Chapter 418 On the battlefield

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The Chinese army camp has a five-foot high platform. Qin Antai stands on a high place and has a panoramic view of the battlefield.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, he was very happy and angry, but he was quite shocked in his heart.

Before this, he had never thought that the war could be fought like this, and fought so easily. From the beginning of the war to now, more than an hour has passed, and more than 200,000 enemies have been wiped out, while his own side suffered less than a thousand casualties!

What is this concept? After so many years of marching and fighting, he had never thought that the war could produce such results, and he dared not even think about it.

'No wonder His Majesty and the Cabinet are confident of winning this battle. No wonder all parties are convinced that they can avenge Mrs. Chen. With the Thunder and Fire Army here, there is no need to worry about the big thing failing!'

With his thoughts flickering, he looked back at the sand table and said in a deep voice: "Jia Pingnan is a famous general all over the world. He will never fail to see the current situation. He is loyal to Dajiang. In the face of the current war, he lost 200,000 troops at the beginning.

Others would have abandoned the city and retreated in despair, but if he still sticks here, he will definitely find ways to break the situation..."

After saying this, he paused and continued: "If Jia Pingnan is trapped in the city, sooner or later the Thunder Fire Army will bombard the city from a long distance without spending a single soldier. Therefore, he will never tolerate the existence of the Thunder Fire Army and will destroy it at all costs."

He dropped the Thunder Fire Army, but after seeing the combat power of the Thunder Fire Army, he will not easily send another army out to die!"

As he spoke, he looked at the sand table and analyzed quickly in his mind, and finally pointed at Xieyang City: "Jia Pingnan will definitely send troops to attack Xieyang City. Once something happens there, our retreat will be cut off, and the morale of the army will be in chaos!"

"Send the order. Fang Feng, the defender of the Shenjia Army in Xieyang City, prepares for battle to meet the enemy and stabilize the rear. Order the Black Armor Army to go out of the city at any time to meet Dajiang's raiding army..."


A series of orders were issued, and immediately a messenger came to deliver Qin Antai's order.

But this was not enough. Qin Antai continued to give instructions: "The Thunder Fire Army cannot afford to lose anything. They are the key to this battle. Pass the order and the Dawn Army will be dispatched. The Shield Army will be in front, the Spear Army will follow, and the Archer Army will follow. Let's go to the Thunder Fire Army."

Army front cover!"

"I will obey your orders," Zhang Shoubei said in a deep voice, and then strode away.

Qin Antai saw the combat effectiveness of the Thunder Fire Army and realized their importance, so he did not hesitate to send the Dawn Legion to protect and ensure the safety of this army.

If the Leihuo Army has such a terrifying combat power, it would be painful if it was targeted by the Jiang Dynasty regardless of the cost, even if a part of it was lost?

As for whether the Dawn Army running in front of the Thunder Fire Army to cover would have an impact on the Thunder Fire Army's battle, it doesn't exist. Qin Antai has figured it out. The Thunder Fire Army is good at long-range attacks and is weaker than ordinary armies in close combat. Try to create as much space for them as possible.

The conditions allow it to take advantage of long-distance attack.

To be honest, it would be earth-shattering for the Thunder and Fire Army to bombard people with bombs from a long distance, but it would be really unsatisfactory for them to kill people with knives in close combat.

An order was given, the flag waved, and the army heard the news and moved to make adjustments.

Standing at a high place, one can clearly see the 50,000 heavily armored shield troops of the Dawn Legion rushing to the front in ten groups, holding shields as high as a person.

The Thunder Fire Army immediately opened ten positions to make way for them, and then the Shield Army came to the front line and lined up in a row. The shields were stuck on the ground, forming a shield wall to cover the Thunder Fire Army in the rear.

The wall is more than ten miles long!

As a special cover force, the Shield Corps has their large shields stuck on the ground, and the soldiers wearing heavy armor hold them up at the back. Even the cavalry can't even think of rushing away easily!

The shield troops were in front, followed closely by the pikemen, who lined up immediately behind the shield troops, with spears poking out of the shield wall. With this combination, the shield wall looked like a hedgehog.

