Chapter 348 The origin of everything (please subscribe and vote monthly)

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"My son Chu Zheng, I believe you.

When you read this letter, it must have been three to five years later. My father had passed away at that time, and my son also experienced a death disaster and a reversal of life and death. But the fact that you can enter this place means that you have taken back all the things passed down from your family. "Xinglai", I feel very relieved to have the power to fight against the royal family.

I guess you must have countless questions now, and my father is here to answer them one by one.

Let’s start from the source. About twenty-three years ago, when Emperor Jianyuan of the Emperor went to inspect the northern border, he met Yu Kunlun, the national advisor, and had a secret discussion with Yu Kunlun in the Tiebi Mountains for three days and nights. No one knows what they said, but After Emperor Jianyuan returned to the capital, he ignored the objections of the Grand Master Dugu Shou and the Manchu ministers, and conferred the title of Shu Dingshanhe Yu Kunlun as the national preceptor.

Just a month and a half after this, my father was poisoned and cursed while attending a banquet at a friend's place.

This divine poison not only destroyed my father's hope of being promoted to the third level, but also made my father miserable in the next few years.

My father has been pursuing this for several years, putting everyone who was at the banquet to death one by one, and tortured them to extract confessions, but still nothing was found. My father also searched everywhere for a way to break the poisonous curse, but he still found nothing.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, several cold autumns pass by, and the curse becomes more and more severe. My father has exhausted all kinds of natural resources and treasures, but he can only survive. Because he did not expect to live long, he did something he regrets.

In order to continue the Chu family's bloodline, my father used a secret method to activate his own essence, and finally made his wife successfully conceive. However, I did not expect that the consequence of this was that my wife died of hemorrhage on the day of delivery, and my son actually inherited my spirit. Poison God Curse.

My father's incompetence caused my son to suffer from illness every day for more than ten years after he was born.

Everyone in the world thinks that my son is incompetent and weak, but I know that my son's heart is like a rock and he is tenacious. If he can endure such severe pain for more than ten years without breaking down and seeking death, you can know what my son's ambition is.

My father named you Zheng, which means iron-clad. My son has always lived up to my expectations.

You are careless in studying martial arts, absent-minded in studying literature, and are indifferent to family affairs. You just let it go. It's just because my son has no time to be distracted and doesn't care. My son is tortured by the curse every day, how can he care about the glory and wealth in the world? , fighting for power and profit?

Only by enduring the pain of divine poison and divine curse for your father can you realize that everything in this world is nothing but a cloud to you——"

Chu Xisheng looked at the words on the letter and recalled the memories of Chu Zheng in his mind, with a hint of understanding in his eyes.

No wonder when Chu Zheng was buried alive that day, besides anger and hatred, there was also a trace of relaxation and relief.

Chu Zheng's anger and hatred must be more due to the betrayal and betrayal of Chu Rulai and others, as well as his own inability to control himself.

Even if he is going to die, he hopes to make the decision by himself instead of being buried alive and suffocated.

"——In the next few years, my father worked tirelessly to find the source of the curse and search for various treasures to relieve the curse. At that time, my father was already suffering from many illnesses, he was in pain, and he was becoming more and more desperate. But just seven years ago, there was a man The master explained to me the reason for this divine poison curse."

"The divine poison is called 'Divine Blood Yin'. It was refined by Jidu in ancient times, the master of all poisons belonging to the gods. The original purpose was to assist Jidu in wresting divine power and heavenly authority from 'Rahu'. This After the divine poison enters the body, it can condense our "all things blood" for people to extract.

The divine curse is called ‘Soul-Destroying Source’, which can destroy every bit of our soul consciousness and spirit after our death, to avoid the consequences of taking away our bloodline.”

"After my father learned about the origin of the divine poison curse, he continued to investigate, and finally found out that the banquet that day might be related to Emperor Jianyuan, and the poison curse was probably made by the national master.

My father was supposed to have his bloodline taken away by the emperor shortly after he was poisoned and return to the underworld. However, at that time, a great genius with the bloodline of "Guiyi" also appeared in the Tieshan Qin family. The emperor was greedy and wanted to be "Guiyi".

The combination of 'all things' in one body has allowed me to live for more than ten years."

"After my father learned the truth, he couldn't sleep at night. After pondering for more than ten days and nights, he finally thought of 'put yourself to death and live again'. At that time, in order to solve the problem of the poisonous curse, my father had already practiced magic to the fourth level.

, he also has some attainments in the talisman array, and he has an 'Anti-God Flag' in his hand.

