Chapter 814 The skill of the staff

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 The scenery near the track is almost unchanged, there is no wind, and there is no sound of any animals and plants. It is beautiful and quiet like a drawing.

It was almost eight o'clock in the evening at this time. Darkness near the track does not have a normal process of sunset and sunrise. The switch from day to night may be a matter of seconds.

"Do you think there will be alien species here after dark?" a female player asked.

"No way." Someone said: "Isn't there water around here? Unless the alien species can swim, or has the function of a fish, but as far as I know, the combat power of the alien species that can degrade to this point is not very strong."

"No matter what, let's not light the lights at night." The old man in the same carriage as Xu Huo said, "This way everyone will be safe."

No one objected.

In less than twenty minutes, the bright sky suddenly turned dark, transitioning to complete darkness within a few seconds.

"It's so dark," Yan Jiayu said.

Even the players could only judge the position of other people based on their breathing and the wind caused by movement. In order not to cause unnecessary disputes, everyone chose to stay in their original position.

Xu Huo was on the side. To the left of him and Yan Jiayu were the male card players who were playing cards in the same carriage today. Because they left early, they occupied the middle position among the three carriages, and everyone survived.

On the right are the old man and the woman knitting, the two female players, and beyond that are the people in other carriages. The injured player and the middle-aged woman are in the middle.

After experiencing what happened before, everyone naturally feels that the middle is safer than the edge, so the middle is denser and the two sides are looser.

The track is not much wider than the train carriage, so it is not safe to sit with your back to back or face to face. Most people choose the center of the track, and no other players are allowed in front or behind.

Looking forward along the track, Xu Huo saw a female player taking out a piece of dried meat to eat.

The sound of chewing and the subtle taste attracted the attention of people around her. Some players subconsciously looked in her direction. The female player also realized it and said with a smile: "Is anyone hungry?"

It is normal for there to be cannibal players in the car. No matter how righteous a person is at this time, it is impossible for her to take action. Everyone was silent. The female player snorted and continued to eat by herself.

But soon, the demeanor of two or three people in the team changed, and in the darkness they looked at the people sitting next to them with coveted and intoxicated expressions.

In just a few minutes, the atmosphere became tense.

"Ta!" With a sound, a light suddenly lit up in the middle of the track. The strong lighting instantly covered a radius of nearly a hundred meters. The traffic conductor using lighting props patted the light: "Don't worry, everyone, there are no alien species nearby.

, because the living environment of the space that the orbit passes through is very harsh, even if cannibalistic alien species come in, they will starve to death, and lighting will not bring any danger."

One player suddenly stood up, "You think so? What if the alien species around here are not dead? If we really attract the alien species, are you going to drag us along and bury them together?"

The other players didn't say anything because the staff around the traffic conductor all looked at the male player.

"Idiot, you don't even want to die because of your stuttering." A player wearing a skull cap mocked.

The traffic conductor must know the situation around the track better than the players, and they can't walk. If they dare to turn on the lights with confidence, it means there is no risk, or the risk is very small and they can handle it. In this case, everyone is safe if they turn on the lights. What does it mean to block?

Aren't you just asking for it?

"What did you say!" The player turned around.

"You're an idiot," the cap player said with a smile, "No one else objects to turning on the lights, but you're the only one bluffing. Do you want to do something while others can't see you? Or are you too hungry to make sense?"

A pink-haired female player playing the game next to her looked up and said, "Man-eating players should keep their tail between their legs. Haven't you learned it yet?"

The player sneered and then raised his finger to point at Pink Hair. It was not clear what prop he used, but a pink bubble barrier was erected beside Pink Hair. The barrier was hit by an invisible force and a small

Whirlpool, the next moment, the male player's feet were pierced by iron awls drilled out of the ground!

The male player let out a scream, then pulled out his legs, grabbed four different props with both hands, and was about to throw them at the pink hair, when he was blocked by a transparent cylinder with water droplets coming down from the back cover.

It was like a gel. When the male player put it on, he became a standing model. He only saw his eyes moving to the side with difficulty, and then blood spattered all over his body. He changed from a complete human to a

Bloody man with blisters.

It looks like the person has been squeezed flat.

The transparent cylinder was put away, and standing behind him was a train staff member.

The train conductor said meaningfully: "Everyone who can work on the train has a special skill."

This time no one came to force anyone. Everyone just sat there and rested, including the female player who was eating arrogantly.

"The staff on the train must have been players before." Yan Jiayu said: "I don't know how they got on the train."

"I heard that the people who can work on the train are all experienced wormhole players who have undergone long-term training," the old man explained. "Those wormhole players entered the game early, and many of them were born in the game world.

All I know is the world of superpowers, so I’m not opposed to it at all. Working on the train is just like applying for a job before I was a gamer.”

"Isn't this repulsive?" The unlucky male player came over and said, "The game world is completely abnormal, right? No one is resisting?"

"If you think about the world in the past, you will understand. Everyone is accustomed to it. When something is unfair, only a few people will dispute it. Most people just want to live." The old man said: "It doesn't matter whether it was before or now."

The difference is that maybe people used to be used to petty thefts, but now they are used to murders.

The general environment is like this.

"It would be great if there were no games." The unfortunate Xiang sighed: "I used to stay up late every day playing games, but now I almost get sick when I hear the word game."

"You are still young. Who knows what will happen in the future?" The old man said with a smile: "The terminal illness in the past is no different from a common cold now. People like me who are dying can live for at least ten or twenty years.

No way to tell for sure."

"When was the first game born?" Xu Huo interjected, "Was it a century ago?"

The old man shook his head slightly, "I don't know about that, but I heard that there is a game partition in C9 Wormhole Point that is very particular about time. The craftsmen who make clocks there will record the time for generations. Maybe they know the origin of game time."

This chapter has been completed!
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