Chapter 0 History of League of Legends

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Book friends, you may have seen the title of the volume. Well, this volume will start with the Battle of Two Cities and write about the story of the League of Legends universe.

First of all, I would like to strongly recommend the anime "League of Legends: Battle of Two Cities". Before watching it, I thought it was a money-making work for the league, and I felt that I would not adapt to the American style of painting. After watching it, there were only two words left -

A masterpiece.

As for the background of League of Legends, everyone should have heard of this game, and perhaps nearly half of them have played it, but not so much about its background story.

So before I start, I would like to sort out the story line for everyone, and also for myself, to facilitate better reading and understanding of this volume, and to avoid too much plot in the main text. (Conscience)

The following is the content that Siyang has taken the time to sort out recently. Because Riot has a problem with reading, I can't guarantee that the sorting is completely correct. If anyone with knowledge finds any mistakes or omissions, please remind me.

By the way, although there are many heroes in the League whose stories are quite nonsense, there are also many heroes whose background stories are very attractive, such as Pantheon, Mordekaiser, Clockwork and other stories. They are all very interesting and you can learn about them if you are interested.


For such a popular game and such a big company, the copywriting must have its charming and wonderful features, but sometimes it’s just that in order to sell skins and redo heroes, we lose our moral integrity...

Finally, there is only this free 10,000-word chapter today, and the main text will start tomorrow!


League of Legends Universe History

Part One, Ancient Times

Endless years ago, when the remnants of the nebula gathered into thousands of worlds, the Star-casting Dragon King was born, and he and his kind traveled in the heavens, creating miraculous stars and lighting up the starry sky.

In the heaven, there are few existences equal to it. Those eternal stars are much weaker than it, and have no creative or romantic heart.

After endless years, the Dragon King made a surprising discovery. Near the sun it created, a new world appeared, a world with multiple overlapping realms.

This new world is not its work, and the protoss seemed to be curious about it, asking Thor to take a closer look. This is Runeterra.

Runeterra is different from other places in that there is a flourishing civilization.

The rune universe is not unique. There is void beyond matter. The void has no time and space, and its existence is meaningless. It is disturbed by the material plane, forms energy life, and begins to observe and monitor the material plane in an attempt to find a way to enter the plane - these

Energy beings are called void monitors.

In addition, there are many secret realms with many wonderful beings, such as the astral wandering god Bard, who travels there and maintains the balance of the universe.

But here, the Dragon King was lured to Mount Targon, put on a magic crown made by the stars and offered by mortals, and had the knowledge of making stars stolen. It was very angry, but was thrown back to the heaven by the power of the crown.

, could no longer approach Runeterra, and could only watch the despicable and treacherous star spirits proclaim themselves 'giants', enslave the mortals and build a huge sun disk.

Through the disc crown, the stars extract the power of Thor, the dragon king of heaven, and inject it into the bodies of selected mortals to create immortal warriors of the gods.

These humans are called 'Ascendants', and the protoss seem to want to use these Ascended armies to fight against unknown enemies.

And because Thor was controlled, the stars it shaped also dimmed. For Thor, it was only a snap but it was actually a very long time. Thor has been waiting for the day of revenge.

Talking back to the north of Runecontinent, thousands of years before Thor came to Freljord, many primitive demigods had been born during this period, such as Ornn, the Flame of the Mountain, and Volibear, the Immortal Crazy Thunder.

, Ice Crystal Phoenix Anivia.

Ornn was the first one, the eldest brother. He fought with the earth, smashed out mountains and valleys, and used the sea to cool the furnace, causing a century-old snowfall and turning the Freljord into a world of ice and snow.

Volibear is the representative of chaotic war, to which anyone can sacrifice his soul to gain power, while Anivia represents order and hope, guiding the mortal tribes.

In addition to them, there are countless demigods active in this era, changing constantly every day.

And the weak human race also gave birth to three heroes. The three ice sisters and the three Lissandra sisters. (not the ice shooter)

They were able to fight against the primitive gods and fight for a place for mortals to survive. Lissandra, who was blinded by a bear during the battle, accidentally got in touch with the Void Watcher while walking in the darkness. In order to gain power, she made a deal.

, leading the void to descend.

