Chapter 219 Primordial spirit is first formed, the body of a half-immortal

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Chapter 219: The first formation of the soul, the body of a semi-immortal

Lu Heng held the white chess piece. After making the move, he looked at Yang Guang calmly and said, "This matter is very easy."

"If Goguryeo refuses to obey, the country will be destroyed."

"What you value is nothing more than reputation, and you want a wealthy family to obey you."

"Yes, what the Imperial Master said is exactly what I want to say. When I return from the successful expedition, I will pass the throne to my grandson Yang You. I am willing to learn from you, the Imperial Master."

I don’t know if he is really willing to give up the throne.

In the past six months, Yang Guang seemed to have changed as a person.

But Lu Heng understood.

Nature is easy to change, but Yang Guang is willing to change for the better or for the worse. It has nothing to do with him.

Be this national teacher.

It's just to get the devil's plan.

Cihang Jingzhai was already afraid, and privately sent his concubine Xuan to see him, just to make Lu Heng stop fighting.

It's a pity that Lu Heng doesn't want to meet anyone from the Buddhist sect at all.

Even if the Jing Nian Zen Sect was destroyed, causing shock in the world, it did not affect Lu Heng.

And it has to be said.

Xuanwu, Xiao Feng and Duan Yu established the Zhatian Clan in various places south of the Yangtze River. Within half a year, they had gathered more than 20,000 members.

Instead of relying on Lu Heng, he conquered Jiangdu, Suzhou and Hangzhou and collected various martial arts for Lu Heng.

Qinglong and Baihu took forty dragon guards into the army for training.

This time he will conquer Goguryeo and will join him when the time comes.

"National Division?"

"Well, I am thinking, if you win this battle, your next step should be to deal with the Turks, right?"

Hearing this, Yang Guang smiled bitterly and said: "The failure of Emperor Father's Association was all because of the Yijian Clan in Goguryeo. The master of Yijian, Cai Lingui, was the supreme master and his strength was extraordinary. With him here, how could Emperor Father win? Yuwen Clan

Although Yuwen is injured, the other party is unwilling to serve my father, which is why we are unstoppable and hastily retreat."

"And the Turks have a more martial master, Bi Xuan. Even with him, the Sui Dynasty cannot defeat him. From that time on, I began to practice martial arts secretly. It was under that situation that the Demon Sect Yin Kui found me."

Lu Heng smiled and said: "People from the Demon Sect are still in the imperial court and want to influence the general situation of the world. Do you know Pei Ju?"

"He? He is just a wise man. Is he still a member of the Demon Sect?"

Yang Guang was stunned.

Lu Heng said with a smile: "That's natural. Pei Ju is actually the evil king Shi Zhixuan, who is playing in the human world under a pseudonym, hoping to find a way to break the void."

"I won't hide it from you. I am not from this world, but come from other worlds, Shattered Void."

I became a teacher and friend with Yang Guang not because he was the emperor, but because I sympathized with him.

Now that I see Yang Guang seeing through the world of mortals, I also intend to enlighten him.

As for whether Yang Guang believes it or not, that's none of his business.

"The Imperial Master is not kidding me, right? You came from another world, Shattered Void, this?"

"If you don't believe it, then take a look at my experience."

Lu Heng smiled.

Then he pointed his finger at Yang Guang's eyebrows.

A part of the memory that shattered the void twice was picked out, like showing a movie, and showed it to Yang Guang with the help of the system's power.

Saw such a scene.

Yang Guang couldn't help but feel horrified.

The Wudang Sect, the Xiaoyao Sect, the Yuan Dynasty, and the Song Dynasty almost shattered his three views.

A few hours later.

When Yang Guang opened his eyes again, he already had thoughts about Lu Heng.

As an emperor.

It was obvious that Yang Guang failed miserably. Even though he had a good idea, his actions were considered the actions of a foolish king, not only wasting money and wasting people, but he himself knew very well how his life would be recorded in history books in the future.