Behind the pike army, there are three layers of archers. They can use three-stage shooting to kill the enemy troops coming from the opposite direction at close to medium distances and cover the rear thunder and fire army.

In this way, the three lines of defense ensure the safety of the Leihuo Army, which is enough to allow them to do whatever they want. Even if the three branches of the Dawn Legion covering the front fail, the Leihuo Army can make timely adjustments and deployments.

When this was going on in an orderly manner, Qin Antai raised his eyebrows as he looked at the opponent, secretly thinking that it was good that I had anticipated the enemy's opportunity.

I saw the gates of Nanyang City of the Dajiang Dynasty on the opposite side were wide open, and dense troops rushed out to fight here. The army was coming in a steady stream. I don’t know how many they would eventually rush out. The first was tens of thousands of cavalry, followed closely behind the cavalry.

They are the troops holding large shields, followed by infantry archers, etc...

"At least one hundred thousand. After seeing the combat effectiveness of the Lei Huo Army before, Jia Pingnan would not let these people come out to die. The cavalry is fast. He wanted to let the cavalry rush over first and cause chaos to the Lei Huo Army regardless of the cost, and then take advantage of the chaos of the Lei Huo Army.

At this time, the army from the rear is coming, huh, luckily I was prepared, Jia Pingnan, your plan has failed!"

Qin Antai had a panoramic view of the entire battlefield and thought to himself.

At the same time, he had another plan in mind, but he was not in a hurry. He would first withstand the impact from the other side of the river. He would work slowly and steadily. He had to eat his food one bite at a time. Don't get too slow and break the egg. Now the advantage lies with me. I don't need to


On the opposite wall of Nanyang City, Jia Pingnan looked at the three-layer defense line in front of the Thunder Fire Army. He clenched his fists subconsciously and looked extremely ugly. Damn it, Old Dog Qin, you really have no plans left.

At this time, Jia Pingnan has probably 'seen' that the 100,000 troops sent out may be gone. He only hopes that their sacrifices will be valuable, and then hopes that the other two armies can make achievements in Xieyang City, otherwise...


Dajiang's army surged out, rushing towards them with a roar that shook the sky. At the forefront was a cavalry force numbering tens of thousands.

When he was away from the front line, he ordered the flags to wave, and ordered the shield troops to hold back, the pikemen to fight, and the archers to shoot arrows at any time.


The armored soldier holding a large shield leans on the large shield, using himself as a support to provide the shield with a pillar to resist the enemy's impact.

Come on, the spearmen are right next to the shield troops, ready to thrust forward with their spears several meters long, and the archers behind are also ready to shoot.

Regarding the current situation, Li Qiu, the leader of the Leihuo Army, looked at it calmly and said in a deep voice: "Give me the order and prepare your throwing hands. When the friendly troops in front block the enemy's pace, don't be stingy with the scattered bombs and throw them hard at me!



When the order was given, the flag waved, and the thunder and fire army throwers quickly prepared.

The Thunder Fire Army is equipped with three types of arms. One is the grenadier responsible for the catapult. This unit requires the cooperation of multiple people to use a catapult. It is a long-range attack unit. The other is the crossbowman, which requires the cooperation of two people and is a medium-range unit.

, and finally the thrower, which is a short- to medium-range unit.

It's not that the Thunder Fire Army only has these three arms, it's just that now that the Thunder Fire Army is making its first appearance, there is no need to show all the trump cards.

There is a unit in the Thunder Fire Army called the "Ephemeral Epiphyllum Soldiers". To put it bluntly, they are death squads. When necessary, they must hold bombs and use their lives to clear the way. When they blow up the enemy, they will also kill themselves. They are named "Ephemeral Epiphyllum Soldiers". This unit is only used as a last resort.

It won't be used...

Among the spearmen immediately behind the shield army, Yunjing held a spear and looked at the surging Dajiang army in front of him. The spear in his hand was lightly placed on the shield in front. Once the enemy approached, he only had to stab it forward.

