Chapter 1571 Liu Xuan teaches the secret! There is a wonderful way to give birth to a child!

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Longchang City.

Under Nurhaci's urging, the shaman gods, as well as a large number of craftsmen and migrant workers, seemed to have completely overthrown and rebuilt the old city, expanding its scale dozens of times.

This place was completely built into a huge city comparable to Shengjing City.

Stand here and overlook the surrounding fields!

The outer walls of this large city are very strong and thick, almost as strong as those of mountains.

Coupled with the moat that is hundreds of feet wide and various protections, it is almost impossible to collapse it from the outside!

As soon as the troops escorting Yang Fan back entered the city, the news of Jian Guo's assassination spread throughout Longchang City, causing an uproar throughout the city.

Some people were shocked, some were ecstatic, and many people stamped their feet and beat their chests. What made them sigh sadly was that the person was not dead.

Of course, for Bumbutai, all he feels is fear!

After all, she had just told the living Buddha Banji about the imperial seal, and then came the secret assassination incident. You can imagine how she felt in her heart. She felt like she was sitting on pins and needles, like a ray of light on her back!

"No, we must get pregnant as soon as possible and make arrangements for the Buddha's son..."

Bumubutai made a quick decision driven by fear.

Once she is pregnant and the child of the Buddha is "blessed" in her belly, she will automatically receive the support of the esoteric religion, and her safety will undoubtedly be guaranteed.

Moreover, the position will be completely stable.

Even if the Lord Supervisor finds out that she leaked the matter, there is still a little room for change!

Especially after consulting the female saint, she also received a reply from the female saint Cheng, which strengthened her belief.

The other party's reply was very simple, that is - "You are willing to give birth to a child for them, but instead of understanding your hard work, they only care about the father of the child. Is it really that important who the father of the child is?"

Bumu Butai deeply agrees with this.

While the diligent and capable Bumu Butai was sweating for his own safety, Yang Fan was dealing with Liu Xuan with an apologetic smile on his face.

Liu Xuan himself was so busy that he was on all fours

Oh my God, I didn't know that just when I was about to take a break, I learned the news about Yang Fan's assassination, so I hurriedly came to visit him.

"Sir, this is really not my fault!"

After Yang Fan told what happened, he swore to God and said, "Everything was done by the Tantric Cult, and I am also a victim..."

"The Secret Cult!"

Liu Xuan said with a deep expression, "They came here to pass on the imperial seal! It seems that Bumu Butai must have leaked the news and deliberately framed the fault on the young master!"

"This woman really has ulterior motives and is a snake-hearted woman!"

He actually made such a judgment immediately.

Yang Fan nodded quickly: "I think so too."

Liu Xuan's eyes flashed with a faint light, and he said thoughtfully: "Fortunately, the master does not have this seal in his hand, otherwise, even if he really jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to wash it off..."

"Huh? Why is the young master looking at me with such an expression?"

Halfway through his words, Liu Xuan suddenly felt that Yang Fan's eyes were a little strange.


Yang Fan coughed twice and said awkwardly, "Well... because I caught a Japanese spy, I was so angry that I forgot to tell my husband that Battelle had dedicated the imperial seal of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty to me as a gift.

The price of returning to Mongolia..."

"Dedicated to the young master?"

When Liu Xuan heard this, he couldn't sit still. He was afraid that his son had received a fake product, so he quickly asked, "May I ask you, where is the jade seal at this moment?"

As soon as Yang Fan raised his hand, the imperial jade seal appeared on his palm.

Liu Xuan carefully held up the jade seal and examined it carefully.

"That's right, the material of this seal, the inscriptions of Yinwen and Yangwen in the's unmistakable, this is the imperial seal of the Meng Yuan Dynasty!"

After confirming that this object was authentic, Liu Xuan's body

Trembling with excitement.

"My young master is indeed very lucky. With this thing here, it is logical to take back the area occupied by the Meng Yuan Dynasty..."

"After all, those areas have been ours since ancient times..."

However, Yang Fan felt a little uncomfortable with Liu Xuan's fiery eyes and said quickly: "Sir, there is another section..."

As he spoke, he told the story of how he watched the Red Sect wipe out Battelle's memory with the "Six Paths of Reincarnation" and how he forged the jade seal and returned it to Battelle.


Liu Xuan was completely stunned.

It took a long time before he uttered a sentence.

“Is there really God’s blessing in this world?”

However, the more this happened, the more fear he felt in his heart.

This is the instinctive fear of fate and numbers!

As a man of destiny, the more he comes into contact with destiny, the more amazing this power becomes. In Yang Fan, he seems to have truly seen the "destiny" itself!

Even Nurhachi, the man known as "Destiny", is a thousand miles away!

With a pious face, Liu Xuan returned the Imperial Seal with both hands to Yang Fan. Yang Fan turned over and put it away, and the conversation between the two returned to Bumu Butai.

"This woman may be of great use, especially in the matter of giving birth to a Buddhist child. Not only the Tantric sect, but also Nurhachi is also paying attention to this woman. It is not appropriate to touch her lightly for the time being."

Yang Fan has no intention of dealing with Bu Mu Butai at this moment.

Liu Xuan naturally understood the importance and agreed wholeheartedly, saying: "I have used the 'Suppressing Dragon Chess Game' to prove my truth. She wants to have a child. For me, it is a good thing to add one more chess piece on the chessboard. I am happy."

It's too late, how can we stop it?"

"That's good."

"Don't worry, sir. The more chess pieces there are on the chessboard, the better for me."

Liu Xuan smiled mysteriously and left.

As soon as Liu Xuan went out, he found Cheng Ping's head and left a

Only after learning this special method did he leave with satisfaction.

A few days passed by.

Bumubutai, who had been working hard for several days, and even doubled his efforts, but still had no results, became more and more anxious.

But just when she was anxious, she saw Cheng Ping.

"Why did the female saint come?"

"Of course I'm here to help you."

So, that night, to ensure that everything was safe, Bumbutai first quietly went to Huang Taiji's marching tent, and then went to Dorgon's place to ride horses.

After returning to your own camp.

"This should be regarded as reaching the full state mentioned by the female saint, right?"

Bumubutai murmured to himself.

After all, if it weren't for the so-called "fullness" state in the secret method, why would she go out twice in one night?

It’s not just for the secret method to be successful in this state!

Since she didn't care who the child was, she naturally decisively activated the phoenix energy in her body and began to evolve a secret method of giving birth to a child that she had learned from the female saint.

"Build a nest with phoenix energy and phoenix grid, attract the dragon energy into the nest, and make the dragon and phoenix harmonious..."

Bumbutai was extremely nervous and directly used the secret technique to the extreme!

The next second, all the dragon energy in the body descended into the phoenix nest made of phoenix energy, and merged with the phoenix energy inside.


I don't know how long it took, but a new breath of life actually sprouted in Bumubutai's body, and red light suddenly surrounded his body, circling like a dragon and phoenix.

At this moment, Huang Taiji and Dorgon, who were separated in two places, suddenly felt a subtle resonance of blood connection.

"Am I a father?"

The two of them were surprised and happy, and both blurted out.

While the two were surprised, Bumu Butai was even more surprised.

Because, as the person involved, she clearly felt that the breath of life in the Phoenix Nest in her body was not one, but two...

This chapter has been completed!
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