Chapter 726 0721 [Peace Negotiation]

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Chui Gong Hall.

Zhu Guoxiang sat on the throne in the palace, Zhu Ming sat on the east side as the chief, and officials from the cabinet and Honglu Temple were all seated.

The envoys from the Kingdom of Jin came to meet and negotiate, but they did not force them to kneel down. Anyway, they had already demonstrated their martial arts skills at the Imperial Shooting Conference, so there was no need to worry about the details.

It was approaching the winter solstice, and peace talks had been held for three rounds.

Naturally, it is impossible for the Jin people to disclose the bottom line directly. The demands they made in the first round of negotiations were extremely outrageous.

That is to say, the diplomatic relations and territorial boundaries between the Ming and Jin Dynasties were fully restored to the Song and Liao Dynasties, and the Sixteen Prefectures of Youyun still belonged to the Jin Kingdom. The reason is also very good. The Ming Dynasty inherited the legal system of the Song Dynasty, and the Dajin Dynasty inherited the legal system of the Liao Kingdom.

The two countries are brothers, and the Jin Kingdom is willing to lower its profile and treat the Ming Dynasty like an elder brother from now on, and the two countries will not give each other annual coins.

The officials of the Ming Dynasty who participated in the negotiations were furious about this. They firmly refused to recognize that the Jin State had inherited the legal system of the Liao State, and believed that the Jin State was just a bunch of barbarians who were stealing the country and arrogant. They demanded that the Jin State hand over the Sixteen Youyun Prefectures and surrender to the Ming Dynasty.

The two parties broke up unhappy and began to contact each other privately for testing.

During the second round of negotiations, the Jin State relented slightly and were willing to return several states south of Yanshan. However, the Ming Dynasty had to withdraw its troops from Lushun and the Liaoxi Corridor, and had to pay a one-time payment of 500,000 gu for the land redemption.

Ming officials also made concessions and did not require Jin to surrender. Other conditions were the same as in the first negotiation.

In the third round of negotiations, the Jin State relaxed its demands again and did not ask for redemption money for the land south of Yanshan. However, it emphasized the Jin State's right to rule the grassland. The Ming Dynasty must publicly recognize that Mobei belongs to the Jin State's territory, and must publicly declare that Yelu Dashi is the

The rebellion of the Jin Kingdom.

The officials of the Ming Dynasty must be killed and must return the sixteen states of Youyun. As long as the Jin Kingdom is willing to give up the land of Youyun, the Ming Dynasty can turn against Yelu Dashi and regard it as an internal separatist regime of the Jin Kingdom.

At this moment, it is already the fourth round of negotiations, and it is also the last round of negotiations.

If we can't reach an agreement again, the Jin envoy can go back.

Wanyan Xiyin was the first to say: "Several states south of Yanshan can be given to the Ming Dynasty. But it is absolutely impossible for us to give them to the states around Yunzhong and north of Yanshan. Back then, the Jin and Song Dynasties had an alliance, but the Song Dynasty broke it many times.

The alliance breached the contract, which led the Dajin army to go south. What if Yunzhong is also handed over to the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty will also follow the example of the Song Dynasty and breach the contract? By that time, I, Dajin, will not be in danger of the Yunzhong Pass, and the Ming army can

Feel free to raise troops and march northward."

Xiao Chu said: "How could the Ming Dynasty be as treacherous as the barbarians in the north? Your Excellency, however, used the heart of a villain to kill the gentlemen of the Ming Dynasty."

"You must be on guard against others," Wanyan Xiyin said.

Xiao Chu said: "The Sixteen Prefectures of Youyun have been part of the Han Dynasty for thousands of years, and have been occupied by the Liao Kingdom for more than a hundred years. If the Jin Kingdom does not return it, then what is the point of peace talks? I, the Ming Dynasty Bingfeng, can take any lost land.

Come back. The Kingdom of Jin is anxious for peace talks now, but I am not anxious for tomorrow."

Zhong Shidao sneered: "If the war continues next year, I'm afraid the Jin Kingdom will not have much military rations, right? Maybe the various tribes in the country will rebel before the Jin Kingdom's army sets off."

"Your Excellency is too alarmist," Wanyan Zongfu said with a smile, "Our country is peaceful and prosperous, and the people of all ethnic groups are happy. If there is another war, the warriors of all ethnic groups will definitely regard death as home!"

