Chapter 379 0374 [Use it to death]

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The wound on the abdomen continued to ooze blood, which was caused by the boring palladium.

Han Shizhong sat down on the ground, with only two soldiers left beside him, one of whom was not yet his soldier.

He didn't know how long he had been running away, but he had bypassed several hills, then passed through four or five villages, and finally he no longer heard the shouts of his pursuers.

Han Shizhong was used to this kind of thing.

After struggling to remove his armor, he tore his clothes with his teeth, picked up an herb and chewed it, and then asked the soldiers to bandage his wounds.

Han Shizhong has a strong sense of direction and quickly determines where to go.

After walking for several miles, they encountered a group of defeated soldiers. There were more than a dozen of them, lying in a mess at the foot of the mountain, breathing like bellows in their throats.

After gathering the soldiers and returning to the team, they continued walking eastward and saw smoke.

Han Shizhong rushed over to take a look, and was instantly furious. There were more than a hundred archers gathered at the entrance of the village to roast tender corn and eat it.

These guys were the first to escape. They shot at the rebel reserve team twice and were frightened away by the rebel army.

The rebel reserve did not pursue them at all, but instead attacked the right wing of the Western Army. These archers were still running away. They neither stopped to shoot arrows nor raised their swords to attack the enemy from both sides. They just didn't know how to escape from the battlefield anyway.

Han Shizhong was so disgusted. If the archers hadn't escaped so simply, or if Feng Chong's troops had held on a few more times, he would have defeated the rebels like a knife.

Even though only one Yuanyang squad was defeated, those deserters would attack friendly forces.

Moreover, Han Shizhong was killing from the side. The long weapons of the adjacent Yuanyang team would be difficult to change direction quickly due to the interference of the rout. He only needed to defeat one team, and he could defeat a large area with one point and one area!

It was useless to scold them again. Han Shizhong didn't even bother to scold them for making a fuss.

Han Shizhong went to the cornfield, broke off a few tender corn cobs, and took a nap while grilling.

If the thieves saw the smoke and were chasing after him, he would probably just keep running.

"Fortunately, I can run fast. These thieves fight really hard."

"My father is also an archer. He broke his arm before he came home. When I went out, he told me to run away if something went wrong. If you are injured to death, you will not get any pension. Only your life is yours."

"Officers and soldiers will definitely not be able to defeat the bandits and soldiers, so the Zhu bandits will most likely become the emperor."

"Don't talk nonsense. The Emperor of the Song Dynasty is blessed by God. How can ordinary rebellion be possible?"

"Hey, if God bless the emperor, will there be so many disasters in the world?"


When Han Shizhong heard these comments, he opened his eyes and stared at the corn above the flames in a daze.

If you just give those few military pay and deduct it, can you blame the archers for fleeing?

If the food and salary were paid in full, a medium-sized imperial guard in the Northern Song Dynasty would have a daily salary of more than 130 liters, plus 2 shi and 5 buckets of food per month.

The Xiang army is divided into three levels, with a monthly salary of 300 to 500 Wen, which translates to more than 10 Wen per day. In addition, monthly food is provided, which is about 2 shi per month, which is 236 catties (modern catties). When the seasons change, fabrics are also provided to make clothes.


The treatment of rural soldiers in the Western Army is similar to that of the middle-level army. When joining the army, you can receive a sum of money, basically ten guan.

This was okay in the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, but in the past few decades, prices have skyrocketed, but military salaries have not increased!

Especially in the past two years, there is no need to be greedy when it comes to deducting food and salary. If you convert the monthly ration into money at the official price, you can make a big difference. With that little money, the soldiers cannot buy enough food at all and can only go hungry every day.

Suffering from stomachache.

It wasn't until Zhao Gou moved south that the imperial court thought of increasing the wages of soldiers, a one-third increase at one time.

Several decades later, military pay increased year by year, and military pay was four times what it was during the reign of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. At that time, soldiers could finally have enough to eat.

