Chapter 3 Life

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Most people in the world work hard because they are poor. However, the crux of the problem is that after working hard, they do not improve their lives. Sometimes, the harder they work, the poorer they become...

Which part went wrong?

Mica is undoubtedly an extremely hard-working person, she can't seem to rest for a moment.

After dinner, she saw that her precious son was neither crying nor fussing. She smiled, kissed him, and said something that seemed to be a compliment, so she immediately got busy again.

First, I found grain bran from the house, added water and made it into a puree. I mixed it into a large bowl, then fed it to the chickens and ducks, and took a few eggs back to the house to put them away.

It is difficult to see meat and fish in poor people. There is no doubt that poultry and eggs are the best way to supplement nutrition. Yunjing suspects that if the mother did not need enough milk to feed herself, she would not be willing to feed the chickens and ducks with grain chaff, but directly feed the chickens and ducks.

Run out to find worms to eat. After all, when you have to, chaff can fill your stomach and survive!

After feeding the chickens and ducks, Mica carried Yunjing on her back and started to work again in the plowed vegetable patch in the yard, making nests and sowing seeds.

Yunjing recognized the seeds she sowed, including cucumbers, eggplants, green beans, peas, garlic sprouts and green onions...

Naturally, there was no fertilizer. The mica was replaced by firewood ash from the stove, and a small handful was thrown into each seed nest.

Yunjing wanted to tell his mother that farmyard manure was actually more effective, but he couldn't communicate. What he said now probably sounded like baby babble to his mother.

I have no choice but to wait until next year when I can "talk" and then think of ways to increase the crop yield at home. I just don't know if the parents of the one-year-old baby will listen.

Skull hurts...

Babies are sleepy, and Yunjing is no exception. He observed his mother working, and saw his eyelids begin to fight, and fell asleep in a daze.

When he woke up again, it was already night, and Yunjing found himself in his courtyard, being held by his mother.

The bright moon is in the sky tonight.

The night in early spring was quite cold, and a fire was burning next to Mica holding the cloud scene. Under the flickering light of the fire, even though Mica was still holding the cloud scene, she was still doing needlework.

Seeing Yunjing open his eyes, Yunmu immediately put down her sewing, first kissed him, and then checked to see if he had peed or had stinky diarrhea.

Yunjing immediately grunted a few times, and Yunmu received the signal and started to urinate for him.

A few days ago, Yunjing was able to control his own chicken, and he and Mica had reached a tacit understanding. As long as he hummed, it meant it was convenient. This undoubtedly saved Mica a lot of trouble.

Anyone who has raised a child knows how troublesome it is to clean up the baby. If the baby does not cooperate at that time and moves around, hey, no matter how good-tempered the baby is, it will be a little messed up.

Even if you still have diapers, Yunjing's current situation doesn't have that kind of advanced play. Every time you urinate or defecate in your crotch, you have to change it, clean it and dry it. It's early spring now, and the water is as cold as a bone test.

, washing is to suffer.

After taking good care of his personal hygiene, Yunjing nestled in Yun Yu's arms and turned to look around.

My father and grandpa came back from work at some point. They were busy working in the yard under the moonlight. They seemed to have no free time.

Dad Yun was chopping firewood. The ax was swinging up and down making a clicking sound. He had already chopped a pile of firewood and was sweating profusely.

Firewood, rice, oil and salt, firewood comes first, which shows the importance of firewood. Without firewood, you can't even eat something hot.

Grandpa was busy on the other side. Under the moonlight, the strips were weaved back and forth in his hands, and soon a backpack was quickly formed.

Yunjing's grandfather looked to be in his fifties, with gray hair and good energy. While weaving his backpack, he glanced in the direction of Yunjing from time to time, his eyes full of satisfaction with life.

Under the moonlight, a family of four was busy doing their own thing. Although they rarely communicated with each other, amidst the chirping of insects and birds in the distance, the scene was extremely harmonious.

Looking around, Yunjing found that there were no lights on at home.

"No wonder the whole family is busy working in the yard. Every little bit can be saved. Moonlight has become the best lighting tool and illuminates the home."

At some point, Grandpa's kind face appeared in Yun Jing's sight. Like a magic trick, he took out a grasshopper and brought it to Yun Jing's eyes, teasing him with words that Yun Jing couldn't understand.

If you look closely, you will see that it is not a real grasshopper, but one made of strips, which is very vivid.

