Chapter 31 Free-range teaching

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 The past internships of the old vii class did not have as high a salary as the new vii class.

Special train?

No, take the car by yourself.

Dedicated campsite?

No, we all stay in hotels or B&Bs together.

Instructor leads the team?

Sorry, still not available.

The purpose of internship is to train you. I will lead the team. How can you train better?

Finding your own way to complete the assignment and solve the problem is called exercise.

Rean will never forget his first internship in his life. After the group arrived at their destination, Sarah used drinking as an excuse to escape, leaving the students to cheer up.

Of course, the effect is really good. The growth rate of the old class vii is unusually fast. It won't take long to lift class i, the elite class known as the aristocratic class.

At that time, Class I still expressed dissatisfaction, and the leader sent Trek to bring people over to find trouble, but Li En and others beat him back - this was still a situation where only boys were allowed to fight.

Regardless of gender, Class I cannot compete with Class VII.

Patrick, the strongest boy in Class I, cannot beat Rean, and Phyllis, the leader of the girls, is about the same as Alyssa.

Alyssa's combat power is among the bottom three in Class VII. Rean, who has not yet mastered the "Unity of Spirit and Spirit", is ranked third at most. The top two are both girls.

Only boys are allowed, so there is not much difference in combat power between the two sides, but the combat awareness and cooperation of Class VII are much stronger than those of Class I. This is the benefit of internship.

Before starting over, Rean felt that he was not at Sarah's level, and the danger level of the exercises was higher than that of internships, so he did not dare to do it.

Now that he has cultivated as a swordsman, Li En feels that he is confident enough and can try Sarah's "free-range teaching".

It can also avoid drawing the knife and being spotted by Claire.

With her intelligence, she could definitely tell that Rean didn't want Osborne to know, but it was impossible for her not to report it. In the end, it was she who suffered.

In this case, the best thing to do is not to draw the sword and let you think that I am still the same person.

"At the end of the first internship, we encountered danger. Finally, Major Claire led the railway gendarmerie to rescue us. That was the first time we met."

After listening to Li En's story, the three students all understood that this was an old tradition of Class VII and no longer accused Li En of being lazy.

But that doesn't mean they don't have concerns.

"Can we really do this?" Kurt was a little unsure.

"In terms of numbers, we are not as good as the old Class VII." Altina added.

The old Class VII had nine members at the beginning. Even if it was divided into two groups, AB, and went to different places, Rean's group still had five members, far more than the new Class VII, which was seriously understaffed.

"So I will not disappear directly like instructor Sarah, but will follow you. If there is any problem, I will point it out as soon as possible."

Li En said calmly, obviously prepared.

"Besides, although our number is small, our composition is very reasonable. Kurt is familiar with the environment, Altina has rich experience in investigation, and after the last free activity day, Yuna is also qualified to handle the 'local contribution' aspect.

Work, as long as the three of you work together, there will be no problem in completing the exercise."

"Free day, is this 'local contribution'——" Yuna realized later.

"That's it." Rean smiled, "Everything you did on the free day was actually a 'local contribution' to Livers."

"Ah——" Yuna suddenly became motivated after hearing this, "Isn't this the daily work of the 'Special Agent Support Section'? Leave it to me, and I will definitely complete it well."

"I will work hard too."

"And me."

Altina and Kurt are not far behind.

As Rean said, Altina has done too much work such as reconnaissance and infiltration. Just touring around Saint-Jacques is enough for her. Aerial reconnaissance with a "light saber" is more efficient than on the ground.

Much more.

Neither of the girls are afraid, and Kurt is even less afraid. Boys should protect girls, not to mention that I have lived here for such a long time.

With motivation, the boy immediately began to identify the surrounding environment and quickly came to conclusions.

"This is the street connecting Saint-Jacques to the textile town of Palm. You can reach Saint-Jacques by walking along the street."

"Then let's go." Yuna raised her hand.

Kurt: "..."

Altina: "..."

No one responded, they are not the kind of passionate people.

Yuna took back her hand in disappointment and muttered: "Lead the way."

Kurt said oh, and kept reminding him as he walked: "This is still some distance from Saint-Jacques. You may encounter some monsters along the way, please be careful."

"I will ask the 'light saber' to pay attention to the investigation." Altina has already entered the state.

Claire, who had been watching the students silently, gave Rean a thumbs up - it achieved the purpose of training without dampening the enthusiasm of the students. You did a really good job.

Rean responded with a smile - because I am not only Instructor Sarah's student, but I have also learned a lot from you. Without your example, I would not be as thoughtful in every aspect as I am now.

Neither of them chose to communicate with words, but used gestures and words as much as possible, because this might disturb the students' train of thought.

I have to say that the two of them are really similar in terms of caring for others.

This silent tacit understanding lasted until the time when the two of them had to come forward in Saint-Jacques City.

It's not a lack of strength on the part of the students, it's a matter of identity.

The representative of Class VII is Rean Schwarzer, who is an instructor. When meeting with Marquis Haynes, he must come forward to get specific support requests.

Claire is very familiar with this process due to the nature of her work. With her leading the process, she can avoid many detours, otherwise it would be difficult for the students to pass the gate of the mansion guard.

After all, they are one of the "Four Famous Families" at the top of the imperial aristocracy, and they are not something you can see just casually.

"Old Chalk City" has white in its name, but its overall tone is gray.

It’s not a deliberate beautification, it’s not worthy of the name, but it’s because of the rendering of time.

When the imperial capital suffered a disaster and was forced to move the capital, the chalk old capital really lived up to its name, exuding a brilliance as white as snow.

Unfortunately, white is the most difficult color to keep pure. Over time, it will be stained with other colors. Even if the Haynes family has a rich family, it is impossible to paint the whole city every once in a while, so the chalk will be lost.

Time is coated with a dull color.

Literature and art are rich in history. After all, after the empire was destroyed once, this is the city with the longest history in the entire empire.

Walking through the classical yet gorgeous Noble Street, passing by the entrance of Saint-Jacques Cathedral, which has as much history as the city, we arrived at the destination of our trip, the Haines Family City Hall.

The "Grey Knight" and "Ice Maiden" who are famous throughout the empire lead the team, so naturally no one dares to stop them.

Around 7 o'clock, a group of five people met with the highest administrator of the state of Sassarant, Marquis Haines.

ps: It seems that Alyssa has been upgraded, but she is still at the bottom. The ones in front of the old vii class are all wall-mounted. With the Gundam, they can still beat Elliot and Machias at most, and the rest can't be beat.

This chapter has been completed!
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