Chapter 123 Chat

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Time passes.

Everyone sat on the ground around a few portable guiding lights, gathering in twos and threes and talking.

Some are original small groups, such as the Bright family.

Sometimes there are new people joining.

The most eye-catching among them is obviously the combination of Ruler, whose real name is Xu Shen, Qiya and Ling.

Ruler rested his head on Qiya's thigh and fell asleep soundly.

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her long eyelashes drooped like fans. She didn't know what kind of dream she was having.

Under her influence, Ling and Qiya, who are usually more lively and outgoing, also rarely settled down.

Qiya looked at her "sister"'s face with a bright smile.

Ling thoughtfully covered Ruler with the quilt, then picked up a strand of her unique long silver hair, wrapped it around her hand and played with it.

From time to time, I would say a few words to Qiya, but my voice would be very low.

The one closest to them was Yanilas, who had no resistance to cute things. When she saw three cute girls gathering together, all she could think about was running over to give them a hug.

Fortunately, she did not completely lose her mind. She knew that Ruler was sleeping and could not be disturbed. She could only endure it like this, which looked particularly pitiful.

On their left is the eldest pair Alyssa and Ellie.

The only heir to the Lineforte Group.

The only third generation member of the McDowell family.

The world is big, but the top circles are actually very small.

As the eldest lady who is destined to inherit the family business, the two have met before and got along well. They also talked about the old Class VII and the Support Section.

When she came to Crossbell this time, Alyssa also had plans to meet Ellie, but she didn't expect there would be a "Birdcage Project", let alone meet in such a place and in such a way.

Of course, for two people who originally have different positions, this way of meeting is actually better.

The fact that the forces of Class VII entered the birdcage late at night was a sign of sincerity. Ellie no longer had to worry about it and could talk freely with Alyssa.

Talk about life and ideals.

Also complain.

In their position, they are a hundred times more prestigious than ordinary people, and the pressure they bear is also a hundred times greater.

Some words can only be understood by each other.

But these are not the most important things. The most important topic is actually men.

To be more precise, they were the two men in their early twenties sitting on the other side of Qiya.

Ryan Schwarzer.

Lloyd Bannings.

The backbone and soul of Class VII and the Support Section.

They are also the favorites of two outstanding women.

If it were an ordinary man, with their appearance and family background, it would not be difficult to win.

But these two men are not ordinary. Not only are they very capable, but they also have surprisingly good rapport with the opposite sex.

Not to mention the distance, there are two right in front of you.

The second person in charge of force in the support team, Lisha Mao, who has the dual identity of the legendary Eastern assassin "Silver" and the Rainbow Theater Troupe's Moon Dancer.

Ever since Rean and others appeared, she has been standing behind Lloyd, guarding her like a shadow.

As if to avoid being compared, there was someone behind Rean.

The witch Emma, ​​who has a unique bond with Rean that transcends classmates, faces Lisha from afar.

The appearance of the two "guards" is no worse than that of the two eldest ladies, and their figures are even better.

The powerful impact of the confrontation between the four peaks shocked even them.

Including Caster, who appears in the form of Ysera and is very close to Emma, ​​there are six peaks - so terrifying.

Sitting further away is the somewhat strange pair of Machias and Levi. Machias is asking Levi a question.

"Sword Emperor" Reinhardt, who was once the No. 2 executor of the association, is not well-known in the outside world, but is famous in the inner world.

Machias was also one of the insiders, and he wanted to know what he thought of the empire.

Karl Regnitz, the first civilian-born head of the imperial capital, was Machias's father and his target.

He wanted to be like his father, climbing up the political ladder step by step, and contributing to the empire in his own way.

To do this, he needs to listen to voices from all sides, not only those who praise him, but also those who oppose him and those who dislike him.

There are considerations in this regard when choosing to join the Overwatch Council, and even more so when asking Levi for advice.

Hamel is a place abandoned and erased by the empire. As a member of it, Levi's ideas have unparalleled reference value.

To be honest, this kind of question is somewhat revealing. Fortunately, Levi is only cold on the surface, but actually very tolerant on the inside. Not only is he not angry, but he analyzes this issue with Machias very carefully.

Levi was an early member of the association. Before officially launching the "Gospel Project", he traveled to the Western Continent with a sword and participated in many events.

He participated in the annihilation battle of the D∴G Religion and the annihilation battle of the "Moonlight Trojan Regiment". The name "Sword Emperor" was actually born out of necessity. He has extensive knowledge and legendary experience.

In the early days of the "Gospel Project", I worked as an undercover agent in the "Intelligence Department" run by Alan Richard. I was exposed to many unknown secrets and witnessed countless twists and turns.

The exchange with Machias benefited the latter a lot, and the topic also developed from Hamel to the world structure and changes in the political arena.

Finally, of course, there is the soul duo of Rean and Lloyd, plus Arios Marklain, the "Wind Sword Master" who has a close relationship with both of them.

There is no difference between the image of Royd and Rean in his memory. The baby always has a smile on his face and reaches out his hand in a familiar manner.

"I didn't say hello well just now. Let's try again. I haven't seen you for a year and a half, so I'd like to ask for your advice again. Can I call you Li En? If you want, you can also call me by my name."

Before coming back, Rean didn't dare to hold Lloyd's hand.

He believed that he was not qualified and that he had made a mistake.

He was an accomplice in the invasion of Crossbell. During the "Dark Star Cup" battle, the curse was released, causing the curse to spread throughout the empire and surrounding areas, even Crossbell was affected.

Rean felt ashamed of those people who kept working hard for Crossbell.

Fortunately, Lloyd didn't mind, and he opened his mouth and finally solved some of Rean's knots.

Now of course there is no need to worry anymore. Rean, who understood his true intention, calmly stretched out his hand to shake Lloyd's hand:

"Of course, please give me your advice again, Lloyd."

Arios, who witnessed this scene from the side, was smiling and satisfied.

Lloyd is his best friend, the younger brother of Guy Bannings, and the person who pulled him back from his misguided path.

In this world, besides his daughter, Lloyd was the most important to him.

Li En is the close disciple of his mentor, the most promising and dazzling new star in the school.

If possible, he would never want the two of them to be enemies.

Friendly interactions like this are what he wants to see most.

It would be even better if Royd could take a crucial step like Rean did.

PS: This chapter says it has been restored, feel free to do as you please.

This chapter has been completed!
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