The Void gave the three sisters ice blood and powerful power, allowing them to establish the Freljord. Some mortals who did not want to be enslaved by the Void and the three sisters took a boat to sea and came to Ionia, where they met with the already existing

Vastaya combined to form a new vastaya race.

Among them, there is also a mortal hero called Ivern the Merciless who combined with the sacred object of Ionia, Emperor Willow, and became the Emerald God.

In Freljord, when the void came, Lissandra felt the terror and regretted it. She used all the power of the Yeti clan and Zhenbing to seal the entrance to the void and froze the void monitors, but the price was that except for Lissandra,

All creatures within a thousand miles were frozen, including her two sisters. (Also sealed at the same time was a prehistoric yordle named Gnar)

In order to hide all this and rewrite history, Lissandra and the Frost Guard wiped out those who knew about it, and the Freljord once again fell into chaos and separatism.

The void has also become cautious, slowly corrupting Runeterra and creating void monsters.

Vel'Koz, Eye of the Void, Kha'Zix the Void Reaver, Khazmo the Abyss Maw, Cho'Gath the Void Terror, etc. all came from this.

They lie dormant underground, waiting for the day they break out of the ground and devour the world.

Thousands of years later, the age of primitive gods came to an end, and Shurima, the ancient civilization of mankind, emerged.

The first ascended person created by the protoss using the Dragon King was none other than the founding emperor of Shurima, Queen Setaka. The weapon she used, the legendary cross blade Chalikal, was Sivir's wheel.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! One after another, mortals received blessings, became ascendants, conquered everywhere, opened up territories, and Shurima gradually became the most powerful country.

Later, the southern vassal country of Icathia rebelled, and nine Ascended Ones went to suppress the rebellion. Before the country was destroyed, the mages of Icathia completed the final spell, and the void rift was opened.

Countless void monsters descended, and a fierce battle broke out. Queen Setaka personally went out to fight. Except for the dog heads and crocodiles who stayed behind, almost all the ascended people joined the battle.

These include Aatrox, Varus, Raast and other Ascended generals.

However, the war did not go smoothly. The void monster's vitality was extremely tenacious, tireless and fearless, and only knew killing and destruction.

At the critical moment, the Ascended hero Horok used the legendary weapon of the underworld, the Blade of the Underworld, to enter the depths of the Void's lair, pierce the Void's despicable heart, and then re-seal the Void after the battle.

But Shurima also suffered heavy casualties, and the queen was killed in the battle. Fortunately, in the next few hundred years, Shurima recuperated and returned to its peak, almost ruling the entire Rune Continent, and the time came to the era of the Desert Emperor Azir.

He was originally the least favored little prince, but due to an assassination, all his brothers died, and only he survived with the life-saving rescue of his slave Xerath.

Azir was both civil and military. After ruling for a period of time, he decided to hold an ascension ceremony, and then fulfilled his promise to Xerath, giving Xerath a surprise and liberating all the slaves in Shurima, but he didn't know that Zerath

Si thought he had forgotten his promise and became a tyrant.

At the critical moment of the ritual, Xerath pushed him out of the Altar of the Sun and stood on it. Without protection, Azir was reduced to ashes, and the astral energy stolen by the powerful wizard Xerath transformed him into a

The extremely powerful evil energy body was later locked into an enchanted sarcophagus by the two dog-headed crocodile brothers who came in a hurry.

But at this time, Xerath was too strong and broke the sarcophagus, leaving only the chain. The dog head could only bear the pain and sealed the crocodile and Xerath together.

Then due to misappropriation, the ascended energy exploded, destroying the capital of Shurima. The yellow sand surged, the sun disk fell, and Shurima was buried inside. The era of mythology came to an end.


Part Two, Dark War Era

After Azir's death, the Shurima Empire was leaderless. The Ascended generals who had fought against the Void were now ready to take action, but in fact they had already been contaminated by the Void.

They became stronger, more brutal, and more ambitious. They proclaimed themselves kings one after another, ushering in the age of dark war and bringing catastrophe to mortals.

The appearance of the Ascended ones has long been different from that of humans. They no longer consider themselves human beings, but call themselves gods. Human beings call these fallen Ascended ones Darkspawn.

