Chapter 1729 Reaching Reconciliation with the Dead

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Xu Huo got a work permit and followed Zhao Yiming and his girlfriend Meng Xiaoman into the residential area.

There will be recorders accompanying them during the free clinic to monitor their behavior throughout the process. Therefore, before entering, Zhao Yiming reminded Xu Huo not to be "impulsive", otherwise he may be hunted down by robots.

This is not a densely populated residential area, so there are not many people in each building. Before entering, you need to register and verify your identity, and state your intention again. Then the residential management center will contact the residents to inform them of their intentions. After the residents are interested in receiving free clinics,

Only then can they enter.

They can only enter one household at a time, and can go to another household only after the free clinic is over. They must sign on the tracking monitor before and after the free clinic.

The ping pong ball-shaped monitor continues to fly around the three points, not only recording their behavior, but also avoiding them when they move, and reminding them in which direction the residents they are about to visit are located, and what kind of knocking method they prefer -

Although all contacts are through one-way communication channels.

After going through a tedious process, they finally saw the first family. There were three people in this family. The old man had been bedridden for several years. After treatment, he could now walk. However, his legs had not fully recovered and he usually needed rehabilitation treatment. This family was a free clinic.

of regular customers.

"The new doctor is here today." The hostess opened the door. She smiled and welcomed Xu Huo and the others in. After pouring them tea, she took out the previous treatment and free clinic records to let them understand the old man's physical condition.


Zhao Yiming and Meng Xiaoman must have a certain understanding of rehabilitation treatment if they can obtain the free clinic qualification certificate. They are responsible for hands-on treatment, and Xu Huo is responsible for speaking and doing some psychological counseling.

The hostess watched the whole process. In order to express her gratitude to them, she personally prepared refreshments for them. She also enthusiastically left their contact information and said that if necessary in the future, she could make a special trip to see them and the cost would not be a problem.

After completing several households in this way, Xu Huo and the other two arrived at Pu Hui's home.

Pu Hui lived alone. He had married a wife and had children in his early years. However, his wife had some genetic problems and the evolution agent did not work well. She died early. The same happened to his son. He has been single since then.

The old man, who looked slightly dull, said to them: "I don't have any treatment records, but I want to consult on some psychological issues."

Zhao Yiming looked at Xu Huo and said, "This teacher Xu is an expert in mental illness. You can ask him any questions you have."

After Pu Hui sat down, he first asked Xu Huo a question, asking him if he had any religion.

This is a two-sided question. The purpose of asking this question is to initially judge whether Xu Huo can resonate with him. However, Xu Huo raised his glasses and said gently and harmlessly: "Don't take this matter seriously, some life

Emotional difficulties can also be regarded as psychological problems. You can treat us as robots that can give certain real feedback, and don’t pay too much attention to us.”

Pu Hui was silent for a moment, and then said: "I didn't believe this when I was young. District 019 is prosperous. Everyone has a long life. Even accidents rarely happen in life. There is no such thing as destiny."

"But then my wife and children died one after another, and two new women I met died in accidents because of me. I began to believe in fate. Everyone must pay for the wrong things they have done for the rest of their lives."

As the saying goes, if a lover makes a mistake, the price he pays is to lose his relatives and friends. What mistakes did his relatives and friends make?

"Which one do you think is more serious, losing your life or living in peace with guilt?" Xu Huo asked him.

"I understand that I am a living person and I am not qualified to say anything." Pu Hui has obviously thought about this issue, "But my living is my punishment, and their death is also my punishment."

"The older I get, the more I can't sleep at night. I'm worried that one day I will die in my sleep with my sins and will not be able to reunite with my wife and children after my death."

"Have you ever committed a big crime?" Meng Xiaoman couldn't help but interjected. Zhao Yiming quickly signaled her to stop talking, but Pu Hui didn't care and continued on with the topic, "I indirectly killed someone.

"Man, there was a mining accident. I was supposed to do the test that day, but I asked an acquaintance to go instead of me, and he died in the accident."

Zhao Yiming and Meng Xiaoman glanced at Xu Huo at the same time. Obviously, this man had nothing to do with the mining accident. It was just because he was lucky enough to survive and had some psychological problems.

Seeing that Xu Huo didn't speak, Meng Xiaoman said again: "With all due respect, you have survivor syndrome. You are not at fault."

These words seemed to touch upon Pu Hui's pain points, and he suddenly became angry, "If I am not wrong, will my wife and children die? If I am not wrong, they should not die!"

Meng Xiaoman was slightly startled, and was about to follow his words to defend him, when she heard Xu Huo next to him say, "Judging from the results, someone did die because of you. Whether you did it unintentionally or intentionally, this cannot be changed."


"I guess your request is not to relieve your inner guilt, but you are worried that this crime will make you and your family unable to have peace after death. Have you ever gone to pay homage to your friend?"

Pu Hui showed an extremely painful expression and slowly reached out to cover his face, "No, not even once..."

This time, both Zhao Yiming and Meng Xiaoman were really shocked. What kind of inconsistency between words and deeds is this? On the one hand, he is suffering in his heart and thinks that what happened to him is retribution for killing others, but on the other hand, he has no intention of atonement. Is he crazy?

Xu Huo's expression remained unchanged, "There must be reasons why you made this choice that cannot be made public, but my suggestion is that you can secretly take care of your friend's family, or find some of his relics, or take photos to talk to in person.

, to ease the mood.”

"Your guilt is directed at your friend. You only need to confess to him alone. Of course, this is not enough to heal your heart, but it may be a good way. If there is a soul after death, your sins will of course be

The lighter the better, if you don't tell me, who will know that you realize you have done something wrong?"

Pu Hui slowly raised his head and looked at him, his eyes a little dull, "Will this allow me to reunite with my wife and children after death?"

"Who knows if you don't try?" Xu Huo pushed the water glass in front of him, "You can't reach reconciliation with yourself, maybe because you haven't tried to reach reconciliation with your friends."

Pu Hui looked at the water glass, then slowly picked it up, "What you said makes sense."

Xu Huo stood up at this time, "Then let's say goodbye first."

Zhao Yiming and Meng Xiaoman followed them out, "Why don't you take the opportunity to ask something? I feel like this person knows a lot." ()

This chapter has been completed!
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