Chapter 129: Zhong Ling's Thanksgiving Banquet, Gan Baobao Forgets Love

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Chapter 129 Zhong Ling’s Teacher Appreciation Banquet, Gan Baobao Forgets His Love

Zhong Wanchou looked at Lu Heng in confusion.

I don’t know what he means by licking the dog, it’s probably not a good word.

Just wanted to ask a question.

Lu Heng waved his hand and said, "You don't have to say anything. Since you don't want to disgust Duan Zhengchun, you have to be mentally prepared to have your wife taken away from you again."

"The road has been laid out in front of you. After passing this village, there is no such store."

"Here, Director Lu, please let me think about it."

Zhong Wanqiu felt guilty.

Why can Duan Zhengchun be so high and mighty, yet he still has to worry about this and that.

Lu Heng was too lazy to continue talking to this useless snack and walked straight out of the side hall to enjoy the shade under the trees in the yard.

Yang Xiaoqin was quite embarrassed and couldn't persuade her. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't think of any good words.

Seeing Lu Heng waving to her, she hurriedly ran out.

"Husband, did you see that Sister Qin was determined to die, and that's why you wanted to save her?"

"Save, I didn't. She is willing to die. You saved her once, how can you keep her forever?"

"Why should I bother with that? Why don't we just make her forget the source of her sin, once and for all?"

Duan Feng took out the folding fan and swayed it casually.

"What does the emotional debt left by Duan Zhengchun have to do with you and me? I told you a long time ago not to worry about it so much. It's fine now. Be careful not to be resented."

In the hall, Mu Wanqing stopped crying and looked at Baby Gan.

"Uncle Master, can that Taoist Master Lu really make people forget their pain? If so, can you also give me a bowl of love-forgetting water?"

"Wanqing, what do you want to do?"

"Instead of making my mother suffer so much, it's better to give Dao Baifeng this love-forgetting water to drink. It's better than making my mother and uncle feel so uncomfortable."

Mu Wanqing's thoughts.

But Lu Heng's eyes lit up.

The biggest obstacle for them is to get Dao Baifeng's forgiveness.

But if you do this, the harm to Duan Yu will be greater.

This was his disciple, even if he was just a tool, Lu Heng didn't want to be this evil person.

"Forget it, Wanqing, don't worry about mother. I don't recognize your cruel father."

Qin Hongmian looked out the window and sighed.

Ignoring Gan Baobao, he came directly to Lu Heng.

"Sister Yang, thank you for always enlightening me. I think what Director Lu said is right. It's time to make a break with Duan Zhengchun. I decided to go to Dali tomorrow. If that doesn't work, I will drink the water of forgetfulness and forget about this.


When Gan Baobao heard this, his expression was complicated.

Why didn't she want to do this? She had always been thinking about that unfaithful person, but unfortunately she couldn't do anything about it.

Seeing that Qin Hongmian had made up her mind, she also said: "I won't accompany my senior sister. I haven't been here for more than ten years. I'm afraid I have been forgotten. I owe Zhong Wanchou too much. Maybe it's time

It’s time to make up my mind and stop asking for feelings that don’t belong to me. Mr. Lu, please let me drink the love-forgetting water.”

"Junior sister, why are you doing this?"


Something seemed to be broken.

Zhong Wanchou, who was watching this side of the hall, was greatly moved when he heard these words.

Unexpectedly, after protecting Gan Baobao for so many years, he could finally see the moonlight after the clouds cleared.

How could we not cheer him up?

He walked out quickly, took Gan Baobao's hand, and said affectionately: "Madam, I, didn't I hear wrongly?"

Lu Heng rolled his eyes.

Signaling Yang Xiaoqin to stop talking.

In his opinion, Gan Baobao's commitment to Zhong Wanchou was like a flower stuck in cow dung.

But after ten years of constant care, why didn't Gan Baobao leave a place for Zhong Wanchou in his heart? Maybe it wasn't love, it had become another emotion.

As usual, Gan Baobao would definitely scold him, but this time he looked at Zhong Wanchou seriously and said, "Thank you for taking care of me for the first half of my life. I was blind and saw the wrong person, so I was ruined. Fortunately, you were there to take care of me."

Ling'er and I will let me repay you for the rest of your life."