In the eyes of the Darkborn, mortals are like livestock, and wherever they go, tragedies are everywhere, sweeping through Rune Continent.

The scarlet vampire Vladimir was once the prince of the human kingdom, but after his father surrendered, he gave him to a dark descendant as a hostage. Vladimir's loyalty allowed him to learn some basics of flesh and blood magic and help the dark descendants manage mankind.


The protoss of the Titan clan could not ignore this, and a darkspawn named Tanayali had some conscience left. The twilight star Maisha used this to gain Tanayali's trust and summoned other darkspawn.

The descendants held a gathering. At the gathering, Tanayali used the weapon Chalikal, the weapon of Setaka, the founding queen of Shurima, to seal many dark descendants.

Using this move, the mortals sealed the Darkin one by one. Aatrox, Verus, and Raast were all sealed in their respective weapons, and the Darkin War came to an end.

But peace was short-lived. Without the dark descendants, human beings continued to fight. A new overlord emerged out of thin air. He was the iron-armored ghost-Morde Caesar (Iron Man). Morde Caesar was originally just a mortal, whose real name was Sa.

En U'zul is the warlord king in the northern part of Valoran. During the Darkin War, he was unable to compete with the Darkin, but now it is his time.

He is very powerful, but has some ideological problems. He is a staunch worshiper of darkness and believes in all the beauties of the dark kingdom.

So he marched east and west, purged all the villages that stood in his way, and killed everyone.

When his life was about to end, he was filled with joy because he believed that his deeds during his lifetime had qualified him to rank with God in the Hall of Bones.

But unlike what he thought, what awaited him after his death was not a palace of bones, but a gray wasteland, with chaotic whispers lingering in his ears and the souls of the dead floating in it.

Mordekaiser was furious, questioning his dark beliefs, and had to accept reality.

However, his soul refused to dissipate, relying on his will to survive, comprehending the meaning of the whispers here (Ouchen language), the sinful language that does not belong to living creatures, building a bridge between life and death.

He penetrated the whispers into every curtain, seduced the living, and bewitched a group of wizards. Using a pair of black iron armor that resembled his life as a carrier, he used necromancy magic to resurrect Mordekaiser on a moonless night.

The resurrected Mordekaiser is even more invincible, killing the wizards and using their souls to create the mace Nightfall, which can command the dead.

He made a comeback, and the brutal war almost wiped out an entire generation on the continent. He was eager to master all knowledge of souls and death, and built a huge stone fortress in the center of his empire to protect the bones, which was called the Immortal Fortress by the world.

The purpose is to study necromancy. Veigar, a yordle magician who came to Runeterra from Bandle City to learn magic, was captured by Mordekaiser and imprisoned in the Immortal Fortress, constantly torturing it and forcing it to serve him.


However, under Mordekaiser, there was a magician named LeBlanc (Leblanc) who did not want to be enslaved by Mordekaiser anymore and found Vladimir. At this time, Vladimir was no longer a mortal.

At the end of the war, he killed the Darkin master and stole the power of flesh magic.

The two hit it off and established a secret organization - Black Rose.

The organization continued to grow stronger, and when the time came, LeBlanc contacted the barbarian tribe outside the Immortal Fortress, coordinated internally and externally, and allowed the chief to sneak in, cutting off the connection between Mordekaiser and the armor.

Mordekaiser was expelled. Then the barbarian tribes established a new empire—Noxus—centered on the Immortal Fortress.

However, in fact, Mordekaiser did this on purpose, just to return to the underworld. Everyone he killed actually became his undead army, waiting for his arrival in the underworld.

He has not seen the Skeleton Hall, so he wants to build his own Skeleton Throne, become the king of the underworld, and accumulate power in the underworld!

And his story was temporarily interrupted. The Black Rose became the real controller of Noxus, secretly guiding the throne of Noxus for more than a thousand years.

After that, various countries had small-scale conflicts and barely maintained peace until the world rune was discovered.

World Runes are the origin of all life in Rune Land. The first person to discover them was an ancient association on Fuguang Island in this era. This group has been committed to researching and protecting the most dangerous sacred objects in Rune Land.

They accidentally discovered the origin of magic, the world runes.

