Chapter 1246 Accept my heavenly order and carry out my orders!

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Chen Yinglong's figure flashed and landed in the hall.

He stepped out of the hall, and a vast golden light suddenly emerged from his figure, like a great tide pouring from the sky, crashing into the extreme western border, and the iron-walled cities collapsed one after another!


The earth was turned upside down, like an earth dragon turning over, Chen Yinglong's crushing collision actually destroyed the iron-walled city in the far west for hundreds of miles, causing blood to shoot into the sky, and countless casualties!

"Chen Yinglong!"

On the far western border, in the majestic city that was nearly towering into the sky, an angry voice like thunder boomed.

It is the eastern front coach of the Far West - Wu Duo!

"How dare you break into my far west region, today is the day you die!"

The two places are different worlds and have different orders.

In Wu Duo's view, Chen Yinglong, who broke into the Far West region without authorization, was simply looking for death!

Then, Wu Duo transformed into a golden light and suddenly rushed out of the city, rushing straight towards Chen Yinglong. In mid-air, he suddenly turned into a giant!

He was a hundred feet tall, with skin as thick as stone. He suddenly fell to the ground, causing a huge earthquake. His legs seemed to be rooted in the earth, and a steady stream of power was absorbed by them.

"Kill! Shenzang Gaia! Mountain-raising hammer!"

Wu Duo raised his hands, as if he was grabbing an invisible sledgehammer, and smashed it down towards Chen Yinglong!

"Well done!"

Chen Yinglong paused for a moment and turned back suddenly, his eyes filled with cold light.

"I'm waiting for you!"

"The longitude and latitude of Tianyuan, the order of heaven is rearranged, and with my decree, I will seize your divine power! Imperial order!"

With Chen Yinglong as the center, a sea-like realm instantly appeared behind him, rising from bottom to top, covering the sky, and shooting out countless golden streams of light. These golden streams of light intertwined in an instant, and the world suddenly darkened.

"not good!"

Wu Duo only felt that the giant hammer he was holding in his hand suddenly shattered. The power of the earth he had continuously absorbed seemed to be absorbed by an invisible force.

Cut it off directly!

Then, an extremely fatal crisis emerged from the bottom of my heart.

He stepped back almost without thinking. Before he could determine how Chen Yinglong had cut off his power in the far western region, he felt that he absolutely could not fight with the opponent!

"Hmm? Where are the people?"

As Wu Duo retreated violently, he discovered that Chen Yinglong, who was in front of him just now, suddenly disappeared.

"Wu Duo, are you looking for me?"

The loud sound seemed to be falling from the sky.

Wu Duo suddenly raised his head, and saw Chen Yinglong in a royal robe standing in the air, already throwing down a red ring. The simple and thick ring suddenly enlarged and fell towards him as a hood!

"The sky is round as a prison, and all living beings are trapped! Lock the sky ring! Lock it!"

Click click click.

Wu Duo felt his whole body tense.

The sky-locking ring was obviously still very far away, but somehow, as soon as he saw it, the ring landed directly on his body, and the powerful binding force locked his body tightly!

"What kind of destruction is this!"

Wu Duo shouted angrily, "Chen Yinglong, in the far west region, you are trying to lock up the descendants of Gaia! Get out of here!"

The body that was made of iron and stone shook violently, and huge earthworm-like blood vessels exploded sharply. He exerted force on both arms and struggled hard!

However, the Sky Locking Ring did not move at all, but instead tightened again!


A look of disbelief appeared on Wu Duo's face.

Due to the loss of the earth as the source of power, Wu Duo's continuous bursts of power became weaker and weaker each time. Finally, the Titan's body was beaten back to its original shape.

"Pointless struggle!"

Chen Yinglong stepped forward and mentioned Wu Duo

, with a flash of his body, he quickly exited from the far west!

And the next second, countless densely packed divine orders suddenly appeared in the far west, spreading across the void. If he had been half a step later, he might have been bound by this divine order that was completely different from the Ming Dynasty!


And just after he retreated for a few breaths, streaks of golden light appeared here. When they saw that Wu Duo was missing, everyone showed expressions of shock and anger!

"Where's Coach Uduo?"

"Why were you defeated so quickly? Was it because you were captured, or what happened?"

"That was Chen Yinglong just now?"

They looked at Ming Dynasty's Northland Xiongcheng with surprised expressions, while Chen Yinglong was holding Wu Duo and looking at them expressionlessly. A measuring ruler appeared in his hand, and he chopped it down with a swish!

Wuduo's head fell to the ground instantly!

And the fleshy sprouts on the neck are squirming crazily, planning to pick up the head!

However, Chen Yinglong stretched out his foot without expression and stepped on it hard. Wu Duo's head suddenly exploded into pieces!

And the crystallization of the so-called godhead in the head was also crushed to pieces!

Wu Duo is completely dead!


On the land at the far western border, blood suddenly poured out!

Like the earth weeping blood!

Provocation, naked provocation!

This group of extreme western gods were instantly furious. However, Wu Duo was captured alive by Chen Yinglong in such a short period of time, which made them dare not act rashly.

Chen Yinglong glanced at them indifferently.

"A bunch of cowards!"

After saying that, he carried Wu Duo's headless body and turned around and disappeared into the Northland Xiongcheng.

"Damn it!"

The faces of the gods in the far west were extremely ugly.

"This Chen Yinglong is afraid that he has glimpsed the main realm... Unless we are a powerful enemy, it seems that he will report this matter to the Divine Court!"




At this moment, in the main hall of Xiongcheng in the North.

Chen Yinglong sat down, waved his hand, and Wu Duo's headless body fell to the ground. Although he was dead, the flesh and blood on his neck was still squirming, as if he was trying to regenerate his head.

Buzz buzz!

Chen Yinglong watched expressionlessly as the majestic divine light behind him spread like a tide throughout the hall, shrouding Wu Duo's remains.

"Rules! Rules! Squares! Circles! Rulers! Measures! Law! Reason! Tao!"

Nine red gold imprints were imprinted in the void, each imprint releasing a grand brilliance, and dense divine chains extended from the nine imprints, locking the broken body in it!

The broken body was struggling instinctively, but it was impossible to escape after the divine chain was taken down.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Soon, the divine chain penetrated Wu Duo's remaining body and completely controlled it!

"Descendants of Gaia? Nothing more than that!"

Chen Yinglong's face was as plain as if he was cooking fish on a chopping board.

"Accept my heavenly order and carry out my orders!"


Chen Yinglong shouted low, the divine chain tightened suddenly, and Wu Duo's entire body was lifted up!

As the divine chain on the nine seals firmly controlled him, Wuduo's remains began to move little by little like a marionette, and the blood and flesh sprouts on his neck where his head was severed began to spread again.

Like thin threads, they are constantly entangled in one place.

Bone marrow also overflowed from the broken spine.

Gradually, a brand new head reappeared on Wu Duo's remains!

Shoulder-length hair sprouted from the top of his head and spread behind him.


The neck moves slightly and makes a crisp sound.

As the head turned, the new face that emerged was strikingly similar to Chen Yinglong!

This chapter has been completed!
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