Chapter 614 Cannonballs wash the ground and burn glass

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Halo Belt No. 5!

After several human landing spacecraft approached the predetermined position, the landing cabin was quickly opened.

The landing troops who had been prepared long ago were waiting in a hundred metal airdrop pods!


The power of the airdrop warehouse started, electromagnetic acceleration, and the airdrop warehouse was immediately pushed away...

The oval-shaped airdrop pod, powered by electromagnetic kinetic energy and disposable gunpowder kinetic energy, crashed hard towards the Halo ground.

With a speed of up to Mach 6, the airdrop pod is like a powerful ballistic missile of the next era.

This speed is quickly terminated by the buffer!

After the airdrop pod approaches a distance of 5,000 meters from the ground, the petal-shaped buffer thrusters at the tail are opened, and the hypersonic airdrop pod quickly drops to an overload speed that is acceptable to the human body.


The man-made heavy alloy equipment hit the ground, splashing a lot of dust.

After the cabin was opened, a human soldier rushed forward carrying various weapons, setting up a defensive front position to protect the ammunition airdrop warehouse that had just been dropped in the rear.

The human soldiers did not disperse, but were just waiting for the arrival of more soldiers from the rear.

Because their detectors discovered a large number of biological gathering points.

These guys who have taken root in Halo 5 will be their first test.

They are a mature Zerg race, at least hundreds of thousands!

In addition, before landing on the planet, they also detected traces of a large number of Zerg in Halo 5's experimental base, modular fuel and food production warehouses.

If it weren't for the presence of the Templar Knights detected on the periphery of the Forerunner Power Main Control Room, humans would have really doubted whether the planet was controlled by the Zerg.

While humans were setting up a defense line and waiting for the large army to attack, the Zerg advance team that was released was already a little unable to hold back at this moment.

Long before the human fleet landed, the Zerg Corpse Brain Beast, which had been imprisoned for countless years, noticed an abnormality in the sky.

After humans landed in Halo 5, a large number of deeply dormant Zerg were awakened by their leader, the Corpse Brain Beast.

The Corpse Brain Beast even used tactics. It sent a swarm of fish insects to test the combat effectiveness of the landing force!

The Zerg Corpse Brain Beast was extremely excited.

It’s been one hundred thousand years. Do you know how they have lived during these one hundred thousand years?

Every year, the meat synthesized by automatic modules keeps the race from being exterminated, unable to reproduce, and unable to expand.

This is unethical and severely exploits their insect life!

"No matter what, we must absorb their essence and assimilate them."

This is the roar from the soul of the Corpse Brain Beast.

It was purely a coincidence that the Zerg who had been imprisoned for many years in Halo 5 came out.

They escaped due to a Forerunner equipment malfunction that led to a failure to contain them.

The Zerg then fought with the leader and paid a huge price before accidentally breaking out of the blockade.

They had been careful for many years and used all their insect-like wisdom to kill the damn slave and gain control of most of the artificial planet.

It is a pity that the Forerunners are very intelligent, and they have already made plans for the failure of the Zerg experiment and containment!

In Halo, as long as the Forerunner detector detects the Zerg infection, it will either destroy the Zerg or seal the place.

Any act of forceful destruction by the Zerg will surely result in devastating retaliation, and self-destruction is the last resort.

All plans are to prevent the Zerg from evolving into the interstellar Zerg.

This method is undoubtedly correct. The Zerg that escaped from the test area have not evolved the ability to break out of the atmosphere in tens of thousands of years. They are suppressed on the surface of the Halo Star Belt.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the Corpse Brain Beast is naturally extremely excited to rediscover an alien civilization.

It gave a death order!

You must get these guys' biomass, eat the secrets of their brains, and get their landing craft.

Human camp!

After a large number of human soldiers established a complete defense line, Shang Shoucai, who was in charge of this operation, and the Master Chief and others looked at the black area in the detector and analyzed it.

"I thought those Zerg would rush over before we had a firm foothold!" Shang Shoucai said with a relaxed expression.

Everyone was in a good mood, and it was obviously not like they had just experienced a big battle a few hours ago.

"Those black hole areas are locations that cannot be detected by radar. These guys are very resourceful and should lure the enemy deeper into them."

"It's a pity that they seduced the wrong target," Master Chief John replied coldly.

Master Chief John's words turned the combat command area into a sea of ​​joy.

Shang Shou stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Directly release super weapons on these areas!"