They decided to hide, but there was no airtight wall in the world, so word spread anyway.

When people learn about the amazing energy contained in the world's runes, the first thing they think of is how to master it and turn it into a weapon.

In the ancient association, there was a young mage named Ryze (Wandering Mage).

He and his master Tyrus collected and kept the world runes together, and persuaded the forces that owned the world runes to hand them over. However, human nature was selfish, and few people were willing to hand it over.

In Ryze's hometown, a place once known as Noxy, Ryze's master and apprentice failed to persuade the two countries. The leaders of the two countries were unwilling to have relations with each other and were tit for tat. They used world runes to launch attacks on each other.

In a devastating blow, Ryze saw the power of runes for the first time with his own eyes. His hometown was destroyed, the earth collapsed, seawater surged, and a piece of land sank to the bottom of the sea.

This is the first loud sound of the world's runes, the prelude to the Rune War.

Runes have become a must-have weapon. The army uses magic to strengthen and arm itself, and uses magic items to kill each other without considering the consequences.

In order to end the war, Ryze's masters and apprentices traveled around the world and worked hard to collect them. However, in the process, Ryze's master Tyrese was tempted due to long-term exposure to the world's runes, and his mind changed. He began to hate humans and wanted to use violence to control them.


As a last resort, Ryze killed his master, took up his master's scroll, and embarked on a journey to save the world alone.

The Rune Wars lasted for hundreds of years and intensified. Great civilizations disappeared from history one by one, bringing disastrous consequences, environmental collapse, and countless disasters.

The wild magic also breeds many monsters. In the Kumangu jungle in the east of Shurima, ferocious carnivorous plants were born, devouring all living things. And this place called Jielu Garden gradually gained self-awareness.

Became Zyra, the Rising of Thorns.

Only then did humans realize that they could not go on like this, and the Rune War gradually came to an end.

During the war, a group of refugees who were devastated by magic fled to the west coast of Valoran and discovered a Forbidden Stone Forest. The stones here are very special and have the magical power to absorb magic, giving the refugees a sense of security.

They settled here and built city walls with forbidden magic stones. In the distant Mount Targon, there was a father who also brought his two daughters, Kyle and Morgana, to settle here in order to escape the war.

Suddenly one day, a long sword fell from the sky with celestial flames, inserted into the ground between the two sisters, and split into two.

This is the weapon of their mother Mythila, the legendary righteous star spirit. The two sisters each pulled out half of it and received the blessing of the star spirit.

After that, they used their own strength to help everyone build their homes and resist foreign enemies. The emerging country of Demacia was gradually born.

The two sisters are known as the winged guardians of Demacia. However, slowly, their minds have changed. Kyle has become more and more ruthless, resolutely implementing law and justice. Morgana has a heart for humanity, compassion and atonement.

of human beings.

In the joint battle against the sword demon, they used forbidden techniques, which exacerbated this problem.

The conflicts piled up, and finally a battle broke out. During the battle, his father was affected and accidentally injured and died. The two sisters broke off their friendship. Kyle picked up his and his sister's two swords and flew to Mount Targon without looking back.

, Morgana locked her wings and walked on the ground with her feet.

At the same time, on the other side of Runeterra, Blessed Light Island has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Just because of an unforgettable love.

On the continent of Valoran, there is a human country. The queen was assassinated and was poisoned. King Foyego (the Ruined King) was heartbroken and sent his general, his niece Kalista (Spear of Vengeance) out to find a solution.


Many years later, Callista found Blessed Island and found the antidote, the Water of Life, but it was too late. The queen was already dead, and the king became crazy and threw her into prison for deceiving the king.

It turned out that Kalista's subordinate, the Centaur Hekarim, became greedy for Blessed Light Island and the Fountain of Life, and deceived Kalista into going to Blessed Light Island.

Crazy Foyego determined that the queen could not be resurrected, and ordered the massacre of the residents of Blessed Isle. Kalista, who wanted to stop him, was also killed by Hecarim in a sneak attack. Under the leadership of the guardian Thresh, whose sanity was distorted by the treasure, Foyego

Yego placed the queen's rotting body in the Fountain of Life on Blessed Light Island.

Queen Isulde stood up, but turned into a wraith. She picked up Foego's sword and pierced Foego's heart.