Facing the surging enemy troops, everyone around them looked serious and gritted their teeth. The next step would be a critical moment of life and death.

"Brothers, don't be afraid. We are holding the front. You can just stab some of the river dogs to death later. As long as we are still holding the front, the enemy will never even think of rushing in." A burly shield in front of Yunjing said

The soldier grinned.

They are not the main force in killing enemies, they only provide defense for friendly forces in the rear. Of course, when necessary, the shields in their hands weighing dozens of kilograms can kill people.

Yun Jing smiled and said: "We will win this battle. An hour or so after the battle started, Dajiang suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties. They are so anxious that they will jump over the wall. All we have to do is hold on. Maybe we can go to Nanyang City to celebrate today."

"During the war, if you destroy the enemy's city, everything there will be spoils of war, money, women..." That guy was still in the mood to lick his lips and think about this while the enemy was still some distance away.

In this era, how should I put it? According to Yun Jing's understanding, some teams with bad styles usually have a habit of looting once they break through the enemy's city. That is a benefit to the soldiers. After all, the soldiers fought hard with their lives.


Of course, that is just an army with a bad style. Under normal circumstances, looting and massacre of cities rarely occur. After all, it will cause everyone in the occupied place to rebel wildly, which is detrimental to the situation and stability after the occupation.

But this also illustrates the fact that in this era, there is a disaster that everyone talks about, called military disaster!

Once the army occupies a place and loots it, the disaster will be more tragic than any natural or man-made disaster. This is how people become worse than dogs in troubled times.

Under the military disaster, everything is no longer yours, including money, body...

Yun Jing shook his head slightly and said: "We are an army of justice. We will not carry out robbery. The commander does not allow it. If you mess around, you will be beheaded. Brother, you are thinking too much."

"Hey, that's what I'm saying, brother, where are you thinking? After all, we are not bandits. But, hey, brother, I think you don't talk like an ordinary person. Have you read a book?" The other party shook his head and smiled.


Yun Jing smiled and said: "Spend a few days reading"

The other party snorted and asked: "What about that, brother, you have read the book, tell me, after we occupy the city, if we don't plunder, just occupying the city is useless. Where will the benefits come from?"

"This is not simple. The items left behind by the enemy are trophies. In fact, everything after the occupation is trophies, but it cannot be plundered. For example, the shops in the city need to be managed uniformly. For example, the big families in the city must have their own ideas.

Just buy peace of mind, otherwise it will be the enemy, well, that's probably it, brother, do you understand?" Yunjing said tactfully.

War is not about doing good deeds and accumulating virtues. There is no benefit in occupying a place, but you have to be strategic in taking advantage. Brutal gains will only lead to the label of wounded bandits.

"I see, you scholars are so bad, hehe," the other party said with a grin.

Yunjing: "..."

Hey, how can you say this is bad? It's just reasonable and good.

The other party rolled his eyes, looked at Yun Jing and said: "Hey, brother, you are so handsome, but what, have you ever touched a woman's vagina? Have you tasted their little mouth? What does it feel like, what taste it tastes like? I don't know.

I’m almost 30 and I haven’t tasted that feeling yet. Tsk, it’s not worth it to die.”

Brother, how long has it been since? Are you still thinking about this?

"Brother, stop talking, the enemy is coming soon," Yunjing said speechlessly, changing the subject.

In a few words, the enemy's vanguard was almost within a hundred meters, but the enemy was like a sharp knife thrusting straight at them. The tip of the knife was not on Yunjing's side. They were far away, and they were actually fighting the enemy directly in front.

The location is still a few hundred meters away.

"Don't say it, Captain, I also want to know what it feels like to touch a woman's vagina, so just tell us."

"That's right, captain, just tell me. We might die soon. Although we probably won't have the chance to touch it, listening to it can satisfy our craving."

Before the enemy troops arrived, Yun Jing's comrades in the same team also asked eagerly.

They are all a bunch of tough guys, full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge about unknown things.