Yunjing was quite surprised that his grandfather actually had such a skill. He smiled in a dignified manner and stretched out his little hand to pick up the grasshopper made of strips.

Grandpa smiled and carefully put the grasshopper into Yun Jing's hand. He teased Yun Jing for a while, then he stroked his beard and turned around to continue making the backpack.

Yunmu pinched Yunjing's face, hummed an unknown song softly, and shook him gently.

Father Yun continued to chop firewood, looking back at this side from time to time, showing a satisfied smile, and continued to chop wood...

I can’t kill you today!

The peaceful days passed like this day by day, and Yunjing grew up day by day, mastering more and more languages ​​of this world.

In the blink of an eye, it is already midsummer, and Yunjing is half a year old.

In the vegetable garden, the melons and fruits planted by Mica in early spring are already bearing fruit, which is pleasing to look at. The vines on the fence are lush and leafy, decorating the house.

As the saying goes, it's not easy for half-year-old Yunjing to crawl. He looks forward to the day when he can walk.

In the past six months, Yun Yu has protected Yun Jing very well. She has never let him out of her sight. She carries him when working in the fields, making fires and cooking. Even if Yun Jing makes the smallest movement at night, she will wake up to check.


The child is everything to her.

After deliberate study, Yunjing was able to understand the language here after half a year. In such an environment, coupled with deliberate study, it is not difficult to master a brand new language.

But he couldn't say it yet for fear of scaring people.

Now that he can understand words, Yunjing also learned a lot of information from his family's daily interactions.

The village he is in is called Xiaoxi Village. There are only twenty or thirty households in the village. The village is thirty or forty miles away from the nearest town. It is located in a remote area in the south of the Dali Dynasty.

This is not any country in the history of Yunjing’s memory...

Fortunately, Yunjing's surname in this life is also Yun. His grandfather said that Yun is the cloud in the sky. I don't know how to write it. The whole family is illiterate, and there is even no one in the village who is literate.

Grandpa’s name is Yunlin, and Yun’s father’s name is Yunshan. Perhaps it’s a coincidence or destiny, Yunjing is still called Yunjing, and his name was given to a scholar by his grandfather who went to town and used the money from selling five backpacks.

One thing that surprised Yunjing was that his grandfather was actually only in his early forties, but he looked to be in his fifties. Years of hard work made him look more than ten years older than his actual age!

Damn the world.

Mica’s surname is Jiang and her given name is Jiang Susu.

From the exchanges with his family, Yunjing solved the mystery of why his father, a rough man, could marry such a beautiful wife.

There's no secret behind this, and there's no bullshit love story. It's just that Dad Yun got a big deal.

A few years ago, there was a bandit disaster in Yunmu's hometown. Not only was the house looted, but all her family members were brutally killed by the gangsters. She managed to escape with her life, and then walked an unknown distance and met Yun's father nearby. She was so hungry that she couldn't bear it and couldn't bear it.

Jiang Susu went to another place and was brought home by Father Yun with two whole-grain pancakes. They picked them up for free...

Knowing this, Yunjing understood why he had never seen his mother's natal family.

She must miss her relatives very much.

But she is not alone because she now has a home and children.

It is worth mentioning that the Yunmu family used to be poor farmers with little background. The story of a distressed young lady committing herself to being a peasant did not happen to Yunjing’s father and mother. Their beauty can only be attributed to good genes, not necessarily

A golden phoenix emerged from the mountain nest.

Some things have happened in the village in the past six months.

For example, a villager accidentally broke his leg. He went to the town for treatment and emptied his family's money, which made the already poor family worse. He has not been cured yet and will only be lame in the future. Dad Yun even helped lift the broken leg that time.

The villagers went to the town and came back lamenting that it would become increasingly difficult to talk about that home in the future.

Another example is that someone in the village got a new daughter-in-law, and someone else's daughter got married. Yunjing was carried by Yunmu to attend those weddings.

It is sad to say that no matter whether they are married or married, the bride and groom are only seventeen or eighteen years old, and the youngest new daughter-in-law is only fourteen years old. It is simply a crime. However, the fact is that it is difficult for girls from poor families to get married.

Not bad, after all, keeping it at home will provide enough food for one person.

In this case, Yun's father didn't have a child until he was in his early twenties, which can be regarded as marrying late and having children later.

Finally, Yunjing learned that his family had 23 acres of land, 11 acres of paddy fields, and 12 acres of dry land. As for money, Yunjing had never seen it at all. Maybe he had some, maybe...

This chapter has been completed!
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