Chapter 1752 Connected

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After talking about some unrelated topics, Xu Huo asked what the relationship between this treasure of the museum and "Ember" was.

"This involves the naming process here." The tour guide said: "Originally, our place was just a small town. As a small town, you can choose any name and use it. However, a large number of amber fossils were discovered at that time.

When it becomes prosperous, everyone suggests coming up with a nice name."

"There were many names listed at that time. Just when everyone was undecided, a man named Enbo discovered a large piece of amber, which made the town famous. Everyone decided to use his name as the town name.

The old mayor at that time was a little hard of hearing, so he didn’t know how to write it as Ember. Once he had written it, everyone just made the mistake.”

"This is too hasty." The short man couldn't help but sigh.

"At that time, everyone was happy and didn't care about these small details." The tour guide waved his hand, "But the mayor who took office later also felt that the name was careless, so he changed the name again after Zi Amber appeared. Jiu Sang was the number one at that time.

The name of the man who discovered purple amber."

Anyway, this experience sounds a bit bizarre, but it is also convincing in a different way. Then the tour guide took them to see the paper documents preserved by the city government - these paper documents have been publicly displayed as a means of attracting customers.

For more than ten years, it states that the town is named after the person who first discovered large-scale amber.

However, the record says "Enbo", but the accidental migration from "Enbo" to "Embel" mentioned by the director was not recorded.

Many people came to see these paper documents, and the tour guide's words were widely circulated. However, the evidence was not sufficient. After reading it, most people became more convinced that the people in Jiusang City were lying.

Twisting "Enbo" into "Embel" to attract tourists.

"I swear what I said is absolutely true..."

"I swear what I said is absolutely true. If I tell lies, my whole family will be killed!"

Before the tour guide finished his oath, another tour guide less than ten meters away from them swore to the guests, and the gesture of laying down the money seemed to say that those who didn't believe him were not allowed to do so.

"It's just to make money, there's no need to involve the whole family." The tourist patted the tour guide on the shoulder.

There was laughter all around.

The tour guide standing next to Xu Huo couldn't continue talking. He smiled and prepared to take them to the "witness test" session.

The first is the physical evidence, and the next is the witness. There are many elderly people in Jiusang City, and the people they want to visit are mainly the people who worked in the town government at that time.

Everyone was more interested in hearing what the witnesses had to say than physical evidence, so there were more people here. When Xu Huo and others arrived, the room was packed with players.

Among them are two or three people who have been seen in Tintin Flower Town. However, Xu Huo has changed his appearance and appearance many times. People who have seen him before can no longer recognize him. They are all players, and everyone is both a companion and a

He was a competitor, so as soon as he entered, many people looked at him secretly, and it took a few seconds for someone to make room for him to enter.

To let him in, the tour guide and ordinary people had to wait in the courtyard outside the door.

Xu Huo leaned against the wall and listened to the old people telling each other the origin of the name "Enbel".

There is no doubt that the name "Ember" comes from the first person to discover large amber fossils. The town at that time was far smaller than it is today and was surrounded by mountains. In the subsequent expansion of the city, some buildings that were not difficult to bulldoze were

The hillside has been shoveled away, but the place that gave birth to the two names "Ember" and "Jiusang" is still preserved. It is still a tourist hotspot, but the mountain that produced purple amber was replaced in the 50s.

It collapsed a long time ago and was left unattended. It was not until the "Embel Girl" wave started more than ten years ago that locals and outsiders reopened the mountain.

Of course, these mines that once produced amber fossils are still hot spots for tourists, but locals are not interested in them much anymore.

These are all about "Ember", and there is no mention of "girl".

Players have props and instruments to detect lies, which may not be effective against players, but ordinary people can use them accurately, so the people of Jiusang City cannot tell lies, and they cannot make up a "girl", whether it is mining ore or in the end.

The polishing of amber or the sale of amber are all done by adults with certain experience. There is no such thing as minors. At most, they just sneak in and play, but there are few accidents. The only time it caused a big fuss was

A group of children fought in the mine and beat each other black and blue. Not many women could be counted who participated in it. Some of them, even though they were girls at the time, now have children and grandchildren. They have never interacted with Master Solan in their lives.

, naturally there is no way to know whether the "Embel Girl" is related to him.

As for the man named "Enbo", he died a long time ago, and his residence was bulldozed during the subsequent expansion of the city, leaving no trace whatsoever.

After Xu Huo listened to this story, he checked the time. Mr. Yue said that Funiu Village's old neighbor, Enbeier Town, was also a poor place at that time. The title of "poor place" should still be there when Xiaxi Duolaiti disappeared.

Preservation, it is not easy to build a big city, and it is impossible to mine amber fossils overnight, so "Ember Town" should have been preserved for a period of time until purple amber was discovered a few years later and was renamed "Wine Mulberry".

Although the time is not very precise, it is roughly correct. What is more noteworthy is that "Ember Town" was not wealthy before the name was changed. Before that, there must have been people who left their hometown to work. Compared with "Ember Town", "Ember Town" was more honest and honest.

There are many amber mine accidents in gem mines in other places.

If this is the case, then the disappearance of Xia Xi Dolati is very likely to be related to "Ember Town".

We don’t know the whole story of the mining accident, nor do we know the retaliation of the victims’ families and insiders against the district government and the mining group. We don’t even know that the mining group will specifically suppress the families of some victims, and that the government deliberately delays the decision to keep it secret for ten years.

It is difficult to connect this information together after the disappearance of Xiaxi Duolaiti for more than 20 years.

"Ember" may refer to "Ember Town", and "Girl" refers to "Xiaxi Doleti". If Ember or someone in Ember Town is an avenger like the blind old lady,

So it is not impossible for the two to cooperate, and why Master Solan is involved, it is either because of her father or the blind old lady who treats her like a grandson. These people and things seem to be completely different and have no connection with each other.

At this time, they were connected through the hidden line of "man-made mining disasters".

This chapter has been completed!
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