Ma Kuo visited various tribes in the Tang Dynasty this year and has recently returned to Tokyo. He happened to catch up with this negotiation. He laughed: "Others don't know, but I don't know? I have been to the Kingdom of Jin several times and stayed at least every time.

In the past six months, I have many old friends in the Jin Kingdom. Not only are the various ethnic groups going to rebel, but I am afraid that there are also many conflicts within the Jurchens."

Wanyan Xiyin refused to admit it: "This nonsense is just hearsay."

The two sides struggled and struggled like this for more than ten minutes. Zhu Ming suddenly said: "Don't talk anymore. The Ming Dynasty can only want the land south of Yanshan, but the Jin Kingdom must hand over Juyong Pass!"

Wanyan Zongfu knew that he had to show his bottom line, so he answered simply: "Okay."

This was decided by Wanyan Zongfu and Wanyan Xiyin in recent days. Because in the first three rounds of negotiations, Ming's attitude was too tough, and the Jin Kingdom had to make more concessions.

Hand over Juyong Pass and Shimen Pass.

Shimenguan is located south of the Badaling Great Wall and is also an important checkpoint in that passage. It will be reinforced after the peace negotiation.

This means that from now on, the Ming and Jin countries will each have their own pass. The Ming will control Juyong Pass, and the Jin will control Shimen Pass. Whoever wants to send troops must first capture the other side's pass.

"And Lu Longsai." Ju Ming added.

"No." Wanyan Zongfu refused.

Lulongsai is Xifengkou, so it would be okay to hand it over to the Ming Dynasty. Because the Ming Dynasty got it mainly for defense. If they really wanted to attack, it would be closer to just crossing the sea and hitting Liaoyang. And if the Jin Kingdom wanted to go south to plunder, they didn't necessarily have to go to Xifeng.

Fengkou, such as Gubeikou, etc. will also work.

Wanyan Zongfu refused simply because he did not want to give in anymore.

Ju Ming said: "If we don't give Lu Longsai, we must compensate for 300 horses, the kind of horses that can carry heavy armored horses!"

Wanyan Zongfu said: "This matter needs to be discussed."

"Please." Zhu Ming said.

Wanyan Zongfu and Wanyan Xiyin walked into the deserted side hall next to them.

Wanyan Xiyin said: "The Ming army is nothing more than powerful in firearms. Their armored and heavy cavalry is not as good as Hezha Meng'an. Three hundred good horses can be afforded by Dajin."

"If they don't ask for it, we will give it to them honestly," Wanyan Zongfu said. "We can give good horses, up to twenty."

Wanyan Xiyin worriedly said: "I'm afraid twenty good horses cannot satisfy Prince Zhu's appetite."

Wanyan Zongfu said: "The counteroffer is twenty horses. If we really can't reach an agreement, I'll give you fifty horses."

"Okay." Wanyan Xiyin nodded.

The two discussed it again and returned to the main hall.

Wanyan Zongfu said: "Dajin doesn't have many good horses, so we can only give you twenty."

Ju Ming became more and more forceful: "I don't want to be as fussy as a businessman, so I just give you an accurate number!"

"Prince Zhu's arrogance is not in vain," Wanyan Zongfu said, "Fifty horses, if you are willing to accept it, continue the negotiation."

Zhu Ming shook his head: "Too little."

Wanyan Zongfu looked at Wanyan Xiyin. After the two made eye contact, they broke through the bottom line again: "Eighty horses!"

"One hundred horses, give me a round number." Ju Ming decided unilaterally.

The momentum of the negotiation was completely suppressed by Ju Ming. Wanyan Zongfu retreated again and again: "Then one hundred horses. How can the Ming Dynasty guarantee that after the peace is negotiated, it will not send troops across the sea to harass Dajin?"

Ju Ming said: "Kill three animals and swear to the heavenly alliance. Within five years, the two sides will not fight again!"

"Only five years?" Wanyan Xiyin was a little disappointed.

Ju Ming asked: "If I said fifty years, would you believe it?"

As soon as this statement came out, the Jin envoy felt Zhu Ming's sincerity and concluded that Prince Zhu really intended to suspend troops for five years to develop internal affairs.

