Chapter 1438 Code and Mining

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 "This is also possible." Xu Huo nodded, "But before, he might have been chased and beaten by the guards, but now he might be chased and beaten by the prop man."

Yan Jiayu thought very openly and waved his hands: "C-level dungeon is definitely not that simple. I'm worried that more and more players will find a way to enter the castle. By then, the queen will not be in the mood to watch the show. I will find a servant.

Let’s chat.”

Xu Huo agreed to separate, and the two of them reached a fork in the road and changed directions.

In addition to the guards, the most frequent people in the castle are maids. Although the people in Gem City are willing to help others, Xu Huo, as a strange male, will attract attention once he comes into contact with people, so he did not take the initiative to talk to people, but avoided them.

The workers in the castle walked towards the main castle.

It is illegal to enter other people's houses without invitation. It is not clear whether the owner's consent is required for the castle's houses. Xu Huo did not enter the house, but tentatively used his spiritual power to check the house.

There is nothing special about the building materials of the castle. After the spiritual world is opened, the vertical pupils that replace Xu Huo's eyes can move within the scope of the spiritual world at will.

Choosing a perfect location, he followed the two cleaning servants into the king's study.

The vertical pupil wandered around the room, slid along the wall to the floor, passed through the cleaned floor, and then climbed up on the desk.

A servant was sorting out the books spread out on the table and said, "Hey, the king has written a new law."

"You are not allowed to touch the king's treasure box..." the maid said strangely: "Weren't the gems in the treasure box stolen?"

Another person turned his head and took a look, "Maybe he is afraid of being stolen again, but those thieves are really hateful. They come here once or a second time. Not only has the king fallen ill recently, but even the queen is in a depressed mood."

"What a kind person the queen is, to have to suffer like this because of those damn thieves."

"I really hope we can catch those thieves soon and make the queen and king happy."

The maid standing in front of the desk closed the thick book with the words "Gem City Code" written on it and put it aside, then mentioned the thief that the maid Xiao Si had caught.

"The execution is scheduled for this evening. Do you want to go and see it?"

"Of course I want to go. I have already agreed with the housekeeper and asked her to watch it for me. I will go outside the castle to watch the execution."

Compared with their worries about the physical and mental health of the king and queen, the maids spoke of the execution with joy and joy, and even said meaningfully: "I wonder if someone will come to rob the prison."

After cleaning, the two maids left chatting and laughing.

After the door of the study room was closed again, Xu Huo turned his spiritual power into a flowing black liquid and opened the code on the table.

This code should refer to a complete law book. The first clauses are carefully written and the handwriting is fine. Although it can be seen that the handwriting at the back is from the same person, it is obviously not written together. The time of writing can be seen from the ink.


However, this code is also very consistent with the background of fairy tales. The provisions are simple and clear, but at the same time strange, even a little incomprehensible, especially the recently written ones, "Touch the king's throne without the king's permission", "Make loud noises in the castle without the king's permission"

"Voice", "Cannot pick roses", "Not allowed to enter the king's washroom" and so on.

On the surface, they appear to be legal provisions, but in fact they should be test facts for players. Some of them look normal, while others are mindless, such as "You are not allowed to touch the Queen's dress" and "You are not allowed to wave the toilet brush."


What was written into the code first were small things that would normally be more important, such as gem boxes, code documents, and some things that were more like props were written at the end or not at all... Xu Huo was also very curious.

What players will be more interested in toilet brushes after coming in?

However, this code has a very obvious personal emotion, and perhaps some trivial things are more important in the eyes of the king.

After roughly reading the code, Xu Huo came to the display cabinet next to it. There were many brilliant gems in it. Judging from the rays emitted from the stones, they were not special. The empty box placed in the middle should be the place where the gems were placed.

The box containing the stolen gem was nothing special either.

After going around in a circle, Xu Huo turned his attention out of the study, avoided the maid Xiaosi who came in from the front door, and entered the next room.

This should be an idle lounge. There are a lot of gift boxes and paper materials stuffed in it. I rummaged around for a while. Although I still couldn’t find the relevant map of Gem City, I found several ore mining contracts. It’s Gem City.

The employment contract signed involves transportation issues.

The main transportation in Gem City is animal-drawn vehicles. Judging from the time spent on transportation, the mining area is about two days away from the transit town where the ore is received. However, there is no clear documentation of how the ore is handled in the transit town.

The gem mines in Gem City should have been mined long ago, so the citizens share the gems equally and get rich together. Although these mining documents do not indicate the date, judging from the paper and writing marks, they should be recent.

Xu Huo searched around again and found a lot of such contracts. Some of them were sandwiched between government documents with dates. The approximate time could be estimated. From this look, the mining duration of this mine was not long.


Except for the disappeared craftsmen and a few people who traveled, there was no job recruitment in Gem City, and the residents never mentioned going out to work, let alone mining.

So the king found someone from outside and did not disclose the news of mining to the people?

The new mine and the gems from it are the secrets that the king wants to hide?

Perhaps as Yan Jiayu guessed, the lost ore is special.

"Are you lost?" Xiaosi's voice rang in his ears. Xu Huo turned his head and said apologetically: "I didn't dare to wander around when I got here, but I waited for a long time and no one passed by."

"You are standing in the corner. It is not easy to see the passing guards in this position." Xiaosi said with a smile, "Follow me."

The two of them returned to the wing tower one after another, and soon they met Yan Jiayu and another identical maid Xiao Si.

After the two of them met, Xiao Si, who was taking Yan Jiayu with him, nodded to Xu Huo and left. Xiao Si, who was left behind, would lead the rest of the journey.

Looking at each other, Yan Jiayu winked at Xu Huo, then caught up with Xiao Si and chatted: "You and your sisters look so much alike. If you perform magic, you don't need tools."

Xiao Si pursed her lips and smiled, "Everyone in the castle knows me, so even if I perform it, no one will be surprised."

"Mrs. Liya will see you one hour after lunch. Now please go back to the lounge to eat.

This chapter has been completed!
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