Chapter 1,416 Black Iron Baggage Box and Level 6 Standard Equipment [12K]

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At this moment, Zong Shen deeply experienced the true meaning of the saying "Money and silk move people's hearts."

In this Azshara's treasure house, various dreamlike haloes linger, like colorful mist, which makes people dazzled.

This feeling was so strong that at a certain moment, he seemed to be in an intoxicating fantasy, and an unprecedented hazy beauty emerged spontaneously.

This is a symbol of the former glory of the great city of Azshara.

It is also the most precious legacy it left behind - the Azshara Elf Treasure House.

Zoe, who was standing behind Zong Shen, could not resist the visual impact.

Her eyes shone with shock and anticipation.

Obviously, no true adventurer can resist witnessing the glorious moment when a thousand-year-old treasure house is opened.

Zong Shen realized that his mind was being attracted by this alluring treasure, as if he was trapped in a whirlpool full of magic. If he didn't take the initiative to control himself, he might be trapped by this desire.

So, he decisively closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to calm down the agitation in his heart.

After some adjustments, when his breathing gradually returned to calm, Zong Shen opened his eyes again.

The treasure house in front of me is still shining with dazzling light.

Those treasures that have been sleeping for a long time have always maintained their original luster and style in the long river of time.

Quietly waiting for that moment to see the light of day again.

Compared with this treasure house, even the proud family treasure house of the Lancaster family seems insignificant, like an old and crude grocery store.

Zong Shen understands that the mission at this moment is not simply to possess greedily.

But to inherit this ancient power and further explore the rules that may change the trajectory of the world.

He no longer waited and watched, but took firm steps.

Zoe Babbitt followed closely behind.

From the moment you get the first [Elf Key Fragment], your fate is already determined.

Zong Shen is destined to get everything in this treasure house.

This is an irresistible fate.

Even if a competitor appears during this period, he will fight for it courageously.

It can be said that from the moment Zong Shen knew about the existence of Azshara's elf treasure, many things were already doomed.

The two of them stepped through the treasure house gate one after the other.

In this way, you can truly enter this dusty area.

What's even more amazing is that the originally dazzling brilliance seemed to weaken a bit after they entered, becoming softer and no longer as dazzling as before.

Zong Shen squinted his eyes slightly and quickly scanned the interior of the entire treasure house with a scrutinizing gaze.

The treasure house is large, but not messy.

It even looks neat.

Because the storage and placement of items here are very particular.

All the baggage boxes are stacked against the wall.

In the middle are rows of high and low shelves.

Baggage boxes are divided into four grades according to their materials.

They are black iron, bronze, mithril and fine gold.

The difference in materials also represents the different grades of the items inside.

As for the shelves, they are all made of fine gold, and there are a total of twenty sets in the treasure house!

Each group is eight meters long, three meters high and one meter wide.

It is divided into four floors from top to bottom.

It is obvious that different grades of standard equipment are stored in the baggage boxes.

Suitable for centralized storage.

And on the shelves are those small but exquisite parts.

Of course, to say they are parts is actually relative.

At least Zong Shen saw more than a dozen potions and other small items as far as he could see.

The total number of things on these twenty sets of fine gold shelves is at least twenty to thirty thousand.

He first walked to the wall and moved down a black iron luggage box from the position closest to the treasure house door.

Opening the lid of the box, there are fifty elven war bows staggered inside.

The length of both ends of the bow arm is about 1.2 meters.

There are fang-like loops at both ends.

There are vines wrapped around the bow, and they are imprinted on it together with the runes, almost indistinguishable from each other. The front part of the bow frame is arc-shaped, while the back part is flat.

The middle grip of the entire bow body is not too wide, and gradually becomes tapering toward both ends. The ends are inlaid with corner materials, making it look strong and beautiful.

The preservation effect of the black iron baggage box is very good.

There are almost no traces of the passage of time on these war bows.

The powerful animal sinew bowstring is wrapped in a thin leather.

That is also a protective measure.

Zong Shen took out a war bow and looked at it.

Relevant information appears in front of you.

[Ancient Tree War Bow (Orange)]


[Quality: Legendary]

[Puncture damage: 142~163]

[Effective range: 350 meters]

[Effective shooting height: 200 meters]

[Attack speed: 99%]

[Durability: 1093/1200]

[Requires wisdom: 79]

[Requires agility: 90]

[Active skill: Ancient Wood Chain Arrow (battle bow charges for 3 seconds to shoot, can shoot three arrows continuously, each arrow causes 0.8 times of puncture damage, and adds a certain 20 points of armor penetration effect, which affects the total armor

Targets with a value higher than 200 points will ignore 10% of the armor defense, and the skill cooldown time is 10 minutes)

Eye of the Ancient Tree (the war bow that activates this skill can improve the wearer's field of vision and aiming accuracy, and the damage caused to targets more than 200 meters away is increased by 15%, lasting 2 minutes, and the cooling time is 30 minutes)

Arrow of Rebirth (activate this skill, after the next arrow shot by the war bow penetrates the enemy or reaches the maximum range, it will turn into a seed and take root and sprout on the ground. It will explode after a short delay, causing damage within 5 meters.

