Chapter 469 0464 [Really formed an alliance]

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Zhao Huan frowned and was already dissatisfied with Geng Nanzhong because Geng regarded him as a fool!

"Although I am young, I know loyal ministers," Zhao Huan said with an angry face. "If Zhang Shuye is a spy of the Zhu Thief, why would he bring troops all the way to serve the king? In addition to Zhang Shuye's soldiers, the defenders in the city , are the soldiers recruited by Li Gang. If both of them are spies, why would Tokyo need to be defended anymore? The red thieves would have been welcomed in long ago!"

Geng Nanzhong was immediately surprised. Why did the emperor suddenly have an online IQ?

Then he remembered that when he was the prince, the emperor was always known for his intelligence and wisdom, and he was probably frightened to death a while ago.

Bai Shizhong was taken aback, and then changed his words: "It must have been Li Bangyan who deceived me. I was still the Dazai at the time. He wanted to encourage me to surrender to the Zhu thieves, so he threatened Li Gang and Zhang Shuye by saying that they were thieves and bandits."

Zhao Huan asked: "So you really plan to surrender to the thieves, and you have been hiding this matter and not reporting it?"

"Even if I say it, no one will believe it. Li Bangyan was the right prime minister at that time, who would believe that the right prime minister has dealings with rebels?" Bai Shizhong argued, "I have been sending people to investigate secretly. I dare to report it to His Majesty only if I have clues."

Zhao Huan asked: "Do you have any clues now?"

Bai Shizhong said: "Two days ago, Li Bangyan secretly entered the Sifang Pavilion and drank and had a secret conversation with Shi Yuangong!"

"What kind of evidence is this?" Zhao Huan asked angrily.

Bai Shizhong said: "The imperial system strictly prohibits officials from meeting privately with foreign envoys. What's more, Shi Yuangong is the envoy of the Zhu Thief, and the Zhu Thief has already arrived at the city. At this time, drinking with Shi Yuangong must have different aspirations, and they are discussing how to surrender." The thief offers the city!"

Zhao Huan still didn't believe it, because Li Bangyan was the right prime minister at the time, and it was too outrageous for a country's right prime minister to conspire to defect to the traitors.

Geng Nanzhong observed the emperor's expression carefully. He had been with Zhao Huan for more than ten years. As soon as Zhao Huan stuck his butt, he knew what he was going to do.

Seeing that he could not finish the job, Geng Nanzhong retreated and asked for the next best thing: "Your Majesty, Li Gang is the brother-in-law of the Zhu Thief. We must be on guard against him and at least take back the military power in his hands!"

Zhao Huan believed that Li Gang was loyal to the Song Dynasty, but where was his brother-in-law's identity? What if something unexpected happened?

"Li Gang has meritorious service and cannot be dismissed suddenly." Zhao Huan expressed his doubts.

Geng Nanzhong said: "There is no need to remove him, just seize his military power. Let the censors impeach his status. According to the historical rules of the court, at this time, he should avoid suspicion and hand over the army. If he does not hand over the army, he can be blamed He has ulterior motives."

"Do you really want to join forces to destroy the thieves?" Zhao Huan still had not made up his mind.

Geng Nanzhong said: "Most of the two Huai rivers have been lost, Shaanxi is almost gone, and the Zhu thieves themselves even went to Tokyo. If we don't borrow the troops of the Yi and Di, we will never be able to defeat the Zhu thieves. When the Zhu thieves attack the city, Your Majesty's The choice is not whether to join hands with gold or not, but whether to choose three feet of white silk or a glass of poisonous wine."

Zhao Huan was frightened and fidgeted: "The two imperial sisters are married to Zhu thieves. If I take the initiative to take the throne, will I really not be able to save my life?"

Bai Shizhong interjected: "I may only be able to keep it for a while. After three or five years of the Zen throne, who will remember the old emperor? His Majesty was killed by poison, and I am afraid not many people know about it."

In this situation, Zhao Huan actually no longer wanted to defend Tokyo.

He planned to take the initiative to take the Zen position to maintain dignity, and before he took the Zen position, he would marry all the unmarried imperial sisters to Ju Ming as concubines. With so many imperial sisters blowing pillows, Zhu Ming must have treated him more favorably.

However, what the envoys of the Jin Kingdom and Bai Shizhong said was reasonable. The emperor of the new dynasty was very likely to poison the monarch of the old dynasty!

