Chapter 309 0304 [There is righteousness in front of Xuande Gate]

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Outside Xuande Gate in the Imperial City, there are three large drums on the west corridor of South Street.

This thing is called Dengwen Drum!

In addition to demoted officials, anyone can come to knock on them, including family members of demoted officials.

It does not necessarily have to be a grievance. For example, during the Chunhua period, a monk beat the Dengwen drum and asked the emperor to borrow an engraving plate to print the Tripitaka.

Another example is Lu Zhihan, a famous official in the Northern Song Dynasty. Because he failed to pass the imperial examination, he felt that he was very talented, so he came to beat the Dengwen drum. He was a native of Hebei, so he was awarded the imperial examination in Kaifeng Prefecture, and he actually passed the imperial examination.


There was also Liu Zhao, who beat the drum and cried out for poverty, and asked the court to give him a benevolent official. The emperor made him a doctor of Youshanzan.

The most ridiculous record is that a commoner named Mou Hui, who had a little money but not much at home, came to beat the drum one day and said that the servant had lost a pig and asked the government to help find it. The emperor couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this.

Give him one thousand coins to compensate for the loss.

The above cases all occurred during Zhao Guangyi's reign.

At that time, the people of Tokyo lived a really good life. They could beat the drum and ask the emperor for help with trivial matters.

The further you get to the back, the less people beat the drum.

The reason is that the process has become more formal and cumbersome, and you have to petition at the county, state, and road levels. These local yamen will not accept the petition, so you can petition at the Jingcheng Temple Supervisor, Shangshu Province Bencao, Yushitai, and Shangshu Du Province.


Only when all the previous ones are ignored can the Dengwen drum be sounded.

Each of the three major public prosecutor's offices can submit a complaint to the emperor. If the court does not accept the complaint, it will appeal to the court of public prosecutor. If it still does not accept the complaint, it will appeal to the court of law.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

The Dengwen drum, which had not sounded for twenty years, sounded again today.

Hundreds of Tai students stood on Xuandemen South Street, and more and more students gathered.

The drum attendant had never seen such a battle before, so he hurried in to report it. Not long after, all the hands and writers came out, and their scalps went numb when they saw the situation.

The eunuch who was in charge of the drums walked out and asked, "Why are you beating the drums?"

Chen Dong stepped forward, raised his hands and said, "We are all Taixue students, and we have two things to do here. One is to express injustice to Duke Zhu Ming, and the other is to cancel the Imperial Examination."

These two matters were quite serious, and the eunuch did not want to get involved. He turned to Ling Shi and said, "Go and find the judge of the Drum Courtyard!"

The full name of the judge of the Drum Courtyard is "Sendeng Wenguyuan Shi", and it is usually held concurrently by the Dali Temple Chief.

Zhang Pu, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple, rushed over and asked for the reason, and immediately said: "The case of Zhu Chenggong's "Public Security Shu" has been settled, and the DPRK has not yet decided whether to cancel the Imperial Examination. Your complaint cannot be accepted by Denwen Drum Court.

, you should go back to school and study hard."

Chen Dong asked: "How was the case of "Public Security Shu" decided?"

Zhang Pu replied: "We will know when we go back and wait for the report from the imperial residence."

Chen Dong added: "No matter what, please accept the complaint and forward it to the official."

"It's not necessary." Zhang Pu turned around and left after saying that.

"Knock again, knock again!"

The Taixue students shouted that most of them were not here to avenge Ju Ming, but to oppose the cancellation of the Taixue Examination.

"Dong dong dong dong!"

The Dengwen Procuratorate is right next door, and there is also a Dengwen Drum.

The eunuch overseeing the drums was still the same one before, and he said helplessly: "Call the procuratorate and judge!"

The office of sentencing, hearing and procuratorate is generally held concurrently by the minister of Dali Temple.

Nie Yu, the minister of Dali Temple, also came in a hurry, but still refused to accept the complaint from the imperial student. The reason was the same as that of Zhang Pu, the prime minister of Dali Temple.

Zhang Si, a student from the Imperial College, said angrily: "Why don't you accept the complaint?"

Nie Yu said: "The "Public Security" case is over, and the cancellation of the Taixue Examination is even more groundless. Your accusations are baseless, why should I accept them? Go back to school quickly, and don't make any noise here!"

"Drum roll, drum roll, drum roll!"

"Dong dong dong dong!"