200 points of natural magic damage, and 3 friendly units around the holder will recover 300 points of health, and the skill cooldown time is 1 hour)

Forest Blessing (skill can trigger forest protection, form a short-term branch barrier, absorb incoming damage, and release a range of natural magic rebound damage when the barrier disappears. The barrier has 1200 solid points and 100 points

Double resistance, can last up to 10 minutes, skill cooldown time is 2 hours)]

[Passive skill: Life Resonance: (Every time you hit an enemy with this war bow with a normal attack, there is a 20% chance to draw life power from the earth to restore the user's health. The recovery amount is based on 50% of the attack damage. This effect

It has a weak recovery effect and cannot heal broken limb injuries)

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Natural recovery (burying the bow in the soil will restore 15 points of equipment durability per hour, but it will continue to consume the fertility of the land)]

(The sixth-level standard war bow of the ancient era has overall attributes ranging from orange to gold, which is different from the sixth-level war bow of the elves today.

In the ancient times of more than 10,000 years, the war bows made were stronger and more durable.

Some of the materials used are now extinct.

Therefore, compared with the current level 6 standard battle bows, the basic attributes of these [ancient tree battle bows (orange)] are about 20% higher.

The accompanying skills are also quite practical, with attack and defense, and passive probabilistic life recovery.

The sixth-level elf ranger holding this war bow can exert considerable combat power.

The arrows shot from above will become a death nightmare for the enemy)

“Quite a high rating.”

Zong Shen quickly read the equipment information of [Ancient Tree War Bow (Orange)].

In fact, from his current perspective, he doesn't think such attributes are that amazing.

But then he thought again and remembered that this was a standard piece of equipment!

It was a piece of equipment that was once used in batches by level 5 and level 6 rangers of the ancient elves.

Then its properties become quite impressive.

Counting four active skills and one passive skill, it is indeed a very good piece of equipment.

Zong Shen checked all the black iron luggage boxes near the door.

The strategy module was also launched for auxiliary acceptance.

At this time, the strategy module is like an invisible scanner.

Able to accurately and efficiently summarize the items in the treasure house, and with his personal inspection, he will soon be able to have a clear idea.

There are a total of 820 black iron luggage boxes in the treasure house.

Among them, there are 220 black iron luggage boxes containing [Ancient Tree War Bow (Orange)].

In other words, there are a total of 11,000 [Ancient Tree War Bows (orange)] here.

The remaining 600 black iron baggage boxes all contain other standard equipment.

There are 150 boxes of [Ancient Tree Light Armor (Orange)], 30 pieces per box.

200 boxes of [Ancient Tree Vitality Light Sword (orange)], 60 pieces per box.

100 boxes of [Natural Blocker Buckler (orange)], 25 sides per box.

50 boxes of [Ancient Tree Guardian Helm (orange)], 45 pieces per box.

Finally, there are 100 boxes of [Ancient Tree Poisoned Arrows (Purple)], each box contains 80 bundles, each bundle contains 30 arrows, totaling 240,000 arrows.

Zong Shen took out samples of these standard equipment and ordnance for inspection.

The first is the pieces of lightweight armor.

These armors are also quite well preserved.

The surface is coated with a thin layer of resin, which seals and protects it.

Under the resin, the surface of the armor glowed with a silver-grey luster that was neither gold nor iron.

The seemingly thick armor is actually very light. No wonder the word "light body" is included in the name of the equipment.

If you look at it from the side, you can see the fine growth ring patterns.

This means that these armors are made of trees, not any other metal material.

Gently take out a piece of cloth and wipe off the resin on the surface, and you will see that the armor is actually covered with a layer of delicate and complex leaf vein texture.

Like a miniature painting of nature.

But when viewed from a distance, it looks like the metal stretch marks left after hammer forging.

This is why it is obviously made of some kind of wood, but it looks somewhat metallic.

The color of the battle armor is dim and deep.

Occasionally, there will be a faint emerald green glow intermittently.

This means that the armor contains plenty of vitality.

The overall structure is light and flexible, and it is a half-body armor.

It really fits the theme of lightness.

When you unfold it, it feels like a leaf dancing in the wind, but as solid as a thousand-year-old tree.

The shoulder armor is like the branches of a big tree extending, the shape is graceful and full of tension.

Both sides are dotted with lifelike leaf-like decorations, like a pair of small wings.

Zong Shen let Zoe Babbitt try it on.

Those leaf decorations will tremble slightly with her movements, as if they are ready to sprout new shoots at any time.

