Chapter 1,247 Pink Ears, Hexagonal Stone

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The weird ears are confusing.

The soft touch and even a certain body temperature.

If it weren't for the layer of dirt on the surface that obscures the outline of the cochlea.

It's a bit scary to hold this thing in your hands.

It’s hard to imagine how wealthy nobles and wealthy businessmen would collect such a thing.

But maybe it's because this ear has other wonderful functions.

For example, the guy who relied on [a pocket watch that is always three seconds faster (special)] became the god of gambling in the giant city of Lentax.

Not only the lords can use these [Special] and [Unknown] items, but also the Aboriginal people.

However, it is usually difficult for aborigines to discover the deeper clues hidden in these items. Only effects that are easier to activate can be easily discovered and utilized.

The aborigines collectively refer to such items as magical objects.

The overall classification and application are not as detailed as the lord.

After all, there are many [Special] and [Unknown] level items that do not have effects that can be activated directly. They are equivalent to some kind of tokens and some clues to events.

These items cannot be used by the indigenous people.

Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that this weird ear has some special effects and was collected.

Otherwise, just look at it from the perspective of collections.

It doesn't meet the collection standards anyway.

After thinking about it, Zong Shen's curiosity was aroused.

After pondering for a moment, he carefully held the fleshy ear in the palm of his hand and kept an appropriate observation distance.

Then the strategy module was launched.

【Dirty Ears(Unknown)】

[Quality: unknown]

[Effect: Obscene (can be triggered once every 168 hours, randomly obtain an indecent secret that happened in the mainland)]

[If the dirt on the ears can be removed, its effect will be further changed]

(Magical ears that can listen to secrets

Many things it knows, this guide knows, and what it doesn’t know, this guide also knows

It’s just that the [obscure hearing] effect of this ear is random, and it can give a message without you knowing it or providing keywords.

Of course, randomness means that the value of information is not constant.

It may be a valuable secret, or it may be an ordinary piece of gossip.

If you can soak its ear in the Well of Eternity, you can remove the dirt on it and strengthen its abilities.

Anyway, it’s a good choice to treat it as an information blind box)

Zong Shen suddenly realized.

This ear is an information prompter with random characteristics.

Only one message can be obtained every 168 hours.

Moreover, it is indecent information that happened on the mainland. It must be those pornographic news.

This means that news from all over the world may be conveyed by it, and the practical value really depends on the face.

Far less reliable than the strategy module.

But in a sense, this [Dirty Ear (Unknown)] can also be regarded as an information item.

With this in mind, Zong Shen decided to give it a try.

See what kind of information he can draw the first time.

He held his ears in his hands and silently activated the [Dark Listening] effect.

Suddenly, a deep sound whose source was difficult to trace came to his mind.

This voice was a bit wretched and mysterious.

It seemed like the whispers of rumors.

Or like a devil whispering in my ear.

"I have a piece of news to tell you. The Blackwing Tyrant suffered a setback in the war. He temporarily returned to his territory and found the evil dragon Og Polkaiser Valyria. They made peace together and reached a consensus, intending to revive the war.

Flag and drum, hehehe, it’s very interesting, the five-color dragon with the silver sword, hehehe..."

The whisper is indeed obscene.

And the information it gives is really an indecent message.

Zong Shen happened to have heard of the mentioned Blackwing Tyrant and the evil dragon Og Polkaiser Valyria.

The former is Xiao Heizi's mother, the lord black dragon with many subordinates under his command, and the latter is the green dragon that once stayed on the island in the middle of the lake.

One or two hundred years ago, the evil dragon went to the Silent Forest, 4,793 kilometers east of Zongshen's territory, to take root and develop. It was not far from another giant city called Dagalisini.


In addition, Zong Shen also received a reward order issued by the giant city of Lentax two hundred years ago, and the reward was an entire city.

The publisher is Bosch, Marquess of Lancaster, who can be regarded as the ancestor of the current Lancaster family.

But now the entire giant city of Lentax has fallen.

