Chapter 378: Who should I tell you?

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The camp was busy until midnight to modify all the vehicles.

It is not complicated to modify the vehicle. There are only two large long wooden boards fixed under the wheels. Cutting the wooden boards is very simple, especially for a mid-term expert like Liu Fang in the army. A vertical piece of wood can be cut into a wooden board with one cut.

Well, Liu Fang is the only person in this logistics team who is a mid-term acquired martial arts practitioner, but Yunjing and the others also helped. In addition to Yunjing, Hou Xicai and Lu Wencheng are both mid-acquired martial arts practitioners. With their help, things will be easy.

too much.

The whittled wooden boards are trimmed and trimmed, one end is put on the fire, and then they are bent and tilted with force, and fixed under the wheel.

It's only temporary at the moment, it doesn't need to be so elaborate, it will just work in the future.

After finishing it, it was time to rest. We still have to go on the road tomorrow.

Liu Fangyunjing and some soldiers kept vigil at night.

The bonfire was burning, and the light flickered. Liu Fang took out the fire to make it burn brighter. He looked at Yun Jing and said: "Master Yun, your method of building walls with snow and sledges can be said to have been solved."

The credit for these two major events in the army is definitely not small. It is possible to alert the commander-in-chief, and even report it to the capital. After all, the battlefield is not limited to this place, other places also need such methods and tools."

"It's just a method that came to me in a flash of inspiration. I don't care whether it deserves credit or not. It can improve our army's combat power and reduce casualties. That's what I want." Yun Jing shook his head and said.

Smiling, Liu Fang said: "I can see that Mr. Yun, you are indifferent to fame and wealth, but you are still young. You should be more energetic and think more about getting promoted and making a fortune, honoring your ancestors, wearing bright clothes and angry horses. This is what young people should have.


"Haha, Mr. Liu, you are wrong. I am not a person who is indifferent to fame and wealth. I just don't like to be in the limelight. Besides, what's the use of just thinking about those things? People should be down-to-earth." Yun Jing said with a smile.

Slightly stunned, Liu Fang shook his head gently and said: "Mr. Yun, some things are not a matter of you not wanting to be in the limelight. For example, your contribution to these two things, when you become an official in the future, your military merit will be converted to literary merit, and you may be able to achieve success in one fell swoop.

Entering the third grade, I don’t know how many people’s attention will be shocked, does that count as being in the limelight?”

Officials in the Dali Dynasty implemented a nine-grade system, with the first grade being the highest and the ninth grade being the lowest. Grade 987 was the lower third grade. They usually served as officials in towns, counties and some counties. Grade 654, called the middle third grade, started as officials with real power in the county.

At the beginning, he was worthy of being the top leader of the state government. He could be called a frontier official, and he could even join the cabinet if he had the opportunity. As for the third, second and first ranks, they were the upper third rank, and each of them could be called a big shot.

Liu Fang said that Yunjing's contribution has the opportunity to reach the third level in one fell swoop, which is not without purpose. Although the two contributions of sledges and building walls with snow may seem simple, they actually benefit the entire army and even have an impact on the entire dynasty's war situation.

There is absolutely no limit to what he can say, so what he said has some basis.

"Let's talk about the future later." Yunjing smiled and said without any fluctuations in his heart. The fact is that Yunjing has never thought about becoming an official in the future. It is best to turn his merits into substantial benefits, such as being granted a title.

Wouldn't it be nice to be free and comfortable with a title or something like that? Of course, that's even further.

While chatting, time passed little by little. Yun Jing found a soldier not far away who had stopped talking several times, so he changed the subject and looked at Liu Fang and asked: "Mr. Liu, does that man have anything to report?"

Looking up, Liu Fang smiled and curled his lips and said: "What can happen to him?" After saying that, he looked at the other person and cursed with a smile: "Why are you dawdling, come here."

"Hey, Master Liu, do you know what I want to do?" The soldier came over and said with a flattering smile, licking his face.

Pointing at the other party, Liu Fang rolled his eyes and said: "You guys, I know what I'm going to do as soon as you stick your butts out. Go ahead and get the things for me. Anyway, you have nothing to do."

"Okay", the other person ran away with a smile on his face.

Yun Jing asked in astonishment: "Master Liu, what is this?"

"Haha, Mr. Yun, you don't know something. Our logistics team, except for me, is all a bunch of rough guys who don't know a lot of Chinese characters. They want me to help him write a letter home. I have nothing to do anyway.

Just pass the time," Liu Fang explained.

It turns out that this is what happened. Yun Jing said: "In that case, I'm fine anyway. Let's see if anyone else needs to write a letter and I can help."

"That's a good relationship." Liu Fang did not refuse, but he asked: "Mr. Yun, it is their honor for you to write to them for help, but I want to remind you that you should consider the wording of the content you write. Please note that they

Now that we are soldiers, letters must be reviewed by the superiors before being sent out. This is to prevent military information from being leaked, so as not to cause trouble for yourself and them through negligence. If something happens, the problem will be serious."

Nodding, Yun Jing said: "Brother Liu, don't worry, I know the importance."

Soon pens, inks, paper and inkstones were brought, and a small table was also moved and the four treasures of the study were placed. Liu Fang said to the soldier: "Go and inform the others. Anyone who needs to write a letter can come here.

Only before dawn, think about what you want to write, one by one, and don’t neglect the place you are on duty.”

"That's great, I'll go right away." The soldier quickly ran to inform the others.

This is a good thing. There are people who can help you write letters for free. Please note that they have to find people to write letters specifically, but they charge per word.

It is worth mentioning that nowadays, there are many scholars in Xieyang City who set up stalls on the streets to ghostwrite letters for others. Such people often have tight pockets.

