Chapter 23 Goblin Ripper, Emperor Ou is actually my brother

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At this time, a prompt for loyalty renewal appeared.

【Because of your sincerity】

[Wolf Cavalry Colby's loyalty to you increases by 10 points, and the current loyalty is 90]

Colby's loyalty level skyrocketed to 90 points.

Zong Shen glanced at it and waved his hand to close the prompt.

He left a piece of roasted wolf meat for himself.

He also gave Luna a piece of wolf meat and dried meat.

There are still seven pieces of roasted wolf meat left.

But there are 11 farmers, how to distribute them is also a question.

Tiezhu, Ergou, and Goudan were the first three farmers to follow Zong Shen.

Although I was a little lazy at first, I still worked hard for most of the day.

Due to emotions and reasons, the three of them should share a piece.

The remaining four pieces are easy to handle.

Zong Shen also observed it when collecting it just now.

These four pieces of roasted wolf meat were distributed among the remaining farmers to the four most efficient ones.

The farmer Sanpang, who has excellent qualifications, is among them.

After Zong Shen distributed them one by one.

The remaining four farmers ate unknown dried meat to satisfy their hunger.

[Because you provided food]

[Farmer Tiezhu’s loyalty to you increases by 5 points, and the current loyalty is 88]

[Farmer Ergou’s loyalty to you increases by 5 points, and the current loyalty is 88]

[Farmer Goudan’s loyalty to you increases by 5 points, current loyalty is 88]

[Farmer Three Fatty’s loyalty to you increases by 5 points, and the current loyalty is 65]

[Farmer Xiaozhuang’s loyalty to you has increased by 3 points, and his current loyalty is 63]

The loyalty of farmers who were given roasted wolf meat was increased by 5 points, while the loyalty of farmers who were given dried meat was only increased by 3 points.

These farmers are really realistic!

After all distribution is completed.

Zong Shen left a barrel of water for them to divide among themselves.

Just returned to the yard.

We walked all the way to the small shabby house.

He pushed open the dilapidated wooden door and walked in.

The cabin is not big, only thirty or forty square meters.

The furnishings inside are also very simple.

There is only a wooden bench, a wooden table, and a wooden bed covered with straw.

Simple, original, plain!

Zong Shen sat on the wooden stool, holding the roasted wolf meat and started eating.

Due to the lack of seasoning, this roasted wolf meat lacked flavor.

However, Zong Shen still took one bite at a time and quickly devoured the fist-sized piece of roasted wolf meat.

This was his first meal after landing.

Food is a big problem.

The only food reserves in the territory now are [fine wheat bread] and [smoked fish].

Food is a consumable, and this problem will become more and more serious as the population increases.

Therefore, the goal of finding food must be added to the agenda.

At the same time, you have to find a way to obtain food stably.

As night falls gradually.

Outside the small courtyard, the roars of wild beasts never stopped.

It seemed like tens of thousands of wild animals were having a party outside the courtyard.

The farmers were trembling with fear.

Fortunately, the night huntress Luna was guarding her, so those beasts did not dare to approach.

Zong Shen was sitting in the hut.

Opened [Channel].

First open the [Friends and Relatives Channel].

"Aze, how are you doing today?"

"Have you encountered any danger?"

Ten seconds later, the message came back.

"I'm very good, brother. There are plenty of resources in the mountains and forests, especially wood. Each tree can get 8 to 10 pieces of wood. Although it takes a little more effort to transport it, the overall efficiency is very high."

"In addition, I also discovered an abandoned goblin lumber camp in the mountain forest."

"Inside, I found a recruitment scroll for the Goblin Ripper!"

"[Goblin Ripper (click to view attributes)]"

Then, Zongze sent an attribute link with a picture.

The picture shows a short green goblin wearing goggles driving a giant robot that is three meters high.

On the two robotic arms, one has a cutting saw blade with sharp alloy teeth, and the other has a pair of iron claws that can bite up and down.

Underfoot is a crawler-type all-terrain chassis.

It looks really cool.

It has a magical steampunk style.

Zong Shen opened its properties.

[Goblin Ripper:Oil Olek]

[Qualification: Excellent]

[Level: lv10]

[Attribute: (Click to expand)]

[Hunger/Durability: 80/95]

[Loyalty: 80]

Zong Shen expands the attributes.

[Goblin status/driving status]






[Chopping damage: 21/70]

[Head armor value: 0/0]

[Upper body armor value: 8/50]

[Lower body armor value: 6/50]

[Magic Resistance: 16]

[Skill: Death Whirlwind (Goblin Ripper wields an extremely sharp cutting wheel, causing cutting damage within 7 seconds to enemies within a 3-meter range, cooling time 2H)

Logging mode (Goblin Ripper enters logging mode, the blade wheel continues to rotate to cut trees, and is transported with iron claws)

Overclocking (Goblin Ripper enters an overclocking state, lasting 1m, durability consumption is accelerated by 200%, movement speed is increased by 30%, attack damage is increased by 20%, and attack speed is increased by 20%)】

After reading the attributes of Goblin Ripper, Zong Shen just wanted to say something awesome to his Zongze!

"Damn it, Aze, your dick explodes!"

Zong Shen couldn't help but reply.

"Fortunately, the Ripper mecha driven by the Goblin Ripper requires durability. Although it can be repaired, the materials required are all I have never seen before."

"However, today I also found a black iron treasure chest under a small waterfall not far from the territory, and got some food and blueprints in it."

"Brother, what about you, how are you today?"

Zongze seems to be doing well.

With the Goblin Ripper, it can not only meet the combat needs, but also solve the most lacking wood in the early stage.

With its efficiency, it is equivalent to at least a dozen farmers in logging.

"I didn't expect that Emperor Ou was actually my younger brother!"

Zong Shen sighed with emotion.

"I was pretty good today. I got two recruitment scrolls, recruited the Night Huntress and Wolf Cavalry, rescued eight farmers, and got a black iron treasure chest."

He explained briefly.

Didn't go into too much detail.

The two brothers have a tacit understanding.

No one knows the exact size of this endless continent.

Until it develops to a certain level, it will be difficult for the two brothers to reunite.

Although they are brothers, each hopes that the other can live well, but they actually have some competitive thoughts in their hearts.

Strive for!

"Wow, brother, you are developing well!"

"I watched the World Channel. Most people are still struggling. They are slowly developing through collection and exploration. Only a handful of people have encountered treasure chests or obtained recruitment scrolls and blueprints."

"We brothers must work hard!"

"In a game where billions of people are participating at the same time, there is absolutely no shortage of lucky people and people with strong abilities."

This chapter has been completed!
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