Chapter 28 The Sharp Knife

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"kill him!"

At the moment of the battle, all Long clan soldiers were scrambling to be the first, their expressions were greedy and full of fighting spirit.

The eldest son offered a heavy reward for Chu Xisheng, including up to two hundred taels of magic silver and a copy of Yuan Gong's secret medicine.

Not to mention that behind this person, there is Tie Xiaosheng, the deputy banner leader of the Iron Banner Gang.

This person's reward is twenty times that of Chu Xisheng.

In the eyes of these Long clan soldiers, these two people have already lived up to their reputation.

The sickly young man in front of them had previously only relied on the woman at the seventh-level martial arts realm, but now his true colors were revealed.

This is just a sick young man with a cultivation level of the ninth level who gets out of breath after running a few hundred steps.

His knife may be very fast, but as long as they are careful, it will be easy to capture him!

In the next moment, Chu Xisheng drew his sword out of its sheath.

The starting hand is still "empty", he is best at drawing the sword!

The three Long clan soldiers rushing at the front saw a thunderous arc of sword light shining in front of them. Then they found that their vision quickly rolled over, and they actually saw three headless bodies below.

It was a body without a head. There was a scar as big as a bowl on the neck. A fountain of blood shot out from the inside, and the body was still rushing forward unconsciously.

They realized the truth instantly, and their eyes showed strong fear and despair.

At this moment, their vision went dark and they lost all consciousness.

The sword light controlled by Chu Xisheng continued to sweep through the crowd.

Next is the only group combat sword move he has mastered - riding the wind and waves!

The blade was like an all-pervasive strong wind, cutting and sprinting forward mercilessly!

In the eyes of the Long clan soldiers, Chu Xisheng's sword and hands turned into afterimages, completely unpredictable.

They didn't react at all, two of them had their necks cut off, and three of them had their chests and abdomen ripped open.

Chu Xisheng's sword can not only chase wind and lightning, but is also very powerful. The leather armor they wear is completely defenseless.

At this time, behind Chu Xisheng, Tie Xiaosheng, who was hiding in the corner, couldn't help but his pupils widened.

This guy's knife - so fast!

Although this man's cultivation level is only at the ninth level, his talent for sharp swords is extremely high.

Just judging from his temporary burst of combat power at this moment, he has clearly reached the peak of the ninth grade!

At this time, he killed nine people in a row like chopping melons and vegetables.

Only this boy's endurance was a little weak. After killing nine people in a row, the speed of the sword slowed down, but his combat power was still beyond the resistance of the four Long clan soldiers.

These four people may be regarded as the elite of the Long clan soldiers, but only one of them has a high level of cultivation.

Sure enough, in less than fifteen breaths, Chu Xisheng eliminated the four of them one by one.

At this moment, in front of him, only twenty feet away, were three strong men in armor who were marching quickly towards this direction.

Tie Xiaosheng recognized that they were members of the "Eighteen Horsemen of Hengmen" under Long Heng.

Although they had higher cultivation and stronger strength, because they wore heavy iron armor, their running speed was actually slower than those of the Long clan soldiers who only wore leather armor.

Tie Xiaosheng couldn't help but feel hope in his heart.

He had already realized that the purpose of Chu Xisheng's bringing him here just now was to create an opportunity to break up the distance between the Long clan soldiers!

This guy is actually brave and resourceful!

But can this guy defeat the 'Eighteen Horsemen of Hengmen'?

The three people in front are all heavily armored, with very few flaws. Their overall strength is infinitely close to the eighth level.

Chu Xisheng's advantage was the speed of his sword, but it might not be able to break through the heavy armor of the three of them.

This narrow cave is not suitable for swimming.

This boy's endurance is also incapable of fighting for a long time.

Chu Xisheng was breathing heavily, panting rapidly, and large drops of sweat were dripping from his forehead.

The full force of the sword attack just now caused him to lose a lot of energy.

The Six Yin Resurrection Curse also has a tendency to occur.

Chu Xisheng worked hard to regulate his breathing, and at the same time he picked up a long knife from the ground with a calm expression.