The magic of the holy water collided with the ancient sword, and the energy of the closed room exploded. The holy objects collected on Fuguang Island brought huge disasters. Black mist swept the entire island, trapping everything it touched in a sober and painful world.

In a state of immortality.

In this way, Fuguang Island was destroyed.

Shadow Island was born.


Part three, modern history

The following events happened almost simultaneously, described one by one from north to south.

The northernmost point, Freljord.

After Lissandra was frozen for thousands of miles, the primitive tribes were in turmoil for thousands of years, with Lissandra and her Frost Guards secretly occupying a dominant position.

But under the arrangement of fate, two other tribes emerged. One is the ice archer Ashe, who is considered the reincarnation of Lissandra's sister Avarosa, and the other is the descendant of Lissandra's sister Serelda.

Will Sejuani, Wrath of the North.

Ashe's mother once led the tribe on a path of no return in search of the Tomb of Avarosa, and eventually died at the hands of Lissandra's Frost Guard, and the Avarosa tribe was destroyed.

At a critical moment, Ashe obtained Avarosa's Ice-Issance inheritance, took revenge with one arrow, and then, alone, upholding the heart of caring for the tribe, rebuilt the tribe and became stronger day by day.

Sejuani was born in the Winter's Claw tribe. She suffered a lot since she was a child and believed in the law of the jungle. When she became an adult, she led the Winter's Claw tribe out of the control of the Frost Guard, rose up in the north of Freljord, and destroyed it with war.


So the three kingdoms of Freljord were divided, Ashe's Avarosa, Sejuani's Winter's Claw, and Lissandra's Frost Guard.

Ashe and Sejuani rule many tribes in the Freljord, and in their efforts to unify them, Lissandra has no time to care about them.

Because the rift in the void that was sealed under the Howling Abyss by Lissandra thousands of years ago is crumbling under the erosion of time, and the nine Perfect Icicles are melting one by one.

If you want to strengthen Zhenbing's power, you can only rely on the Yeti clan. At this time, there is only the last Yeti left in the world, and that is Nunu's friend, the Yeti Willump.

On the other side, to the west of Valoran, Demacia is ruled by the Lightshield family.

Jarvan Lightshield III was diligent and caring for his people. Under his rule, Demacia won the war with Noxus, reversed the situation, and regained Xin Zhao. His successor, Jarvan IV, also excelled under his training.

growing up.

Beneath the surface, there is an undercurrent surging.

The class antagonism between the nobility and the common people is becoming more and more serious, and the law prohibiting magic has deepened this inequality. After the powerful mage Silas escaped from prison, he united with the oppressed mages to form a resistance organization and vowed to overthrow the tyranny.

Demacia is in urgent need of a change, but revolution is still a change, and it is still unclear, and Kaer Morgana does not know what role she will play.

In addition, there is a big hidden danger in Demacia. The world runes collected by Ryze from all over the world are currently hidden in Demacia's Forbidden Stone Forest Treasure House.

From Silas's story, we learned that the Forbidden Stone does not destroy magic, it only stores it.

East of Demacia, across mountains and rivers, you come to Noxus.

The previous emperor's name was Darkwill, but it was Black Rose who actually ruled this country for thousands of years, and the emperor was just a puppet.

Under the temptation of LeBlanc, in order to find the holy object of immortality, Darkwill launched a war on multiple fronts, reaching as far as the Freljord in the north, as far as Demacia in the west, as far as Shurima in the south, and even across the sea.

, invaded Ionia in the east.

During the war, there was a general, Swain (Crow), who won a very high reputation in the army with his extraordinary strategy. In order to get rid of him, at the Battle of Placidium in Ionia, his

The army was almost completely depleted and eventually suffered fatal injuries in isolation.

One of his kneecaps was completely shattered, leaving him disabled, and his left arm was severed by Irelia's flying knife. However, on the battlefield, Swain was inspired by a mysterious power. After returning to Noxus,

He was dismissed from his post because of his defeat in the war.

But in the secret, he obtained the powerful dark power hidden in the Immortal Fortress and became the incarnation of some ancient power (Demon? Mordekaiser? I don’t seem to be sure.)