Yunjing couldn't laugh or cry, and said speechlessly: "It doesn't feel like anything, it's almost like touching yourself, it's just a difference in size."

"No, it's just like touching yourself, so what's the point? It's even a bit disgusting to think about it." Someone glared. If touching a woman is the same as touching himself, he doesn't seem to be that yearning for women anymore.

Damn it, you can't turn them around with just one word, sin, sin, Yunjing said quickly: "Don't ask me this kind of question, live on, and find a wife by yourself when the time comes. If it doesn't work, isn't it easy to go to a brothel?"

"Hey, too..."

Good guy, talking about this kind of thing actually makes the atmosphere of the upcoming fight in their local area a little more relaxed.

Sure enough, no matter when a man always thinks about three things, women, women and women...

Although Yunjing was talking to the people around him when the fight was imminent, Yunjing was also always paying attention to the situation on the battlefield.

When the enemy's leading troops approached the 100-meter range, the archers behind them took the lead and fired in three sections, throwing arrows at the enemy in a projectile manner. With a sizzling sound, the arrows were like rain.

pouring towards the enemy.

The city wall of Dajiang was too far away from here, and their archers could not reach it. On the contrary, Dali became the defensive side at this moment, but the mines thrown by those catapults never stopped throwing bombs there.

The city wall on the side is in tatters. Except for the innate masters, few soldiers dare to stand on the city wall.

As the arrows from the Dali archers poured down, the Dajiang army rushing over from the opposite side suffered numerous casualties under the rain of arrows, and their screams alarmed the surrounding areas.

Especially those cavalrymen, who were hit by arrows and rolled down, causing those behind to avoid them. The chain reaction was that everyone fell on their backs.

Yunjing is not idle either. Although he has not started fighting hand to hand, he is already doing it secretly!

Because those Dajiang cavalry were running fast, Yunjing secretly controlled the items left behind by Dajiang's dead army on the battlefield to create trouble for them. Some knife happened to scratch the horse's hoof, and a stone happened to be in front of the horse's hoof...

In short, most of those Dajiang troops who fell to the ground while running and caused stampedes on their backs were caused by Yunjing. This alone caused thousands of casualties to the opponent!

He was doing this blatantly, but the battlefield was chaotic. Who knew it was him, the little soldier leader, who did it.

Anyway, the troops of the Dajiang Dynasty that rushed over were in various troubles, and they were still facing the rain of arrows. They were clearly using their lives to clear the way.

Boo hoo hoo~!

When the main force of the Dajiang Dynasty approached Dali with difficulty due to the loss of troops, it was within the shooting range of the Thunder Fire Army's crossbowmen. At this time, the Thunder Fire Army took action. Bombs the size of fists were poured out under the kinetic energy of the bows and crossbows. Could the opponent be okay?

It was easy to rush over, but we were bombarded with bombs.

To be honest, the combat effectiveness of the Leihuo Army is already one order of magnitude higher than that of the enemy. With the cooperation of the three types of arms, the far, medium and near, and the overwhelming artillery fire, it is difficult for the enemy to get close. The reason why the Dawn Army is still in front to protect is purely

Just in case, after all, the Lei Huo Army is a treasure, and losing one of them is heartbreaking.

As for if the Dawn Army in front died, wouldn't it make people feel bad? That's not possible. Before the time is right, the Thunder Fire Army behind is also trying to cover the front.

"This battle was different from what I imagined. I didn't feel a sense of participation at all. Under the baptism of the Thunder and Fire Army, the enemy troops came with great momentum. I don't know how many of them could actually rush over and fight hand to hand." Yun Jingting

Holding the spear, he was a little speechless.

The Thunder Fire Army used their special crossbows to throw bombs at them, just like rockets. They hit them overwhelmingly and killed a bunch of them. It was too difficult for the enemy to cross the minefield and come to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

But no matter how difficult it was, the Dajiang army that came this time was determined. There were many experts among them. Even with the horrific casualty rate of more than 70%, they still rushed to the front of the battle with all their might.