Lu Heng clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Master Zhong Gu for bringing this beauty home. You don't have to act fake for real. Let's live a stable life in the future."

I walked to the kitchen and took it all night, randomly putting some elixirs in it and melting them.

Returning to the courtyard wall, he handed the water to Gan Baobao and said seriously: "Drink this cup of love-forgetting water, and Duan Zhengchun will truly disappear from your memory and emotions. You still have time to regret it now."

"I will never regret it!"

Gan Baobao didn't wait for Zhong Wanchou to speak, he grabbed the bowl and drank it in one gulp.

But Lu Heng just snapped his fingers.

He instantly hypnotized Gan Baobao and planted a spiritual suggestion in her. Everything about Duan Zhengchun was sealed in the deepest part of her heart, and it might take ten, twenty, or thirty years before it explodes.

And let Duan Zhengchun's figure turn into Zhong Wanchou.

But by then, there shouldn't be any problems.

"Ma'am, are you okay?"

"Director Lu, junior sister, has she really forgotten?"

Zhong Wanchou and Qin Hongmian asked.

Lu Heng smiled and said, "You can ask, Mrs. Zhong, do you know who Duan Zhengchun is?"

"I seem to have heard this name somewhere. You are talking about the King of Dali Zhennan, right? What happened to him?"

Gan Baobao's confused look doesn't look like he's faking it.

Zhong Wanchou was overjoyed, laughed out loud, hugged Gan Baobao and said, "Madam, it's okay, everything will be fine. From now on, let us live our lives and ignore foreign affairs."

"I hate it. The child is still around. It's so embarrassing to say this."

Everyone present, except Gan Baobao, was shocked.

Qin Hongmian looked at the junior sister who was rubbing her temples with Zhong Wanchou as if she was looking at a stranger.

This love-forgetting water is indeed real.

Yang Xiaoqin pulled Lu Heng aside and asked in a low voice: "Husband, you are too powerful. Is there really such a thing as Wangqing Shui in this world?"

"If you believe it, you have it; if you don't believe it, you don't have it."

Lu Heng responded mysteriously, saying that it was impossible for him to undermine himself.

Zhong Ling herself had no impression of Duan Zhengchun, and she was an ignorant young girl. When she saw her father and mother hugging each other, she was happy for them.

But Mu Wanqing and Qin Hongmian felt a little melancholy.

It is really difficult to forget someone.

"Mom, I will accompany you to Dali City. I want to see what Duan Zhengchun will say."

"Yes, give him a chance and give me a chance."

Qin Hongmian had already made up his mind and would not change it. He did not leave any words behind. He bowed to Lu Heng and his wife and left the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations directly.

Lu Heng smiled, looked at Zhong Wanchou, and said: "Master Zhong Valley, maybe you will be very busy these days, so my wife and I will take Zhong Ling back to Zhuangzi. If you miss her, send someone to say goodbye."


"Thank you, Director Lu. You are truly my benefactor. I, Zhong Wanchou, will remember this day for the rest of my life."

"Director Lu, today is Ling'er's apprenticeship banquet. It's not good to just leave like this, otherwise we can stay and have dinner before leaving."

Gan Baobao offered words to persuade him to stay.

Lu Heng shook his head and laughed, but Yang Xiaoqin did not agree and said: "I will live in Wuliang Mountain temporarily. It will not be too late to get together in the future if I have the opportunity. Mrs. Zhong, the master of Zhong Valley, our couple will leave first. Ling'er will send it to you in a few days."


Zhong Ling blinked, but no longer wanted to stay here, so he jumped and ran out first.

"Master Zhong Gu, this is a golden gun made by a poor man. I'm afraid you will be very busy tonight, so we won't disturb you for a moment. There is no need to try to persuade you to stay."

(To be continued)

? ? ?Thanks [the lonely man’s gaze for the reward]

? Thank you [Ye Yin's reward]

Thank you [Haotian Hanging Sword Big Big Reward]

?                        Thanks [casual_sc boss for the reward]

? Thank you [Xi Mu's rewards]

Thank you [the name cannot show the reward for the big guy]

Thanks for [the reward for the big city of the ancient city]

Thank you for giving a monthly ticket all the way, recommended tickets, and the heroine who rewarded Hong Fei. There are support all the way.



(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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