Chapter 2200 Sinner

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Xu Huo went to an old hospital, found a retired doctor, and asked her about the descendants of players from other areas who were born in this area.

This division has been around for a long time. It stands to reason that the stranded players from the outer region can give birth to at least two or three generations. If it is the same as what some players from the outer region said, it is normal for the majority of children from the outer region and the local region to be combined.

So now there should be some players with normal development in this division.

"Yes, yes, but people from other areas don't trust our hospitals here. Their children are rarely sent to the hospital for treatment." The old doctor thought for a while and then said: "Some people have said that children from other areas only need to be raised well.

They are all very healthy and don’t get sick very often. Maybe it’s because they have been taking evolution agents since they were very young.”

"If you want to know more about these children, you can go to the temple and ask."

"People in this district believe in the Goddess. Even if they marry people from outside the district, they will not change their beliefs. If they don't tell the hospital about their situation, they will tell the Goddess."

"In the years you have been practicing medicine, you should have seen the descendants of players from other areas." Xu Huo said: "They have inherited the genes of people in this area. Do they still retain two sets of reproductive systems? Does this have an impact on their lifespan?


It’s not that the old lady doesn’t know the situation at all. She has been practicing medicine for so many years, and there are always examples among her relatives, friends or neighbors.

"I have only seen two or three grown up," she said: "Although they are not bisexual, they are all in good health. As for whether their life span will be affected, I don't know... Most people who become players die.

It’s in the game.”

"It is not easy for people from other districts to have children with people from this district. Children with incomplete bisexuality can hardly survive, and the survival rate is lower than that of people from this district. Most of the children sent to the hospital for treatment are children like this."

The old lady sighed, "That's why I advocate not marrying people from outside the district. Even if you do get married, it's best not to have children. Only by trying your luck can you give birth to healthier children. And those with poor health will not be able to bear children for half a year."

He will die when he arrives. The children are pitiful, and so are the adults."

This is different from the conversation that Xu Huo overheard before. According to the players stranded in other areas, the proportion of normal children is relatively high, but there are fewer bisexual children. Of course, it is possible that the number of cases in the hospital is relatively concentrated, and the number of children born

For normal or healthy children, most players from outside areas will not send them to the hospital.

The old doctor couldn't get the hospital's information here, so Xu Huo went to the dean's office again to find out the medical information of players from outside areas that had been recorded in the past fifty years - it's not easy for players from outside areas to hide their identities, but

It is not ruled out that normal children born in this area later changed their names, so the information in the data is very limited.

Of course, it is not that there are no cases of players from outside areas sending their children to the hospital for examination. There are nine pieces of information indicating that one of the parents is from outside areas. The children born to these nine pairs of parents are all normal, and only one complete set of genes is found in the body.

reproductive system.

Of course, these children who were born in the hospital never came to the hospital again.

It is easy for people from other areas to change their identities, but not all people from this area have changed. Based on the medical records of three hospitals, Xu Huo found a person from this area who had given birth to a normal child for a player from another area.

This was a woman who no longer lived at the original address. He expanded the search scope and found the person at a clinic a few blocks away from the address left by the hospital.

The small clinic is funded by the government. It treats patients who are inconvenient to move but do not need long-term hospitalization. The woman is the nurse in this small clinic. When Xu Huo walked to the door, he happened to see a patient.

He beat her wildly, but the woman did not resist. She just held her head and was beaten silently. Upon seeing this, the other two doctors and nurses in the clinic hurriedly came over and pulled the patient away. Facing the patient, who was not having a seizure, they looked at the woman angrily, but

When I saw the fingerprints on her face, I had no more words to say.

"Hurry up and apply the medicine." The doctor said in a rough voice.

Another young nurse calmed the patient and then came over and took her to the back room to apply medicine.

"Really, why are you standing there and letting her slap you!" the young nurse said angrily: "Although the goddess told us to be friendly to others, she didn't tell us to use our faces to receive slaps from others."

"She is a patient. People who are sick are in bad mood. She didn't mean it." The woman lowered her head and said.

"She did it on purpose!" The young nurse slapped the ointment on the table. "Didn't you see that she was targeting you on purpose? She was in a bad mood every time you changed the ointment. Why didn't you see her taking the ointment?


The woman's head lowered, "...I deserve it..."

The young nurse was angry and couldn't argue. When the doctor outside called her, she had no choice but to stuff the medicine into the woman's hand, "It's almost time to get off work anyway. You go back first. I'll help you with the night shift tonight."

The woman raised her head and wanted to say something, but the young nurse hurried out.

After standing there for a moment, the woman slowly put the medicine back on the table, changed her coat, picked up a small cloth bag and left through the back door.

After leaving the clinic, the woman went to the nearby market to buy two vegetables and then walked to a more remote alley. Most of the people living here were old people, and the whole alley was lifeless.

No one greeted the woman, and the woman lowered her head and did not look at others. The looks around her were mixed with some displeasure, but no one made things difficult for her. When the woman reached her residence at the deepest part of the alley, she bent down and picked up the door corner.

I don't know who put the bread, so I looked around blankly, then put it in another place, and went in alone.

After the door closed, the door next door opened, and an old lady poked her head out to take a look, then came over and took the bread back in a muttering voice.

The woman's living quarters were very small. The kitchen, bedroom, and living room were all crowded together. Without tables and chairs, it was almost impossible to turn around in the room. She sat there numbly for a while, then boiled the vegetables in water and ate the remaining rice for dinner.


Cooking in silence, eating in silence, then washing dishes and cleaning, then sitting on the bed and staring at the wall numbly until the sunlight outside dimmed.

When the room was shrouded in darkness, the woman took action. She pulled out a box from under the bed, took out the photos inside and slowly touched them. The long-term numbness made her even weak in grief. Her fingers repeatedly touched the faces on the photos.

After rubbing it for a while, she lay down holding the photo. Tears flowed down her cheeks and into her hair. When she was half asleep, she seemed to see the goddess appearing in front of her.

"Goddess... I know I was wrong. Please punish me alone for any sin... Forgive my children and lover, and don't let them suffer anymore..." The woman slowly knelt on the ground and began to repent.


This chapter has been completed!
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