Chapter 760 The old grandmother under the holy pool?

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 After a while, the evil spirit of the black dragon burped, the dragon's body moved, and got back into Fang Tian's painted halberd.

Yang Fan glanced at the empty house and stepped out of the door.

Hujiazhuang at night.

Thousands of lights make it look particularly lively.

The sounds of indulgent dogs and horses can even be heard clearly.

"Although he has a human form, he still has the nature of a demon!"

When Yang Fan saw this scene, his face was expressionless.

His figure flashed, but he headed straight towards the depths of the villa.

Although he was wary of the heritage of Hujiazhuang, he would never give up if he didn't go see what was in the mountains behind.

Along the way, he saw a fox girl showing her true form. She had a fox head and a human body, several feet long, with five tails growing out of her back. Silks of pink mist lingered in her body, and she was being served by dozens of men.

And when these men were at the peak of their joy, their blood and essence were drained out in an instant, and they were directly transformed into white bones wrapped in human skin.

When he died, he still had a satisfied smile on his face.

This made Yang Fan's murderous instinct flash.

However, press it first.

This place is not far from the back mountain, so if you act rashly, you will inevitably be noticed.

Of course, in addition to this kind of fox girl who completely fell into the realm of demons, Yang Fan also saw several women reading at night by candlelight.

They are already quite old, and some even have silver hair, but there is a trace of literary aura surrounding them, and the demonic aura is almost non-existent. You can even faintly see the ups and downs of classics in their bodies.

Great Confucian Realm!

Who would have thought that half-demon like them could become great scholars!

"What a Hujiazhuang!"

Yang Fan also had to sigh with emotion.

Because in his opinion, this kind of fox girl who has become a great scholar is even more alarming than those monsters!

And from Hu Qinglian's words just now, he also learned that the women in Hujiazhuang also marry outside the family, and even marry into local wealthy families.

After all, the threshold of their Hu family is not low, so naturally the girl she marries will not be from an ordinary family.

However, they are half-demon after all!

The blood passed down seems to belong to the human race, but it is extremely easy to transform into a demon, and can even switch between the two without any restrictions!

In Yang Fan's opinion, this kind of intermarriage is tantamount to infecting the human bloodline!

So much so that the canopy of energy and blood in his body shook slightly, secretly warning him, causing him to instinctively develop murderous intentions towards these half-demon!

"I don't think this Hujiazhuang will pose any kind of obstacle to me!"

Yang Fan had such a vague understanding in his heart.

Soon, he came to the back mountain.

The demonic qi in the back mountain was obviously stronger, but a faint qi came from the Mao Nu Cave, which suppressed the demonic qi and prevented it from being released.

"Is it really the handwriting left by Zhu Zi?"

Yang Fan's eyes flashed.

Because he has already sensed the fluctuation of literary energy in his body, just like the last time he accidentally passed by the Temple of the Four Sages of Ehu Academy, he felt almost the same.

This is the power of the holy way!

However, it is slightly different from the power of the Zhu Zi Icon he had obtained.

The thoughts in Yang Fan's mind were whirling, but his steps kept moving. The Skin Demon King's power expanded, and he was almost like a flying piece of paper, drifting towards Mao Nu Cave in the night.

When we arrived at the entrance of the cave, the demonic energy faded a lot.

He crawled slowly along the entrance of the cave, attached himself to the top of the cave entrance, and moved inside little by little.

As soon as he entered the cave, he felt as if he had entered another world. A power that purified the soul and washed all things came from the depths of the cave.

The demonic energy here is almost completely banned!

Yang Fan saw many newborns in Hujiazhuang from here, and without exception, they were all baby girls.

Several old women were putting them one by one into a silver pool. The pool of water exuded amazing power of the holy way. The demon blood in the baby girl's body was completely transformed!

Yang Fan's eyes narrowed, and two golden "卍" characters rotated in his eyes.

He cautiously looked into the water. The water was far deeper than he imagined. Almost the entire bottom of the mountain was hollowed out, and it was no less than several thousand feet deep!

And in the water of the pool, there seems to be a broken stone ball, emitting a faint holy power!

"Stone ball?"

The diameter of the stone ball was about ten feet, and it was full of pits and pits, the most obvious of which were the two cracks that almost tore it apart!

And the holy power escapes from this crack!

"Wait a minute! The Taoist sect lifts up the sky and governs the way, the Buddhist sect holds up the Buddha to the sky, but the Wendao wants to cast a holy star! There is such a strong holy power on this stone ball, could it be a semi-holy holy star?"

Yang Fan's heart tightened slightly.

After all, the Holy Star is usually in the long river of literature. No matter whether you want to take it down or put it here again, it is not easy!

Definitely not everyone can do it!

All he could think of was Zhu Zi!

However, a trace of desire arose in his heart!

Such a great holy star should be left to these monsters, not to yourself!

If he could introduce this destructible holy star into the Nine Views Palace, and then engulf this pool of holy water, he might be able to directly cast all the remaining three wonders!

"Great good fortune, this is the great good fortune of me, Mr. Yang!"

Yang Fan's heart was burning.

His eyes flashed, but there was no
He glanced at the bottom of the pond.

In an instant, a huge creature burst into his field of vision.

I saw that huge shadow firmly occupying the bottom of the pool, no less than a few hundred feet long, with long tails swaying in the water, almost as long as the body!

It was a huge white fox!

At this moment, his eyes were closed, with another broken stone ball pillowed under his head, showing an astonishing power invisibly.

It can be called unparalleled!

Such tyrannical pressure made all the hair on Yang Fan's body explode.


An unprecedented crisis!

Even far better than when he faced Wang Zhenquan and Zu Cheng!

Even just looking at the other person made Yang Fan's eyes bleed with blood, and his magical power was almost extinguished and completely worn away!

He closed his eyes instantly, not daring to peep anymore, his heart was beating wildly!

This is no ordinary demon king!

In fact, even the demon lord mentioned by Chen Yuan is hard to compare with!

Could this be the fox fairy who served Zhu Zi back then?!

That old grandmother from Hujiazhuang?

Yang Fan's scalp was numb, and he huddled tightly on the top of the cave, motionless. From a distance, it looked like it had turned into a piece of stone skin, with almost no flaws!

But in fact, at this moment, he had already fully opened the Hundred Blessings Knot, the Tao Te Ching, and Fate, and tried his best to cover up his own existence.

At the same time, he even took out the life-saving charm left by Chen Yuan.

The conch given by Zu Cheng is the same.

"This is the wealth I saved with great difficulty!"

He groaned secretly in his heart, but he was already prepared in his heart. Once the other party showed the slightest sign of waking up, he would immediately smash out all the conchs and life-saving talismans in his hand!

This chapter has been completed!
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