Chapter 212 0207 [A deep sense of powerlessness]

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The three people from Leize County were the first to receive the transfer order.

Cao Yuangui marveled: "It's so unabashed. How could officials from the first government office be transferred at the same time?"

"The traitors really have no shame!" Wang Tian was so angry that he slapped the table.

Geng Dingchen could only smile bitterly in return.

There are also rules for job transfers. It is impossible to transfer all officials. Otherwise, who will be in charge of government affairs?

Cao Yuangui said happily in his misery: "It doesn't matter to me. Anyway, I have been here in Leize County for less than a year. Although I was moved to a remote place, I was promoted to a higher level by selecting people, and I can still earn two years of qualifications in vain."


The assignments of the three people have not changed, but if they are promoted to a higher rank, their work for Ju Ming will not be in vain.

Wang Tian said: "Only half of the land owned by Sun Qian's family was measured, and then it was abandoned like this?"

Cao Yuangui said fiercely: "Cut the knot with a quick sword, and finish all the land of the two families within ten days!"

Geng Dingchen couldn't help but said: "The ancestors of the Qian family were the founding heroes of the country, so nothing will really happen to them. Those subordinate officials in the county government who were too involved with the Sun family have been arrested by the prefect. The remaining people have all been taken into custody.

Submitting a petition has offended the Sun family to death, and they are the ones who should really worry."

Wang Tian said: "Yes, the three of us don't have to worry about anything. We only need to urge the subordinate officials to do things. Those subordinate officials are more anxious than us."

"There must also be a charter," Cao Yuangui said. "The hidden fields of the Sun family were cleared out, and the Sun family was ordered to pay taxes within three days. All the people in the Sun family who could make decisions were captured, and they were robbed by horse bandits. How could the taxes be paid?


Geng Dingchen said: "The hidden land that cannot be paid for taxes is used as official land and is sold to the common people. The surrounding land is sold to wealthy households in other villages. The land in the middle is given to the Sun family's branches."

Wang Tian said: "The hidden fields that have been identified by the Qian family can also be distributed to the side branches of the Qian family."

You said something, I said something, and the three of them discussed laying a trap for Sun Qian and his family.

Once the land is distributed to the side branches and the government returns the land deeds, even if the head of the Sun Qian family is acquitted, it will be difficult to get it back by force after returning home. This is using land resources to disintegrate the Sun Qian family from within.

Let the side branches and the main sect fight on their own.

The three of them discussed the decision and called the subordinate staff to arrange the task.

The subordinate officials had offended the Sun family to death, and they were even crazier than the outgoing county magistrate. Almost all of them went out to farm the land day and night, and only after a rough calculation, they sold the hidden land to the two clans at a low price.

If the side branch doesn't want to buy the land, then they can just force it into their hands and pay the money for the land purchase first. When they get the land deed, will they spit out the meat they eat?

Even the descendants of the main sect who were not arrested were forced to separate their families and set up households, and then purchased land on credit at a low price.

What if the Qian family is acquitted? They have long been in ruins, and there are no high-ranking officials in the court. Once the land controlled by the main clan is reduced sharply, and the family is divided due to competition for land, it will be difficult to restore the past glory in the future.

There is no fear of revenge.

The three county officials divided the money in the county government envoy's treasury and left in a horse-drawn carriage.

The subordinate officials also made money, and they could easily get a few acres for themselves by clearing and selling land.

When the county magistrates left, Wei Dian, the head of the army, caught up with him on horseback and asked: "The prefect said that the quota for farm work next year is 70 wen. Does this still count?"

"Of course it counts. I will write the document and print it now, and you can post it all over the county." Cao Yuangui immediately returned to the county government office. When writing the official document, he also marked the date as before leaving office.

As for what will happen next year, let the succeeding county magistrate have a headache. The entire county gentry will definitely unite to resist the tax.

After doing this, the three of them looked at each other and laughed.

They were transferred to remote areas of the country, and they had to take revenge no matter what, in order to vent their hatred.

