Chapter 208: Full of bad intentions (please subscribe)

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The lobby was quiet for three full breaths, and you could hear a pin drop.

Until Li Shenshan gave a cold laugh, breaking the silence.

"These hunters just saw that the hall master was kind and could be bullied! When Liu Dingtang took control of Xishan, he exploited them desperately, but they were as docile as sheep, getting whatever they asked for. When it was the hall master who treated them well, they were the opposite.

It’s time to get stronger.”

"Master Li Tan's words are true."

Lu Pingyuan nodded slightly when he heard the words, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his words: "In their conversation, they really thought that the hall master, you are not as harsh and violent as Liu Dingtang, and that you are a reasonable person. The hall master is a gentleman, so you can

Deceive them.

However, these hunters were unwilling to come over, and it was also because of the Shen family. The southern and eastern foothills of Xishan were still under the control of the Xishan County Army, and there were threats from Jiudaowu and Baiyun Village.

Because of the Shen family's order, they did not dare to disobey, nor did they want to get involved in the fight between the hall master and the Shen family. Of course, the root cause was money, and they did not want to pay any more peace money. They believed that with the protection of the county army, Jiu Dao

If Wu and Baiyun Village don't bother them, they can live peacefully in Xishan. Why bother to pay another sum of money to the hall master? I still have to be driven by you, the hall master."

At this time, most of the altar masters and deputy altar masters in the hall had gloomy and angry faces.

Lu Luanli looked even more disdainful: "Interesting, the tempers of these hunters are quite mean. When the Shen family spoke to them with knife handles, they were very respectful and did not disobey orders. They forgot that they were squeezed by the Shen family before.

?Those six thousand men also have a certain level of cultivation, and this is the kind of virtue they have?"

In the Xishan Hall, there are also four deputy altar masters who were born in the Xishan Orions.

When they heard this, their faces turned slightly red, and they looked a little ashamed and embarrassed.

"It's human nature." Chu Xisheng continued to drink the ice-cold sour plum soup, and said in a neither salty nor salty voice: "It's just that they don't want to pay the peace money, why are they driving out the family members of our gang?"

Today, there are about 250 people in Xishan Hall who are from Xishan hunters, and their families are all in the mountain.

"They think that the family members of my Xishan Hall gang may cause trouble for them."

A flash of sternness flashed in Lu Pingyuan's eyes: "Actually, before today, they didn't just want to drive away our family members. According to the information I inquired about, the steward of the Shen family made a trip to the mountains a few days ago.

The Orion leaders then had a secret discussion and wanted to hand over all the children of our gang to the Shen family. Fortunately, among these people, there were still a few people who had clear heads and vetoed the matter.

I only learned about this matter this morning. Yesterday, I won a great victory at Xishan Hall and the Shen family was seriously injured. Only one of the hunters gave me the news."

Before he finished speaking, the hall was filled with angry curses.

"They are so brave!"

"Fuck him, Immortal Banban! These bastards, do you think I, Xishan Hall, are easy to bully?"

"How dare a bunch of eggless thieves dare to pursue this idea? Is this because our Xishan Hall's sword is at a disadvantage?"

"Jiudaowu and Baiyun Village can kill them, and I, Xishan Hall, can do the same!"

"Hall Master! Let's send troops to wipe out these bastards and let them know how powerful they are."

The crowd was furious and furious.

The four deputy altar leaders who were born in the Orions of Xishan were slightly stunned at first, and then their faces flushed, and they were filled with shock and anger.

Although they were also born as Orions, this was the first time they learned about this matter.

Li Shenshan clasped his fists with a cold expression: "Master, since these Xishan hunters are shameless and ignorant, then send troops to push them over. You will give Li three separate altars, and I guarantee that within five days

Inside, these Xishan hunters are all obedient."

Wei Yang also had a stern look on his face: "If the Hall Master wants to wipe out Xishan, Wei is willing to be the vanguard."

Most of the Yangzitan gang members under his command were from Xishan hunters, so Wei Yang had to help these hunters.

Chu Xisheng was also angry in his heart, but he immediately put down his tea bowl and glanced at everyone: "What are you sweeping? There are poor people in Xishan, just struggling to make a living. If they don't want to come, they won't come, and they don't want to pay the peace money."

If we don’t hand over the matter, there’s no need to go to war.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard this and looked at each other in astonishment.

Do you all think that this matter can be settled like this?