The wristbands imitate the bending and interweaving of tree branches.

There is a tough beauty to it.

The overall flowing energy seems to be telling the rhythm and harmony of nature.

Moreover, the armor will automatically fine-tune after being worn so that it fits closely with the wearer's body.

It is like a second layer of skin appearing on the body surface, which has the power of rhythm without losing elegance and agility.

"It's not bad. Even the appearance is quite impressive."

Zong Shen nodded, very satisfied with these light armors.

Immediately his eyes changed and he checked its attribute information.

[Ancient Tree Light Armor (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Body protection: 85]

[Magic Resistance: 95]

[Durability: 1357/1500]

[Required power: 65]

[Demand agility: 105]

[Active skill: Awakening of life (activates the armor, awakens the power of the sleeping ancient tree, increases the wearer's basic attack power and armor value by 20 points, lasts for 20 minutes, and the skill cooldown time is 3 hours)

Forest Shelter (When necessary, the wearer can summon a barrier transformed from ancient trees to block and absorb 3000 points of damage for 10 minutes. When the barrier dissipates, the stored damage will be proportional to 20%.

Converted into healing amount and fed back to the wearer, skill cooldown time is 4 hours)

Rooted defense (the wearer can quickly sow a temporary ancient tree on the ground. The ancient tree will extend dense roots to all sides, forming a fixed defense area. All friendly units in this area will gain 50 points of double damage.

Anti-defense bonus, and any enemy trying to break into this area will be entangled by tree roots, slowed down and suffer 10 points of natural attribute damage per second, lasting 10 minutes, cooling time 6 hours)

Symbiotic Connection (When other members of the team are also equipped with equipment also made of ancient tree essence, this skill can be activated to establish a powerful symbiotic connection, which can link up to 12 units at the same time. During the link period, all

60% of the damage suffered by members will be shared among each other, and at the same time, they will receive a health recovery effect of 12 points per second and a basic attack increase of 10 points, which can greatly improve the team's survivability and transfer the buff status and duration to each other.

20 minutes, cooling time 12 hours)】

[Passive skill: Natural Symbiosis (Whenever the character is damaged, there is a 30% chance to trigger Breath of Life, which will immediately restore 200 health points, and at the same time increase the own healing effect by 15% in a short period of time, which can be stacked up to 60%


Ancient tree regeneration (when the wearer's health drops below 10%, the soul of the ancient tree engraved in the armor will temporarily restore the wearer's health by 1,500 points and increase agility by 60 points in a short period of time.

Obtain 10 points of health recovery effect every second, with the tenacious life regeneration ability like an ancient tree. It lasts for 3 minutes. This effect can be triggered at most once every 7 days. Each time it is triggered, the equipment durability will be permanently reduced by 300 points.)

Natural recovery (burying the armor into the soil will restore 15 points of equipment durability per hour, but it will continue to consume the soil's fertility)】

([Ancient Tree Light Armor (Orange)] is one of the standard equipment developed by the craftsmen and druids of the elves in the last era, using the spirit and essence of the ancient tree as the base material.

At that time, the ancient forest was full of long-lasting ancient trees.

Therefore, raw materials are extremely abundant

The spirit of the ancient tree is also willing to cooperate with druids and natural craftsmen to become part of the equipment.

This set of lightweight armor came into being under this background.

Its design philosophy is deeply rooted in nature and the cycle of life

The unique appearance of the armor vividly demonstrates the elves' reverence and control over the forces of nature.

The defensive attributes provided by the equipment are pretty good among light half armors of the same level.

Also has skills such as protection.

Not only can it absorb huge amounts of damage, it can also self-recover through the power of life, greatly improving the wearer's survivability.

In addition, its active skills also cleverly integrate squad links to facilitate more reasonable tactical layout.

In general, with its excellent performance, efficient self-healing power and unique link characteristics, the Ancient Tree Light Armor has become a solid armor and reliable partner for the elven warriors to defend their homeland and resist the forces of darkness)

As usual, the strategy module received another round of praise.

I have to say that these ancient standard equipment are indeed very good.

In all aspects, the attributes are superior to those of current standard equipment of the same level.

And it has some magical link features.

After all, they are all made from the spirit and essence of ancient trees as raw materials.

It contains a special spirituality.

At this time, Zong Shen's armor was still the same Li Mo equipment.

Strictly speaking, it has long been outdated.

But for a while, he didn't get a suitable high-level armor.

In addition, the red suit has combination buffs, which makes Zong Shen too lazy to change clothes.

Now it seems that if there is a suitable one, he can consider changing to a better armor.

You must know that what you are looking at at this time is only the black iron box, which is the lowest grade among the four types of baggage boxes.

Even the equipment provided in the black iron baggage box is very good.

It is conceivable that those high-level baggage boxes must have higher elf equipment.

If he has the right equipment, Zong Shen can consider replacing his Li Mo suit.