These Xiang soldiers and rural soldiers are actually looking forward to the war, because in the war they can take care of the food, and usually they can only take care of the food when they are training.

But only for food, a fool would work hard!

There was the sound of footsteps from the west, but some broken troops came running to join them after seeing the smoke.

Han Shizhong gathered more than 300 people along the way and returned, first reporting the situation to Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan whispered: "Feng Chong came back earlier than you and accused you of improper command, which resulted in a huge defeat."

Han Shizhong said angrily: "Did I give the wrong command? If they were willing to listen to the command, if they dared to fight tooth and nail, there would be no need for me to take the risk of taking my headquarters to attack and break the formation!"

Wang Yuan asked: "How did you lose?"

Han Shizhong said: "Find some paper and pen, and I will draw it for you to see."

Wang Yuan asked someone to bring paper and pen, and Han Shizhong quickly drew various weapons.

Then, Han Shizhong drew the mandarin duck formation, pointed to the formation and said: "This formation is suitable for recruits who have been practicing for a long time. As long as they are disciplined and practiced skillfully, recruits who have never seen blood can fight tough battles. The weapons are very long and the coordination is exquisite.

It is difficult for the enemy to get close, and they can attack together if they get close. The two armies have been fighting for nearly a quarter of an hour, and the number of casualties among the soldiers of the Western Army is increasing. The melee weapons have rarely encountered the rebel soldiers. The more the Western Army fights, the lower their morale becomes.

The morale of the soldiers is getting stronger and stronger. Seeing this situation, I have to take the risk to break the formation myself, otherwise I will lose sooner or later if I continue to fight."

Wang Yuan looked at the formation arrangement carefully and felt that he understood it a little bit, but he didn't understand it deeply without personal experience.

Han Shizhong continued to explain: "This kind of long bamboo is difficult to break through. A few Western troops rushed in and were blocked by such forks, and were attacked by spears. The bandit soldiers were in a team of twelve, with a captain in the middle to command. I also heard that

The captain shouted: If the captain dies in battle, the entire team will be killed!"

"Kill the whole team?" Wang Yuan was shocked.

The Western Army has become increasingly bad in recent years. Not to mention during the war, even normal border guards had countless deserters.

Too many deserters caused the court to change the law and not dare to punish the generals. If military law was strictly followed, there would be no generals leading troops on the front line.

The thieves killed the whole team when their captain died in battle?

Han Shizhong guessed: "The thieves' food and wages should not be deducted, otherwise such strict military laws would not be accepted by the soldiers. Only when rewards and punishments are clear and the food and wages are sufficient can the captain be killed and the whole team be killed. The red thieves

When military law is formulated in this way, it is assumed that the captain is the core of the formation. Officers and soldiers cannot learn it. The formation can be practiced according to the same pattern, but at most it can obtain its shape, but not its spirit. No matter how well you practice in peacetime, you will not be able to grasp it in battle.

It must collapse when it should collapse."

"That's the truth." Wang Yuan sighed.

Taking the drawings drawn by Han Shizhong, Wang Yuan went to talk to Yang Weizhong and asked for help from Han Shizhong.

While looking at the pictures, Yang Weizhong listened to Wang Yuan's explanation, and clarified the matter: "Finding out the true identity of the bandits is also a meritorious service. Although this was a huge defeat, the merits and demerits are offset by the merits."

Yang Weizhong took the drawings to Liu Yanqing again, and Liu Yanqing also agreed with this explanation.

Liu Yanqing also summoned the military secretary: "Draw this picture more carefully and write a battle report. Let's just say that I have fought hard for a few times here and figured out the formation of the thieves. This formation is extremely mysterious.

, was obtained by Zhu Thieves from overseas, and is the formation lost by Li Jing in the Tang Dynasty. Now it is presented to the court, and it can train countless powerful soldiers."

This is Liu Yanqing's brilliance, a big defeat can turn into a great success.