The fastest of the Dajiang cavalry came and collided with the shield wall lying on the ground. Under the violent impact, they themselves were thrown off their backs. The place where the shield wall was hit was the Dali shield armor behind it that was holding up the shield.

He was also hit with broken bones and tendons, and he vomited blood.

Before Dajiang could break through the defense line, Dali's pikemen behind him thrust out their spears, retracted them, and thrust them out again. In this repeating pattern, Dajiang's vanguard troops were stabbed into a hornet's nest amidst the sound of puffs and puffs.

The hand-to-hand combat has begun!

With the arrival of the cavalry, more and more soldiers from the Dajiang Dynasty rushed to the front of the formation. However, before that, after many rounds of baptisms, Dajiang's casualties were about 80%. One hundred thousand people rushed forward, and eventually only 10,000 or 20,000 people arrived in front of the formation.

Yes, this was a difficult journey paved with blood and bones, but when they came over, what greeted them was a head-on attack from the Dali army.

On the wall of Nanyang City, Jia Pingnan stared at the battlefield, subconsciously clenching his fists, hoping that the 100,000 troops could severely damage the Leihuo Army after paying such a price.

But is that possible? There are three lines of defense in front of the Thunder Fire Army!

"Brothers, it's up to you, kill me, we'll hold you back!"

Here in Yunjing, the buddy who had previously discussed with him what it felt like to touch a woman, Naiko, gritted his teeth while holding his shield.


He was shocked when a river cavalry hit his shield. The force of the hit made blood bleed from the corner of his mouth, but he refused to give in.

Yun Jing stretched his arm forward, stabbed with his spear, and pierced the cavalry's neck with a pop. He withdrew his spear and stabbed another person like lightning. After a few tight breaths, four of them were knocked off their horses by him.

The spear in his hand is more than three meters long. With the spear alone, Yunjing can cover a distance of five meters.

But he doesn't just take care of the surrounding area with a radius of five meters. Under the influence of telekinesis, a radius of ten kilometers is within his consideration range!

The angle of the spear fired by the friendly army was wrong, and Yun Jing secretly helped to adjust it. The arrow shot by the archer was at the wrong angle, and Yun Jing secretly helped to adjust it. There was the bomb shot by the thunder and fire army that missed? No, just turn around and go.

In a crowded place...

Not counting those killed with his own hands, tens of thousands of people died directly or indirectly at the hands of Yunjing during Dajiang’s attack!

However, although his telekinesis was silent and convenient, his energy was limited and he could only multitask in several places at the same time. He could not cover the entire telekinesis area at the same time. There was no way around it. He tried his best.

, it should be noted that in such a battle, with a gap of tenths of a second, it was already too late for him to use his telekinesis to help.

"The enemy has prepared a comprehensive plan. The military units that can throw explosives are certainly powerful in combat, but how come our army's casualties are so high?" Jia Pingnan frowned slightly as he looked at the battlefield. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it.


Zhao Dezhu, who was a few meters away, shot out a spear and pierced the chest of an enemy soldier. He immediately retreated with his spear and roared: "I killed an enemy cavalry and got twenty taels of silver!"

Killing enemies on the battlefield, and killing each enemy will be rewarded. There is a dedicated person responsible for statistics. It is reasonable for Zhao Dezhu to be happy. Killing one person is money.


Liu San was not as lucky as him. He stabbed the enemy's breastplate with his gun. Not only did he fail to kill him, but under the impact of the opponent's advance, the gun in his hand slipped and the palm of his hand was wiped off by the friction.

layer of skin.

Puff puff puff, several members of his team fired their spears and dug the enemy into a hornet's nest.

"I also killed one person... Well, if I remember correctly, Squadron Yun has already killed the twelfth one?" Mu Chong on the other hand looked towards Yun Jing and glared slightly.

With a flash of eyes, Yun Jing said: "Be careful."

After he finished speaking, Yunjing took out the military-issued dagger from his waist with his left hand and threw it. The dagger passed a distance of more than ten meters and plunged into the forehead of an enemy soldier with a pop, killing the enemy instantly.