Wanyan Zongfu began to comprehensively consider the affairs of the Jin Kingdom. In five years, he should be able to cripple the Yelv Stone and eliminate the huge threat behind the Liao Kingdom. At the same time, domestic children aged 11 or 12 will be able to go to the battlefield in five years and be able to solve the Jin Dynasty.

The problem of insufficient national military resources.

In addition, by developing internal affairs in five years, the internal conflicts among the Jurchen nobles can also be alleviated, and some food can be hoarded for future wars.

However, the Ming army will definitely be stronger by then. How to fight against tens of thousands of Ming army musketeers?

After thinking about it, Wanyan Zongfu could only stop thinking about it and discuss the future matters later. Anyway, peace must be negotiated now, otherwise a war will be forcibly started next year, and rebellions will arise if food is collected.

Wanyan Zongfu said: "To exchange territory in March next year, the Ming Dynasty must give some food compensation."

Ju Ming smiled and asked: "How much?"

"One million stones." Wanyan Zongfu said.

"At most 50,000 shi," Ju Ming reminded, "and there is a prerequisite, the Jin soldiers cannot trample the wheat seedlings wantonly. Once it is discovered that a large amount of farmland has been trampled, I will not give a single grain of the 50,000 shi."

The two of them were talking about Yanshan Prefecture, Yizhou, Shunzhou, Jizhou, Luanzhou and other places. Although the Jin people handed over the territory to the Ming Dynasty, they would definitely move the people away.

However, the people of the Jin Kingdom had already planted winter wheat, and the Ming Dynasty immigrants had direct access to wheat seedlings, so they had to compensate the Jin Kingdom with some grain.

"Nine hundred and eighty thousand stones!"

"Sixty thousand stones."

"Nine hundred and fifty thousand stones."

"Seventy thousand stones."


Zhu Ming and Wanyan Zongfu turned the peace talks into a business deal and even started bargaining on the spot.

The wheat yield in those places ranges from seven to eight bushels to two stones per acre.

The Kingdom of Jin only moved 100,000 people there, including many craftsmen.

There are also tens of thousands of survivors from the Liao Kingdom, who did not migrate there from the Jin Kingdom.

But Wanyan Zongwang went to war last year and lost more than ten thousand people on the battlefield in Hebei. Then a rebellion broke out. Although Liu E quickly put down the rebellion, he lost another tens of thousands of people.

Due to excessive grain requisition, many people starved to death!

Nowadays, in the huge land south of Yanshan, including the non-agricultural population, there are only 112,000 Jin people left. And the land being cultivated will never exceed 2 million acres.

The overall food income is approximately between 1.5 million shi and 2 million shi.

This is because the land is vast and the people are sparse, so planting is widespread and harvesting is poor.

If women are included, the average farmer in the Jin Kingdom needs to cultivate twenty or thirty acres of land. Without careful care and management, and water conservancy facilities are insufficient, the yield of most wheat fields is less than one stone per mu.

Moreover, the farmers of the Jin Kingdom only planted wheat, and the people of the Ming Dynasty had to take care of it.

Wanyan Zongfu asked for one million dan, which was reasonable but slightly on the high side.

The two sides struggled for a long time, and the final result was that the Ming Dynasty compensated the Jin Kingdom with 350,000 shi of wheat.

The reason is also very good. Although the territory in Lushun is small, tens of thousands of people have defected to the Ming Dynasty. There are also one or two thousand farmers in Haibin County controlled by Li Bao. The farmers in these two places have already planted winter wheat, and they can

Offset part of the food losses of the people of the Jin Kingdom.

Everyone opened the skylight and made a clear statement, only exchanging land with each other, and all the population would be moved away.

After the negotiation was finalized, Ju Ming returned to the East Palace and called Shi Yuangong and told him: "After the spring begins, use the northern craftsmen to spread the news in the countryside. It is said that the Ming Dynasty treats people of all ethnic groups well, pays less taxes than the Jin Kingdom, and does not force civilians to fight.

.As long as they escape into the mountains and wait for the Jin soldiers to leave, they can get their land back, and the wheat seedlings in the land will still be theirs."

After thinking about it, Ju Ming added: "The first year will be exempted from taxes, and the second and third years will be halved. As long as they take the risk to stay, no matter how much grain they harvest next year, it will all belong to the farmers themselves!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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