This reward order is meaningless.

To Zong Shen's surprise, the black-winged tyrant's attack was thwarted, and she actually got close to the green evil dragon.

It is simply a peach transaction between five-color dragons.

This made Zong Shen a little surprised.

More of a moment of silence for Xiao Heizi.

This news will definitely make him heartbroken.

In terms of individual strength, today's Little Heizi is not inferior to its mother, Black Wing Tyrant, and may even be stronger.

After all, it is blessed by the ancestral bloodline.

After sighing for a while, Zong Shen confirmed the authenticity of this information through the strategy module.

Speaking of which, the information provided by this ear is really unfair.

If this accumulates over time, wouldn't someone from his sect become the king of sexy news in the Endless Continent?

No matter where you go, you can find various ladies, and they whisper:

"Madam, you don't want your secret to be known, right?"

When I think about it, I have a vulgar and astringent temperament.

In fact, keeping Xiao Heizi close to you is not the wisest choice.

The Lord Dragon is much stronger than the Dulong.

So Zong Shen considered whether to give the little black boy some hints and then let it develop on its own.

A black dragon with old dragon-level strength and ancestral blood.

His actual age is only that of a young dragon.

With Xiao Heizi's current strength, he can survive even if he encounters a legendary level dragon hunting team.

So it is better to let it go out and follow the development model of Lord Dragon to stand on its own.

The five dragon descendants currently kept in captivity in the territory were all brought back by Xiao Heizi under his instruction.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Zong Shen deeply agrees with this.

Anyway, with Xiao Heizi by his side now, it won't be of much help to him.

If fighting alone, Zong Shen can just rely on himself.

For transportation, there is [Hell Dark Nightmare·Hamis], which is also capable of flying and fighting.

As for housekeeping, it would be a bit of a waste of talent.

Besides, there is a little blue dragon in the territory that can be cultivated.

To sum up, letting Xiao Heizi go out and develop on his own seems to be the best arrangement.

I have to say that the updates about the Black Wing Tyrant provided by [Dirty Big Ears (Unknown)] gave Zong Shen new ideas and thoughts.

He planned to wait until he returned to the territory to implement this matter.

Maybe in the future, there will be a leering lord black dragon in the continent.

Its unscrupulous mother might also look at it with admiration and start a love affair with it that transcends kinship ties.

Anyway, the five-color dragon has no concept of immorality.

Human moral standards cannot restrict their behavior.

This is also a reflection of ethnic differences.

Different rules, customs and moral codes.

Regardless, this big ear has proven its effectiveness.

The rosy information it gives may not be of any use, but it can definitely arouse people's curiosity.

And maybe, this can be used as evidence against a certain aboriginal boss.

In addition to the above characteristics, this [Dirty Big Ear (Unknown)] is still in a state of unblocking.

If it is soaked in the Well of Eternity, the layer of dirt covering the surface can be removed, significantly improving its abilities and effects.

Thinking about it, I'm quite looking forward to it.

Can’t the big ears that have been upgraded be able to hear certain information specifically?

Wouldn't that become a replacement for the strategy module?

But Zong Shen only thinks about this kind of thing in his head.

The Well of Eternity is the core of the ancient elves.

Legend has it that all elves were conceived by the Well of Eternity and thus gained an endless lifespan.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to call the Well of Eternity a sacred well.

Later, the elves split into multiple branches because of the devastating explosion in the Well of Eternity.

The elves also lost their ability to live forever.

But it is still an immortal species with a long life span.

Now that the Well of Eternity has long been destroyed by the explosion, where can he find another Well of Eternity to bathe this big ear?

Therefore, he only had to think about it.

Unless we cross dimensions in the future and meet the elves who own the Well of Eternity in other worlds, then maybe there is hope that we can cleanse these big ears.

But if you go through all the trouble just to unblock the big ears, it will be more than worth the gain.

So after thinking about it carefully, he still felt that this thing was a bit useless.

All he could say was that if he had a chance to encounter the Well of Eternity in the future, he would see if he could wash the big ears.