When the drum sounded for the third time, all the people in the surrounding area came to watch the excitement.

There are also more and more students from Taipei, and the number is close to 1,000.

The eunuch's brain was blown, and he shouted: "Go and ask for the inspector again!"

The medical examiner is concurrently appointed by Yu Shi Zhongcheng.

The officials from the Medical Examination Institute rushed to the Yushitai.

Chen Guoting, the censor Zhongcheng, wrote a memorial before Cai Jing stepped down, discussing the person responsible for Fang La's rebellion: "Cai Jing is the one who leads the invaders, and Wang Fu is the one who raises the invaders. If they interfere with each other, the invaders will be at peace. And Zhu Ming and his son, this is

I am punishing a villain who has a close relationship with a powerful person, who has stolen famous weapons, and has accumulated many crimes. It is appropriate to punish him in a canonical way to thank the world!"

At this moment, Chen Guoting was writing a memorial to impeach Wang Fu. When he saw officials from the Medical Examiner's Office coming in, he immediately said displeasedly: "How can you be so unbecoming in such a hurry?"

The official said: "Thousands of imperial students beat the Dengwen drum three times, and countless people watched. Xuandemen South Street was blocked!"

Chen Guoting stood up calmly, asked his attendants to fetch the horse, got on his horse and rushed to the Medical Examination Institute.

"Censor Zhongcheng is here!"

"Censor Chen is here!"

The Tai students shouted one after another to make way for Chen Guoting.

Chen Guoting asked: "Who is the leader?"

"That's right!" Chen Dong stepped forward with his head held high.

Chen Guoting spread his hands and said, "Bring the complaint."

Chen Dong was overjoyed and held it up with both hands: "Thank you very much, Chen Yushi!"

Chen Guoting took the imperial student's complaint and rode straight to Donghua Gate. He was soon led to see the emperor by the palace officials.

This person is He Zhizhong, a disciple of Hou Meng. He Zhizhong has died of illness, Hou Meng was demoted to the state magistrate, but Chen Guoting was promoted like a rocket.

In one year, he was promoted from Taichang Shaoqing to Zhongshu Sheren. Seven days later, he was promoted to Minister of Rites. Half a month later, he was promoted to Censor Zhongcheng and concurrently read.

Song Huizong liked ministers to check each other, so Chen Guoting was specially promoted to check and supervise Wang Fu. Moreover, Chen Guoting was first made the censor Zhongcheng, and then Wang Fu was promoted to prime minister.

"What's the matter with Chen Qing?" Song Huizong said with a smile.

After hearing the complaint, no one except the emperor was allowed to read it.

Chen held the petition in court and said: "Thousands of imperial students have beaten the drum three times, and I am now bringing the petition."

"More than a thousand imperial students knocking on the que?" Song Huizong asked in surprise.

"Exactly." Chen Guoting said.

Knocking on the que is not about crying outside the palace, at least not in the Song Dynasty. Beating the drum is equivalent to knocking on the que.

There were two letters of complaint in total. After reading the one about Ju Ming, Song Huizong quickly wrote and gave instructions. The second letter made him somewhat difficult. Song Huizong himself did not think clearly about whether to cancel the Imperial Examination.

The national finances have been ruined by him, and various institutions must be streamlined.

In the past six months, Song Huizong first abolished Taoism, and then abolished arithmetic and medicine. Abolition of these schools all over the country can greatly save financial expenses.

The next step is to reduce the size of county schools, state schools, and Taixue.

What should I do if there are too many students? We cannot directly abolish the school.

Then cancel the Taixue Examination. Students who study Taixue cannot immediately become officials, and students will naturally drop out of school.

Song Huizong handed the complaint to Chen Guoting: "What do you think?"

Chen Guoting took it and read it, and replied: "Take it slowly. Next year's Taixue Examination, take two or three less, and reduce it year by year. Cancel the food for students in the outer dormitory, and let them pay for their own meals."

Song Huizong nodded and said: "It's also a way."

When Chen Guoting was about to retire, Song Huizong suddenly said: "Don't focus on Wang Fu's impeachment, and act steadily."

Chen Guoting said: "As the censor, I should fulfill my duties conscientiously."

Song Huizong was too lazy to talk anymore and waved his hand: "Let's go."

Chen Guoting bowed down and strode away with the complaint approved by the emperor.