The man came on horseback, and when Mu Chong was distracted, he almost killed him with a spear.

After killing the man, Yun Jing said in a deep voice: "Captain Mu, don't be distracted on the battlefield!"

"Thank you, Squadron Yun, for the rescue. I owe you my life," Mu Chong said after trembling with fear. He did not dare to be distracted and paid full attention to the front.

Under the desperate attack, the cavalry of the Dajiang Dynasty initially numbered in the tens of thousands, but only two or three thousand came to the front of the formation. With them clearing the way, ten or twenty thousand other troops of other types followed behind and lost their troops.

Regarding this situation, Li Qiu in the Thunder Fire Army just waved his hand lightly.

Then, the throwing soldiers in the Thunder Fire Army took out the bamboo tubes in their bags, lit them, rushed towards the river ahead, and threw them into the army in front of the formation.

Boom boom boom...

The overwhelming "big firecrackers" exploded in Dajiang's army, and the iron beads and nails filled in them shot out. The scene was too tragic.

Dajiang's army finally rushed over and was baptized by the overwhelming "big firecrackers" with added ingredients, and the people died in droves.

On the opposite city wall, Jia Pingnan's eyes flashed with pain. This battle was too painful. An army of 100,000 people rushed over with 80% loss on the road. I originally thought that something had been accomplished, but who knew the enemy had such a trick!

"Those 100,000 people are finished," Jia Pingnan said bitterly in his heart. This battle made him doubt his life.


"Damn, what?"

The armor holding the shield in front of Yun Jing said in shock. He felt something hit the shield in front of him. If it hadn't been for the shield, with such force, he would have probably made a hole in his body!

It's iron nails, iron nails and iron beads added to the "big firecracker".

Yun Jing knew it well and said to himself, Master, let your men throw grenades, but don't accidentally hurt friendly troops. Fortunately, there is a shield wall in front, otherwise one of his own may be in trouble as well.

Fortunately, Li Qiu ordered his men to stop after losing one round, because as a result, only a few of the enemy troops who had worked so hard to rush over could stand, and there were only a few hundred scattered on the front line.

The others were lying on the ground dead or disabled, with no fighting power left.


Directly in front of Yunjing and the others, a blood-stained Dajiang soldier with red eyes roaring and a white inner energy radiating from his body came towards him with a big sword in his hand.

The blade of the blade was white and translucent, and its internal energy turned into a razor-sharp edge. The blade was powerful and heavy, as if it was about to split the shield wall in front of it.

"Be careful, it's a late-stage warrior the day after tomorrow!"

"Stop him!"

The people around were screaming. Facing such an enemy, an ordinary shield wall could not stop it at all. Once it was broken open and chopped down at close range, everyone around would die.

"Damn", the expression on the face of Yunjing's team leader changed, but he was far away and it was too late to rescue him, so he could only rush over to rescue him and kill him.

Facing the enemy general coming to kill him later the day after tomorrow, Yunjing's expression did not change. In order to prevent him from entering the formation and slashing randomly, he directly threw the spear in his hand.


The spear in his hand was thrown by Yun Jing with tens of thousands of kilograms of force. It was like a bolt of lightning that streaked across a distance of more than ten meters and pierced the enemy's heart with a pop. His internal strength could not resist it at all.

The man was driven backwards by the spear, flew more than ten meters and was nailed to the ground. He took a hard look here and then looked at the spear that nailed him, with a look of reluctance.

He is about to rush over. Once he rushes over, even if he dies, he will be able to kill some people from Dali, and his efforts will fall short...

The warriors in the late acquired period have a tenacious vitality. Unless their heads are blown off all at once, no matter how serious the injury is, they will pose a serious threat to the ordinary people around them, so Yunjing can only kill him in advance.

Seeing this scene, the corps commander stopped, remembered the cloud scene, and went to other places to guard against the enemy's master going crazy.

"Hey, it's so dangerous. I thought we were going to die. Squadron Yun, you are too powerful," the buddy holding the shield said fearfully.

A small soldier beside Yun Jing handed his long gun to Yun Jing and said: "Captain, your gun was thrown out. Use mine and I will cover you."

