Chapter 460 0455 [Slaves with three surnames]

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Horse musketeers, as the name suggests, musketeers on horseback.

Just like mounted infantry, you can't abbreviate cavalry.

The more than 800 people under Hua Rong have never practiced riding seriously. This is because they will never fight alone, they will always be protected by friendly forces, and they will always focus on standing and shooting. Today they fight with the cavalry, and next time

Probably mixed in with the infantry.

For example, at this moment, if the musketeers were in danger, Geng Zhongnian's Hebei cavalry would rush out without hesitation and protect their retreat with their lives.

The real function of a musketeer is nothing more than to shoot through heavy armor.

The hit rate of the bird gun is already high enough. "You don't have to throw away the handle to light the fire with your back hand, and it won't shake, so eighty-nine out of ten shots will hit. That is, you can shoot down any flying bird in the forest, hence the name." 90%.

Although the hit rate is an exaggeration, maybe a sharpshooter can achieve it, but ordinary soldiers will not be too low.

When dealing with armored cavalry, even if you can only hit twenty or thirty cavalry at a time, the result is still satisfactory.

Wanyan Zongjun reorganized his troops, with the escort army in the center and other cavalry on both sides.

This is the usual formation of the cavalry of the Jin Kingdom. According to the Song people, the iron pagoda belongs to the center and the kidnapping horses on both sides.

Tiefu Tu and Guaizima were named by the Song people, but the Jin people themselves never called them that.

For example, people in the Song Dynasty recorded Jinwu Shu, saying that there were three thousand iron pagodas in Jinwu Shu.

However, those three thousand people were actually escort troops.

Why do you say that?

Because the people of the Song Dynasty specially noted that the Three Thousand Iron Pagodas of Jin Wushu were also called "Jiacha Qianhu". "Jiacha" is the transliteration of "Hezha", and "Qianhu" is the free translation of "Meng'an".

When you get up, it's "Hezha Meng'an" (protecting the army).

In the records of the Song Dynasty, Tiefutu also generally refers to the cavalry, and does not necessarily mean the escort army.

"When the escort troops put on their vests, there is no reason to retreat," Wanyan Zongjun said to his surroundings. "It takes a long time to fire a weapon like the enemy's. Let Guo Yaoshi lure the enemy to shoot. Since Bu Gulu died in the battle, let him

My son will lead the troops to disrupt the enemy's cavalry, and the escorting troops will follow me directly towards the enemy's commander!"

Wanyan Zongjun now has less than 3,000 cavalry left, while Ju Ming, not counting the musketeers and gunners, has more than 4,000 cavalry.

For Wanyan Zongjun, he often encounters this kind of situation, so he just rushes forward and fights with all his strength, and that's it.

Because the men and horses wear heavy armor, the burden is too heavy. When they encounter the enemy, they are also cavalry, and they will never be able to escape. The next step is to charge to the death, and running away is the worst way to deal with it.


Guo Yaoshi, who was reorganizing his formation, heard the trumpet sound coming from the middle and carefully identified the command flag. He suddenly felt frustrated.

He was obviously being used as cannon fodder to lure the enemy, and he had to be the first to charge forward.

The thousand cavalry he brought out today were shot by tiger squatting cannons and muskets, and were chased by Han and Qiang cavalry. At this time, there were only more than 700 cavalry left.

With such heavy casualties, the ordinary troops would have collapsed long ago. But the elite Liaodong troops under his command were able to regroup quickly after Wanyan Zongjun led his troops to respond.

Such a tough soldier was actually sent as cannon fodder to lure the enemy!

As expected, the surrendered general has no human rights and is only given to his master as a dog.

But his son and the rest of the troops were all in the Jin camp, and his family members in Yanjing were also controlled. Guo Yaoshi had no other choice.

He bravely led his troops to charge forward, but the cavalry under his command had lingering fears. Not only did they disperse their formations, but they never dared to charge too fast, planning to shoot two arrows and then flee.

The musketeers did not fire. Under the leadership of Hua Rong, they had already retreated to the rear of the friendly forces.

Yang Yun led his army to engage in a head-on attack. Nearly a thousand Qiang cavalry faced off against more than 700 people including Guo Yaoshi, and they were not at a disadvantage in the fight.

Mainly Guo Yaoshi's soldiers were full of resentment.

Since they surrendered to the Jin people, they have been treated as livestock, and all the infantry have been taken away, leaving the cavalry to be the vanguard. From Yanjing to the Yellow River, they are always at the forefront, doing all the hard work and grabbing everything.

However, most of the property must be handed over.

A lot of people were killed in an ambush last time, and today they were hit hard again, and they still have to continue to be cannon fodder.

Who would want to put it aside?