In this set, except for the [Ring of the Power Demon], other equipment has actually been dispensable for a long time.

And Zong Shen's [Strength] attribute has also been upgraded to a new level.

Even if you lose part of the [Power] blessing given by the suit, it doesn't matter.

This is true anyway.

Inspecting the spoils of war with pleasure in my heart.

Smoothly put the [Ancient Tree Light Body Armor (Orange)] back into the opened baggage box.

Chen Xuan took the two types of black iron luggage boxes that had been inspected into the small dimensional world.

All the items in the treasury brought him back to the surface himself.

Collect a total of 370 black iron luggage boxes containing [Ancient Tree Battle Bow (Orange)] and [Ancient Tree Light Body Armor (Orange)].

Zong Shen took out an [Ancient Tree Vitality Light Sword (orange)] from another pile of black iron luggage boxes and looked at it.

Its surface is also covered with a layer of tree wax.

After wiping off this layer of wax, the light sword revealed its true colors.

This is a work of art that sparkles with emerald brilliance.

The sword body is like a twig that has just been peeled off from the core of an ancient tree.

It looks clear and tough, just like jade.

Every inch of the middle part of the sword body is engraved with complex natural textures.

It's obviously not any known rune, but it seems to contain some kind of pattern.

This probably represents the flow and circulation of natural forces.

The tip of the sword is straight, like a new branch proudly pulled out.

The hilt of the sword is inlaid with a silver fifth-level [Moonstone (orange)].

At this moment, it is shining with a soft light similar to the moonlight.

This is a rare mineral that is not produced in ordinary mines.

However, it is not used much, and there is only a small amount of reserves in the territory, which are acquired from the [market].

It is only born in the "Moonlight Grace" area.

It contains the power of moonlight. When embedded in equipment, the equipment can have similar skills, and the equipment can also be bathed in moonlight and gain a certain increase.

This war sword is light and sharp, which is in line with the temperament of the elves.

Zong Shen held it in his hand and waved it gently.

The thin blade carries the murmur of the forest and the melody of the wind.

The equipment of the ancient elves is very exquisite.

It takes into account both practicality and aesthetics.

It is in line with the romantic, free and ethereal style of the elves back then.

This war sword looks more like an exquisite handicraft.

It belongs to the category of light sword and fast sword.

Therefore, there is no feeling of overwhelming force at all.

It doesn't quite fit with Zong Shen's preference for weapons.

He still likes heavy weapons, such as heavy hammers, double-edged epees, broadswords, etc.

After weighing it for a moment, he focused on the sword and checked the properties of the sword.

Lines of text information immediately appeared in front of my eyes.

[Ancient Tree Vitality Light Sword (Orange)]


[Quality: Legendary]

[Chopping damage: 127~131]

[Attack speed: 30%]

[Attack range: 120]

[Equipment effect: Strength 20, Armor penetration 15,]

[Durability: 1732/1800]

[Strength required: 180]

[Requires agility: 80]

[Detailed attributes: (Click to expand)]

[Active skill: Natural Impact (swinging the light sword to cast a powerful force of nature, forming a shock wave woven from vines and thorns, causing a 200-point natural attribute damage to enemies within 60 meters of the straight path ahead, and also entangled

Immobilization effect, the specific duration of the entanglement depends on the strength of the target, the cooldown time of this skill is 2 hours)

Vitality Burst (stimulates the vitality of the sleeping ancient tree in the sword, spreading to the surrounding ten meters with the user as the center, causing a fixed 350 points of natural attribute damage to enemies within the range, and producing a certain repulsion and knockdown effect, specific

The impact effect depends on the size of the target, and it can produce 100 points of recovery effect on friendly forces within the range. The cooldown time of this skill is 4 hours)

Moonlight Pour (This skill can only be activated at night. With the power of the moonlight, the wearer holds up the [Ancient Tree Vitality Light Sword (Orange)] and guides a round of moonlight power to pour down, thus forming a moonlight waterfall.

, causing 500 points of natural attributes and moonlight impact damage equivalent to 5.0 times the slashing damage within 10 seconds to enemies within a radius of three meters, while reducing the movement speed and attack speed of enemies within the range by 10%, and the skill cooling time is 8 hours)

Vitality Link (When this skill is used, [Ancient Tree Vitality Light Sword (orange)] will release vigorous natural energy, forming a green light chain to connect up to 12 members. During the period when the link is in effect, the team will share the healing effect, and all team members will

50% of the treatment effect received will be shared within the team. All attacks that members can hit will have a recovery effect of 35 points. At the same time, 200 points of vitality can be extracted from the surrounding environment every second, and a maximum of 5,000 points of vitality can be accumulated.