"I didn't expect that, Imperial Master, you were once an emperor."

"It's okay not to mention the past. I'm just curious and want to experience a certain life. Being an emperor is too tiring and boring. And wealth and women are the biggest drag for a monk like me."

Lu Heng smiled.

It's not that he wants to be exposed, but that he is confident that no one in this world can threaten him.

Nowadays, the national destiny of the Sui Dynasty is stable, and any attempted peasant uprising will be suppressed by the Sui Emperor sending troops.

If Goguryeo was defeated, it is still unknown whether the Sui Dynasty would be destroyed.

At least Buddhism is paralyzed.

The Demon Sect did not dare to compete with the Tao Sect because Lu Heng was there to control them.

After thinking about this clearly, Yang Guang had no choice but to smile bitterly.

"Historical records record that you are not a good emperor. Without me, the Sui Dynasty would have died within ten years."

"But with me here, this matter may be extended for twenty years. Just because I am in the Temple of War, I want to see if I can reverse my destiny and see if this legendary special existence will still be born."

"If I guess correctly, the Temple of War is a special existence left by immortals in the mortal world."

The world of high martial arts.

It has been figured out by Lu Heng.

This is true even with the rules.

Out of ten volumes of Heavenly Demon Policy, Lu Heng obtained seven volumes.

It can be said that he has learned the secret skills of immortal martial arts and increased them to thirteen types.

What the warrior understands is only martial arts, but what he sees to the extreme is immortal magic and the thirty-six laws of Tiangang.

Although he is still only a semi-immortal, it is obvious that the world Lu Heng will experience in the next stage may be the world of immortality.

He is too powerful, and the world of martial arts can no longer bear the power of immortal martial arts.

"I would like to ask, what is the state of the Imperial Master now?"

Yang Guang suddenly asked.

Lu Heng came back to his senses, thought for a while and said: "The martial arts I have experienced range from first-rate, third-rate, second-rate, first-rate, to the top of the world, and are classified as acquired martial arts."

"After going through various changes, I learned that there is innateness, and innateness is divided into nine realms. The third innate realm is called the Grandmaster realm. The sixth innate realm is called the Supreme Grandmaster. Stepping into the ninth realm is the Great Master.


"And I have crossed this limit and reached the level of Grand Master. My internal strength is different from ordinary people. I have been promoted to Immortal Martial Arts. My body has gradually been transformed into a semi-immortal body. I am immortal and have a life span of more than five thousand years.

It is through martial arts that one enters Taoism."

"I call it the Dao realm."

"Martial arts in the world lead to the same goal through different paths. If you want to reach this level, you need to have a deep understanding of martial arts and a great opportunity to set foot in this realm."

"You are innate, you are still far away from this, and you don't have to aim too high. It is better to wait until you start practicing the secret of longevity. I will naturally teach you the supreme secret method. At least if you want to live longer, whether it is a magic or Buddhist martial arts

None of them are suitable for Taoism."

Yang Guang was fascinated when he heard this. No one had ever told him this before.

Lu Heng gradually no longer wanted to think about martial arts such as Tao Xin Zang Demon, Tian Mo Ce, Cihang Sword Code, etc.

Ever since he destroyed the Jing Nian Zen Sect, he has discovered that he seems to have reached the limit of his martial arts.

What surprised Lu Heng the most was that he could use both magic and martial arts.

But martial arts, to put it bluntly, is a killing technique.

If one enters Taoism through martial arts, he or she will enter the path of killing without even realizing it.

Lu Heng didn't have any good way to stop this, and he didn't even want to stop it.


"Doesn't that mean that there really are immortals in the world, and mortals can also become immortals? Please ask the national master to teach me."

"Well, I'm not sure about this, but if I can continue to shatter the void, I might ascend to a world where immortals exist. If you have this idea, I have a way to let you see it, but

You need to give up the throne like me, are you willing?"

(To be continued)

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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