"Can the golden man really defeat the red thieves?" Zhao Huan expressed doubts. He now felt that the red thieves were particularly powerful.

Geng Nanzhong said: "Apart from the Jin people, where can your Majesty borrow troops from?"

Zhao Huan coyly said: "Then... let's join forces."

Geng Nanzhong bowed his head and agreed, with a smile finally appearing on his face. He could continue to serve as prime minister.

After discussing some details, Geng Nanzhong and Bai Shizhong left the palace together.

Outside the palace gate, Geng Nanzhong saw Shi Yuangong and couldn't help but said: "Your Excellency, you should go back to Sifang Pavilion. The official is tired and has rested."

Shi Yuangong sneered: "Taizai Geng isolated himself from the inside and outside, controlled the palace and prevented envoys from visiting him. Aren't you afraid of being liquidated by Marshal Zhu afterwards?"

"You are a thief and I am the Grand Priest. What qualifications do you have to talk to me like this?" Geng Nanzhong said scornfully.

Shi Yuangong exposed his serious look and said: "Taizai Geng is really a powerful official. Why don't you arrest me, a thief, and put me in jail? Your Excellency, while encouraging Lian Jin and treating the thief well, is trying to leave a way out for yourself?"

Geng Nanzhong said: "This is the courtesy of the imperial court, which always treats envoys well!"

Shi Yuangong held back his anger and walked away in anger.

When he first came to Tokyo, the situation was very good, everyone was vying to fawn over him, and even the emperor was so frightened that he could not speak coherently.

However, the situation in the Song court changed too quickly. Those who conspired to surrender to the Zhu bandits were all old officials of Song Huizong. They were suppressed by the new officials promoted by Zhao Huan and were unable to resist.

Geng Nanzhong has the final say now, but Geng Nanzhong is determined not to be a thief, because he can no longer be prime minister after becoming a thief.

He is the real prime minister who has sole control of the court. He is not a rubber stamp like Bai Shizhong or Li Bangyan!

Shi Yuangong can no longer see the emperor, and there are people following him wherever he goes.

The next day, several censors recommended by Geng Nanzhong began to talk about the relationship between Li Gang and Ju Ming, forcing Li Gang to hand over his military power to avoid suspicion.

If you don't hand over your troops, you have a secret agreement with the Red Thieves!

Li Gang had no choice but to resign and recommended Zhang Shuye to take charge of the Privy Council.

Zhao Huan readily accepted it and promoted Zhang Shuye to the Privy Council. He also accepted Li Gang's resignation application and asked Li Gang to promote Shenxiao Palace.

Bai Shizhong was reactivated as the right minister of the imperial court.

The current eunuchs in charge of the palace are all from Zhao Huan's East Palace, and they have a very good relationship with Geng Nanzhong.

Geng Nanzhong joined forces with the eunuch. Without his consent, even He Su and other ministers would not be able to enter the palace to meet the emperor.

"The second prince is kind and cannot bear to plunder the people," Wang Jun, the envoy of the Jin Kingdom, said. "The army has been marching south for a long time, and the money and food have been exhausted. Since the two countries have formed an alliance, we also ask the Song Dynasty to provide money and food."

Before they even started to suppress the thieves, the Jin people reached out for money and food.

Geng Nanzhong wondered: "Tokyo has been besieged for many days, and there is not enough food to eat. I'm afraid it will be difficult to supply it to your army. It is better to give some gold and silver, and your army will use the money to buy food."

Wang Jun said: "If there is no food, I will give it to three hundred beautiful women."

"What do you want a woman for?" Geng Nanzhong didn't want to give it.

Wang Jun said: "The second prince is kind and does not rob women. However, the generals have been away from home for a long time and their homesickness is getting deeper and deeper. They need women to relieve their depression, so they should consider it as asking to marry Song women as concubines. The two countries are related by marriage. , wouldn’t the alliance be stronger?”

Naturally, Geng Nanzhong would not do such dirty things personally.

Xu Bingzhe, recommended by He Su, had already become the governor of Kaifeng and was ordered to search for gold, silver and women to give to the Jinren.

Naturally, gold and silver are divided among rich households and they are not snatched directly. Instead, gold and silver are purchased with rubbish and big money.

Women were much more difficult. Xu Bingzhe originally planned to ask the Department of Education for help, but the Ministry of Rites refused to cooperate, so he could only order the entire city to search for women.