With that said, he handed the spear to Yun Jing and drew out the long knife himself.

Yunjing did not refuse. Spears are still very useful on the battlefield.


Dajiang's people managed to rush to the front of the formation with almost all their casualties, and the real masters rose up one after another.

In the position of the central army, directly in front of Li Qiu, an enemy general with a true artistic conception held a spear and stabbed straight at him. He was only in the early stage of the true artistic conception and could not truly display his will. However, under the influence of his martial arts will, people with weak cultivation were in a trance.

It was as if I saw a white crane that covered the sky and spread its wings soaring into the sky!

The vitality around his body surged, condensed on the spear and exploded into sharp edges. Starting from the tip of the spear, millions of razor-sharp edges swept forward, covering an area of ​​nearly a kilometer in front and around.

Each of those endless sharp edges is like a bird peck that can pierce through everything.

If this is carried out, the Dali soldiers in that area will suffer countless casualties!

For a strong person with true artistic conception, an explosion at close range is no different from massacre to people who are not at that level.

At the same time, in the same position, another strong man from Dajiang Zhenyijing erupted. The man was holding a long sword, and the sword body bloomed with endless icy edge, stabbing the people around him unable to open their eyes.

He slashed forward with his sword, and countless sword lights condensed into a torrent, flying forward like a tide. In the torrent of sword light, a sword light hundreds of meters long was extremely terrifying.

The two Zhenyijing came to the front of the battle at the same time and started to attack Li Qiu. They had been holding back until now. One can imagine the Dajiang Dynasty's determination to kill Li Qiu.

That was a true artistic conception. The action was earth-shattering. How could the soldiers of the Dawn Army in front stop it? Countless people were killed and injured in an instant. I don’t know how many people were torn apart under the shadow of the gun and the light of the sword!

This is the terrifying thing about strong men on the battlefield. The so-called unparalleled mowing the grass is nothing more than this.

"Come die!"

A loud roar spread throughout the countryside, and Zhang Shoubei, the leader of the Dawn Army, appeared instantly and took action.

His weapon was a broadsword nearly two meters long. In an instant, he swung the sword forward with both hands, and there was a terrifying knife sound in the sky and the earth, and the whole world lit up.

Behind him, a terrifying crescent moon rose, blooming with endless bright edge. As he swung his sword, the crescent moon swept across the sky with extremely bright edge. Under the sweep of the crescent moon, the gun shadow

The broken sword light rolls back.

Puff puff...

The crescent moon flashed past, and the two Dajiang Zhenyijing generals who burst out in front of the formation were torn into pieces. The crescent-moon-like sword light flew forward without hesitation, flying directly across the battlefield and pointing directly at the Nanyang City wall of the Dajiang Dynasty on the opposite side.

On the city wall, Jia Pingnan waved his hand expressionlessly and struck down with a halberd. The sky and the earth seemed to be cut apart. The shadow of a halberd that reached the sky and the earth struck down, and the crescent moon-like sword light shattered.

Zhang Shoubei snorted coldly when he saw this, knowing that he was no match for Jia Pingnan, so he didn't say anything cruel. However, Da Jiang's two true feelings exploded and killed hundreds of soldiers, but he secretly gritted his teeth. Fortunately, he took action.

even though.

Those two are only in the early stage of True Inspiration, but he is in the middle stage, a level higher, and can be crushed directly!

"No!" Zhang Shoubei's face suddenly turned dark and he said he had been fooled.

I saw the battlefield on the other side thousands of meters away. There was a mighty long river running across the sky. It broke through the Dali defense line in one fell swoop. People jumped on their backs and rushed into the thunder and fire army. While killing hundreds of thousands of thunder and fire troops, they also destroyed

He drove more than ten catapults.

There was actually a general who was in the middle stage of Dajiang Zhenyijing and took the opportunity to cause chaos. The opponent's martial arts will was clearly a mighty river, and it was truly manifested. Who could stop him if he was not at that level?

Making false claims in the east and attacking in the west, you were fooled!