The hall master's temper is too good, can you bear this?

Lu Luanli also frowned.

I wonder what this guy Chu Xisheng is thinking?

This group of ungrateful Xishan hunters made her feel really aggrieved.

Lu Luanli did not realize that she unconsciously regarded him as a member of Xishan Hall, and felt the humiliation of Xishan Orion.

Lu Pingyuan was also stunned, quite surprised.

Then he held up his hands and said: "Since the hall master is unwilling to use weapons, then my subordinates are willing to go to the mountains. Within ten days, we will definitely be able to convince those hunters to join us."

He thought to himself that his eloquence was still very good, and he could state the pros and cons to the Orion leaders.

The key is that Xishan Orion’s six thousand sets of knives and bows are indeed a big help to Xishan Hall and can make the foundation of Xishan Hall more stable.

If the foundation of Xishan Hall is secure, his job will be secure as well.

However, everyone in the hall didn't think so.

They all think that this is not like going up a pole to ask for help?

With the temperament of those Xishan hunters, wouldn't they be even more jealous? I'm afraid they will be more jealous in the future and not take Xishan Hall seriously.

It is better to kill them directly and use the handle of the knife to make them obey. This is more relieving and more effective.

"The melons that are twisted are not sweet."

Chu Xisheng also shook his head: "But this matter cannot be let go. Our Xishan Hall cannot be insulted. Good minister, you will take people to the mountains for a trip recently and tell those people who proposed to give my family members to the Shen family.

Kill them and hang their heads at the mouth of the Xianxian Gorge for public display."

Zhou Liangchen raised his eyebrows: "Liangchen accepts the order!"

Zhou Liangchen inherited his father's character, being vigorous and resolute.

He decided to take people into the mountain later to get the matter done as soon as possible.

When everyone in the hall heard this, they finally felt a little calmer.

Although I'm still unhappy, it's not that uncomfortable anymore.

Chu Xisheng continued: "There is also the matter of this family member. It is indeed a hidden danger to keep them in Xishan. Instruct all the gangsters from Xishan to take the family out as soon as possible and place them in the Shen Family Courtyard next to it. Here.

Since Lu Tan is in charge of the matter, he must arrange it well and not let the children of the gang be wronged.

If the rest of the gang members want to take over their children, the hall can also help them settle in. If there are any difficulties, the public account can be used to subsidize them, and all gang members will be treated equally."

The Shen Family Courtyard he mentioned was located in Xishan Town, next to Chu House.

When Liu Dingtang was building the city wall of Xishan Town, in order to please the Shen family, he built a courtyard for the Shen family in the town.

Yesterday, after Xishan Hall destroyed two Shen family manors, Chu Xisheng took over the Shen family's villa.

This villa is quite large, even larger than the Chu House, with hundreds of rooms. With a slight expansion, it can be more than enough to accommodate 250 families.

In addition, Chu Xisheng also holds many property deeds, which are located in the corners of Xishan Town. They were all the former residences of Haiqing gang members. They are now uninhabited and have no value.

Just when the principal and deputy altar leaders thought that the matter of the Xishan Orion Hunters had been settled, Chu Xisheng looked at Dan Chiling, the 'Dan Altar Master' in the corner with a smile: "Dan Altar Master, your family has already left the Gorge Road.

Have the troops been withdrawn over there?"

Dan Chiling was originally wandering in a daze.

He received a letter from Chu Xisheng at noon today and came to participate in the discussion.

He is a dignified fifth-grade master, but he has stooped to become a small altar master in Xishan Hall. He feels that he has lost his status, but he has to come.

Dan Chiling had the intention of filling in the story, and did not regard himself as a member of Xishan Hall, nor did he take the affairs of Xishan Hall to heart, so he was absent-minded throughout the whole process, planning how to escape from Xishan Hall.

He didn't get used to the words 'Alchemy Alchemy Master', but it took him a moment to realize that Chu Xisheng was talking about himself.

Dan Chiling immediately came back to his senses and cheered up: "The soldiers were collected at the fourth watch today. Last night, my family went out with scouts and found that the soldiers and horses of Jiudaowu and Baiyun Village had retreated deep into the Western Mountains, within thirty miles of the surrounding area.

There were no more bandits, and all the soldiers were in dire straits, so I took it upon myself to withdraw the troops and return to the village."

This was another thing that made him unhappy.