Power, these vitality powers will be replenished to the lost health of team members at a ratio of 1:1, but they do not have a strong healing effect. The link lasts for up to 20 minutes, and the skill cooldown time is 12 hours)]

[Passive skill: Vitality Resonance (each attack has a 5% chance of triggering, converting part of the damage into additional natural energy, and exerting a weakening effect on the target, reducing the damage caused by it, and reducing the damage caused by the target's next blow by the same amount)

s damage)

Green Leaf Swiftness (when holding a sword and shuttle across the battlefield, the attack speed is increased by an additional 10%. For every three consecutive attacks, the fourth attack will automatically trigger a 1.5 times slashing damage)

Woodland Guardian (when the wearer of the war sword fights in the forest or natural environment, the dodge rate and movement speed are slightly increased, and the wearer has additional resistance to earth and natural damage)

Moonlight recovery (place the sword under the moonlight when out of combat, and 20 points of equipment durability can be restored every hour. This effect only takes effect at night)]

([Ancient Tree Vitality Light Sword (Orange)] combines the vitality of the ancient tree with [Moonstone]

Not only does it have a more comprehensive attack effect, it can also weaken the enemy through [Vital Resonance], and use [Greenleaf Swiftness] to enhance the output per unit time.

All in all, this is a good light sword. The elven swordsmen of Azshara in those days held such a war sword and looked around, and the quick cuts they swung were dizzying.

The only drawback is that since it is a light sword, it is relatively weak against heavily armored units.

But when dealing with lightly armored units, it can achieve an effect similar to mowing grass.

It's time to form a qualified swordsman army for the territory

This batch of [Ancient Tree Vitality Light Sword (orange)] will become the best supplies for the Armed Swordsman Legion)

The strategy module gave another good review.

The territory currently excludes Avalon's standard troops.

It is true that there is no serious light infantry swordsman corps yet.

Those self-trained swordsmen of the fourth and fifth levels seem to be relatively weak.

Comparatively, their attributes are much weaker than those of the kingdom's troops of the same level, and they can only master a handful of combat skills.

It is equivalent to a blank slate unit.

From the perspective of strategic deployment, it is simply tasteless and a pity to discard.

Because these self-trained soldiers have no advantages.

It cannot beat the royal soldiers of the same level or the standard arms of other big forces.

Even bullying the weak is a bit reluctant.

You can only torture enemies whose gap is too large.

This positioning is simply embarrassing.

In addition to maintaining training, improving levels, and enhancing several attributes for self-trained soldiers.

There seems to be no better solution in the short term.

But with the emergence of these ancient high-end standard equipment.

Those self-trained soldiers may be given a new lease of life.

After all, the skills attached to these ancient equipment are very comprehensive.

It can make up for the lack of self-trained soldiers' combat skills to a certain extent.

It can also comprehensively improve a wave of attributes.

Narrow the gap between them and the kingdom's troops at the same level.

Not to mention voltage stabilization, at least it can fight in a head-on confrontation.

As for the original elf swordsmen, they all come with their own equipment.

Therefore, if we want to use this batch of equipment as quickly as possible, we can only focus on self-trained soldiers.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but nodded secretly.

At the same time, a decision was made in my heart.

That is, when we gather at the school grounds tomorrow, we will announce the formation of several new corps.

Let’s start with the self-trained soldiers who are most likely to become redundant.

Other arms types don't have this problem.

Because their positions are already clear and they belong to ready-made arms.

It’s not that the potential for transformation has been completely lost, it’s just that the cost-effectiveness after transformation is not high.

After all, this type of ready-made standard military unit has undergone many optimizations from the moment it was formed.

For example, the wolf cavalry and the rangers in the Kingdom of Avalon sequence.

As well as Rhodok's crossbowmen and Svadia's cavalry.

They all have their own unique characteristics.

Two hundred black iron luggage boxes containing light swords were put away.

Zong Shen then opened another box containing a shield.

He took out a [Natural Blocker Buckler (Orange)].

It is also a standard equipment, but it is a shield that is relatively rare among elven equipment.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Yes, the proud and light elves do not like to use defensive equipment such as shields.

In their opinion, a light and strong armor is enough.

The philosophy of elven warriors is that it is better to dodge than to defend, and it is better to attack than to dodge.

This seemingly arrogant opinion is more a habit than a prejudice.

Everyone has their own favorite or disliked gear.

Groups with similar living habits will also have this situation.

Zong Shen called it Xiangxing.

It is a rare thing to find a shield here.

There are 100 boxes of bucklers here, totaling 2,500 shields.

It can arm almost half a legion, or two brigades of more warriors.

Grasping the round shield, it adheres to the consistent style of the elves.

That's lightness and refinement.

The diameter of this round shield is about half the height of an adult.

The shield is made of rare oak heart.

The inside is padded, but the wood grain in the center is clearly visible.

The edge of the shield is finely outlined with a silver border with a complicated arabesque pattern.

These patterns seem to flicker slightly under the light, appearing vivid and mysterious.

