Chapter 2023 Worm

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People who saw this scene were shocked, how could the alien species reach such a level? Let alone ordinary hallucinations, even with props that can bring the dead back to life, under any circumstances, the player will never commit suicide easily!

"What's going on? There's no rain on him, and even his shoes have been changed. If something affects him, why are we all fine? Can we still circle places at will due to mental interference?" After being surprised, the players became angry.

Look, they are all advanced players. Even if they don't understand, they can read some relevant news. When can mental interference be achieved point-to-point? If it is so easy, then wouldn't the detection equipment be useless?

"What if it's really possible?" asked a voice in the corner.

What if it’s really possible?

"In this crappy game, I won't be surprised if a ghost appears in front of me one day." The high ponytail shrugged, and then he put the prop around his neck and put it on his chest, "I don't want to die unknown.

Not white."

Other players also added protective props to some extent, but just as they were about to carry the body to the carriage area at the back, the window-blocking player from the ten carriages quietly came behind the veterinarian, transformed a short knife in his hand and stabbed the opponent's side.

Lower back.

After the defensive barrier popped up automatically, the veterinarian immediately turned around and kicked it away, "What are you doing!"

When the window-blocking player flew into the car window, a series of glass beads fell from his body. Before everyone could react, the glass beads exploded one after another, directly lifting the entire ten carriages, including the windows and the materials used to seal the windows outside.

They were all deformed by the explosion. The players evaded in time and were not seriously injured. The worst situation was the player who blocked the window. He had no protection at all during the explosion, and all his clothes and skin were blown off.

On the first floor, the whole person was lying in the corner covered with blood.

No one else came forward, they all wanted to see if the person was still crazy after being blown up like this.

But within seconds everyone discovered that the person had expired.

"What kind of alien species is this!" Huang-hair couldn't help scratching his head, "It's so weird, it's everywhere, but you can't catch it!"

The rain outside flowed in through the broken car window, water droplets splashed everywhere, and the body was also soaked.

The players in the tenth carriage were ready to retreat to the eleventh carriage, but as soon as the door opened, they found that Xu Huo had already walked to the door.

His condition was much better than yesterday, and he looked less tired. He walked past the crowd and walked directly to the player who blocked the window, and used a glass tube to absorb the blood flowing from the corpse and seal it.

"Is there something wrong with the water?" The red scarf frowned, "But we have checked the water on the corpse and it is not adulterated with other substances."

"What you are examining is water long after a person's death. If the alien body is close to water, or most of it is water, and it will change state within a certain period of time, ordinary instruments should not be able to detect it." Xu Huo

After that, he took a few more pipes of water from the dripping ceiling, but each pipe was not full.

"This is a good idea," White Suit also came behind, "If the alien form is really close to water, it may be scattered everywhere after being soaked in heavy rain. If they are reproduced from tiny individuals, then these

The amount of water taken out will also increase over time.”

After speaking, he also took some water and kept it.

Carriage Ten was scrapped, and now was not the time to repair it, so the remaining people in Carriage Ten and several players in Carriage Nine were all transferred to Carriage Eleven.

"It's crowded enough." The female fortune teller said, using her eyes to hint to others to move back, but everyone ignored it.

No one was taking Xu Huo's seat. After he sat down, he carefully observed the water in the glass tube.

Perhaps because of the dispersion of mental power, he did not notice anything wrong with the water that drowned the players before, but the spinal cords of several people who were dissected were damaged, indicating that something had sneaked into their bodies. The players all thought that the alien species must be a whole, and from the window

Judging from the holes in it, the volume would not be smaller no matter how much it changed, so they naturally ignored what they saw in front of them.

If the so-called alien species is made of some kind of substance and its state changes as the environment changes, then the slowly growing spiritual power would also make sense.

The water contained in the glass tube is in this state now.

It was obvious that the power in the glass tube was stronger than the surroundings. Xu Huo was about to pick it up and take a closer look when a voice in a white suit suddenly came from the car in front, "Found it!"

The players were attracted and found out that Bai Sui had used a microscope to observe the changes in water composition and found that a very tiny bug was mixed in. Although there were many impurities in the water, their growth ability was the strongest.

After swelling, they will soon split into two, and most of their bodies are transparent. They die in pieces. After death, their internal organs will quickly fade and be washed away by the water overflowing from the body.

These little bugs are reproducing all the time, and of course they are dying all the time, so their state always looks like water that is not completely clean.

"Could it be that the giant thing we first saw moving outside the car window was also made of bugs?" Gao Ponytail couldn't believe it. "They only showed one side and then disappeared...and they reproduce so fast. Could it be that the rain outside was all those bugs?"


This speculation sounds absurd and somewhat reasonable, otherwise it cannot explain why those bugs did not gather again, and they targeted people on the train. This habit makes sense.

"That's it. It's been raining all day. Aren't bugs everywhere?" The man in the tie said from behind. "Pourting pesticides by the bucket may not kill them all!"

"Just burn it on fire." Someone suggested.

It is difficult to experiment with burning. There is no light near the track. Once the car lights up, it is not known whether it will cause new troubles. The players did not use lighting props when they took turns to go out.

You can try insecticides.

However, bugs are so small that they are hard to catch with the naked eye. Even if players frequently change their protective clothing, it is difficult to tell that they are not carrying them. If they cannot kill one, they may split into more in a short while, so everyone has to change their protective clothing collectively.

Then they all moved to the carriage at the back.

Perhaps the insecticide had an effect. Within half an hour after it was put out, even the rain outside had become lighter.

"The rain really comes from insects." The female fortune teller looked outside through the small slit in the window, "This shouldn't be considered a heterogeneous species, right? I don't know what kind of insects it evolved from, and there is no relevant information found on Under Dimension.


Xu Huo, who was also standing by the window, didn't say anything. He frowned: something was wrong, the insecticide had taken effect, why did he feel a stronger pressure than before.

After a slight hesitation, he still let go of the spiritual world. However, just as his spiritual vision expanded to the surroundings, a huge pressure suddenly fell from the sky - the next second, Xu Huo's figure disappeared into the spiritual portal! ()

This chapter has been completed!
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