Chapter 15 New Goals

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In the blink of an eye, it is already the beginning of Yunjing’s third year in this world. He is now in his early two years and still wearing crotchless pants...

Looking back on the past year, life has been uneventful. The lives of poor families are nothing more than short-term sighs from the parents. There is nothing worth writing about.

For the Yunjing family, the only major event last year was the experiment that showed that farmyard manure can indeed increase food production. Only in this way, the family is full of hope for their future life.

Not being hungry is already the biggest wish for family members who are used to poverty.

The mentality of the working people is so simple and unpretentious.

What the family regrets most is not applying farmyard manure to all the fields last year. If they had done that, not only would they not have to worry about not having enough food to eat this year, but they would also be full and have a surplus of food.

Having a surplus of food was something that was once unthinkable.

However, there is no point in regretting, after all, the past is in the past.

Fortunately, I have become accustomed to poverty, but no one can say anything good about it. The worst I can do is start over again this year.

So this spring, the family is sharpening their knives and getting ready for a big fight...

I have to say that my family really protected Yunjing very well. Not to mention bumps and bruises, he didn’t even suffer from a slight cold last year. On the contrary, it was Yunjing’s abundant milk that fed Yunjing into a cute baby.

The little chubby guy.

He is still breastfeeding at the age of two. To be honest, Yunjing is a little ashamed. After all, there are almost no children who are still breastfeeding at the age of two in his past life. Even if they are breastfeeding, they are still drinking milk powder. But in this world, children are breastfeeding until they are three years old or above.

There are many things everywhere, so he has no choice but to follow the crowd. After all, for families lacking in money and water, there is nothing more nutritious than breast milk...

Luck does not favor everyone. Last winter, there were still houses in the village that were crushed by snow, and there were still people who froze to death and starved to death, but those cases were only rare.

Although several people die of cold and starvation every year due to the cold winter, the population in the village not only does not decrease, but gradually increases. There is no way, the country people lack entertainment activities, the nightlife is just that, and there are no safety measures, resulting in families having too many children...

Yunjing has been well-behaved and sensible since he was a child. He no longer needs his parents to pee him. Even now, his parents feel comfortable leaving him alone at home. If it were a child from other families, his parents would probably be four or five years old.


This morning, Yunjing sat alone in the yard and stared at the rising sun in a daze. His parents had gone to work in the fields.

Thinking of what his parents and family had done before, Yunjing couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

I learned about the wonderful use of farmyard manure last year. Since I don’t have any livestock to produce farmyard manure, my family started to collect farmyard manure consciously. When walking on the road, my eyes are like radar. If I see livestock manure anywhere, I will take it as a warning if there are people around.

I didn't see it, so I went to get it back home secretly. If no one was around, I took it away on the spot...

Although this is not a shameful thing, in order to prevent the villagers from gossiping about his family's abnormal habits, the family dug a hidden cellar to store the farmyard manure. This also prevented a home from becoming a smelly place.

A miserable end.

To be honest, Yunjing was worried for a while at first. After all, the accumulation of feces can easily breed bacteria, and if one mistake is not made, it will cause a disaster. Fortunately, the family members deliberately concealed the feces to avoid this.

After nearly a year of deliberate collection, the amount of farmyard manure has been considerable. Yunjing doesn't know whether he can fertilize all his fields. His family has never told him this, but he looks confident.

Yunjing decided not to worry about this anymore.

Originally, Yunjing was still thinking about whether he should find ways to improve farm tools, or remind his parents how to raise seedlings and use farmyard manure to further increase food production, but then he thought about it, these things cannot be rushed, after all, it is only farmyard manure.

It takes some time to get used to it.

His family is just the beginning. The secret of farmyard fertilizer cannot be kept secret. Once the villagers discover the phenomenon of his family’s high grain yield and think about it a little more, they will follow the trend in at most one or two years.

If he comes up with new tricks and gets too far away from the public when others have not yet adapted to farmyard fertilizer, his family will definitely become the target of public criticism and cause unnecessary trouble.

The first bird to be shot with a gun will be destroyed by the forest wind, but Yun Jing still understands these principles.

So he decided to take it slow. After all, going too far would not be enough, and it would be easy to get hurt if he went too fast.

While everyone was getting used to farmyard manure, Yunjing decided not to make a fuss about farming.

It won’t be too late in a few years to wait until the villagers have adapted to the use of farmyard manure and it has spread, and then we will consider the matter of grain production. Although further increasing grain production is a good thing for the poor people, if it attracts the attention of the officials, who knows what will happen.

What consequences.

He does not believe that the officials under the feudal system are really the parents and officials who care about the people of the world...

In short, you can never go wrong by playing it safe.

Yun Jing no longer thinks about farming. Recently, I have been thinking about how to get a farm ox for my family. Farming is too hard for my family. Having a farm ox will greatly reduce their workload.

In addition, farm cattle can also produce farmyard manure. Once there are farm cattle, family members will no longer have to sneak around to pick up manure. It is a multi-purpose thing.

But after thinking about it for a while, Yunjing still had no idea how to get a cow back.

That thing is so expensive, it can even be said to be worth more than a human life.

Yunjing learned from family chats that a calf alone was worth about ten taels of silver, and that adult cattle were worth less than twenty taels of silver. It was unthinkable.

Whether buying a calf or an adult cow, the amount of money spent is simply unbearable for this family.

The key thing is, you have to pay taxes when buying farm cattle. Do you think it’s irritating or not?

The tax is not low, it is one-third of the price of buying cattle, which is another huge amount.

It’s simply impossible to live in this fucked-up world.

"If you save money from farming at home to buy cattle, even if you use farmyard manure to increase your grain output, you don't know how long it will take. So you can only find ways to make money from other aspects. Tsk, the environmental factors are too restrictive and it's a headache.


There is currently no way to make money, and Yunjing has no choice but to take his time.

Kick cluck... cluck cluck cluck...

At home, an old hen and a group of chicks were foraging around for bugs. The noise made Yunjing upset. He waved his hand and said, "Go, go, you're annoying."

Unexpectedly, the old hen was not only not afraid of him, but actually attacked him because the chicken was frightened!

The old hen was very protective of her calf, and looked very fierce.

I wipe...

Yunjing was startled, and immediately put the small bench under his butt in front of him to prevent the hen from attacking, and then stepped back into the house step by step.

Mom sells batches. She is too young and really has no power to restrain the chicken.

Fortunately, the hen did not chase him after he left, which made Yunjing sigh in relief.

Yun Jing, who returned to the house, looked at his proud old hen, and a light flashed through his head.

Hen...eggs...preserved eggs?

"Yes, I have to think about it carefully." Yun Jing's eyes lit up, and Yun Jing's mind suddenly became more active.

How do you make preserved eggs?

Plant ash, yellow mud, what else are there? How to do it specifically?

Damn it, I forgot, who has nothing to do to remember this?

Yunjing sighed after being excited for a few minutes. Even if he got the preserved eggs out, he didn't know if there would be a market for it. After all, not everyone could accept the taste. Besides, he didn't know any famous people to help him.


It seems that the idea that came to mind in a flash is not reliable.

Even if it is done, so what, the seasoning problem cannot be solved...

Hey, seasoning?

Yunjing's eyes lit up again...

This chapter has been completed!
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