Chapter 533 0528 [No matter how brave you are, you will still be shot randomly]

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Li Yuchang's death is just the beginning.

The street fighting begins!

Thanks to the Song-Xia War, both sides refused to be trustworthy until the end, and retaliated against each other by massacres of cities, even massacring enemy prisoners who surrendered in Kaicheng.

These Xixia soldiers believed that they were bound to die, but instead they were aroused and tried to draw several Ming troops on the road together.

Of course, we have to collapse when we should collapse.

After Li Yuchang was shot to death indiscriminately, the soldiers who had just loaded their ammunition and had not had time to shoot at Li Yuchang began to target other Xixia officers.

Whose armor is more sophisticated and whose clothes are more expensive will be the next target.

When you really can’t tell the difference, just aim at the one at the front.

Liu Huichuan led the rebel Han people, followed several Yuanyang teams, and saw a scene that was unimaginable before.

The brave Xixia soldiers rushed forward, each with the idea of ​​perishing together. Two leaders rushed at the front, but were shot and fell to the ground before the battle began, and then a junior officer was shot.

By the time the Xixia soldiers rushed in front of the Ming army, they were already in disarray.

The Ming army formed a strange squad formation and carried out a unilateral massacre quickly and effectively on the narrow streets.

Yes, street fighting has turned into massacre!

Most of the Xixia soldiers couldn't even rush through Boring Palladium, and those who rushed in sporadically were killed by spearmen. The sword and shield players had no use at all, and they occasionally raised their shields to block arrows, because the enemy couldn't rush in front of them.

Liu Huichuan followed the Ming army all the way forward, passing corpses everywhere along the way, but not a single corpse was left by the Ming army.

The Ming army only suffered casualties when they broke through the gap in the city wall, and very few were injured after entering the city!

The seemingly brutal and fierce street fighting was actually only for the Xixia soldiers.

More and more soldiers rebelled against the prince, cut off their braids, defected as Han people, and killed the Xixia soldiers who were retreating steadily.


A horn sounded, but it was Yeli Fulu who led the cavalry to attack.

These Xixia cavalry had tried to break out of the encirclement before and opened the city gates from several directions, but they were all killed back by the Ming army troops outside the city. In desperation, they could only return to the city. Due to the restrictions of the streets and lanes in the city, they were scattered into multiple groups.

The squad charged.


"The junior talent formation! Double-layered formation!"

Whistles came one after another from all around, and the team captains led the soldiers to gather together. Multiple teams formed a horizontal and dense formation, wolf milling, raking, and all their spears were raised diagonally upwards.

The battalion commander is not here, but a battalion deputy is in command.

The Xiaosancai Formation transformed from the Yuanyang Formation is a vertical stacked formation suitable for narrow terrain, and can also reduce long-range fire damage.

As for the Da Sancai Formation, it is a horizontal formation placed in a wide area. After the Yuanyang squad here changed formations and gathered together, they directly blocked the street, leaving no room for the cavalry to break through the formation.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

A series of gunshots rang out, and the musketeer directly put the front part of the barrel on the shoulder of the long gunner in front and fired.

Yeli Fulu received extremely high treatment in an instant. He and his horse were shot to death randomly. It is estimated that after being burned into ashes, half a catty of guns could be retrieved.

Pity the good horse under his crotch!

This fierce general from Noribu, his ancestors created Xixia characters, established the Xixia official system, and determined the national policy of Xixia culture.

Now, not much of the glory of our ancestors is left, and even if we rush into battle, we will die in vain.

Hua Rong took back his musket and reloaded it, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: What's the use of personal bravery when you have a blunderbuss in your hand?

In the narrow streets, the Xixia cavalry could not charge fast enough, and it was even more difficult to get close to them when faced with various long weapons.

Now that Yeli Fulu was suddenly killed again, the Xixia cavalry stabbed the horse's buttocks wildly in desperation. The horses were in pain and could only speed up the charge. But only a few horses hit those long-handled weapons hard, and more horses screamed sadly.

The man stood upright, braked suddenly without listening to the rider's orders, and refused to hit him to his death despite any words.

Gunshots still sounded sporadic, because it was all free fire, and each musketeer fired and reloaded at different times.

The few horses that crashed into the gun array not only suffered damage from the spears, but also became targets of bullets.

Did this defeat the cavalry?

Liu Huichuan rubbed his eyes, feeling unbelievable.

But it was indeed the case. He was so passionate that he charged the Xixia cavalry to the death, but he instantly calmed down when faced with the mandarin duck formation equipped with muskets.

The cavalry in front and behind were crowded with each other, and even men and horses bumped into each other.

The Ming army took advantage of the difficulty of the cavalry to move, and the wolf millers and boring palladium stabbed the horses' heads one after another, aiming for the eyes of the horses. The spearmen stepped forward and stabbed the riders, and the musketeers took advantage of this gap to quickly reload their ammunition.

The Xixia cavalry turned around one after another. The front row cavalry had difficulty moving, and the rear row cavalry abandoned their comrades and fled.

After a battle between infantry and cavalry, the Ming army only had a few wolf millers and boring men. Because the weapons were collided by the cavalry and had no time to release, the tiger's mouth was broken, the arm was broken, the wrist was dislocated, etc.

"The heavenly armies are victorious, the heavenly armies are victorious!"

Liu Huichuan roared excitedly, and the young master behind him also shouted.

Following the Ming army to attack two streets in a row, Liu Huichuan could not play any role other than shouting and cheering and persuading the young master to defect. He did not even have a chance to connect with the enemy.

All I can do is shout 666!

The northern city gate has been opened, and more and more Ming army infantry are entering the city.