Last night, Chu Xisheng celebrated grandly in the hall. A group of people were eating and drinking spicy food and taking a lot of money. However, everyone in the Dan family stayed up late at the mouth of the gorge, drinking in the cool breeze.

After all, their Danzitan is also a member of Xishan Hall, so the difference is huge.

"Withdraw troops without orders, is this what you mean by obeying orders and not disobeying them?"

Chu Xisheng lowered his face, gave a cold smile, and looked at Dan Chiling coldly.

The secretive fifth-level master turned red and was speechless.

Just when Dan Chiling was secretly ashamed and considering whether to turn over the table regardless of the consequences, Chu Xisheng's expression softened: "Nianqian first entered Xishan Hall and didn't know the rules of my hall. Let's forget it this time. Everyone in my hall

Everyone must obey orders and prohibitions! No one can be exempted.

Alchemy Master, if you have another chance, don't blame me for not being merciful! Also, the brothers who guarded the canyon have worked hard, you have to appease and reward them, and don't let the brothers be wronged."

Dan Chiling felt a tightness in her chest and had the urge to vomit blood.

It wasn't because Chu Xisheng reprimanded him as a subordinate, but because of Chu Xisheng's last sentence.

What does "good comfort and reward" mean? To put it lightly, you want to give money, just like that?

Could it be that he wanted the Dan family to pay for it?

Chu Xisheng changed the subject: "In recent years, bandits led by Jiudaowu and Baiyun Village have repeatedly come out to rob the mountain and torture the people, causing great disasters. The people in the Linshan area have been destitute, people have fled, and a lot of land has been abandoned.

Since our Xishan Hall has taken the people's peace money, we cannot sit idly by and ignore it. These two families are our mortal enemies in Xishan Hall and we must not allow them to become powerful. Lord Dantan, from now on, your Dan family must be on the front line at the eastern foot of Xishan.

Establish checkpoints at Yelangkou and Baiyun Gorge at the southern foot of the gorge. Each checkpoint must have no less than 300 people. All crossings in the Xishan Mountains must be blocked and no bandits can be allowed to go south. Otherwise, I will only ask you."

Dan Chiling secretly sneered when he heard this, thinking why? I am just a altar leader, and I don't get a cent in salary or reward, but you want to control my entire Dan family.

Just when he was thinking about how to refuse softly or forcefully, he heard Chu Xisheng say in a leisurely voice: "I allow your family to collect tolls at the intersection on behalf of the Shen family and the Xishan County Army, and your family's garrison expenses will be calculated."


Dan Chiling immediately took back the words that came to his lips. He raised his eyebrows and looked surprised: "Does the hall master really mean what he said? I'm afraid this matter is inappropriate and does not comply with the court's laws."

Chu Xisheng was too lazy to answer and looked at him with confused eyes.

Dan Chiling also knew that this question was unnecessary.

Xishan Hall’s Ping An money also did not comply with the court’s regulations.

But Xishantang still accepted it without fail, and the government turned a blind eye to this and just did not know.

The Xishan County Army set up a card at the crossing to collect money without the permission of the government, but they still accepted it without fail.

Dan Chiling suppressed his joy, looked solemn, and said in a respectful tone: "Hall Master, what are the rules at this checkpoint?"

Xishan is 600 miles from north to south and 700 miles from east to west. There are also three county towns within it. To the northwest of Xishan is Cangwu County. There are only a few gorges connecting these places.

Therefore, there are quite a lot of caravans on these roads. One-third of the escort agencies in Xiushui County are doing business on the Xishan Gorge Road.

If the Dan family can really set up a checkpoint at the mouth of the gorge, they will definitely be able to make a lot of money every day.

After the Iron Banner Gang Xishan Hall defeated the Shen family and the Xishan County Army, they also had the qualifications to do this.

Presumably the merchants along the way would not have any objections. It was nothing more than transferring the money given to the Shen family to them.

As for the Xishan County army, if they dare to leave the camp, the Dan family can defeat them with their own strength.

However, Dan Chiling knew that Chu Xisheng would not give this business to their family in vain.

"The Dan family needs to hand over 50% of all tolls to the Tangkou. You can't let the large group of thieves in Xishan step out of the gorge."

Chu Xisheng squinted his eyes and showed a bit of a smile: "In addition, in order to quell the banditry in Xishan, all caravans must be unpacked and inspected. I don't care about other goods, only grain, oil and soy sauce, wine and vinegar,

Saltpeter and the like will not be allowed to enter Xishan from today onwards."