The warships deployed in low-Earth space orbit quickly received the order, and then adjusted the warships' weapon aiming parameters.

After more than ten seconds, all places shown as dark on the radar, as well as places where infected organisms gathered, became targets of attack.

More than five hundred artillery shells once again rushed to the ground at a speed of more than ten Mach.

Although this kind of weapon cannot exert its power in interstellar warfare, it is extremely slow and easy to intercept, but it is very effective for burning targets on the ground that have no air defense capabilities.

A total of 521 electro-plasma cannonballs were fired from the battleship, covering more than 100 radar black hole areas and more than 20 Zerg-infected areas.

This type of plasma cannon is so powerful that each one can turn a radius of 1 kilometer into glass.

They are weapons made by the Forerunners, specially designed to deal with special germs and special carbon-based life forms.

After the plasma bomb explodes, it will generate a high temperature of 10,000 degrees for at least five minutes, burning the target area into molten glass.

No living thing can withstand such horrific high temperatures.


When the excited Zergs eagerly await their prey to enter their carefully laid traps, the prey directly transform into hunters, and release suffocating attack power on these prey that cannot distinguish between priorities.

In an instant, the 123 target points turned directly into a high-temperature hell, and the extreme high temperature burned all living creatures on the ground.

Whether it is the pioneer buildings or the densely formed botanical gardens, they have all become the most brilliant fireworks.

Brilliant, dazzling, and deadly!

"It's so beautiful!"

"A beautiful but deadly weapon."

The Zerg sealed in Halo Base No. 5 were burned by this temperature, completely losing their former overlord image, and directly turned into twisted charcoal and unwilling ashes in the endless painful screams.

If these bugs can appear in the form of ghosts, they will definitely come to the world with endless resentment and anger.

It's a pity that this cosmic spiritual energy is not that active.

They are dead!

Die in the fireworks of beauty and freedom.

If the original plan is followed, that is, the plan of the Covenant fleet has not been encountered. After the cannonballs clear the ground, ground clearance troops will definitely be dispatched to kill all the Zerg in the Halo area bit by bit.

It's a pity that they met the Covenant.

So, it’s all about rushing!

After defeating the assembled Zerg, the human troops began their first detachment advance.

One team went to the most valuable automated production lines in Halo No. 5 and tried to get hold of these production lines.

Some of them are heading towards the Halo Control Room No. 5.

They want to back up all the data recorded inside Halo No. 5 and take control of the core control of Halo No. 5.

If the halo can be controlled, they will run the No. 2 program set by the Forerunners, which is to drive the No. 5 halo to crash into the gaseous planet next to it and cause it to self-destruct.

If Halo's flight control program fails, they will also launch a plan to destroy Halo with anti-matter weapons.

However, this plan requires a lot of ammunition and is extremely time-consuming!

The tasks of the first two teams are not very difficult and can basically be completed.

The other part continues to look for the swarms of Zerg, and strives to kill all the Zerg before destroying Halo No. 5.

The mission of the third team is the most important. They cannot let the Covenant obtain Zerg specimens.

If the other party gets hold of Zerg specimens, they will definitely conduct frantic research, which can easily lead to a Zerg crisis and an interstellar crisis.

Don't think that the Zerg are easy to fight at this moment, and you can just rub them in. This is because this is within the halo of super weapons created by the Forerunners. It has a complete defense system and various weapon systems that limit the development of the Zerg.

As long as the Zerg are given a little time and a little space, they will definitely develop into the most dangerous creatures in the interstellar.

"Report to Chief Chen Mu that areas within 3,000 kilometers with radar detecting black holes have been bombarded by plasma bombs. After re-detection, these areas have all returned to normal."

Shang Shoucai pointed to two areas with black radar screens. "So far, there are only two areas where the Zerg have not been resolved."

Chen Mu, who was in the third team's position as the Sea God Needle, opened his eyes, looked at the two areas, and issued an order: "Act according to the original plan."


The two areas were the Halo Master Control System area, where the Forerunner buildings were extremely dense, and they detected many traces of Zerg activities.

The other place is the experimental base where the containment failed. This large experimental site with a radius of more than ten kilometers has now become a radar detection black hole. Chen Mu used his mental perception and found that the mental pressure in that area was dozens of times stronger than that of Halo No. 4.


That kind of greed, full of destruction and destruction, eager to absorb all the fluctuations of spiritual will, is definitely another Zerg zombie brain beast.

And it’s a corpse-brain beast that has evolved great abilities!

This chapter has been completed!
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