These infantrymen climbed up the city wall along the horse path, drove away the enemies who were still defending the city wall, and quickly occupied the north and east city walls. They encountered little resistance. The Xixia soldiers on the city wall were attacked and fled towards the center of the city from the other direction.


The Ming army outside the east city wall took the opportunity to build ladders and climb up, and soon there were troops to open the east gate.

Subsequently, the south city wall and south city gate were also occupied by the Ming army.

The various units of the Ming army marched forward in formation, occupying one street after another, and slowly contracted the battle line towards the center of the city.

Han Huaizhong has retreated to the Henan Army Si Yamen. The Junsi Yamen also has walls, which is equivalent to a very small inner city.

The cavalry could no longer play a role, so they all abandoned their horses and fought on foot, standing on the wall to fight the Ming army desperately.

Among the major generals under Yang Zhi, Gong Xiu, who was responsible for the main attack, was the first to arrive here.

Seeing that there were nearly a thousand young masters behind Liu Huichuan, he immediately said to the messenger: "Call that man over."

Liu Huichuan was summoned, and he quickly ran over and knelt down: "Han Liu Huichuan, come and see the general!"

Gong Xiu asked: "Is there any Han'er inside?"

Liu Huichuan nodded and said, "Yes."

"If you take people to shout for them to defect to the Han," Gong Xiu said, "not only can you avoid death, but you can also get land. In this river valley, each person has at least two acres of land, and those who perform meritorious services can also be rewarded.


The frontline commanders all read the order sent by Ju Ming and knew that the Lower and Southern Army Division needed to colonize the area.

These rebels are just right. Their defection can not only reduce the losses during the siege, but also can be settled in the river valley to farm and harvest grain after the war.


Liu Huichuan ran back to tell the news, and Young Master Chuang who had surrendered cheered and shouted.

Swordsmen and shieldmen came out one by one to cover the men approaching the army wall to prevent them from being shot by the enemy with bows and arrows.

"If you bump into your son, you should cut off your hair and switch sides. If you switch sides, you will be divided into two acres of land. If you kill the traitor, you will get a reward!"

"Quickly kill Hu Ling and reward the fields!"

"You are all kidnapped by the Dangxiang people. Don't work for the Dangxiang people again!"


The gangsters inside were looking around, not only wanting to see if any of their companions had defected, but also fearing that the party soldiers would suddenly attack them.

After a while, the Ming army attacking the east city and the south city came over with siege ladders to prepare.

Yang Zhi also brought the Chinese army to join here and said to Gong Xiu: "Brother Gong, should you leave some credit to other brothers this time?"

Gong Xiu laughed loudly: "I'll just sell you to save face, and I won't care about the rest of the enemies."

Battalion after battalion changed positions, always in an orderly manner, and did not allow the enemy to find any loopholes to rush out. Gong Xiu's troops retreated to maintain public order, while searching for Xixia soldiers hiding in private houses, and all lightly wounded soldiers were bandaged and treated.

Liu Huichuan was still leading people to shout, and Han Huaizhong was surprised and confused.

He was afraid of causing his son to defect before the battle, but he also didn't dare to take the initiative to swing his sword at him. What if he was forced to rebel if he refused to defect?

Moreover, the Ming army was outside and could attack the city at any time, so he could not change the positions of the various units before the battle. Once he did, there would be chaos, and the Ming army would attack him in minutes.

"Drag the cannon in!" Yang Zhi actually didn't attack immediately.

Pig-iron cannons are too heavy, so the ones brought in this time are all wrought-iron field cannons, with smaller caliber and power.

But the city wall used to bombard the Junsi Yamen is more than enough.

Seeing the artillery being rolled out one after another, Han Huaizhong was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood and shouted angrily: "That Han general outside is bullying people too much. Do you dare to fight with real swords and guns?"

The iron cannonballs fired previously were blocked by the Xixia soldiers at the gaps in the city wall, and were blown away by the cannonballs.

Now, the cannonballs were picked up one by one, put in baskets and carried over.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

With the sound of cannons, the psychological defenses of the gangsters were finally destroyed.

If they don't defect, there will be no chance. One after another, some people secretly cut off their braids, but they were soon discovered by party soldiers.

"Kill all these Han Chinese!"

"Cut off your hair and kill the thief!"

Even before the walls of Junsi Yamen collapsed, fighting started inside.

Yang Zhi smiled and ordered: "Stop the bombardment and all troops ascend the city!"

Liu Huichuan finally had a place to use this time. He led Prince Chuang to follow the Ming army, climbed the city wall and rushed in, stabbing the party members when they saw them.

"It's over, it's all over."

Han Huaizhong looked around and murmured to himself. Although he was wearing armor, he did not go forward to fight in person.

He is actually the military supervisor, who is essentially a civilian official. Each military division in Xixia will be assigned a military supervisor.

The Han family has compiled the history of Xixia for generations and is very familiar with all the wars.

Han Huaizhong knew that even if he was captured, he would probably be able to survive, and the Han people could use him as one of their bargaining chips.

What's more, his wife and children are all in the military office, and he doesn't want the whole family to die together.

"There is a high official here!" a Ming army soldier shouted.

Liu Huichuan quickly identified: "That is Han Huaizhong, the supervisor of the Henan Military Division. His family has been a civil servant in Xixia for generations!"

"Don't shoot arrows and blunderbuss, capture this guy alive!"

Han Huaizhong stood with his hands behind his back, wanting to show his calmness.

Several soldiers rushed up and pushed him to the ground, slamming his face into the ground and constantly rubbing against the ground while being tied up.

His grace was gone, only embarrassment remained.

This chapter has been completed!
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