Chapter 6 Prepare for battle, go to another world!

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Listening to everyone's discussion, Chen Mu felt relaxed and content.

In fact, if he were left to do it by himself, 90% of the time he would go directly to the palace and conduct a high-level strategy.

But the risk is very high.

Because the profession of emperor is too power-minded.

It’s okay to offer treasures yourself, but you must be radical when implementing various ideas. This is a natural contradiction between the two parties!

Therefore, it must be very difficult for him to conquer the world of the late Ming Dynasty.

For Elite, in less than an hour of discussion, 999 different plans were written.

Seeing Chen Mu's leisurely expression, Mu Siyue poked him with a pen.

"Chen Mu, do you have any good suggestions?"

Everyone in the conference room stopped debating immediately, everyone wanted to hear Chen Mu's thoughts.

Hundreds of eyes were watching, and Chen Mu had to straighten his posture: "Ahem~ Well, how about we come up with a few plans first, and then enter the other world and act accordingly."

The captain had spoken, and the combat team members below naturally nodded in agreement.

In short, the operational meeting held by the action team went smoothly.

But the bad boy advice of carrying a few sets has somehow stuck.

Time passes, and another day passes.

The detailed strategy developed by countless consultants and think tanks has been officially published in the booklet.

Chen Mu and a hundred team members began a more regular training and study career.

They need to learn certain knowledge during these 24 days.

Chen Mu, who thought he could live happily for a few days, did not escape the warm reception of military doctors and scientists.

All kinds of skin flakes, blood, and even the essence of billions of descendants from the body were taken away.

Chen Mu also began to strengthen training more scientifically.

The maximum strength of the original solution given to him by the system can reach 4 times. But his personal strength is currently only 2.5, so he has a lot of room for improvement.

Therefore, the days of lying down and having love have temporarily disappeared, and the scientific and busy training plan is proceeding in an orderly manner!

The day of crossing over is getting closer and closer.

One morning, there was a knock on the door of Chen Mu's living room.

"Please come in!"

Mu Siyue, who was wearing casual clothes, walked in and handed a document to the other party: "Chen Mu, this is tomorrow's study plan. The teacher will assess it the day after tomorrow!"

Chen Mu smiled and took the information: "Thank you."

After 20 days of training, Chen Mu's physical fitness reached 30 points, and his combat effectiveness more than doubled.

The T-virus original solution not only turned him into a little superman, but also greatly improved his three-dimensional level.

He has exceeded the limit of three times the human body. At this moment, he can easily jump five meters high and run at a speed of 110 kilometers per hour. Not to mention that his thinking and memory have improved.

At this moment, even if he is wearing a hundred kilograms of armor and carrying a wave hammer, he can still fight for five hours.

You can also drink a few cups of Nutritional Express after the session to replenish the lost nutrients.

"You're welcome." Mu Siyue paused and then said: "What do you think we will look like when we come back from another world?"

Mu Siyue decided to enter another world with the special team. Unlike other team members, she cared about time.

Chen Mu scratched his head: "Are you old? I don't know!"

He never considered what it would be like to conquer a world in thirty years.

He only thought about what it would be like after completing the mission with a hundred team members.

"Don't worry, it won't be used for thirty years. It will seriously affect the mission score. Anyway, the other world is not our world. If we are really anxious, we will directly turn the Xiuchundao world upside down. Anyway, doing this will not affect us.

this world."

Mu Siyue whispered: "If so, that's great!"

Chen Mu smiled: "Why are you so sentimental?"

"I'm afraid that if we go to that world, our world will be changed beyond recognition, people in the future~"

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

Chen Mu knew Mu Siyue's concerns. She was afraid that when she came back after completing her mission, things would change in the world.

However, Chen Mu believes that there are countless parallel worlds in the universe, and changing the tragic trajectory of a world is a very fulfilling thing!

Chen Mu also believes that time is passing by, and this world is not that world.

All the past is like flowers in the mirror and moon in the water.