The three guys went to Puzhou together to say goodbye to Ju Ming and report on the situation.

"Anyuan, Xinhua, and Qianwei," Zhu Ming sighed, "are not good places. They will delay your future."

Cao Yuangui said: "We are all still young. Even if we are promoted overtly or secretly, we will still rise to the next level. There will be many opportunities in the future."

what chance?

Of course he was riding on Ju Ming's coattails, Cao Yuangui was reminding him deliberately.

Ju Ming immediately drew a big picture: "Today's friendship will never be forgotten, and we will rely on the three of us more in the future."

With Zhu Ming's words, Cao Yuangui, Wang Tian and Geng Dingchen suddenly became happy.

Being able to force the Cai Party to mobilize county magistrates like this shows that Zhu Prefect is very influential. They are only in their thirties, and Ju Ming is not yet twenty. So what if Cai Jing lives another ten years? They can all afford to wait.

If you hug Ju Ming's lap today, you will be able to prosper in time.

This is a clique, and their future identities will be Ju Ming's disciples and former officials.

After staying in Puzhou for a few days, the three of them went to take office together.

The Autumn Society was about to be held, and Wang Laozhi took the initiative to come to see it.

This guy was wearing purple Taoist robes and his face was not very good-looking, because his disciples and grandsons were being investigated by the county magistrates.

The seized property must be returned, the hidden property must be registered, and officials must be bribed to avoid being accused of being a monster.

All the Taoist temples in the four counties of Puzhou were restored to their original shape by Ju Ming!

"The poor man pays homage to the prefect." Wang Laozhi bowed solemnly.

However, Zhu Ming pretended to be coy and took Wang Laozhi's hand and said, "Why should Taoist priest be so polite? You are a gentleman with six characters from the fourth rank, and I am only the magistrate of the state in the sixth rank. The Taoist priest's official rank is higher than mine, so I should go and visit the Taoist priest."

The longer one is right.”

The states in the Song Dynasty had seven levels and six levels.

The subdivision is too complicated to explain in a few words. Just remember that those with more than 40,000 households are called upper states, those with more than 20,000 households are called middle states, and those with less than 20,000 households are called lower states.

Zhu Ming is the magistrate of Shangzhou and is in the sixth rank.

If he is transferred to Jinzhou to serve, although he is still a magistrate, he will automatically be demoted to the sixth rank. In this case, he will either be promoted to a high-ranking official to compensate, or he will be quickly transferred - if he is deliberately suppressed, then it will not matter.

That’s easy to say.

Wang Laozhi quickly lowered his attitude: "The prefect is the parents of Puzhou, and Pindao is also from Puzhou. It is appropriate to come to visit my parents."

How dare Wang Laozhi put on a show?

It is true that he was born in the fourth rank and Liu Zi, but so was Zhu Guoxiang, and Zhu Guoxiang was also a co-president of the Daolu Academy.

Ju Ming's act of eradicating Huang Tingguan shocked everyone, and Wang Laozhi had to stay humble and do good things in the novel.

Inviting Wang Laozhi into the room and sitting down, Zhu Ming asked, "The Taoist priest came here today. I don't know why?"

Wang Laozhi said cautiously: "Abbot Huang Tingguan is not a monster. I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding. Once the prefect gives orders, I will definitely cooperate with him fully. I also ask the prefect to release those Taoists."

Zhu Ming said: "I am the magistrate of the state. It is my duty to catch the demon after being reported. As for how to catch the demon and try it, it is a matter for the state court and the judicial court."

This statement makes sense from a system perspective, but in reality it is pure nonsense.

When Zeng Gong was the magistrate of Qizhou, he also tried his best to crack down on underworld and thieves. There was a bandit named Ge You who was forced to hide in the mountains. He couldn't bear the hardship in the mountains and took the initiative to surrender to the government. Zeng Gong said this in one sentence.

The robber was pardoned and did not even say hello to the judiciary.