For Huizong of the Song Dynasty, censors were tools and consumables. Chen Guoting was too upright and might have to be thrown away before long.

Historically, Chen offended too many powerful people in court, and he would be demoted to the post of governor of Qizhou next year. Halfway through, he was demoted to deputy envoy of Haizhou regiment training. Before he could take office, he was beaten to the end and escorted to the Huangzhou editor.

Three years in charge.

Arriving at the Medical Examiner's Court again, Chen Guoting handed the imperial complaint to the writer for copying, and then handed it over for filing.

He personally told the Taixue students: "The case of "Public Security Shu" has been closed. Ju Ming's origin and writings were destroyed and he was escorted to Guizhou for editing. As for the Taixue Examination, the officials have agreed and it will definitely not be canceled next year."

When they learned that the Taixue Examination would not be canceled next year, most of the Taixue students present dispersed instantly.

Chen Dong asked, "What crime did Mr. Zhu commit, and why should he be removed from the editorship?"

Chen Guoting was speechless. He himself was impeaching the traitorous party, and of course he was on Ju Ming's side.

"Alas," Chen Guoting sighed, "you should disperse, gathering here is useless."

Chen Dong asked: "Has Chen Yushi read "Song of Righteousness"?"

Chen Guoting did not answer and rode away alone.

After walking a long way, Chen Guoting suddenly looked up at the sky and muttered: "There is righteousness in the world, but where is this righteousness? I have righteousness in my heart, but what can I do to the traitors? The world is full of holes, but people with lofty ideals are full of holes.

Not tolerated by the imperial court. It is said that evil cannot suppress good, but I have been overwhelmed by the traitors..."

Chen Dong no longer beat the Dengwen drum, but walked outside Xuande Gate, straightened his clothes and sat down cross-legged, reciting the "Song of Righteousness" aloud: "The heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed and endowed with manifolds. Below are rivers and mountains, and above are rivers and mountains.


The Tai students left one after another, and now there are less than a hundred people left.

These dozens of students gathered around Chen Dong and recited in unison facing Xuandemen: "In Qi Taishi Jian, in Jin Dong Hubi. In Qin Zhang Liangzhi, in Han Su Wu Festival. For General Yan's head, for Ji Shi's blood...


"Perhaps for showing off one's master, ghosts and gods weeping heroically. Or for crossing the river and generously swallowing Hu Jie. Or for striking a thief's wat, one's head is broken. This is majestic Qi, and its fierceness will last forever..."

Thinking of the treacherous ministers in power and the hardship of the people, some students had tears in their eyes while singing the praises.

They cried blood, but the emperor could not hear them.

Just sitting cross-legged like this, facing Xuandemen and reciting "Song of Righteousness". As night fell, no one left, and the night continued.

By the next morning, the students' throats were hoarse.

Some people couldn't bear it anymore and took the initiative to bring food and drinking water.

When Wang Fu heard the news, he couldn't stand it anymore and ordered the governor of Kaifeng to arrest him.

The new governor of Kaifeng is called Wang Ding, and he is Wang Fu's confidant. He was directly promoted to Kaifeng Prefecture from deputy shipping envoy.

After receiving the order, he immediately went out and shouted angrily at the dozens of students: "It is disrespectful to sing in front of the crowd. If you don't leave, we will be taken to Kaifeng Mansion Prison!"

The students ignored it and continued to face Xuandemen, reciting "Song of Righteousness" in a hoarse voice.

This is no longer a cry for Ju Ming, but a cry for the people of the world.

There are only a few dozen of them left among the four thousand students, they are strong-willed and full of righteousness.

Wang Ding looked a little embarrassed. In order to please Wang Fu, he had to take action and ordered: "Arrest them all and put them in prison!"

Even the government officials in Kaifeng Prefecture did not have the heart to take action and tried to persuade the students to leave. But when they could not be persuaded, they had no choice but to arrest them, which attracted scoldings from the people watching.

Dozens of students were imprisoned, but they still continued to recite, and some even fainted.

When Wang Fu learned of the situation, he was extremely frightened and ordered the Imperial Academy to expel these people, and also asked the Ministry of Punishment to expel the offending students from the capital.

Public opinion was in an uproar, and the censors went crazy for impeachment.

The censor Zhongcheng Chen came to court and even pointed at Wang Fu's nose and cursed him in his face.

Song Huizong stayed in the palace and pretended not to know anything.

This chapter has been completed!
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