Dan Chiling was puzzled at first, but then his expression changed slightly and he guessed some of the reasons.

When he was listening before, he thought that this guy was really kind-hearted, sympathizing with the hard life of the hunters in the Western Mountains, and wanted to open his eyes to them. It turned out that this guy had other tricks, and he wanted to use them on these hunters.

Several trade roads in the interior of Xishan Mountain are rugged, narrow, and full of mud. Caravans along the way hardly do business in food, oil, and vinegar.

These things are extremely heavy and have to be transported to three counties in the mountains and Cangwu County across the mountain for sale, and even the cost cannot be recovered.

Therefore, the grain, oil sauce, wine vinegar, saltpeter, etc. carried by the caravans were basically sold to the hunters in the nearby Xishan Mountains, as well as to bandits such as Baiyun Village and Jiudaowu.

Dan Chiling thought that this man was really evil and vicious.

He appears to be benevolent and loyal, but in fact he is full of bad intentions.

Chu Xisheng's move simply dug out the roots of these thieves and the hunters of Xishan in one fell swoop.

Grain, oil, soy sauce, wine and vinegar are all necessary for daily life, and saltpeter is even more necessary for making fur. Without it, fur will rot quickly.

This Hall Master Chu did not intend to use weapons against the hunters in Xishan, but he forced those hunters to kneel down and beg for mercy.

And the reasons are high-sounding and aboveboard.

Dan Chiling agreed without hesitation, with a generous look on his face: "I obey my orders! These three checkpoints will be completed by tomorrow evening at most. Dan dares to guarantee with his life that no matter Baiyun Village or Jiudaowu, from now on

You can't even take a step out of these three gorges."

He couldn't wait to return home now and mobilize his generals and organize manpower as soon as possible.

If the checkpoint is built one day late, the money collected will be reduced by one day, which is a business of several thousand taels.

After about a moment, everyone in the Chu family hall dispersed.

As soon as the discussion was over, Zhou Liangchen took his heavy sword and went to Xishan to kill people at the address given by Lu Pingyuan. Dan Chiling also left in a hurry, riding back to Danjiazhuang.

However, several core figures such as Lu Luanli, Liu Ruoxi, Li Shenshan, Wei Yang and Lu Pingyuan were retained by Chu Xisheng.

Wei Yang looked extremely impressed: "The master of the hall is still more skilled. In this way, not only can the hall earn more money, but also the hunters and thieves can take advantage of it."

Anyone with a little bit of brains would have noticed Chu Xisheng's sinister intentions.

This is indeed much smarter than using swords directly, and it can also leave people speechless.

Lu Luanli also stared at Chu Xisheng's forehead.

I thought to myself, why couldn't I see it in the first place? This guy is so sinister.

Fortunately, she had always thought that this guy had a pure heart and was a simple and beautiful boy.

"The hall master's strategy is indeed brilliant." Lu Pingyuan also admired: "But we need to guard against those bandits and bandits in Xishan who jump over the wall. With the strength of the Dan family, I am afraid that they will not be the opponents of Baiyun Village and Jiudaowu. There are also those Xishan hunters.

, we have to think of other ways. If we just blockade rice, oil, salt, wine and saltpeter, we still can't force them to surrender."

Chu Xisheng was secretly amused. The Dan family was so secretive that even Baiyun Village and Jiudaowu, as well as the Xishan County Army, were not their enemies.

If those Xishan bandits really dare to attack the crossing, they will have fun.

However, Lu Pingyuan was right about the last question.

The caravan's inability to deliver grain, soy sauce, vinegar and saltpeter to the Western Mountains does not mean that those Western Mountain hunters have nothing to do.

There are many narrow paths in the Xishan Mountains. If this is not possible, you can risk being attacked by monsters and forcefully cross the mountains and forests to bring food, oil, salt and saltpeter into the mountains. Therefore, the blockade can only make their lives difficult, but cannot push them into desperation.


Chu Xisheng was confident. He smiled and asked: "Master Lu, now I want to know where the one-armed swordsman Li Cang is? Can he find out his whereabouts within three days?"

If Lu Pingyuan couldn't do it, he would have to spend a lot of money to find Wu Meiniang.

Lu Pingyuan didn't know what he meant, but he replied without thinking: "There is no need to inquire about this matter. This person should be in Canglongju, the ancient market. That is the restaurant of Li Cang, the one-armed swordsman. Li Cang will stay on the top floor of Canglongju every day."