These Long clan soldiers carried two hundred-refined light steel knives, the shape of which was exactly the same as his curled blade, and their lethality was much more powerful than his spare steel knives.

Then he raised his long sword upside down, and while waiting for the arrival of the three 'Eighteen Horsemen of Hengmen', he looked at the illusory screen in his field of vision.

Just when he killed nine people in a row, another large group of fireworks exploded in front of Chu Xisheng's eyes.

His reputation has been raised to 'Ninth Grade Upper (Void)', and his martial arts points, which were originally only 2 points, have also been raised to 8 points.

The problem is, there aren't many people here.

There were only three "Eighteen Horsemen of Hengmen" and one Tie Xiaosheng witnessed his murderous act.

Chu Xisheng suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart.

Tie Xiaosheng is a master with a cultivation level of the sixth level, and the three 'Hengmen Eighteen Cavalry' across from him are close to the eighth level in strength.

Their cultivation level is higher, and their role is greater.

These four people alone were equivalent to the crowd in the audience who witnessed the battle between him and Long Sheng on the day of the inner sect competition!

Chu Xisheng quickly put away his thoughts and continued to browse the martial arts treasure house, looking for something that could help him.

There is also a 'Divine Power Pill' in this treasure house, but the annotation of this pill states that the effects of this pill cannot be superimposed.

He regretfully looked away. There were a lot of good things in the treasure house this time, but either he couldn't help or he didn't have enough martial arts points.

Chu Xisheng shrunk the illusory screen into a corner, then lowered his body with the knife and focused on what was in front of him.

From now on he can only rely on himself.

Just a moment later, the three people came to him.

They were truly armed to the teeth, even their faces were hidden behind visors, and each held a heavy, broad-bladed knife about four feet long in their hands.

The eyes of the three Hengmen Eighteen Riders were extremely solemn and cautious. The three knives cooperated with each other and attacked separately.

Chu Xisheng tried several attempts with them and couldn't find any flaws.

He was forced by the opposite blade to retreat twenty steps in a row, gradually retreating to the front of Tie Xiaosheng.

At this moment, Chu Xisheng's pupils suddenly flashed with strange colors, and the Bailian light steel sword in his hand suddenly slashed out.


As the blades collided, the two broad-bladed heavy knives on the opposite side were knocked away by Chu Xisheng's knife force.

Chu Xisheng tried it. After taking the divine power pill and possessing the 'Pure Yang Thunder Body', he was only inferior to the combined strength of the two people opposite him.

But as long as he used all his strength to strike with this sword, calculated mentally and unintentionally, he was actually stronger than the two soldiers on the opposite side who only used 80% of their strength.

And just after getting rid of these two people, Chu Xisheng suddenly stepped forward and went straight into the middle palace. With a sudden attack of sword light, he cut the throat of the person in the middle.

When Tie Xiaosheng saw this scene, his chest could not help but palpitate, and his heart suddenly rose to his throat.

Just because the broad-bladed heavy sword of the man on the opposite right was not swung away at this time, his eyes flashed fiercely, and the broad-bladed heavy sword in his hand accelerated and slashed hard.

Chu Xisheng's knife moved a little faster and penetrated directly through the gap between the face armor and breastplate of the person opposite. The knife passed by, leaving a bloody trace.

But at the same time, the broad-bladed heavy knife of the man on the opposite right also struck his left shoulder.

Tie Xiaosheng could hardly bear to see the end of Chu Xisheng being disemboweled, but then he was stunned for a moment, with a look of surprise on his face.

Chu Xisheng's entire body flew backwards under the attack of the knife. Although the leather armor on his left shoulder was seriously damaged, there was only a slight trace of blood inside, and it was not broken open in the chest and abdomen as Tie Xiaosheng thought.

Tie Xiaosheng looked carefully and saw a ball of gold appearing under the damaged leather armor.

That is clearly a piece of gold wire underwear of excellent quality!

Tie Xiaosheng's eyes couldn't help but shine with a gleam of light.

This was a premeditated exchange of injuries for injuries!

After killing a soldier, the situation Chu Xisheng faced was completely different from before.

This chapter has been completed!
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