Chapter 80 The Great Dance Shovel... Long Live (Happy Christmas Eve and Leftover Eggs~)

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When Bian Zhuang defeated Tsarist Russia, a public trial was also held in the Netherlands!

This time, the new King Henry of Prussia served as the on-site commentator and judge!

"These aristocrats in Amsterdam caused horrific massacres in the Far East, killing innocent Han people... They committed heinous crimes. Not only that, they also seized land, raped women, sold black slaves and other issues..."

As the sentences of guilt were pronounced one by one, the Dutch nobles who were being escorted turned pale!

Then, King Henry sent a large number of nobles to the gallows in front of the Dutch people.

As countless nobles were hung from the streets, he then divided up large amounts of land and property among the people of the Netherlands.

Countless landless Dutch people were immediately ecstatic!

"Long live Prussia!"

"Long live His Majesty Henry!"

"No, let's thank the Shovel Squad!"

"Long live the shovel dance! Long live the great shovel dancer..."

When everything is over, Prince Henry also said that he would hire ship-making craftsmen with high salaries.

He also talked about recruiting serfs to sail tens of thousands of miles.

Countless people at the grassroots level are eager to give it a try!

With the cheers of the people, Henry walked off the stage.

He Zhijun in the audience touched his chin and laughed: "This Prince Henry is quite a mobiliser!"

In the past month, Prince Henry has done a lot of things.

For example, Prussia dealt with its internal opponents and consolidated its position. Then it sent the Schwerin Army to conquer the Netherlands, its former ally, and carve up Austria.

Li Ye smiled gently: "It's just taking advantage of our momentum!"

He Zhijun smiled and nodded: "How are Chen Mu and Bian Zhuang doing?"

"Bian Zhuang is waiting for a gift from Tsarist Russia. Chen Mu has already marched into Spain as planned. The news sent by the radio said that he has asked Louis XV to sign the Treaty of Versailles, and Spain will be conquered in half a month at most."

"That's good. How is the spread of books going?"

"It's quite difficult. Western European book production in this era was very poor!"

"Worse than Ming Dynasty?"

Li Ye spread his hands: "Yeah, it's hard to believe that the industrial revolution will happen here in more than ten years."

"Never mind them, let's just make preparations for the voyage!"

These words brought smiles to everyone's faces.

Western Europeans are so enthusiastic!

So far, they have received 11 million gold francs. There are also more than 40 million taels of silver, and food that can feed 100,000 people for two years is also being delivered!

There are also large quantities of steel, gunpowder, weapons, and armor being transported here...

The troops only need practical things! There is no collection of luxuries!

The only luxury item should be sugar, because this stuff can be turned into sugar explosives.

Of course, precious books, calligraphy and paintings are absolutely indispensable.

In order to enrich the culture of "our Qing Dynasty" as much as possible and make the Qing culture more brilliant, the Alien Team has been hiring famous Western European scientists to teach during this period.

For example, the mathematician Leonhard Euler, the French Jean Leland d'Alembert, the French Coulomb, and Lavoisier, Lamarck, who was already a big boss in biology.

Joseph Lagrange, Charles...

Watt and his parents, John Dalton and his father...

We couldn't find Gauss, so we had to invite Gauss's grandfather and parents back.

It’s a pity that Fourier’s parents were not found!

Thinking of the countless local products taken away from Western Europe, and the various talents brought back.

He Zhijun was relieved a lot.

Although teaching writing is difficult, these people are all talented!

In the eighteenth century, there was a real shortage of talents!

Bite the bullet, continue to persist, and let them send more talents to promote cultural exchanges between the East and the West.

Western Europe is friendly and hospitable, and we must repay them!

The alien team gave Western Europeans poker playing methods, such as fighting landlords, playing mahjong, and joining forces to fight against nobles...

For example, various perfume making techniques and various exquisite handicrafts are also revealed.

In addition to this, they also bought handmade works on a large scale. The idea that decades of ingenuity can reach a certain peak was also expressed by the alien team.

The concept of luxury goods such as glass, perfume, and clothing is also being passed on.

There are also theories of wealth, capital and the like.

Of course, there are also books such as Contradiction and Monarch, as well as some small red books!

In short, the staff team worked hard to leave good things in return for the major nobles in Western Europe.

Because we need to bring back a large amount of materials and talents safely.

The alien team needs enough ships, enough crew members and manpower to protect the supplies.

This makes the army extremely large!

