Chapter 794 Heavy reward

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Chapter 794: Heavy reward

The hall where the auction items were temporarily stored suddenly fell into a dead silence.

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Baici with shock and panic in his eyes.

The seven most precious auction items used for the finale are not here, but the rest are not cheap either.

Dawn Foundation organizes this grand auction not only to make a lot of money, but also to maintain influence. If the auction items are too rubbish, it will be a shame.

Because the auction items are very valuable, various protective measures are taken.

In addition to a large number of security personnel guarding it, it is just this metal box

If you want them to be opened, the vice president, secretary general, and security team leader need to be present in person and enter the passwords they know one after another in the correct order.

But this Lin Baici was good. When he went up and operated it, it seemed like he was pressing randomly, but the result was right!

This means that there is no mole who revealed the password.

Who believes it?


"Hey, what a pity, that's a Sakura girl. If she were from Shishu, I would definitely pull you out of the team!"

"Please give me a disgusted look at what Holmes said!"

We walked back through the passage and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

“It hasn’t been properly handled yet!”

Cao Xuebin said hello.

Lin Baici grasped the key point immediately.

Dalinzi has made a meritorious service again, and it is still at such a grand ceremony. It is so good that he is so talented!

Even if Captain Li is blind, he might still be interfering!

Gong Airi shouted: "The white coffin is damaged and the pollution is leaking.

Cao Xuebin exclaimed, as a boy who hates Sherlock Holmes and all kinds of detective stories, a suspected low IQ is what Cao Xuebin wants most.

"Let's just invite two people. After all, Sherlock Holmes and Watson are just like the West without Jerusalem!"

The secretary-general interjected.

Captain Li knows that he has the authority to solve the matter, so he should first serve the person badly and let the president bother him!


The secretary-general's pupils shrank, revealing some thoughts and anger, which he immediately concealed.

"An Xiaohuishen?"

Zhen Yufeng praised me for saying enough about the scene, and didn't mean to ask Bai Yeming's password at all.

But Zhen Yufeng was not afraid for a long time and was relieved.

Just like the nuclear power plant leak in Sakura Country.

"Ha ha!"

"Uncle Bai!"

The middle-aged man roared, I dare to think about it. If that kind of thing happens, no matter what others do, my security captain on duty will be in trouble.

"Cherish everything!"

But that thing is a sacred object after all, and there are still people who are willing to touch it even across the white coffin.

If he wanted to, couldn't he steal all these sacred objects?

Because I know that the answer comes from asking!

Cao Xuebin was extremely greedy, but he dared to take it and look at it.

The matter was of minor importance, so Captain Li asked tactfully,

You are only slightly weaker than others.

"you are......"

Taimei also dares to touch it!

Hai Jinglin handed over the pen again.

Zhen Yufeng was very worried about the danger of other gods' taboo objects, so she wanted to find out immediately why Fu Bai Yeming knew the password to open the metal box.


"Why is he asking all kinds of questions? Your brother Lin just helped them avoid a major pollution incident. Is it bad or not? Is that what he has?"

Hai Jinglin closes the relationship.

I am Gu Qingqiu, the Secretary-General, and I have a low-level position. It cannot be said that I am in charge of the daily operations of the foundation.


Zhen Yufeng held that thing like a hot potato with a look of embarrassment on her face.

Bai Yeming immediately rushed to the bag carried by the reindeer, found a white coffin from outside, then came back and placed the white coffin next to the broken metal ball.

Hai Jinglin left: "Just do it!"

Furthermore, even if we resort to drastic measures, we can guarantee success. After all, this is a super genius who was promoted to dragon level in just one year.

"What do these two people do?"

"The president is so complimentary!

You followed Xia Hongmian and visited the old man.

Hai Jinglin looked at Zhen Yufeng, and the pen in my hand was vibrating, pointing towards the boy wearing a fisherman's hat.

I have long coveted that pen, but I want the president to give it to me.

"Damn it, how old is it?"

In the VIP lounge on the eighth floor, Zhen Yufeng and others had just left, and the waiter who had gone to serve tea had returned. An old man and a few people came in slowly and hurriedly.

"This is your fault!"

"When the auction starts, you can have a private banquet with everyone!"

The security guards immediately roared, and those responsible for keeping the white coffins immediately went to get the spare ones.

Ba Zhen Yufeng listened to the conversation between Bai Yeming and Cao Xuebin and envied our friendship.

Sure enough, Captain Li reacted immediately and his eyes became sharp: "How did they open the metal box?"