There is also a fifth-level [Natural Element Gem] inlaid in the center of the round shield.

The inner lining ensures a comfortable grip and effectively prevents impact forces from being transmitted directly.

In addition, the handle is also equipped with exquisite hooks and adjustment devices.

Enough to ensure that warriors of any size can control it freely.

The round shield is a curved surface with sharp thorns on the inner ring.

They can have a counter-injury effect in combat.

All in all, [Natural Blocker Buckler (Orange)] is a piece of equipment that combines the aesthetics of elf craftsmanship with protective power.

Although the shield is not small, it can still only be regarded as a light shield.

Therefore, this round shield is also not in line with Zong Shen's personal preference.

But he doesn't plan to use it anyway, so it doesn't matter.

Both light shields and heavy shields actually have their own characteristics.

Zong Shen made a few parrying movements and then checked its attributes.

[Natural Blocker Buckler (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Shield defense: 975]

[Durability: 2192/2300]

[Active skill: Jungle Tenacity (After activating this skill, it can increase the double resistance and toughness of itself and nearby friendly units by 20 points, reduce the time under control effects, and at the same time, whenever it is attacked, there is a certain chance that the attacker will be trapped

A brief deceleration state, reducing the double speed by 10%, lasting 3 seconds, the deceleration cannot be superimposed, the skill duration is 10 minutes, multiple [Jungle Tenacity] skills are activated within the range, the effects cannot be superimposed, the cooling time is 2 hours)

Natural Shelter (after activation, a green energy shield will be formed immediately around the user, which can absorb 50% of the damage. The shield defense value is 5000 points, the double resistance is 200 points, and it will reflect 10% within the duration of the shield.

Physical and elemental attacks to the enemy, duration 20 minutes, cooldown 2 hours)

Vine block (summons a vibrant and tough vine to surround the shield, increasing the shield defense value by 800 points, which lasts for the duration of the block effect. Every time the shield takes damage, 10% of the damage will be converted into the power of nature, on average

Heals nearby allies within 10 meters including yourself, and causes an equal amount of natural attribute damage to the attacking enemy, lasting 15 minutes or until the shield is broken)

Raging Wave of Vine Sea (activate the natural force on the shield to form a wave of vines that continues to advance forward, causing knockback and 15 points of natural poison damage per second for 30 seconds to enemies within 50 meters in front and 10 meters in length)

,Skill cooldown time is 4 hours)]

[Passive skill: Natural healing (continues to attract the surrounding natural life energy, automatically restores a certain amount of health every minute, and when receiving damage, there is an 8% probability of immediately triggering a life recovery effect]

Natural recovery (burying the buckler in the soil will restore 15 points of equipment durability per hour, but it will continue to consume the soil fertility)]

([Natural Blocker Buckler (Orange)] The design concept is fully integrated into the philosophy of natural defense.

In actual combat, the holder can not only rely on the shield's own shielding ability to resist attacks, but can also flexibly use [active skills]

To achieve multiple protection and counterattack

[Jungle Tenacity] can provide additional resistance and reduce the attacker's double speed.

[Forest Sea Raging Wave] is like a green torrent, which can expel surrounding enemy troops and temporarily change the situation of engaging the enemy.

As for [Vine Block] and [Natural Shelter], they are both defensive skills.

It also comes with a defensive counterattack effect, which is enough to make the opponent more disgusting the more they fight against opponents of the same level.

Because while withstanding the counterattack, it will also be slightly weakened.

At the same time, the two accompanying [passive skills] also add depth to the combat strategy.

[Natural Healing] allows the holder to last long in battle.

And [Natural Recovery] seems to have become a standard ability of this series of equipment.

As long as it is buried in the soil or exposed to the moon, it can continue to recover, which is very cost-effective.

Put all the hundred black iron luggage boxes containing [Natural Blocker Buckler (Orange)] into the open space of the small dimension world.

Zong Shen opened a new baggage box.

There are battle helmets placed here, with a total of 45 points in each baggage box.

50 baggage boxes, then there are 2250 boxes in total.

He took out an [Ancient Tree Guard Helmet (orange)].

Same as the previous standard equipment.

The helmet was also coated with a layer of tree wax.

This layer of tree wax protects the equipment very well and minimizes wear and tear over time.

In fact, Zong Shen found that these equipment generally have a 10% durability loss.

But fortunately, they all have the effect of [natural recovery].

When the time comes, take it out, bury it in the soil and plant it for ten hours, and it will be back to its original state.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and he quickly stopped his thoughts and looked at the helmet in his hand.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The style of this battle helmet is different from most battle helmets he has seen.

The front is covered, but the back is only half covered.

It's neither a half helmet nor a full helmet.

Instead, it reminded Zong Shen of the welding mask on Earth.

In terms of style alone, this helmet can only be described as fashionable in the Endless Continent.

The shape of the cover is a flattened deer head.