After several years of careful planning, Swain launched a coup and seized the throne of Noxus. However, he did not serve as emperor. Instead, he abolished the imperial system and established a three-person council called Trifari to ensure that he would not monopolize power.

The three represent the three spirits of Noxus, namely the eye (foresight), the pillar (force), and the two blades (cunning) on ​​the national emblem.

Swain, Darius, LeBlanc.

They ceased war with foreign countries, rested and recuperated, and mobilized elite troops to form the Cuifali Army.

They accept everyone, even their former enemy Black Rose.

Noxus has entered a new era.

Noxus headed east, across the ocean, and came to Ionia. For thousands of years, due to isolation from the world, Ionia has retained its original natural features and lifestyle, advocating nature, pursuing harmony, and keeping away from the world.

No fight.

The invasion of Noxus shattered the harmony.

During the resistance, many heroes were born.

For example, in the Battle of Presidence, the 14-year-old sword girl Irelia defeated Swain and was regarded as the leader; in Wuji Village, the swordsman Yi Wuji used his sword skills to defeat one army; the Kinkou Sect, Zed and Akali

They rebelled against the division one after another and resisted the invaders.

In the Swift Wind Sword Sect, Yasuo was wronged due to the death of the elder (which was quite interesting) and was forced to wander around the world until the truth was finally revealed.

Well, Noxus' defeat was not unjust.

But the impact of this invasion was huge, changing the lives of many heroes, and making Ionia begin to examine its place in the world.

Some people formed a resistance army, and some people joined the Navoli Brotherhood, embarking on the road of revenge with violence. And Noxus never gave up its dream of Ionia. Soon after, a new war began.

Will make a comeback.

Continue south to the strait between Valoran and Shurima.

Here are two emerging city-states: Piltover and Zaun.

Originally, the continent of Valoran and the continent of Shurima were connected, and the two city-states were one.

Because they wanted to conquer nature, two hundred years ago, the residents here tried to use alchemical explosives to blast out a canal to connect the oceans on both sides of the continent.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! However, on the day the canal was completed, with a loud noise, the explosion of alchemical explosives caused a chain earthquake reaction. The entire city was torn apart, half rose, and half

Sinking, an entire city sank into the ocean, and nearly half of the residents died in the disaster. Thanks to the wind girl Janna, she blew away the alchemical poisonous gas, blocked the tsunami with a wind wall, and saved the remaining residents.

Piltover is situated on a cliff overlooking the sea.

With the convenience brought by the Grand Canal, this place has become the trade center of Runeterra. Fleets from all over the world, loaded with goods from all over the world, gather here and develop and prosper.

And Zaun became a mirror, and some prohibited goods flowed into the black market.

There are also undercurrents surging between the two city-states.

Piltover is controlled by many large families, who control almost all social resources. The class gap is getting wider and wider, and various families are fighting openly and secretly for emerging technologies.

At the same time, the advancement of science and technology has also attracted countless scientists. However, some crazy research is not tolerated by Piltover. These people have found a place in Zaun and conducted dangerous and terrifying experiments, leading to the environment of Zaun.

It is extremely bad. Not only have mutants or creatures such as Tuqi, the source of the plague, Mondo the madman of Zaun, and Zac the biochemical demon, but also scientifically modified monsters such as Warwick the wild beast of Zaun.

Sailing eastward from the port of Piltover, you will soon reach Bilgewater Port in the Blue Flame Islands, which is a paradise and haven for pirates, smugglers and outlaws.

There are four terrifying legends here: Nautilus, the titan of the deep sea, Fizz, the weird little murloc, Pike, the ghost hiding in the Blood Harbor, and Tam, the king of the river, who satisfies your endless desires.

If you are not careful, you will lose your life.

In this place full of dangers and opportunities, you are not bound by any government, laws or moral restrictions. As long as you have enough money and a big enough fist, you can enjoy whatever you want.

For the past ten years, a brutal pirate named Gangplank has been in charge here, setting strict rules and giving lawbreakers a set of order and rules.

However, when he was young, he brutally murdered a family. However, the little girl Sarah of this family survived happily. Later, she changed her name to Miss Fortune. Under her careful planning, she blew up Planck.