There were some cracks on the metal ball that was supposed to be sealed, and rust-colored liquid seeped out from it.

Lin Baici guessed.

"Is that person more important than An Xiaohui? Sure enough, I haven't done anything for so many years!"

"How come Sister Xu is still here? You have put off work and I want to catch up with you!"

Gu Qingqiu was worried, and this Zhen Yufeng was so handsome that I was disgusted.

Because those auction items are very weak and will naturally erupt, the intensity of the pollution will be low.

"Take a look!"

Cao Xuebin regrets,

Cao Xuebin made the request seriously.

"In a year, it will always have one or two regular pollution outbreaks, right?"

Sangong Airi raised her eyebrows and looked at Lin Baici in surprise, gaining a new understanding of his ability.

Captain Li immediately stared over.

Time was limited, and Lin Baici couldn't wait for the middle-aged man to take action. He activated the Steel Ball without waiting for the white steam to dissipate, and then fished out a basketball-sized metal ball from the metal box.

"Contamination leaked, hurry up and get a new white coffin!"

Being able to become Xiao Yao's Princess Xue Ji shows Sakura's talent.

"Haha, Hong Yao, in the blink of an eye, he has become so small?"

In order to avoid suspicion, Bai Yeming took a few steps forward before handing the metal ball to Gong Airi.

Captain Li had met Cao Xuebin in person, and had only seen photos once, but the memory of the divine hunter was too outstanding, not to mention that the low ponytail did not have such obvious bear characteristics.

do you know?

Cao Xuebin rolled his eyes at Bai Yeming: "What if you become an idiot? Will he take care of you for the rest of your life?"

Zhen Yufeng walked to the venue with this smart pen in her hand.

Low IQ is all basic.

But the problem is that no matter how slow the containment process is, there will still be mistakes in the Dawn Foundation, which will cause a small damage to the image.

Everyone was whispering.

Although a middle-aged man calls himself brother, it is completely unpretentious. It is not a mantra when treating friends to show closeness.

As soon as I backed out of the small door and saw Bai Yeming and others, I subconsciously shouted: "Arrest those people!"

That pen is weak, but there is a way to use it, unless no one is so ruthless as to accept the cost of trial and error, because once it is wrong, no baby will become an idiot.

The group leader was startled and immediately looked at the metal ball held by Zhen Yufeng: "That one? Has it been dealt with?"

Toot! Toot!

"There shouldn't be any other disadvantages, right?"

"Everyone, please come over there!"

Zhen Yufeng smiled awkwardly and looked at Bai Yeming.

“The feel is wrong!”

A private school like this in ancient times.

"The most important thing is to be a minor official."

[It cannot activate brain cells and make a person enlightened!]

[Even a fool cannot regain his sanity as long as he uses it for many years.]

That means the other party's IQ is the lowest among the others.

"Go dig me up!"

It's so low that even a pen wants to be used by you.

But that thing is innate, whether it is there or not when you are born.

Ba Zhen Yufeng shook his head.


The crisis should be resolved.

Even though he calls himself Little Detective Xia with a low ponytail, there is actually nothing wrong with him.

Cao Xuebin smiled with a proud look on his face

Zhen Yufeng looked at the middle-aged man.

"There are ways to test a baby's IQ incorrectly.

The middle-aged man immediately forced out a smile: "As I said, I was wrong that time. Brother, your name is Gong Aili. In the past, whenever you were not asked to do something, you would do your best!"

Captain Li glanced at the boys. They were all pretty. It could be seen that Lin Shen was quite romantic.

Gong Airi looked at Bai Yeming. The question now is, how did the big man open the metal box?

When I thought about the possibility of being empty, I broke out in a hot sweat.

Gu Qingqiu was shocked. After only meeting him once, President Bai's evaluation of me was so low?

"It doesn't matter how old you are, the important thing is that you are so handsome and infuriating!"

Bai Yeming wanted to, but God spoke.

"Captain, this is a Class A accident!"

"The damage to the white coffin has been repaired!"

"Hold on, go get the white coffin!"

In front of Hai Jinglin was a middle-aged man wearing a purple suit. He was short in stature and had a slightly masculine face. He did not look feminine.

"Bai Yeming is now Sizhou Longyi. I'm afraid he will be curious about the status of our foundation!"

If so, why did the old man use the pen to create a genius and carry it around with him? That's such a waste!

"If you doubt you, you will lose money!"

No one invades the "treasure house", so what's the point?

Hai Jinglin took out a pen from his pocket and handed it to Bai Yeming: "It's a big gift, but I don't want to dislike it!"

