Chapter 88 I am your sword

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 Unlike the detailed introduction with Laura and others, the introduction with Reinhardt was relatively brief, and many things were mentioned in one stroke, because there was no need to say more.

Reinhardt is not only an eyewitness to Liebel's mutation, but he is also the executor and second leader of the association's plan for the "Arcana of the Sky" - the "Ring of Glory". His knowledge of the arcana is no better than that of Rean.


Rean can get a rough idea of ​​many things as long as he gets started. Things like the Riding God Terminal and the Spirit Cave are similar to Libel's, but they are expressed in different forms, and the essence is not much different.

Give him a rough outline, and he'll be able to grasp the whole picture quickly, without Rean having to waste time at all.

After briefly explaining the origin of the curse and how it works, Reinhardt finally figured out what he cared about.

"That is to say, as long as the curse lasts, a second or third Hamel may appear. Even if it is not in the form of Hamel, countless tragedies will be born - that's why you say Hamel

This incident is not over yet."

"More than that." Rean added, "One of the survivors of the Hamel massacre has been affected by the curse."

"Who is it? Is it Joshua?"

Reinhardt's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the flash of sharpness made even Rean feel scared.

He is worthy of being a strong man who defeated Du Barry ninety-nine times and made Macbon, the strongest among the enforcers, talk about him all the time.

Although there is no trace of reason, there is no doubt that it is an existence of extraordinary level.

There are thousands of martial arts, and truth is the most upright path, but it is not the only way. This Reinhardt is obviously taking a different path than truth.

"No. He is a student from the Torz Second Branch where I work. His name is Ash."

Seeing Reinhardt's confused look, Li En said again.

"The name was changed later. The previous name seemed to be John."

"It turns out it was him..."

Reinhardt's eyes turned gentle and he breathed out gently.

"That kid used to like to hide aside and watch me practice my sword... He's seventeen or eighteen years old now. He also survived... That's great, besides me and Joshua, there are others who survived...

…Is he okay?”

"It's not bad now. Although I always look like a bad boy, it's actually just a disguise. I'm actually a good student, and my grades have always been among the best."

There are not many students in the second branch, and Li En knows every student's situation very well.

"It's just that in the not-too-distant future, he will assassinate His Majesty Youkent III due to the influence of the curse."




"I've never heard you say this before."

Not only Reinhardt, Laura, Fei, and Elliot also looked shocked.

Li En scratched his head and said, "I saw a lot of things. It would take three days and three nights to tell them all. I can only pick out the important ones as much as possible."

"Isn't His Majesty's assassination important enough?" Laura began to complain, which shows how serious the matter is.

"You said you saw it?"

Reinhardt's focus is different.

Hamel's handling of the incident made him completely disappointed with the empire, and he naturally had no good impression of the emperor as the supreme head of state. Whether he lived or died had nothing to do with him.

"To put it simply, I was able to see the future because of an existence beyond common sense, and the ability to summon you was also obtained from that existence."

Before deciding to summon Reinhardt, Rean had already thought of a general explanation, including how to explain it, and how to win his trust - and the unheard-of ability to summon heroic spirits is itself the best evidence.

"Well, I probably know a little bit."

Reinhardt really believed it. Not only did he believe it, he also said what Rean cared about.

"You know?"

"I don't know exactly what happened, but I can feel some changes. Originally, there was no concept of heroic spirits in this world. I was just one of the dead. I can't describe what the world after death is like -

But one day, my way of existence suddenly changed."

"I have a similar feeling." Ysera on the side agreed, "The first-generation elders speculated that the fundamentals of the world have changed. Only gods or similar beings know the reason. It is not an area that we can get involved in."
"Same feeling." Reinhardt nodded, "Gods have their own realm, and humans have their own lives. We just need to focus on our affairs, at least until that mysterious existence appears again."

"Then let's continue talking about Ash."

In fact, Ysera and Reinhardt don’t need to say anything, Rean himself has already figured it out.

Whether you allow yourself to see the future or send yourself to the past, it is an existence that is far beyond your reach, and you can't resist what you really want to do.

No matter how much you think about it, it’s pointless, it’s better not to think about it.

"Now that Rean has seen what Ash is going to do, there should be nothing to worry about." Elliot said, his attitude has always been optimistic.

Reinhardt's attitude was just the opposite, his eyebrows furrowed and frowned:

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. If it can be stopped so easily, there is no need to continue talking - is there some kind of force majeure in the curse?"

"That's right."

Rean increasingly feels that summoning Reinhardt is the right decision. Talking to someone who knows how to do it will save you worries.

"Ash assassinated the Emperor with a pistol he picked up from a Republic agent and could not be detected by a metal detector.

There were more than a dozen people present when the agent was captured, and several of them were A-level guerrilla masters, but none of us noticed what Ash was doing.

In addition, there is a wise man beside us who can also predict almost all situations, but she also missed Ash's actions. I don't think these are coincidences."

Of course there is no evidence, but if you extrapolate from the results, you can indeed see a lot of things. Rean has been doing this work in his spare time this month, and he has also seen many connections that were unclear before he came back.

"That's it." Reinhardt closed his eyes thoughtfully, then opened them again quickly, bowing his head to Rean, "Anyway, I hope you can take more care of him. I ask you as John's neighbor's brother.

"You don't need to tell me that I can do it." Li En turned sideways and waved his hand, refusing to accept the courtesy. "He is my student, and this is my responsibility."

"Then let me do my part as a survivor of Hamel."

The Sword Emperor took a deep breath, put his feet together, straightened his waist, and looked like an unsheathed sword.

"From today on, I will be your sword. As long as it is to lift the curse, no matter what kind of enemy it is, I will sweep it away for you."

"Let me tell you in advance, there will be many of your old friends among the enemies. In fact, we just fought the 'Iron Fleet' during the day today, right in the square in front of the village. Before the battle started, we even laid flowers for you.

You can still see it if you go now."

Rean has always adhered to the principle of treating others with sincerity, and he did not want Reinhardt to have any grudges in the future.

"Are they Du Barry and the others? It's been a long time since we last seen each other."

Reinhardt's stern face showed a little softness, and it was obvious that he really regarded them as friends.

However, this softness was soon replaced by perseverance.

"It doesn't matter. I'm dead, and the position of the association no longer exists. Even if I'm still alive, it doesn't matter. The biggest principle of the executor is absolute freedom, including hostility to the association."

Rean nodded, stopped talking nonsense, stretched out his hand and revealed the command spell: "Then here——"

"——The contract is established."

This chapter has been completed!
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