Soon the first person who needed to write a letter came to Yunjing, and Liu Fang was already busy.

The person who asked Yunjing to write the letter was a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old. He was still young and a little thin, with a lot of chilblains on his hands and his face was red from the cold wind. He said that he had been a veteran for two years.

Hearing him say that he was sixteen years old but already a two-year veteran, Yunjing felt his heart twitching hard, and he held back the pain and said, "Brother, what do you want to write?"

The other party said cautiously: "Mr. Yun, if I want to write a letter to my mother, you should write that I am living a good life in the army, with enough food and clothing, and ask her not to worry and take care of herself until the war is over.

If an unfilial son goes back to fulfill his filial piety, he will never leave again. By the way, I save one or two or eight yuan of military pay every month. I have been saving it for a year and a half, but it is of no use. I will send it back together so that they can have more money.

Buy some food and clothes, the New Year Festival will be held soon, and it will be more grand, well, that’s probably all.”

At the age of sixteen, he has been in the army for two years and is a veteran. Every mission he takes is never known whether it will be his last. He is reluctant to spend a single coin on military pay, so he saves it all and sends it home. He is so sensible that it makes people feel sad.

After listening, Yun Jing nodded and said: "I know, I will write it for you soon."

Putting the pen on the ink, Yun Jing finished writing: "My dear mother, my son is doing well in the army. He has no worries about hunger and cold. Don't think about it. I hope my mother is well. When the war is over, my son will return. I will be filial to my knees. I will never travel far again."

, My son, today I have one or two or eight coins a month for military pay, and I have saved up my silver for a year and a half, so I present it as a tribute, and use it as you like to buy food and clothing. The annual festival is approaching, and I hope that the sacrifices will be abundant in order to honor my ancestors. ——My son, Wang Xiaoshi Jing


After writing it, I read it to him. After finishing it, Yunjing handed it to him and said, "Take it. I remember that there is a special channel for sending letters in the military. There is no charge. Give it to them when the time comes and they will help you with the letter and the things you want to send."

"Safety Belt"

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Yun. Thank you very much. Then I won't disturb you anymore." After saying that, Wang Xiaoshi left happily.

When writing letters to others, the other person's words are a summary of a period of longing and life, which makes Yunjing feel a lot of emotion.

This seemed to take him back to many years ago, when he and his master disguised themselves and went to the town to help people write letters and earn some money to survive. Thinking about it now, it was unknowingly many years ago.

time flies.

Next up is the next one…

The soldiers came to ask for letters, and they were very polite. They came one by one, not forgetting their duty to keep vigil. Some asked Yun Jing to write, and some asked Liu Fang to write.

There were not many such opportunities, and some soldiers who had gone to sleep woke up and asked for help in writing letters.

Liu Fang took the time to look at Yun Jing and said with admiration: "Brother Yun, your handwriting is really beautiful. I don't know how you practice it. I am more than ten years older than you, and my handwriting is like a dog crawling.

If you can’t get it, those brats don’t know how much they’re getting, but if you take it back, they can turn it into family heirlooms.”

"Master Liu, that's a ridiculous compliment. To use my master's words, I can barely hold out my hand now, so I don't deserve such praise," Yun Jing responded with a smile.

Liu Fang opened his mouth and felt a little tight in his chest, complaining: "Your master is really demanding."

After smiling, Yunjing did not discuss his master too much.

Time passed little by little, and no one came to ask for letters anymore. Just as he was about to call it a day, Yun Jing found a twenty-year-old soldier not far away looking at him eagerly.

So he said to him: "Brother, do you need to write a letter? It doesn't matter, just ask, I will write it for you."

The other party shook his head, with an unnatural smile on his face and said: "Thank you Mr. Yun for your kindness. In fact, I really want to ask you to write a letter for me, but I don't know who to write to. members are all gone."

After saying that, he looked at the snowy night sky in a daze, feeling lonely and lonely, which made people feel sad.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to mention your sadness," Yun Jing said apologetically.

The other party shook his head and said: "It's okay, Mr. Yun, you don't have to be like this, I'm used to it."

Others have families, where they can write letters home, express their thoughts, and have people who care about them, but he is left alone, with no relatives, and no one to tell the sadness in his heart.

Feeling really uncomfortable, Yunjing simply said: "Brother, where is your hometown? I'll write a letter for you. The worst thing is to mark it clearly. Whoever receives the letter will be addressed to him. Please report that your hometown is safe.

That’s fine, you’re fighting at the border, at least you shouldn’t let your hometown forget about you as a person.”

"Is this okay?" The other party turned around and murmured, his eyes flickering, and he was obviously moved.

Nodding, Yunjing said: "Absolutely!"

"Then please ask Mr. Yun to write a letter for me. Just say that I, Niu Xiaoming, have not brought shame to my hometown. By the way, I saved some money and sent it back together. I remember that the river in my hometown rises every year. The water rises every year.

There is no way to cross the river. I hope the person who receives the letter will use the money to buy some wood and build a simple bridge. It should be enough..."


Soon after dawn, before dawn, the two groups of people sent by Liu Fang yesterday to report the news returned in time. The superiors learned about the two things, Dayue, and Yunjing's contribution will be recorded for the time being.

The cooks who got up early cooked, the soldiers got up, ate simple meals and continued on the road in the wind and snow.

However, they were much better off on the road again than yesterday. The sledge was pulled by animals, which saves effort. There was no need to worry about falling into a snow nest on the snow, and the sergeants could take turns taking a rest on the sledge.

This speed is much faster than yesterday. It was originally expected to take three days to reach the destination this afternoon.

This chapter has been completed!
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