Providing lost formations to the imperial court, the layout will become bigger in an instant.

Of course, this credit belongs to Liu Yanqing, who got it through many trials.

Yang Weizhong said: "Han Shizhong heard clearly that the bandits shouted, 'The captain will die in battle, and the whole team will be killed.' If he heard correctly, then the bandits would be difficult to deal with. Especially when we stormed the stronghold and the bandits took advantage of the danger, it was even more difficult.

If you fight to the death and refuse to retreat, how can you possibly win?"

"Then...just wait." Liu Yanqing didn't dare to fight.

The three bandit strongholds were too dangerous, and now that Han Shizhong had found out the truth, if he tried to attack the stronghold, he would be doomed.

Liu Yanqing planned to stall for time. No matter how urged the eunuchs and supervisors were, he would still keep his army intact.

If you have soldiers, you have power!

After the other two armies were defeated, Gao Qiu would naturally order a retreat, and then he would have the opportunity to take his soldiers back.

The Liu family's life-saving military methods were already quite sophisticated during Liu Yanqing's time, and his son Liu Guangshi later practiced them to great perfection.

In the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, Liu Guangshi could not only run away with his troops, but also take their families with them. No matter how dangerous the situation was, he could run away completely, and even the soldiers and their families could move into Jiangnan together.

It just caused terrible harm to the friendly forces...

After thinking for a long time, Liu Yanqing ordered: "Consolidate the camp day and night, and don't let the thieves find any loopholes!"

This guy is here to suppress thieves, but his suppression actually turns into defense.

After this confrontation for half a month, even Gao Qiu could no longer bear it and sent someone to inquire about the progress of the Tangluo Road.

Liu Yanqing just responded: "We have fought many times here, and the bandits have lost troops and generals. We only need a few more battles to win a big victory."

Liu Yanqing pretended, dividing his troops out of camp every day, taking turns to send out a group of troops, standing outside the artillery range to provoke.

It's a provocation from such a long distance, but it looks pretty good.

Yang Zhi stayed at the fort and watched the Western Army's performance with a telescope. In late September, he waited for Ju Ming's messenger.

"Yang Duzhi said that the officers and soldiers of Baoxie Road were defeated and fled. The general has personally led the troops to Shaanxi. The officers and soldiers on your side are likely to retreat. Yang Duzhi decides how to do it. If the officers and soldiers retreat without any

According to the rules, we will pursue them with all our strength. If the officers and soldiers retreat steadily, just follow them from a distance, so as not to allow the officers and soldiers to easily return to Shaanxi."

"I understand."

Hearing that he had won the main battlefield, Yang Zhi was overjoyed.

The rebel army has been stabilized, and there is no need to worry about it in the future. I am in charge of this, and I will be promoted to commander due to my merits after this battle.

Although I didn’t use any decent staff, it was a great achievement to keep the Tangluo Road intact!

However, the news from Liu Yanqing's side lagged far behind. It took more than half a month before he learned that the friendly forces at Baoxie Road were defeated.

He was not disappointed, but rather ecstatic that he could finally withdraw with his troops.

And he was ordered to retreat, because Ju Ming was heading towards Shaanxi, and Gao Qiu asked him to return to the army quickly for rescue!

"Don't worry, the food transport team will leave first."

Liu Yanqing took his time and continued to hold on to the camp. He still had time to transport food and grass back.

As for Gao Qiu's side, they are protected by the troops of Liu Xi and Liu Qi, and they should be able to hold on to the city for a long time.

At this time, Liu Yanqing's grain was no longer new wheat, but this year's rice.

There wasn't much left, so the grain transport team took some away and asked all the soldiers to carry some.

Finally, Liu Yanqing ordered: "After defeating Han Shizhong with a thousand troops, look for opportunities to ambush the bandits and pursuers!"

He finally understood that Han Shizhong was very good at fighting.

If it's available, use it to your death!

This chapter has been completed!
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