When the news spread, all the pretty young women no longer dared to dress up, so they took off their jewelry and put on cloth skirts and jingcai hairpins.

Xu Bingzhe forcibly searched out three hundred women and used the remaining money of the Kaifeng Mansion to buy clothes and jewelry for them to wear.

Three hundred women cried bitterly all the way as they were escorted to the north bank of the Yellow River. The people in Tokyo were all angry and sad, and they hated Xu Bingzhe to the core.

Who is Xu Bingzhe?

In another time and space, in order to meet the requirements of the Jin people, he could even strictly organize Baojia and arrest the members of the royal family who had fled to the people!

He Su was so angry that he went to Geng Nanzhong and said, "As the Grand Prime Minister, you have done such an act of humiliation to the country!"

Geng Nanzhong looked innocent: "Isn't Xu Bingzhe a talented person recommended by your Excellency?"

"I admit that I am blind!" He Su became even more angry and pointed at Geng Nanzhong's nose and cursed: "How could Xu Bingzhe dare to do such nonsense without an order from a rat like Qi?"

Geng Nanzhong said expressionlessly: "Come, let's see you off!"

Zhang Bangchang also received his new mission. He was ordered to go to Taiyuan and order the guard to hand over the city to the Jin people.

The towns of Taiyuan and Zhongshan had to be ceded to the Jin Kingdom before Wanyan Zongwang would send troops to help exterminate the Zhu bandits.

Moreover, Wanyan Zongwang had a very good reason: the Zhu Thief was too powerful and the East Route Army alone could not win, so the West Route Army had to be invited to help. Taiyuan blocked the West Route Army and had to be handed over to the Jin Kingdom first. .

In addition, the officials of the prefectures and counties along the Song Dynasty had to provide food and grass for the Western Route Army to move south!

Huang Qianshan, who persuaded Zhao Huan to cede Shaanxi to Ju Ming, saw that the "Lianjin faction" was gaining power, and with the help of the Jin soldiers, the Song Dynasty might be able to keep the country, so he immediately jumped over and went to see Bai Shizhong overnight.

Bai Shizhong recommended Huang Qianshan official to be reinstated and was ordered to go to Baozhou, Hebei Province, and ordered the defenders of Baozhou not to stop the Jin soldiers.

Huang Qianshan also had another task, which was to grant officials to the Hebei rebels and ask them to cooperate with the Jin soldiers in going south to suppress the bandits.

Two lines of Jin soldiers ravaged Hebei, where there were already many refugees and peasant soldiers who fled into the mountains. Now that the officers and soldiers were gone, their hometowns were plundered by the Jin again, and a large number of rebel forces rose.

At this time, Baozhou fell into the hands of the Song Dynasty, but the general of Xiongzhou surrendered to Wanyan Zonghan.

Wanyan Zonghan did not have enough food and supplies, so he not only emptied the Xiongzhou treasury, but also ordered his troops to loot everywhere in the counties of Xiongzhou.

Archer Li Cheng was forced to flee with his family. This man was extremely brave and was said to be able to draw a three-stone bow.

He fled to the border between Shandong and Hebei. He really had no food to eat, so he simply led a group of fellow villagers to raise an army and recruited young refugees to form a team of thousands of people.

Li Cheng did not dare to fight the Jin soldiers for the time being, so he sent his troops to Shandong.

The Shandong troops had been taken to Tokyo by Zhang Shuye. The defense here was empty, and Li Cheng captured many prefectures and counties one after another.

Although they were a refugee rebel army, Li Cheng's troops had extremely strict military discipline.

Moreover, the soldiers finished their meals first, and then Li Cheng ate the rest. When the soldiers were sick, Li Cheng would definitely visit them in person. During the ten months, morale was high and combat effectiveness was at an all-time high.

This guy rebelled against the Song Dynasty in history and was invincible across Heluo. No one except Yue Fei could stop him!

As for Yue Fei, he was serving as a soldier in Xiongzhou.

When the general of Xiongzhou surrendered to the Jin people, Yue Fei found it difficult to accept it and fled with some soldiers. He wanted to return to his hometown to recruit troops to fight against the Jin people.

Rebels like Yue Fei and Li Cheng were extremely numerous in Hebei.

But most of them engaged in thieves and plunder under the banner of resisting the Jin people and did not dare to fight against the Jin people.

This chapter has been completed!
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