The status of deer among the elves is equivalent to that of cats and dogs among humans.

It is an animal that appears frequently.

It is also one of the close companions recognized by the elves.

Including druids, the main contracting partners are also deer, eagles and bears.

The tree demon among the elves is half human and half deer.

There is also the legendary king of the forest, who also has the image of a deer.

But in terms of human aesthetics, the covering of the deer's face seems a bit weird.

Although the intelligent races in the Endless Continent all have more or less the same basic cognition.

However, there are great differences in daily habits, advanced cognition, customs, beliefs, etc., which naturally also includes some differences in aesthetics.

The deer face covering is made of forged alloy and mithril.

Should have additional resistance to piercing damage and elemental magic strikes.

This is determined by the material.

Precision forged alloy is basically the most puncture-resistant alloy material among advanced composite ingots.

Mithril has additional effects in resisting elemental magic.

There were no runes on the front, but there were runes engraved on both sides of the helmet, and Zong Shen happened to recognize them.

Because this war helmet seemed to be cast using the dwarven rune forging process.

Those runes are of the fifth level [Strong], [Strong Wall], and [Energy Absorbing], and there are a few that Zong Shen can't even recognize.

The back is just a half-helmet, which can barely cover the relatively weak back of the head.

This is why Zong Shen feels that it looks like a welding mask.

The helmet is lined with a typical animal skin buffer layer, which seems to be a normal process.

It seems inconsistent to put it in Elf-type equipment.

Because elves rarely use materials in large quantities.

Of course, leather is an unobtainable material, and elves are not absolutely prohibited from using leather.

But most of the time, other processes are used to replace the role of leather.

So Zong Shen turned it over carefully and saw a line of simple small characters on the lower edge of the rear edge of the helmet body.

[Forger: Bald Mountain Workshop Ennio Black Iron]

"He is indeed a dwarf."

Zong Shen looked astonished, and the case was solved.

His personal experience seems to be quite reliable.

These battle helmets were indeed made by dwarves and must have been outsourced.

Elves and dwarves actually didn't deal with each other in the last era.

But the dwarven forging business spans the entire continent.

Various types of blacksmith workshops emerge in endlessly.

As long as they are willing to pay, those dwarf craftsmen will provide forging services.

So it is not surprising to see a batch of elven war helmets made by dwarves here.

No wonder this battle helmet is completely different from the Elf style in terms of appearance and forging process.

The only thing that is relevant is the deer-face mask.

After carefully turning over the helmet, Zong Shen still found traces of the elves.

There is also a thin layer of leaves between the lining and the helmet surface.

It's like making a large leaf into a bookmark and sticking it in.

It seems that the elves made certain modifications to these war helmets after accepting them.

"It was such an interesting time."

Zong Shen felt a little emotional.

Tracing the civilizational trajectory of foreign races always made him feel a little sad and yearning.

In fact, he really wanted to visit those alien cities.

But since the foreign races have occupied and shrunk their territories.

There are only a few territories belonging to foreign races.

Almost every one of them is outside the Kingdom of Avalon.

According to the information he found, the eastern region of the mainland was not the ancestral land of any foreign race.

Naga also enters the sea from the Eastern Region.

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He focused on the helmet.

Zoe Babbitt, who followed him into the treasure house, became the model for the fitting.

At this time, he was wearing the [Ancient Tree Guardian Battle Helmet (orange)], but his eyes couldn't help but glance at the fine gold shelves.

It can be seen that she has little interest in these ancient standard equipment.

What attracted her was the variety of items on the shelves.

The items above may seem scattered, but in fact many of them are placed in groups.

There are definitely a lot of them, but not that many types.

There are definitely some more precious treasures among them.

Or something with a rather strange effect.

Zong Shen was actually looking forward to it, but he was not in a hurry.

The reason is also very simple, because he has already opened the treasure house.

And the location of Azshara's Elf Treasure House is within the territory.

Anyone who wants to cut off his beard must penetrate his territory.

This means facing nearly a million troops, a large number of legendary strongmen, and Xue Bing, a demigod who has mastered a trace of frost rules.

If you really have this strength, then even if you are intercepted, it will not be unjust.

It's like using anti-aircraft guns to kill mosquitoes.

I can’t say it’s completely impossible, I can only say the possibility is very low.

So he was not in a hurry at all.

The fact that the treasure trove is within the territory means that the items have entered his pocket.

If the treasure house will be robbed, then everything in his territory will be robbed.

With a flick of his wrist, he motioned for Zoe to take off the helmet.

The long hair tied into a ponytail dances gracefully.

This made Zong Shen instantly understand the reason for the design of the half helmet at the back.

Elves, both male and female, have the habit of growing their hair.

The purple hair of the night elves and the blond hair of the day elves are as smooth as a waterfall.

The design of the rear half helmet is perfectly compatible with long hair.

