Chapter 61 Sun Chuanting, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually betrayed?

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Sun Chuanting sneered and waved.

From the back, several people dressed as bookboys, servants, and shopkeepers came out.

Afterwards, several more beautiful women and a madam in her forties came out.

Hou Fangyu narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling something bad.

Because among these people, there are acquaintances and people he knows.

The other three talented men also stared wide-eyed and whined.

Unfortunately, what greeted them was a flurry of punches and kicks from the New Army soldiers.

Anyone who dares to move will be beaten.

They immediately became honest.

"Introduce yourselves and tell us about your interactions with Mr. Hou Fangyu!"

An extremely handsome book boy came out.

He trembled and said cautiously: "My name is Li Er. I am the book boy of Young Master Hou Fangyu. I have been with Young Master Hou for five years. Young Master Hou is a generous man and spends a lot of money. He bought me into the house with one thousand taels of silver."

...After entering the house, Mr. Hou was very affectionate to me... He often adopted a rear-facing posture... He liked me to call him the most..."

The stories Li Er told were very good, they were all very personal and personal things.

But the protagonist is the love and hatred between men.

The audience was in an uproar.

The person involved, Hou Fangyu, was even more ashamed and angry.

Seeing the people in the audience who were in an uproar but full of gossip, Sun Chuanting shook his head helplessly: "Quiet! There is a public trial at the moment."

The public trial gradually became quiet.

Sun Chuanting called another old bustard: "Tell me about it!"

The old bustard was in his forties and still had charm. He talked about his benefactor and Hou Fangyu.

For example, Hou Fangyu spent a lot of money and lived a luxurious life.

In addition, when he was drunk once, he said that his family had 100,000 acres of fertile land.

After the madam finished speaking, the people's eyes turned red.

They don’t know that a meal costs hundreds of taels of silver, but they know what a hundred taels of silver can do.

One hundred taels of silver can support a family of three for three years.

Now, a meal would cost RMB 100,000.

After the madam finished speaking, Sun Chuanting asked a beautiful and gentle woman to speak.

"Li Xiangjun of the slave family is highly sought after by the literati in Jinling and has a reputation as a beautiful woman..."

What Li Xiangjun said is clearly the story of Hou Fangyu spending a lot of money on him, and then he started to get into trouble and finally gave up.

The stories of talented men and beautiful women are what the common people like to hear most.

But Hou Fangyu is so inhuman.

This guy deceived Li Xiangjun's body, then gave up on it from beginning to end, letting Li Xiangjun use his own money to redeem his body, and then tried to give Li Xiangjun to his friends for fun!

Such an approach that subverts three outlooks is an eye-opener for the people.

Hou Fangyu shouted loudly: "Nonsense, you are talking nonsense!"


The New Army soldier kicked Hou Fangyu in the stomach.

He immediately became honest.

Sun Chuanting sneered: "You held a parade in Jinling this time and kept talking about the ancestral system, but you turned a deaf ear to the system established by Taizu that literati were not allowed to enter the flower building."

"We investigated the account books of several boat-painting companies and found that you spent 400,000 taels of silver on Jinling, and spent a fortune on boat-painting and flower houses on the Qinhuai River. Where did all this money come from?"

"Your father once served as the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, but his Lumi money and grain were only a few thousand taels of silver after decades. Tell me, how did you get it?"

Hou Fangyu had cold sweat on his forehead and his mind was completely confused.

"Let's talk about land. Your father is the Minister of Household Affairs. The annual tax-free land is only 1,000 acres, but the land entrusted to your family is 100,000 acres... Haha, so much land is in your family's name without paying taxes..."

Sun Chuanting's words were like a knife, ruthlessly cutting into Hou Fangyu's flesh, tearing apart his great and upright image, causing him to fall into the quagmire and be contaminated with countless stenches.

With the trial of Sun Chuanting, a young scholar who relied on the image of his corrupt official father to live in debauchery, eat and drink, and who started in chaos and finally gave up was revealed to the people.

Hou Fangyu will never turn around again.