Sitting in the elegant seat, supervise and manage his various businesses in the ancient market.

The terrain over there is higher and the view is excellent. You can sit high and overlook most of the ancient market. It is the favorite place of Li Cang, the one-armed swordsman."

Chu Xisheng raised his eyebrows slightly, then picked up the Xunfeng Thunder Knife on the case and walked out of the hall: "Let's go! Everyone, accompany me across the river. Let's go to the ancient market to collect a debt."

Li Shenshan and Wei Yang looked at each other, picked up their weapons without hesitation, and followed Chu Xisheng like two generals.


Li Cang was drinking on the top floor of Canglong Residence.

His eyebrows were furrowed into the word "Chuan", his mind was wandering, and he drank one glass after another with a lot of thoughts.

Li Cang is drinking to drown his sorrows.

The person who made him worry was none other than the young tyrant Chu Xisheng.

He didn't expect that guy to rise up in just a few months and become the 60th-ranked Qingyun Prodigy, with unparalleled success in the near future.

I didn't expect that this person would suddenly transform into one of the most powerful people in Xiushui County, dominating the Xishan Mountains and possessing great strength.

What's more, I didn't expect that even the Shangguan family and the Shen family would join forces and find Chu Xisheng helpless.

Unfortunately, he happened to have some issues with the Xishan Hall Master.

During the battle at Zhiweiju, it was he who helped bridge the gap between Baiyun Village and the Shangguan family, prompting Baiyun Village to take action against Chu Xisheng.

So after learning that Chu Xisheng had captured Wenjia Fort yesterday and severely damaged the Shen family, Li Cang spent thousands of taels of silver to purchase a large amount of information about the battle, trying to understand the details.

Then Li Cang has been worried from last night to today.

The situation was far worse than he previously thought.

The current Xishan Hall, even excluding the hidden fifth-grade master, is not something he can handle.

Li Shenshan and Wei Yang alone are enough to compete with him.

And the world only pays attention to the hidden masters of Xishan Hall, but ignores the growth of Chu Xisheng's own strength.

He actually suppressed the entire Wenjia Fort with his Yaizhan sword intention.

At that time, none of the ninth-grade martial arts cultivators in the castle could move normally or use bows and crossbows; the eighth-grade martial arts cultivator's combat power was suppressed by his sword intent and was reduced to 60% less than usual.

That's why Xishan Tang was able to go smoothly and capture Wenjia Fort with extremely light casualties.

Later, the process of Chu Xisheng cutting off the 300 cavalry of Xishan County Army was even more shocking.

They were the elite of the Xishan County Army. They were all ninth-level soldiers. They had practiced the secret method of the Imperial Way, and their Qi and blood were connected, and their spiritual thoughts were connected. However, they were also suppressed by Chu Xisheng's sword intent, and all of them collapsed.

Li Cang was 100% sure that Chu Xisheng's Yaizhan sword intention had strengthened again.

This son's combat prowess is increasing day by day, changing every day. It is estimated that he will be able to participate in the seventh rank in at most half a year.

Li Cang had a severe headache. If he had known this, no matter how hard Shangguan Longjian forced him, he would have avoided Chu Xisheng.

After all, the grudge between them is nothing more than that Chu Xisheng killed two of his fighters and made him lose several arenas, but it didn't reach the point where they would fight to the death.

Li Cang can only place his hope on what happened that day. He did it secretly and Chu Xisheng had no way of knowing.

Just when Li Cang poured another cup of Shao Knife into his mouth and felt the spicy burning in his throat, he suddenly felt his brain explode, as if a mythical beast suddenly broke into his mind and turned the world upside down.


"The meaning of the Jiajuan sword?"

The one-armed swordsman Li Cang's pupils shrank, and he instinctively felt fear.

——That guy, he came to the door so quickly?

Li Cang instinctively rushed towards the west window.

Over there by the river, he was practicing water-based exercises. As long as he entered the river, Chu Xisheng would be helpless with him.

However, a tall Tibetan man wearing a bronze mask was waiting for him in this direction.

This man jumped into the air, holding a big gun, and swung it violently, blocking Li Cang's path.

Li Cang, the one-armed swordsman, recognized this masked man as none other than Wei Yang, the master of the Yangzi altar in Xishan Hall.

Yesterday at Wenjiabao, this man single-handedly suppressed seven seventh-grade martial arts cultivators and killed them all one by one.