The future and the past seem to be within reach, but in fact they are just images left in a certain space.

If there were a world that could be traveled to at will, that world would never be stable.

"Maybe, I'm getting a little sentimental! Chen Mu, we have training soon, I'm going to get busy."


Chen Mu and Mu Siyue have gotten to know each other quite well over the past twenty days. They already have some tacit understanding among teammates.

Three days later!

An underground square. Several hundred people were waiting outside. Chen Mu and a hundred special emergency response teams gathered together.

The special combat team wears passive exoskeletons and combat armor produced by Dragon Kingdom at a huge cost.

The cost of this exoskeleton and matching armor is very high. The materials used are laboratory products, and each set is worth 10 million.

The exoskeleton can carry up to 400 kilograms of supplies and move freely, and the armor is designed to defend against small-caliber rifles!

In addition to this, the soldiers also wear tactical uniforms that are both stab-proof and bullet-proof, and carry tactical assault rifles, sniper rifles, etc. In addition, each person also carries at least a thousand rounds of ammunition. The personal load of this team has reached


Next to them, there were supply ammunition and various necessary materials weighing at least 300 kilograms.

The supplies are all mounted on special simple carts, which can be quickly loaded and disassembled, ensuring their combat capabilities.

There is a lot of stuff in 300 kilograms of supplies.

In addition to the necessary weapons and ammunition, there are also more important books and tablets, grain seeds, and industrial production equipment.

Of course, the most important thing are various industrial products that cannot be produced in another world.

For example, there are five sets of tactical little boys that weigh only 50 kilograms, have a range of 20 kilometers, and a lethal killing range of 1 kilometer.

This is the sweetheart of the special operations team, a good thing that everyone takes good care of.

This severely exceeded combat weight is the best plan arrived at after rigorous deductions!

If it were not for the support of 101 sets of passive exoskeletons produced at all costs, the team members would never carry so much weight.

These materials will be the foundation for them to change that world!

Standing at the front, Chen Mu, wearing combat uniform, saw an old man up close for the first time.

The old man greeted Chen Mu cordially, chatted with family, and then asked Chen Mu: "Are you ready?"

"Ready at all the time!"

"Very good, patriotic. When we arrive in another world, everything will be led by Chen Mu. This is an order!"

"Yes!" Chen Aiguo saluted with a calm expression.

Chen Mu was surprised: "Uncle, I can't do it."

The old man patted Chen Mu's shoulder affectionately: "You can do it. This is also an order. If you have any questions, you can ask Chen Aiguo and the others! Okay, it's time for you to set off."

After giving up and making up for it, Chen Mu had no choice but to bite the bullet and accept the old man's order.

But in another world, he is still prepared to let Chen Aiguo become the captain. His dream is a salty fish!

Everyone saluted, Chen Mu pinched his fingers, and the space-time light gate appeared out of thin air.

The members of the combat team lined up and prepared to file into the light gate with high spirits.

Chen Aiguo shouted: "Pay attention to your formation, be careful of falling into the air, be careful of falling into the water and being drowned. Always pay attention to the surrounding environment."

A group of five members prepares to enter the time-space light gate.

Outside the underground square, a large number of support staff stared deeply at the team members.

The old man's face was serious: "May you all succeed and go home safely!"

Countless non-combatants shouted in unison: "May you all succeed and go home safely!"

The combat team shouted loudly: "We must win! We must win! We must win!"

After talking, the special operations team members, who had spent time together and trained for nearly a month, lined up in neat formation and stepped into the light gate.

They have entered a different world and started a new expedition!

Watching Mu Siyue and others enter the space-time light gate, Chen Mu stared deeply into the square.

Silently saluting, he stepped into the light door!

The space-time light gate, so dazzling that it made today's Dragon Kingdom scientists scratch their heads, just disappeared before everyone's eyes.

The old man watched the space-time light door disappear with a serious face: "You must go home safely!"

This chapter has been completed!
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