Looking at Hou Fangyu, whose eyes were dim and completely unconscious, Sun Chuanting waved his hand, and then tried the other three literati!

As the four great talents' countless extravagant styles, debauched lives, sewer affairs, and illegal things... were told, the common people were filled with indignation.

It turns out that this is the life of the upper class!

"Everyone, have you heard what these people said?"

Although it was noisy below, the answer could be heard.

Sun Chuanting nodded: "These young literati are either from prominent backgrounds or have officials in their families. For example, Hou Fangyu's father, Hou Xun, was quite famous in the countryside when he was the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. However, through investigation, we can find that

, this Hou Xun is a corrupt official!"

"Whose money are they after?"

The people below were silent.

One of the arranged shills shouted loudly: "It's our money! He is the son of a corrupt official and a bad person!"

Countless people shouted in unison: "Son of corrupt officials! Son of corrupt officials!"

After hearing these words, Hou Fangyu's face turned pale.

It’s all over!

He has tricked his father and his family into misery!


After the ear-piercing banging sound, the angry scene suddenly fell silent.

Sun Chuanting continued: "Corrupt officials commit heinous crimes. These people harmed the interests of all Ming people during their tenure, so they will definitely be punished."

"I declare that the former Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, Hou Xun, disrupted the government, harmed the interests of the people of the Ming Dynasty, violated the laws of the Ming Dynasty, formed a party for personal gain...corruption...hereby sentenced him to death. Hou Fangyu, the son of the former Minister of the Ministry of Revenue...was sentenced to life-long reform through labor...the other party used



Hou Fangyu and the other three talented men suddenly became as weak as mud!

"Everyone has also seen the harm caused by these corrupt officials." After talking about the culpability of these four people and their family in one breath, Sun Chuanting breathed a sigh of relief: "Once again, I declare that all the people of Ming Dynasty who were persecuted by these people before can come.

The New Army Office will provide clues to recover the lost property."

"In addition, we will collect the unowned land into the Ming Dynasty treasury. People without land can come to claim land and enjoy the same temporary tax exemption rights in terms of taxes."

"Long live!"

Sun Chuanting continued to bang the horn: "There is another more important thing. In order to protect our land, Ming Dynasty specially established a land supervision department. The supervision department was elected by each village and town."

"If the people are oppressed by unscrupulous gentry and have their land annexed, you can appeal to us and we will definitely return the land to you."

"In addition, the Ming Dynasty's new army will recruit again, mainly selecting good family members from the common people... New army soldiers can enjoy tax-free rights..."

The people danced with joy~

The literati below listened to the verdict pronounced by the public trial and the policies described by Sun Chuanting, with complicated expressions, fear and anger.

A scholar whispered: "This Sun Boya actually betrayed us?"

"Brother Chengyun, be careful what you say!"

The scholar's friend pointed to the people around him who were glaring at him.

Countless pairs of hostile eyes made Cheng Yun shudder violently: "So, this is the Ming Emperor's confidence!"

He suddenly realized it!

In the feudal Ming Dynasty, literati were only a small minority.

Ninety percent of the population is composed of mud-legged, lower-legged people who are considered by the literati to be digging in the fields.

During the Ming Dynasty, 90% of the people were twisted into a rope.

Literary man, haha~

The scholar named Chengyun ran away.

He decided never to participate in Confucian activities again!

He wants to study hard and never hear anything outside the window again.

The public trial in Jinling was just an introduction, just the beginning of the great trial.

Sun Chuanting held a public trial in Jinling for a few days and sentenced hundreds of literati, businessmen, and officials to collusion.

After ten days of review, the number of prisoners near Jinling soared to more than 3,000!

Later, Sun Chuanting directly adopted the strategy of pulling out carrots and bringing in mud, and arrested civil and military officials and businessmen around Jinling bit by bit.

As long as your land exceeds a certain amount, as long as someone in your ancestors has been an official, he will definitely be censored.

Sun Chuanting, who was responsible for carrying out the anti-corruption campaign, was directly called Sun King of Hell by the literati in South Zhili.

This chapter has been completed!
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