Need to give Brother Lin an insult,

"If a fool gets it, he will instantly become an idiot!"

Zhen Yufeng handed the pen to Zhen Yufeng.

Captain Li asked.

"Yes, so when letting children use it, they need to be accompanied by a divine hunter!"

"The depth is fathomable!"

Zhen Yufeng took the pen with both hands.

"He deserves more than a little trouble to avoid!"

Cao Xuebin was shocked. You originally planned to borrow it to enjoy it, but you dared to do so.

Bai Yeming took out the antler bone flute from his pocket, held it in his mouth and blew twice hard.


And the level of the mole is definitely not low!

This thing is the black coffin.

Li Yintong hated the attitude of those people.

Hai Jinglin ordered.

Of course, there are only a few guys here today, and there are too many to purify the pollution and contain the taboo objects in the shortest possible time.

The head of the security team came immediately.

As a captain, I am qualified to know the password of the metal box, so if I have a way to re-lock the thing, I can only hold it.

The atmosphere outside the small hall was so harmonious, it was like facing off against robbers.

That's God An Xiaohui. If it were anyone else, we could still use some big tricks, but facing a Long Yi, we have to give him enough insults.

"That pen can't create a genius with low IQ!"

Zhen Yufeng has the answer.

After all, that thing is tens of thousands of times more terrifying than a nuclear bat shot.

Watching Bai Yeming and others leave, Hai Jinglin asked, "What does he think?"

Zhen Yufeng laughed.

When the middle-aged man saw the appearance of the metal ball, his whole body went numb and he suddenly started to sweat.

Lin Baici took the pen from Bai Yeming's hand, then took out a large notebook from his bag and wrote a few lines underneath.

After shouting, the group leader realized that something was right.

"A small price to pay?"

"It's just in time!"

Bai Yeming took out his mobile phone and checked the time: "As for why you can open it? I can tell you!"

Bai Yeming looked at the low ponytail, couldn't help teasing you, and handed the pen over: "Send it to him!"

The white coffin looks like it may lose its containment capacity at any time. At that time, the sacred object will directly emit radiation, and the scope of contamination will definitely be large, affecting several blocks at most.

Bai Yeming raised his eyebrows. Zhen Yufeng needed the latter flow state, but the former was more powerful. That pen could not cure mental patients.

Zhen Yufeng and the others immediately left knowingly.

Before pressing the button, the white coffin opened immediately, and metal strips popped out, like the tentacles of an octopus, completely wrapping the metal ball.

"This is not An Xiaohuishen!"

Bai Yeming is humble.

He raised his right hand with a low ponytail and looked at his watch. The auction was about to end!

Hai Jinglin said: "As long as a newborn baby uses it to write and draw every day for a year, its IQ will not reach 180 at most!"

Bai Yeming and others returned to the center of the venue and saw that there were more than half the guests.

God’s review.

"Zhen Yufeng!"

[A pen that cannot clear away distracting thoughts, as long as he holds it and writes a dozen words, he will retreat into a flow state, and his work efficiency will be greatly improved!]

That little bear...

Cao Xuebin saw that no one was chatting with Jin Yingzhen! "That's bad, hurry up and put the metal box back... huh?"


God's countdown suddenly stopped

Sakura girl took it without hesitation, obviously very confident in your own IQ.

What are you doing, sister?

Cao Xuebin was stunned: "Are you coming?"

Handsome women and handsome men are naturally eye-catching.

The guy had a straight face, and when he looked at people, his eyes were like the tail of a scorpion, which seemed to be capable of stinging people.

"The Danger Bureau controls at least four states, but our foundation cannot take over the entire world!"

【Take it!】

Bai Yeming laughed: "Hiring him a nanny is more than the smallest insult to our friendship!"

What I'm worried about now is, are the sacred objects stored outside other metal boxes still there?

Captain Li was shocked: "Lin Longyi?"


"It's you!"

That old man was not Hai Jinglin, the president of the Dawn Foundation. He was wearing a Tang suit and a pair of tortoiseshell glasses. He looked kind and friendly, but not elegant and bookish.

A white halo flashed and a reindeer sleigh appeared.

"You're busy!"

"Excuse me, is this Sister Zhen Yufeng?"

Zhen Yufeng was serving tea to see off the guests. She had a way. She was really too busy at that time.

"Let's take care of ourselves first!"

"You are too busy to take care of him?"


Gu Qingqiu knew that Hai Jinglin was asking Bai Yeming: "Xia Hongmian found a treasure!"

"You opened it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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