On the pirate ship, Gangplank lost an arm and was seriously injured, and Bilgewater fell into chaos overnight.

Southeast of the Blue Flame Islands, Shadow Island.

The day when the black fog spreads once a year is called Soul-eating Night. The black fog rises and falls like a tide, and Bilgewater is the first to bear the brunt.

After Gangplank's fall, enemies from various gangs fought for territory and wealth. At this moment, the black mist swept in. Miss Fortune led her men to resist desperately, and Olaf and Lucian, who happened to be here, also provided help.

In the end, with the help of Illaoi, the sea beast priest, Bilgewater survived the Soul-eating Night, but the black fog on the Shadow Island has been expanding, and the undead undead are expanding the scope of their infestation, harvesting lives throughout Runeterra.

and hope.

South of Runeterra, Shurima continent.

The Shurima Empire has been lost in the dust of history, and there are only teams that continue to explore.

A mercenary named Sivir (Wheel Mother) accepted the commission of the Noxian noble Cassiopeia (Snake Lady) and went to explore the tomb of the emperor in Shurima. However, in fact, Cassiopeia

Ya's goal is the cross blade in Sivir's hand, Charikal, the Queen's weapon.

This is the key to the Tomb of the Emperor. At the critical moment, Cassiopeia killed Sivir in a sneak attack and opened the door with Charikal.

Renekton and Xerath, who had been sealed for thousands of years, escaped, while Cassiopeia triggered the curse and turned into a half-man, half-snake monster.

Renekton, who had been sealed away for thousands of years, turned into a beast full of hatred and madness. He believed that his brother Kotou had betrayed him. Xerath, on the other hand, had been growing in power over these thousands of years, and saw a world waiting to be conquered.

When the world is harvested, he will become the god of the new world.

On the other side, Sivir was killed because she had the blood of the Shurima royal family. Her blood brought Azir, the last emperor with only a trace of his soul, back to life.

Azir once again gained the power of ascension, and the immortal light of the sun poured into his body, granting him the ability to control the yellow sand. He raised his hands, and his ruined city shook off the dust that had covered it for thousands of years and rose to the ground again.

Above, the sun disk also floats again.

Shurima, your emperor is back!

However, not everyone is eager for the return of the ancient emperor. Taliyah said goodbye to her master Yasuo and returned to Shurima to lead her people to resist the restoration of the feudal dynasty.

The southernmost tip of the Shurima continent is Icathia. After the Void War thousands of years ago, this place has become a dead land. A prophet with the innate ability to predict the future, Malzahar, came at the call of the void.

When he arrived here, he received the response of the void in the ruins, giving him new strength and purpose. He will lead his people to welcome the sacred void.

He established a cult and required believers to sacrifice to the void. For those who resisted, he would use the power given to him by the void to tear the earth apart, summon nightmare monsters, and devour them.

A village was swallowed up entirely, and a girl named Kasha miraculously survived, gained part of the power of the void, and survived ten years in the void lair.

Kai'Sa, half human and half monster, hunted countless void monsters, but most of the humans she protected regarded her as a monster, but she did not give up.

She would never allow the void to swallow the entire Runeterra.

On the other side, Kassa's father Kassadin, after learning that his hometown was devoured, vowed revenge and wanted to eliminate the Prophet of the Void and his source of dark power. He collected many arcane artifacts and forbidden techniques in order to face the dangers ahead.

He even found the Ascended Horok's weapon, the Blade of the Underworld.

Then he put on his robe, dressed as a pilgrim, said goodbye to his former friends, and entered Icathia alone, a forbidden land for humans, confident that he would take revenge.

The westernmost point of Shurima, Mount Targon.

There is a problem within the Protoss.

The Moon Sect, which was suppressed by the Sun Sect, has recently shown signs of recovery, and the mortal incarnations of the Moon Celestial Spirits have also reappeared in the world.

The civil strife made the control they exerted on the Dragon King weaker and weaker, and the Dragon King could feel that the long-lost freedom was getting closer and closer to him.

By then, hundreds of millions of races in the stars will see its wrath, and everyone will understand what a terrible price they have to pay to steal the power of the Star Dragon - "I have been waiting for thousands of years, just to witness,

The Titan falls!"

This chapter has been completed!
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