept that there is an alliance of civilizations in the universe, and it is also acceptable for intelligent races to form alliances. However, there is a high probability that the civilizations that can form alliances will not be cruel and bloodthirsty, and generally will not start wars for no reason.

However, the Dragon Kingdom said that the Star Alliance was obviously malicious towards humans, and everyone felt that this assumption was not valid.

The humans on Earth evolved from apes. How could they be the advanced civilizations of the universe?

The people of the Dragon Kingdom must have some purpose.

This may be what most people think.

"People from the Dragon Kingdom, this kind of false news is not funny at all."

"We have been exploring the universe for hundreds of years and have never discovered an extraterrestrial civilization. Is the Covenant Alliance you call completely false? I think you want to eliminate dissidents!"

"Since it is an alliance of multiple alien races, it must have civilization and wisdom. We can join their alliance system."

"Yes, if there is a Star Alliance, we don't believe that the Star Alliance will attack us for no reason."

Seeing everyone talking about it, the Dragon Kingdom was not surprised. Instead, they patiently explained the composition of the Star Alliance.

In fact, if Long Guo had not just flexed his muscles and arrested tens of thousands of core members of the Angsa Consortium, the people staying here for the meeting would never have been so mildly questioning.

Not to mention using swords and guns, at least there must be some spitting physical communication...

Human beings believe the truth they see and do not believe the truth told by others.

As Long Guo explained more, the situation seemed to be progressing towards a more unfavorable situation.

The Dragon Kingdom seems to have screwed up.

But they don't know that their performance at the moment is being recorded by the people of Longguo. They can't say what will happen in the future, but they don't want to think about some future cooperation going smoothly.

Human beings have different attitudes towards foreign enemies, but when dealing with similar people who can threaten their own status, they will try to reduce the threat of the other party.

This kind of behavior of hiding in the comfort zone and observing changes in the outside world is often linked to being unwilling to make progress and sticking to one's own opinions. But as long as you convince everyone with facts, you can work together to fight against foreign enemies.

Of course, when integrating a group of people, the wolves that dance the most happily and have the most strength need to be eliminated in order to tell the truth.

Three seconds of silence for the Angsa Consortium.

When the high-level meeting of the Human Federation reached this point, the Dongfeng Brigade made a brilliant appearance.


An aura suddenly spread among the crowd, like floods pouring back and mountains and rivers overturned, and then a few soldiers came out.

With unlimited oppression and strong mental pressure, they suppressed the discussions of these federal high-level officials who were talking loudly just now.

The mental pressure of deliberately releasing murderous intent made the federal senior officials confused.

When did humans have such enhanced warriors?

While they were still in shock, several soldiers suddenly raised their hands and shook hands.

I saw the metal table in front of the federal senior officials suddenly making a creaking sound.

Then the tables were quickly crushed into a ball.

People looked at those warriors in astonishment. They were dressed in cool clothes. Did they have any position-distorting devices on them? Why would they unleash such a method?

This kind of scene that can only be seen in movies makes everyone dissatisfied.

But the Dragon Kingdom didn't care, they just showed off their strength.

This is a show of strength and another bait they throw out.

"Everyone, maybe you think everything is false. But we can use the reputation of Dragon Kingdom to guarantee that everything we say is true."

"The Covenant is very powerful, and their alien coalition can destroy humanity. Humanity's current military strength will require a heavy price to pay for them."

"Only by working together can we overcome the difficulties that affect human civilization. In order to deal with the threat from the Star Alliance, we will temporarily act as the supreme commander of the human federal military. Okay, I'm done."

The person in charge of Long Kingdom glanced back and forth at everyone, and asked again: "So, if you have anything to ask, please feel free to ask."

This chapter has been completed!
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