In the 18th century, it took a lot of energy to send a team of tens of thousands of people across tens of thousands of miles to reach the Qing Dynasty.

Hygiene, medical treatment, and food all need to be considered!

Speaking of preparations for the voyage, Li Yae frowned: "The number of Western European craftsmen recruited can be appropriately reduced. Hygiene, cleaning and epidemic prevention work for Westerners is really difficult."

When it comes to hygiene, He Zhijun also feels a headache!

"Damn hygiene!"

In the middle of the eighteenth century, Western Europe seemed to be full of vitality, but in fact the environment here was difficult to describe.

The roads here are rugged and mostly narrow, and the buildings are mostly made of stone. Many roads were built by ancient Rome hundreds of years ago!

Everyone knows about the medieval castle environment in Western Europe, but the living environment is even worse.

In terms of food, it’s even more difficult to complain about.

The health status of Western Europeans is also very worrying~

When sailing long distances, hygiene and food are very important.

These days, a medical team led by He Zhijun mainly trains them on health knowledge and then prepares them for various diseases that often occur in the ocean.

Can you imagine that the top doctors here are still obsessed with bloodletting and using human blood to treat aging?

Oh, and mercury can also be used to treat certain sexual diseases such as syphilis!

The Black Death, which occurred in the 16th and 17th centuries, is still causing large-scale outbreaks in certain places!

A few years ago, a certain place in the Netherlands was completely wiped out due to this bacteria.

In addition to this, the disease smallpox is also rampant.

It is hard to imagine that half a century later, many years after the Industrial Revolution, Paris would experience several horrific smallpox epidemics, resulting in a total of hundreds of thousands of deaths.

After they came to Western Europe, they saw too many pockmarked faces and too many unhygienic things.

Poor Western Europeans, some people are actually using their fingers to eat daddy!

The three of them are more hygienic than them.

Apart from this, the food is also very poor.

In order to ensure the nutrition of the expedition team members, Li also prepared a large number of vegetable ditches.

Some common bean sprouts and fruits need to be supplemented properly.

In order to ensure the safe supply of food, the alien team directly sent an engineering team to direct Western craftsmen to build a local factory for the production of glass cans.

The remaining glass canning factory is the last welfare left to the Dutch people.

Sometimes He Zhijun and others regret taking so many people to Wanwan.

But thinking about the numb people of the Qing Dynasty in this era, they must do this.

Because there has been a Renaissance in Western Europe for many years, there are a large number of scientific talents here who have an objective critical spirit and scientific research spirit.

And the Qing Dynasty, which has experienced a hundred years of cultural oppression, is so lacking in talents!


The Qing Dynasty cannot set off fireworks everywhere, they need to crush them with unrivaled strength.

The Qing Dynasty oppressed the people too hard. Although the mobilization ability was good, reducing the casualties of the Qing people as much as possible was the team's first choice.

It's easy to destroy but difficult to build. They have the ability to destroy but they don't have the manpower to build.

Therefore, the Alien Team worked hard to discover Western scientific research talents and skilled craftsmen.

After the mid-Qianlong period, the heavy industry of the Qing Dynasty began to decline.

The quality of craftsmen in the Qing Dynasty was no longer as good as in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

The alien team needs a large number of Western craftsmen and scientists, even if these scientists are foreign devils!

Masters are teachers, and only by absorbing all masters can civilization develop more healthily.

They naturally collected all the scientists who could leave a great reputation in this era.

The craftsmen in Western Europe are quite good. In the early stage of development, using the help of Western European craftsmen can quickly establish an industrial foundation. However, teaching and language communication are more difficult.

However, these Western European craftsmen were taught by Western nobles to be very obedient.

Give them a delicious meal and they will burst into tears of gratitude!

After arriving here, He Zhijun, through various infiltrations and equal treatment of generous supplies, has won the hearts of these humble but smart craftsmen.

As for some Western European geniuses who have been forcibly captured, the psychological counseling team is using all kinds of advanced knowledge to quietly lure them into taking the bait.

Thank you: Chao Yongheng, looking back at the place where I was speechless and choked, the reward of the infinite Gatlin Heavenly Lord and the Luomo Shengxiao!

Thank you so much!

I wish you all a happy Christmas Eve and happy leftover eggs!

I wish the male reader a thousand miles of peach blossoms!

I wish my beautiful female readers will meet me when they go out, and Peng Yuyan will pursue me crazily!

This chapter has been completed!
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