Every seemingly weird design must have a reason.

Slightly dazed, he raised his hand and took the helmet handed over by Zoe.

Whether a piece of equipment is good or not, appearance only accounts for part of the factor.

What's more important are its related properties.

So Zong Shen looked at the battle helmet intently.

Golden handwriting appeared, reflecting the neat data list.

[Ancient Tree Guard Helmet (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Head protection: 155]

[Head magic resistance: 170]

[Durability: 1462/1500]

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [Requires strength: 55]

[Requires agility: 85]

[Active skill: Tree Spirit Guard (summons a tree spirit phantom above the head to freely attack hostile targets around it. The tree spirit phantom has 80~85 points of penetrating damage, is not affected by external attacks, and is sustainable

Exists for 5 minutes, skill cooldown time is 4 hours)

Solid Countershock (The effect lasts for 5 minutes after activation. During this period, the first three attacks on the helmet will trigger the countershock effect, deflecting non-magical attacks and reducing fixed damage by 30%, causing the attacker to fall into a continuous

0.3 seconds of freezing state, skill cooling time 2 hours)]

[Passive skill: Energy absorption (has an additional 10% damage-free effect against blunt damage, and can absorb part of the impact on the head)

Strong Wall (When the durability of the helmet drops below 10%, the rune potential is stimulated and 500 points of durability are restored at one time. This effect can only take effect once)]

(A good war helmet, with the dual craftsmanship characteristics of dwarves and elves

Although its protective effect is not as good as that of a heavy helmet, it is definitely the best among lightweight helmets.

There are not many skills attached, but they are all very useful)

The strategy module's evaluation of battle helmets is very concise and comprehensive.

The evaluation is very accurate, this thing is definitely considered top-notch among the orange legendary battle helmets.

The ancient equipment still has some charm.

What's more, this is mass-produced standard equipment.

These battle helmets are used together with those battle swords to enhance the combat power of self-trained soldiers.

Put away the battle helmets and the 50 black iron luggage boxes containing them.

There were only the last 100 black iron luggage boxes left in front of him, and they were all filled with bundles of sharp arrows in vine skin quivers.

High-level arrows often come with additional piercing damage.

It is definitely much more powerful than low-level arrows or whiteboard arrows.

But it’s not something that ordinary people can afford.

Especially when used to fight a serious war.

The number of arrows consumed is unimaginable.

In these 100 black iron luggage boxes, there are 240,000 high-level arrows.

If there really was a fight, it would be enough for four standard shooter corps to fire 12 rounds of volleys.

Considering the size of a giant city, it will basically be consumed very quickly.

This is a core treasure house, but it is not a large and well-managed armory.

But no matter what, it is a prostitute's arrow after all, and it still smells good.

Take one out at random.

I saw that the arrow body was straight and the arrowhead was sharp.

The arrowhead is not metal, but a hard thorn.

Under the light, the blade of the thorn still reflects a faint green light.

This proves that it contains some kind of toxin.

Yes, this is a poisonous arrow!

The main lethality is not reflected in simple puncture damage.

But on the poisonous wound.

In other respects it looks unremarkable.

For example, although its appearance is a bit strange, it is not unusual at all.

After looking at it for a while, Zong Shen thought, and the relevant information was refreshed in front of his eyes.

[Ancient Tree Poison-Quenching Arrows (Purple)]

[Quality: rare grade]

[Piercing damage: 73~77]

[Durability: 119/150]

[Effect: Ancient Tree Poison (after hitting and breaking defense, it can cause 15 points of poison damage per second to the target, lasting 30 seconds, and can be stacked up to 5 times)]

[Note: The effect of the poison of the ancient tree will be completely weakened on the undead and poison mastery targets, and it will be completely ineffective on the elemental system and ghosts]

(Arrows that have been poisoned by ancient trees have additional basic piercing damage.

After hitting the target and breaking the defense, the poison can take effect.

Toxins are 100% effective against most organisms

The most important thing is that the poison of the ancient tree can be stacked 5 times

When all 5 layers are stacked, the target will suffer 75 points of poison damage every second.

This kind of damage is very fatal to targets below level five.

If a certain proportion of poisoned arrows are mixed in the arrow rain, the enemy will probably feel that life is full of "surprises")

The stackable poison damage makes it interesting right away.

To sum up, these 240,000 [Ancient Tree Poison-Quenching Arrows (Purple)] can really be used as a trump card for the territorial archer troops.

Imagine suddenly switching from white arrows to poisonous arrows.

Enemies who are exposed to the rain of poisonous arrows will definitely be stunned.

After confirming that everything was correct, Zong Shen put away these luggage boxes.

Since then, all the materials in the black iron baggage boxes have been checked.

He immediately changed his gaze.

He looked at the luggage boxes of two grades, mithril and fine gold, in the treasure house.

This chapter has been completed!
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