This is the prerogative of local officials. When encountering urgent matters, they can bypass the existing system. For example, Zeng Gong pardoned the bandits to express his attitude and induce more bandits to surrender.

Wang Laozhi tried his best to test and ran into a wall, so he had to give up the idea of ​​trying to get people, and continued to test: "The Autumn Society is approaching, how about Pindao presiding over the Qiu Society's sacrifices?"

Zhu Ming nodded and said, "It's time to ask the Taoist priest to preside over the sacrifice."

Hearing this, Wang Laozhi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Ju Ming would not pursue him fiercely.

The premise is that Wang Laozhi must be good at restraining his disciples!

The next step is to discuss the sacrificial matters. Sacrifice in the Spring and Autumn Society is a major event.

Ju Ming set the rules and said: "The Autumn Society must be held grandly, but the sacrifices must be simple. The Taoist priest can make the final decision on the other details."

"I understand, I will satisfy the prefect." Wang Laozhi had completely given up.

Both spring and autumn shrines worship the earth god.

One prays for good weather before sowing in spring; the other celebrates the harvest after harvest in autumn.

Ju Ming asked for sacrifices to be simple, saying that they should not waste people or money, and save the whole process if possible. He also said that it should be done grandly, that is, make the event large-scale and promote the prosperity of private business.

Because during the celebration, temple fairs are held from the prefecture to the county and then to the rural towns. The people sell things to increase their income, and those who participate in the entertainment can also have a good time.

After sending Wang Laozhi away, Ju Ming issued official documents to all counties and put forward his requirements for this year's autumn society.

After the Qiu Society is over, he will use the prestige he has established before to order all counties to carry out operations against evil forces. Thieves that cannot be eliminated by the county government can be reported to the state government, and Ju Ming will personally eliminate them.

After suppressing the thieves' arrogance, it's time to take action against the Puzhou Li family!

This series of actions was carried out step by step. Every time he completed something, Ju Ming's prestige would increase until the Li family was so scared that they did not dare to openly resist.

If the Li family dares to act recklessly, Ju Ming also has a way to hold high the banner of enforcing Ma Zheng and forcibly take back the official pasture occupied by the Li family!

However, no matter how good the plan is, there are always surprises.

Huang Guinian came over with the official document from the Criminal Division and said with a grievance: "The imperial court is going to appoint an observation judge again. The Qian family's case will be handed over to the observation judge for trial."

Zhu Ming read the official document and said happily: "This is a good thing. We only transferred the cases to the Qian family, but did not mention the cases to be transferred to the Sun family. The state court can completely make the decision and behead the guilty people of the Sun family.

The boss deserves to be exiled!"

"I'm still not happy about letting the Qian family go. It was involved in several murder cases." Huang Guinian shook his head repeatedly.

Ju Ming consoled him: "That's all we can do. After all, the world belongs to those people. The most urgent task is to equalize the tax on square fields in the four counties of Puzhou, so as to reduce the burden on the poor people."

Huang Guinian asked: "Does the prefect have any strategy?"

Zhu Ming said confidently: "The field can be started as soon as winter comes. Even the Li family has to cooperate honestly."

Ju Ming was not happy for a few days before the transfer order came...

Also sent at the same time was a letter from Zhu Guoxiang.

After reading the letter, Zhu Ming was very angry.

All the things he did before were to pave the way for the equalization of taxes in Fangtian. Seeing that he was on the right track step by step, and when it was time to roll up his sleeves and get started, he was actually asked to be transferred out of Puzhou.

This foolish king!

Ju Ming kicked the bench over, filled with evil anger and nowhere to vent it.

He finally realized the helplessness of an upright official. He obviously wanted to do something and was about to get it done, but his efforts were wasted with just a transfer order.

In such a court, even if Ju Ming did not rebel and assisted the emperor wholeheartedly, he would never be able to turn things around.

Nothing can be accomplished if traitors interfere.

This chapter has been completed!
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