Chapter 2187 Survival Copy

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The two players sitting at the table next to him did not deny it, which was regarded as acquiescing to Xu Huo's statement.

"Are you stranded, or are you willing to stay here?" Xu Huo asked again, but after he finished speaking, he added, "It doesn't matter what the reason is."

If they stay for a long time, players in other areas will have to side with the players in this area, otherwise they will face high-risk dungeons that are much more dangerous than this area.

But looking at the expressions of these two people, it didn't look like they were being forced to do anything.

Without continuing the topic, Xu Huo said instead: "Tomorrow we will go to the next satellite city. If you feel that I cannot be trusted, you can persuade A Hai to act with you."

After dinner, he went back to the hotel to sleep.

Huang Mao and his party came back in the middle of the night. The player who entered the temple for the second time still did not get "recognition" and no pattern appeared on his arm, so he planned to try in other cities tomorrow.

They didn't get up until they had breakfast the next morning. During this time, a local man did come to talk to Ah Hai, but he left again soon after.

"Why don't you go with them?" Huang Mao, who was at the same table, asked, "Compared to players from other areas, your compatriots are more trustworthy."

"That's different." Ah Hai whispered: "When you go out, not everyone you meet is trustworthy."

Although the town is closed, it has been broadcast on the news that some players from outside areas will pretend to be people from this area to cheat. Intersex people are common here, but they are rare in other areas, so if you don’t care about anything else, there are just people.

The value of plunder.

If the traffic between cities is smooth, Ahai would prefer to travel alone.

"So you trust us?" Huang Mao patted him on the shoulder, "Friend, because of your trust, I will definitely send you to the Holy Land. I have to go anyway, and it will be more fun to be with you!"

"But when you get to the next city, you must remember what you saw in the Kouwen Hall. Then tell me about it and I will refer to it."

"Hey, why do the locals all have flowers and our turn has eyes? How about I try pretending to be a local next time?"

"Do you think no one has tried it?" The player who failed twice was named Ding Jiang. His face has never looked good. "Even if it succeeds, it will still have an eye pattern. The goddess can clearly distinguish the people in this area from the outside area."


"The goddess cannot be omniscient and omnipotent." Huang Mao said: "This is a copy, and it is not the world of gods."

"Otherwise, I can be called a goddess." Another player, Fei Xun, answered, "I have been searching for information about this dungeon under the dimension for several days, but I have gained nothing."

"It stands to reason that there is only one copy here, and there will definitely be people who have cleared it, but no one has said how."

"If you survive the dungeon, it will be good if you can get out alive," Ding Jiang said: "How do you care about how to clear the level?"

"Do you know the true content of the dungeon?" Huang Mao was surprised, "Don't you have to enter the Holy Land Temple to actually trigger the dungeon?"

"I used some tricks to get it out of the mouths of the players in this area." Ding Jiang paused, "But don't expect too much, this is the only thing I know."

But this is actually enough. Everyone has gone into the Satellite City's Kouwen Hall. Everyone has a different experience of what's going on inside. If this is a survival dungeon, then you are most likely to be mentally tortured in the Holy Land Temple. You can survive until you pass the level.


"Aren't there any specific clearance requirements?" Huang Mao looked around, "With so many players from other areas, there must be a few stranded here."

"Do you think the players who are stranded here will want those who come after them to pass the level?" Fei Xun raised his eyebrows, "I'm afraid they will still get in among the rest of us and hold us back."

This is true. In public, they can't just find a player to attack. If they are expelled because of this, it will be even more difficult.

"Spend some money to buy news." Huang Mao fiddled with the city network for a while, "We just want to know the customs clearance requirements, nothing else. There should be someone willing to earn this money."

The other two people did not stop him, but they knew very well that this was actually what Xu Huo said yesterday. Whether entering the dungeon or staying in the dungeon, it was a process of contradiction and compromise.

If you want to start clearing the level, you have to enter the temple, walk through the Hall of Inquiry, and get the stamp pattern. This is a process of compromise, and players have to put down their guard in order to clear the level.

The same goes for stranded players. The more times they enter the temple, the greater the impact they will receive. The failure of these people to pass the level itself shows that they know very little about the dungeon. If they continue to be brainwashed, they may be almost as good as the believers here.

But it doesn’t matter if you try.

After dinner, they were going to the next satellite city. Xu Huo still took A Hai, Huang Mao, Ding Jiang, and Fei Xun with him. Each of them had their own teleportation tools and their estimated arrival locations were different, so they made an appointment to meet at the temple.

After the three people left first, Xu Huo asked Ah Hai if he wanted to play for another day.

"I have already been to several places I want to go to." Ahai was very satisfied, "But you have not been recognized by the divine envoy. You may not be able to enter the Holy Land Temple by then. Will it have a big impact on you?"

"It's okay if you don't go in. I'm not a clear player either." Xu Huo said.

Ah Hai was stunned for a moment, "Then you are still with Huang Shuai and the others?"

Huang Shuai is Huang Mao’s self-reported name.

"It's not that I want to go with them, it's them who came to me on their own initiative." Xu Huo said, "The road is upturned, so I can't help but let them follow me."

Ah Hai was speechless for a moment, but after a moment he said: "Wouldn't it be good to lie to them like this? If they become angry, you can't defeat three of them."

"Those who want to pass the level don't have that much time." Xu Huo took out the teleportation tool.

Soon the two of them arrived at the next satellite city. They did business first and went directly to the government building to get the seal stamped. Then Ah Hai entered the temple and brought out the second pattern. There was no other plan for the rest of the day, just to play.

Huang Mao and the other three were teleported to somewhere unknown, and they were not there when Ahai walked out of the temple. Xu Huo didn't mean to wait for them, and went straight to the first scenic spot according to the travel guide.

I have to say that the atmosphere in the city where the Goddess Cult is practiced is very good. Even if Xu Huo is from outside the district, there are local people helping him along the way. When he reaches the scenic spots, everyone will take the initiative to let him go first because he is injured, and

They will not be treated differently based on their status as players.

However, the two players last night kept their promise and actually found themselves nearby again - even though they had changed their faces and outfits, the color and size of the numbers on their heads had not changed much, and it was difficult not to notice them.


When Ah Hai participated in the game project, Xu Huo bought two bottles of water for them, "Does every player from outside the area have to stare at it like this?"

This chapter has been completed!
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