Zhang Shoubei's figure flashed and he rushed over.

But the other party was not interested in fighting. He wreaked havoc among the thunder and fire army, and immediately ran towards Nanyang City with some firearms including mountain thunder.

"Die to me!"

Zhang Shoubei roared, and another round of crescent-shaped sword light rose into the sky and crushed him away.

As the man was retreating, he waved his long sword, and the mighty river rolled back, engulfing Zhang Shoubei's crescent sword and sinking it. The two collided and erupted, and terrifying energy swept through the surrounding areas.

After blocking Zhang Shoubei for a while, the opponent went straight to Nanyang City with firearms.

Damn it.

Zhang Shoubei looked ugly and wanted to pursue him, but he was wary of General Dajiang on the wall opposite.

The battlefield is changing so rapidly. The other side of the river paid a price of 100,000 people just to "cover" the three true artistic conceptions. The purpose was to take away some of the war weapons of the Thunder Fire Army.

Li Qiu frowned and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Huo, even if it's just in case, we can't let things fall into their hands."

"Our family understands"

Huo Chuan said in a deep voice, and chased after him in a flash. With a wave of his long sword, 'the sky has turned dark', and a terrifying black sword light appeared from the darkness, crossing the sky towards the powerful Dajiang Zhenyijing who took away the firearm.

Cut it off.

But at this time, on the opposite city wall, Jia Pingnan also moved, and his figure flashed in front of Huo Chuan. He waved his halberd in his hand, and the dazzling edge illuminated the world.

The terrifying sword light that appeared in the darkness shattered, and the black sky behind Huo Chuan was torn open.

Huo Chuan's face turned pale, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth and he flew back. He landed lightly next to Li Qiu, shook his head and apologized: "General Li, I'm sorry, there is nothing our family can do."

"It doesn't matter," Li Qiu shook his head and said, knowing that Huo Chuan had tried his best.

Jia Pingnan, who was in the void, saw that Huo Chuan was so smart that he walked away with just one strike, so he curled his lips and turned back.

After paying a price of 100,000 people, his goal was achieved. He wanted to see what Dali's war weapon was. If he could figure it out and use it for himself...

However, Jia Pingnan had just returned to the city wall to meet up with the man who had brought something back. Before he could be happy, the thing he brought back exploded!

Amidst the roar, although the explosion of those things did not have any impact on them, the things they brought back at such a high price were gone...

At this moment, the disgraced Jia Pingnan and others looked quite wonderful.

Yunjing, who was in the spear army, secretly curled his lips and said to himself: It is one thing whether you can study these things and become famous after you take them back, but how can you achieve your wish?

That's right, it was Yun Jing who blew up those things from the air. He didn't need to light the fuse, but could detonate those things by using his mind power deep inside to control the friction.

"Commander..." General Ojiang said with an ugly expression after finally bringing back his things.

The thing exploded in his hand. With his true artistic conception, he was naturally not afraid of this power, but he was left in disgrace, especially since the wall nearby collapsed, and his subordinates who were killed and injured did not care so much.

Jia Pingnan gritted his teeth and said: "This thing is very detrimental to the war. I don't think it will easily fall into the hands of the enemy. It must be self-destructive, so there is no need to blame yourself."

"What's next...?" someone asked beside Jia Pingnan.

He turned around and looked in the direction of the Dali military camp. Jia Pingnan pondered for a moment and said word by word: "Let's fight, the whole army will attack!"

Trapped in the city will only be eaten away bit by bit by the opponent. Retreating or surrendering is the best choice, but Jia Pingnan doesn't want to be that eternal sinner, and would rather take the initiative to attack.

He knew that taking the initiative had little chance of winning, but it was better than being passively beaten.

What if, if we could defeat the opposing Dali army in one fell swoop, we could even kill Qin Antai, or capture those Leihuo troops?

Even if the chance is slim, if you don't give everything you have to give it a try, it will still be a matter of time before the city is destroyed and people are killed, so you can only make a desperate move!

This chapter has been completed!
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