I took note of this interesting thing.

Zong Shen took advantage of the situation and put it away, leaving it to be taken out for play after the cooling period ends next week.

Maybe you can hear some private affairs of noble ladies.

Pouting his lips in self-mockery, Zong Shen turned his attention to the next [unknown] item.

Stone, stone again.

In this batch of [Unknown] and [Special] level items.

There are quite a few things that look like stones or crystals.

Stone is the essence of the earth.

It is normal for such a situation to occur.

Lift things out of the storage compartment with your backhand.

This is a regular hexagonal stone.

It looks very neat and orderly.

The surface is silver-gray, neither reflective nor translucent, but the surface is smooth and feels very good.

The material is like the pebbles that can be found everywhere in rivers.

This is not the first time Zong Shen has seen something like this that is ordinary on the outside but unique on the inside.

So now he rarely uses appearance to judge the quality of an item.

This is based on experience.

On the contrary, those seemingly ordinary things with the suffixes of "Special" and "Unknown" are basically somewhat famous.

He held the stone in his hands and turned it over for a while.

Seeing no reason why, Zong Shen gave up.

Professional matters still have to be left to professional plug-ins.

Staring slightly, the strategy emerged.

[Hexagonal stone (unknown)]

[Quality: unknown]

[A hexagonal stone is indestructible, but looks useless]

(Theory, this is indeed a useless stone

Its only function is to act as a key to open a void ruin somewhere. In addition to this hexagonal stone, there are also triangles, squares, rectangles, etc...

Almost all geometric patterns are available

Don’t ask where the void ruins are in this guide

I don’t know about this guide either.

This thing should have landed on the Endless Continent when the voids converged. The only thing worthy of praise is that it emits a beautiful light at night.

This is also the reason why it is collected)

Zong Shen fell silent.

This thing seems to be really rubbish?

The key to a void ruin whose location and origin are unknown?

The void is so vast that it can be called endless.

Who knows where the ruins are.

And judging from the meaning of the strategy module, if you want to open that ruins, you need more than just this key.

The probability of such a thing being put to use is really not high.

But Zong Shen wouldn't throw it away.

At best, it will just be thrown into a corner and collect ashes.

Maybe there will be an opportunity to use it in the future?

As for this [hexagonal stone (unknown)], it emits a beautiful light at night. Only if it looks good can it be collected.

Zong Shen was somewhat curious about this.

From now on, when night falls, you can take it out and take a look.

Shaking his head, he threw the stone into the corner of the storage compartment. Maybe it would be used in the future, but maybe it would never be used again.

Zong Shen didn't take this to heart.

It's okay not to mention this kind of thing that cannot be forced.

After skipping it, Zong Shen looked at the next [unknown] item.

This is a ring, but the ring on it looks very strange. It is neither a gemstone nor a diamond, but a strange face carved from green stone.

It looks a bit scary.

The shape of this strange face is exaggerated, with bloated cheeks, narrowed eyes, and a huge mouth with an astonishing curvature, making it look like he is laughing wildly.

Folds formed on the nose and under the eyes.

It makes the strange face look more cunning.

In contrast, the ring body is unremarkable, with a golden color. I don't know if it is gold.

But Zong Shen's first impression of this combination of rings was that it was weird and inconsistent.

Besides, when he stared at the strange face of the ring.

There will be an uncomfortable feeling.

His perception is so sharp now that he can hardly make mistakes.

The emergence of this feeling means that the strange face ring may not be a good thing.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

"Hey, it seems that idiot still couldn't save me!"

"Hey hey hey, congratulations to you human being."

"Please remember this moment, because the gears of your destiny will start turning from this moment on!"

While he was observing, the strange ringed face suddenly coughed, and the originally hard green stone turned into plasticine.

The strange face came alive flexibly.

Not only did it look at Zong Shen with its dripping eyes.

At the same time, he kept uttering wild words.

It even made Zong Shen feel a little bit noisy.

This chapter has been completed!
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