The combat power this person showed today was even better than before.

When the shot hit, it was like a giant wolf roaring up to the sky, intending to swallow the sky! It wanted to swallow Li Cang inside.

This is clearly the Northern Shence Capital. The ultimate move 'Swallowing the Sun' created by the king, combined with the Shence Capital's unique battle map 'Night Wolf Devouring the Sun', can display a combat ability that exceeds the level of one's own cultivation level in an instant.


Li Cang, the one-armed swordsman, was horrified. He slashed forward with his long sword, and at the same time, his figure unexpectedly shifted from forward to retreat, and he flashed away.

With the sound of "Qiang", Li Cang's right arm and long knife were knocked away by the opponent's big gun. The remaining power of the gun was not used up, and a three-inch long wound was cut on Li Cang's face.

At this moment, he wanted to move to the west, but was blocked by a sword from far away.

That was Li Shenshan. He was standing by the window railing on the east side, ready for battle. At the same time, he shouted loudly, shaking for miles: "The Iron Banner Gang Xishan Hall is working here. Anyone who doesn't care can get out of here!"

To the north are two girls, one of whom is wearing a gauze skirt embroidered with rose patterns and has a pretty face.

——That's Lu Luanli.

Although this woman's cultivation level is only below the eighth level, for some reason, Li Cang feels that this woman is more dangerous than the other two.

The other one has a delicate appearance, wears a simple green shirt, and holds two swords. He gives off a very dangerous look.

His attention was firmly attracted by the young figure leaping up from the south.

This man is tall and tall, with clear and handsome features. He has a pair of unforgettable narrow red phoenix eyes, and there is a hint of smile in his eyes.

His skin was so fair that it was almost transparent, without any trace of blood, and he looked as sickly as if he was about to collapse in the wind.

Li Cang, the one-armed swordsman, looked at this man and his heart could not help but beat: "Chu Xisheng!"

He let out a breath of filthy breath and said with cold eyes: "I dare to ask Hall Master Chu, where did Li offend you? He ignored the rules of the world and surrounded and killed Li in public."

Li Cang was secretly anxious. On the fourth floor of Canglong Residence, there were many of his guards, as well as a sixth-grade martial arts cultivator hired with a high salary. Why was there no movement?

In the next moment, all the blood on his face faded.

He sensed a qi machine and crashed out from the fourth floor, then fled into the distance like an eagle.

That guy took so much money and pills from him and actually escaped from the battle——

Not only this person, but also several seventh-level martial arts cultivators followed closely behind him and scattered in all directions.

Chu Xisheng smiled when he saw this: "It's no wonder that others want to escape, you can do things like throwing the bodies of your subordinates to feed the dogs, others will only die for you unless they have water in their brains.


Then his eyes narrowed slightly, showing a bit of confusion: "Actually, I also want to know where you offended me, and why are you so guilty? You run away as soon as you see me?"

Li Cang's face was as pale as paper, but he pretended to be calm: "What a joke! You cut into my soul with your sword, and you obviously have bad intentions. If I don't escape, will you stay here to die?"

Chu Xisheng didn't believe it. He stared at Li Cang for a while and then put away his curiosity.

"Forget it, no matter where you offend me, it doesn't matter. Do it!"

No matter what kind of festival it is, it doesn't matter anymore. This person will definitely die!

There is no need to worry about a dead person.

At this moment, Li Shenshan's sword, Wei Yang's spear, and Liu Ruoxi's double swords all attacked Li Cang at the same time.

Lu Luanli did not take action, but used a dream-like sword intent from the distance to block Li Cang's consciousness.

Li Cang tried his best to block and dodge.

And just twenty breaths later, Li Cang's figure was forced in front of Chu Xisheng by the three of them.


This is the sound of Chu Xisheng's sword being unsheathed.

He used the spare 'Magic Pattern Cicada Wing Knife', which had an astonishing speed thanks to its brisk blade.

The sword turned into white light and cut off Li Cang's neck.

Li Cang's head was thrown high, and Chu Xisheng stabbed him casually, taking down the Cang Long Ju.

He then walked to the railing and looked coldly at the crowd of spectators downstairs.

"This is the fate of selling stolen goods to bandits! From today on, anyone in the ancient market who dares to collude with Baiyunzhai, Jiudaowu and other Xishan bandits to sell stolen goods for him will have his entire clan wiped out by Chu!"

This chapter has been completed!
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