Chapter 966 SE Virus Incident

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 "What you said is so pitiful is that everyone has compassion." Xu Huoyi pointed out.

Gao Zhen didn't care much about his opinion. Today he walked into this office, and all the players on the law enforcement team witnessed it with their own eyes. It didn't matter how he left or whether he could leave. A corpse was the best proof.

"The SE virus incident is not complicated, I just don't know what you want to know."

The old lady pulled up her chair, sat down, and began to tell the whole story.

Of course it starts with Luo Changren.

Luo Changren was born in the W01 base city. Although he worked in several laboratories during this period, he was always committed to researching better evolutionary agents. Although this subject seems difficult, human beings' desire is endless. After learning about the evolutionary agent in the game and

Under not so good circumstances, the base station certainly needs good evolution agents more urgently than other game divisions. Even if Luo Changren becomes a monk halfway, there are still people willing to support him.

Especially after he proposed the development of a genetically optimized evolution agent, even though all the base cities were opposed to it, in fact base city 01 was behind him. Otherwise, he would not have been able to leave the W37 base station so smoothly. In name, he was "escape".

”, in fact, it was just money from 01 Base City to give away tickets, so that he could go to a game zone with better conditions to conduct research.

Of course, Luo Changren lived up to his trust and quickly brought back the potion.

But whether the medicine is useful still needs to be tested, so Base City 01 naturally handed over the matter to him and sent him and a group of experimenters to Base City 06. Then the SE virus broke out from a child.

Base City 06 fell quickly, and Luo Changren also fled back to Base City 01.

Of course, the matter will not end here. Many people who participated in the experimental project in Base City 06 ran away, but in the end they did not escape capture. They will be punished as they should be. As for the source of the matter, Luo Changren and those who protected him.

01 Base City eventually became the target of public criticism.

01 Base City originally wanted to carry it, but it was difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, so in the end they had to compromise.

As for the original samples leaked during this period, I don’t know whether it was in 06 or 01, or both.

And Luo Changren did not know all the inside information as he thought. He was actually taking the blame for Base City 01.

01 Base City has long had plans to weaken other base cities, and related drugs and viruses have been under research until Luo Changren brought back the evolution agent specifically for W37 Base Station. 01 Base City conducted experiments behind his back and transferred the laboratory to

The virus and medicine under study were successfully fused, which means that the evolution agent modified by Base Station 01 has actually turned into a virus. As for whether this virus can affect human genes, it cannot be evaluated, and it has nothing to do with Base City 01.

They don't intend to use it on themselves.

I believe it would be difficult for anyone to refuse a genetically targeted evolution agent, so 01 Base City chose 06 Base City as the first location.

The result is that the virus mutates faster than people imagined. Base City 01 originally wanted to use this thing to kill players in other base cities, but most of the people who died were ordinary people.

When the virus outbreak was coming to an end, other base cities announced the identification results of the genetic evolution agent. The truth was that what Luo Changren brought back was not a genetically optimized evolution agent for the W37 base station race, but a genetic destruction agent.

Potion, after using this potion, the evolutionary genes in a person's body will mutate, making them no longer suitable for evolution, and will be passed on to future generations.

This medicine must be taken directly or injected to be effective. It is not clear whether the SE virus has this effect, because the time is too short, so Gao Zhen let Luo Changren leave and asked him to find a way to save the future of W37 base station, and each

The base city built a bird tower to spread the antidote.

However, the bird tower was not used later, because the SE virus had little impact on players, and ordinary people who seemed to have no talent were dispensable.

"Two years ago, my laboratory has determined from those who survived the infection that the SE virus will not affect future generations." Gao Zhen finally said.

"Luo Changren doesn't know about this? Why don't you tell him directly?" Xu Huo asked.

It’s hard to tell whether Gao Zhen’s smile is real or fake, “Always leave people with some hope.”

Xu Huo was silent for a moment, then said: "Since the SE virus is not so powerful, where did Luo Changren's vaccine come from?"

"After a few years of separation, I just met him today." Gao Zhen showed with his attitude that he was not very interested in this matter. Even though the developer of the gene evolution agent was the source of the current situation of W37 base station, the other party obviously should not

It has an intersection with W37 Base City. As for the ancestral genes that may be in the hands of others... I am powerless.

"After the last SE virus outbreak, didn't Luo Changren explain who gave him the evolutionary agent?" It was a bit difficult for a pharmacist who was halfway to become a monk to develop an evolutionary agent with gene attack capabilities within a year, not to mention that he later

When we go out to find a vaccine, we obviously have a precise target person.

"Only Luo Changren has seen him. I heard that his surname is Zhang and he is a doctor." Gao Zhen's voice trailed off, "He should be a very powerful person..."

At the end of the sentence, the old lady sitting in the chair lowered her head slightly and closed her eyes permanently, while her detector lit up.

Using the silencer before the machine sounded the alarm, Xu Huo dialed Gao Xiaoyan's communication device and reminded her first, "Find a place where no one else can see you to answer the phone."

Gao Xiaoyan took a breath and said, "Something happened to her?"

"Don't rush in," Xu Huo said, "I have recorded and saved the conversation between Mayor Gao and Luo Changren, as well as the conversation with me. Your drama has just begun. You don't want this miscarriage to be in vain."

"Mayor Gao just didn't say a word about his term being expired."

Gao Xiaoyan gritted his teeth and shouted: "What do you want to do?"

"So far, I have not done anything to harm W37. It is also your breach of contract between you and me. If you don't kill the living samples at the training base, there will be nothing later."

Xu Huo, the person who killed the living sample, has a general target. Gao Xiaoyan did not pursue him fiercely at the training base. This is evidenced by the fact that Gao Zhen was tested just now and clearly came to the conclusion: she knew the inside story of this incident and could not do it.

He watched the virus enter the base city, but he had no choice but to shoot, so he passively resisted when he forcibly took away the alien corpse.

I believe that she is so conflicted not only because of her conscience, but also out of obedience to Gao Zhen. From Gao Zhen's attitude towards Ren Man, we know that she will not terminate the plan because of individual disappearances - Gao Xiaoyan should know this very well.

Gao Xiaoyan finally agreed with what he said, "I will find ways to release the enemy during the pursuit."

Xu Huo refused, "That's not necessary. Please give me a map of the government office and mark Luo Changren's location."

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This chapter has been completed!
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