After meeting Yang Yun's Qiang cavalry, they fell into the trap of Guo Pharmacist's men, who fired at the Qiang cavalry nearby. No matter how much Guo Pharmacist urged them, the cavalry refused to engage in close combat, and it was a good thing they didn't flee directly.

Pharmacist Guo was shocked and angry. He could no longer command his soldiers!

Seeing that Pharmacist Guo could not achieve the effect but had attracted enough enemies, Wanyan Zongjun asked the Jurchen cavalry to launch.

After the Jin general Bu Gulu died in battle, his son Han Puli led the remaining thousands of cavalry. After receiving the order, he immediately rushed towards Ju Ming. Deng Chun led nearly a thousand cavalry to fight, and Yu Dian, who had the gauze on his neck still intact, led

The troops attacked from the side, and nearly two thousand cavalry came to serve the more than one thousand golden cavalry.

However, Ju Ming could see clearly that Guo Pharmacist's cavalry had no fighting spirit, and immediately said: "Blow the trumpet, raise the flag, and let Geng Zhongnian go and surround Guo Pharmacist's troops!"

Chen Ziyi was shocked when he heard that once Geng Zhongnian's Hebei cavalry went into battle, Ju Ming would only have more than 280 heavy cavalry left (the more than 800 musketeers were not considered cavalry by Chen Ziyi at all).

However, Wanyan Zongjun still had a thousand escort troops unmoved. If he took the opportunity to rush over, how could more than 280 heavy cavalry protect Ju Ming's safety?


The horn sounded, Geng Zhongnian was startled, and then he mobilized his horses and led his army to fight out.

Wanyan Zongjun was overjoyed: "Guard the army, follow me and charge directly at the enemy commander!"

But it was said that Geng Zhongnian led more than a thousand Hebei cavalry to kill Guo Yaoshi's more than 700 cavalry, and they were about to be surrounded by nearly three times the number of troops. These brave and fearless Liaodong warriors gave up archery and chose to leave without waiting for Guo Yaoshi to issue an order.


Whoever wants to fight will be beaten, but they won’t fight tooth and nail anyway.

Pharmacist Guo hesitated a little and actually fled with his cavalry. He guessed that he would never be able to personally command the elite Liaodong infantry in the Jin camp. These cavalry in front of him were the last asset of Pharmacist Guo.

Therefore, Yanjing’s family doesn’t care if he doesn’t have his son, but Guo Yaoshi must keep his cavalry.

If you abandon your general and flee back to Jin camp, you will definitely be severely punished. Even if you don't die, you will be relieved of military power by Wanyan Zongwang, which is even worse than killing him.

There is only one way left to go, betray the Jin Dynasty and join the Song Dynasty!

Since Deng Chun and Yu Dian blocked the battlefield passage, Wanyan Zongjun divided the escort army into two teams. One team of 400 people went straight to Yu Dian, and he personally led 600 people to bypass a distance, and then headed towards Ju Ming's 280 people.

More than a dozen cavalry charge.

Can two hundred and eighty mounted cavalry withstand six hundred escorting troops?

Yes, you only need to persist for two or three minutes, and Yang Yun and Geng Zhongnian, who defeated Guo Yaoshi, can come back with their cavalry to flank the enemy!

Ju Ming raised his arms, rode forward two steps alone, and ordered the heavy cavalry to charge with him.

Chen Ziyi gritted his teeth and protected Ju Ming.

Bai Sheng led a group of heavy cavalry retinues and was always ready to fight.

Hua Rong led more than 800 musketeers and dismounted on the side of the battlefield where the two armies were facing each other. They had to stand at close range and fire a volley. Even if the escorting army changed direction and rushed over, they would fire one shot before dying.

There was no other way, Ju Ming went to the battlefield in person, and he was still outnumbered.

Sensing the noise from Ju Ming's side, the officers and soldiers in each department were a little panicked, and then horns and whistles sounded. All the generals, regardless of life and death, led their soldiers to fight bravely. After trying to deal with the enemy in front of them, they immediately went to rescue their commander.

Yang Yun and Geng Zhongnian did not dare to pursue Pharmacist Guo. They reined in their horses as quickly as possible and charged straight at Wanyan Zongjun's six hundred escorting troops.

But it is said that when Guo Yaoshi caught up with his cavalry and turned around to find that the enemy had not followed, he suddenly had a bold idea.

It was already sunset in the Song Dynasty, but he still surrendered and rebelled again. Returning to the Song Dynasty was not a good choice.

How about joining Ju Ming?

I have no grudge against Ju Ming, and Ju Ming is very powerful, and maybe he can establish a new dynasty.

Pharmacist Guo blew the trumpet to rein in the troops and said to his soldiers: "The Jin people are hateful and don't treat us as human beings. The Song people are cowardly and will lose their country sooner or later. Now we have no choice but to take refuge in Marshal Zhu. Follow me and fight back to help."

Marshal Zhu defeated the fifth prince of the Jin Kingdom!"

In this way, Medicine Master Guo led his troops back to the battlefield.

Wanyan Zongjun had already seen the musketeers on his side, but he ignored them and still led his troops towards Ju Ming.

He divided the six hundred escort troops into six rows and charged. The formation was thick enough, and it was obvious that he wanted to trap Ju Ming so that Ju Ming could not pass through the formation.

As long as the enemy commander is killed, no matter how many enemies there are, they will collapse.

Wanyan Zongjun has done this more than once. No matter how disadvantageous the situation is, defeating the enemy commander will turn defeat into victory.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Hua Rong led more than 800 musketeers to shoot, and then stood there to reload ammunition, completely ignoring whether he would be attacked by cavalry.

The escorting army was hit by a volley of musketry from the side and front, and more than forty horsemen fell immediately. Some of them were shot and were still charging.

Ju Ming urged the war horse, slowly adjusted his position, and also targeted Wanyan Zongjun. The fifth prince, like himself, led the army to the front.

The two armies met and engaged in close combat without even bothering to shoot arrows midway.

Wanyan Zongjun's weapon was a spear, and he seemed to have a tacit understanding, so he also went straight to Ju Ming.

Taking advantage of the momentum of the charge, he thrust his spear towards Ju Ming's face.

Ju Ming gave up the reins, held the horse's belly between his legs, and charged with two maces. He shot quickly and accurately, and even hit the enemy's spear with one mace while running at high speed. It was difficult to use the other mace, so he just held it tightly.

, taking advantage of the situation to sweep towards Wanyan Zongjun’s chest.

Wanyan Zongjun quickly dodged sideways, but while avoiding the chest, his left arm was hit and his arm was fractured on the spot.

Chen Ziyi followed Ju Ming all the time, avoiding an enemy's attack. When the two horses crossed each other, he drew his gun and stabbed Wanyan Zongjun in the waist.

He has now switched to an iron cone gun. The special spear tip structure slides down the gap in the armor under force. The spear followed the armor gap and almost pierced Wanyan Zongjun's waist fat, and the spear tip detached due to the advancement of the war horse.


Zhu Ming and Wanyan Zongjun passed each other and were immediately attacked by the two men in front.

At this time, the horse's speed had slowed down a lot. Zhu Ming swung his mace away with a mace, twisted his body and hit the horse's head with the other mace.

The horse's head, which was protected by heavy armor, was also unable to take advantage of this advantage. The war horse fell to death instantly, and the enemy on horseback also fell down, and the spear thrust out passed under Ju Ming's ribs.

There is no time to pause, there are still enemies ahead.

Ju Ming swung his mace one after another, either hitting the horse's head or neck, or hitting the enemy's waist and abdomen.

Five enemies were killed one after another, and six rows of escort troops were killed by him.

However, those 280 cavalrymen fell into the siege of the escorting army. Only about 20 cavalrymen followed Ju Ming and rushed out.

"Kill back!"

Zhu Mingle turned his horse's head and led the cavalry to charge again.

Yang Yun and Geng Zhongnian also led the cavalry to attack. Their total strength was more than 2,000, and they planned to surround the several hundred escort troops.

On the other side of the battlefield, Yu Dian, the unlucky guy, was shooting at the Jin cavalry when he was suddenly attacked by four hundred escorting troops. He first fired from a distance, but found that he could not cause any damage at all, and his boss Deng Chun was about to be attacked from both sides, so he became furious.

You can only take the initiative to rush forward.

The light cavalry of Deng Chun and Yu Dian had already suffered heavy losses and could not withstand the impact of the escorting army.

Hua Rong had reloaded his ammunition, but the cavalry on both sides were mixed together and they didn't know where to shoot.

Bai Sheng led a group of heavy cavalry followers and rushed forward on inferior horses to help Deng Chun fight with the ordinary Jin cavalry.

Overall, Ju Ming is dominant.

Although there were heavy casualties, with Yang Yun and Geng Zhongnian's counterattack, the escort army led by Wanyan Zongjun was surrounded. Moreover, the escort army could not charge forward, so they just fought back and forth with a bunch of iron cans on horseback. The leader, Wanyan Zongjun, even broke one of his legs.


At this moment, Yaoshi Guo led his troops back to the battlefield.

When he saw that the escort army was under siege, he became more determined to rebel against Jin. Afraid of causing unnecessary misunderstandings, Guo Yaoshi did not rush to Ju Ming's side, but rushed towards the escort army who were fighting with Deng Chun and Yu Dian.

This intention is very obvious. If he doesn't switch sides, he will definitely go straight to Ju Ming.

They rebelled against Liao and joined Song, rebelled against Song and joined Jin, and now they rebelled against Jin and joined Zhu!

This chapter has been completed!
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