My father has predicted that the place where Emperor Jianyuan buried you two must be two hundred miles southeast of this place. The ground here is the most suitable place to usurp your bloodline, and it can also further refine the body of 'Qin Muge', and use it to

Sacrifice and refine it into a super-grade evil corpse.

So my father relied on Zhou Tianxing's power to hide from the sky and set up this star formation here under the eyes of the Imperial Master. At a special moment, he can use the 'Anti-God Flag' as the source to activate the first-level Tiangang Technique 'Inversion of Yin and Yang', and in

Emperor Jianyuan reversed life and death when he drained your blood, thus getting rid of the poisonous curse.

This array is the result of my father's lifelong efforts. On the day it was completed, my father also died at the end of his life. Don't be sad, Zheng son. You can be safe and free from the poisonous curse. This will make my father feel happy.


When Chu Xisheng saw this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, that 'God-defying flag' was actually in the hands of Chu Fengge three and a half years ago.

This flag is still the foundation for them to reverse yin and yang and reverse life and death.

But why did this object come to Xiushui County again? It was buried in the Jinyiwei prison in Xiushui County?

Chu Xisheng still had many doubts in her heart.

Since Chu Fengge already knew the truth, why didn't he contact Qin Muge?

At that time, Qin Muge was already the seventh in the world. He had killed Huang Jilie, a first-level master of the Night Wolf Clan, and had command of millions of troops in the north, enough to fight against the Daning royal family.

And this divine poison curse.

The poisonous curse on Chu Zheng has been lifted, but why is Chu Yunyun still haunted by the poisonous curse?

No, Chu Yunyun’s ‘Divine Blood Induction’ and ‘Soul-Destroying Source’ should have been lifted. The problem is that there are other poisonous spells on her body.

If those people wanted to put the king to death, they would not only be able to do it with poisonous spells such as 'Divine Blood Induction' and 'Soul Destruction Source', which are specially designed to steal people's blood.

Chu Xisheng wondered again, did Chu Fengge really die at the end of his life?

According to Chu Fengge, this method of "putting oneself to death and living later" can only save one of them, father and son.

Chu Fengge probably took the initiative to give up this opportunity of resurrection to Chu Zheng.

Chu Xisheng read the next content again.

"I don't know how much you can see of what follows. It involves——, so——."

"——The purpose of the emperor usurping the blood of Guiyi Wanxiang is to master a powerful artifact left by a certain ancient emperor of heaven, and also to practice an extremely powerful method of countering——."

"——My father's investigation revealed that the national master Yu Kunlun is just the avatar of a certain powerful person. His real body is probably——"

"The 'Six Yin Resurrection Curse' on you originated from -, due to the divine curse 'Soul Source Destruction', your and Qin Muge's souls should have been crushed and destroyed by the power of the curse after death.

This is because the father fights poison with poison, using more powerful divine spells and more powerful divine power to strengthen the souls that are tied to you. However, this move has also laid great hidden dangers for you, and it is like drinking poison to quench your thirst."

"You must make good use of the Divine Contract Heavenly Stele and the Book of Commandments that I have collected for you. These things are the same as the flags and banners of the Inverse God. They are not only the foundation of the 'inversion of yin and yang' technique, but they are also related to the ancient gods - and me.

The fate of the human race is closely related, and it is a thing that can change your fate against the will of heaven. You can use this thing to check the master of the 'Six Yin Resurrection Curse'."

"The 'divine treasure' in your body, named -, was left behind by the first generation head of the Chu family in the west of Beijing. Originally, the soul of this object was destroyed and the damage was serious. Later generations did not know how to repair it, so they could only repair it."

Tie it up in a high cabinet.

However, with the help of the 'Ni Shen Banner', I used the technique of reversing the yin and yang to revive it and integrate it into your body. So don't worry, this thing can be regarded as your companion treasure, and it is closely related to you.

It allows you to step into the super-grade in the shortest time. After super-grade, you can naturally see its true face."

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but frown.

The second half of the letter is very mutilated, many key places are corroded and perforated, and some are scratched and cannot be read.

He was puzzled. How many years had it been since Chu Fengge left this letter? How could it have become so decayed?

Even if the underground moisture was heavier, it would not be possible for a piece of paper capable of writing a first-grade Tiangang Talisman to decay to this extent in just a few years.

Besides, the cave is obviously very dry and the air is fresh.

"It's the erosion of divine power."

Luo Zonghan casually glanced at the letter in Chu Xisheng's hand and understood the reason: "This letter involves one or even several powerful gods. This letter records the secrets that they do not want others to know.

Therefore, the divine power eroded and destroyed the words on the letter.”

When Luo Zonghan said this, he saw the shock in Chu Xisheng's eyes, and he laughed dumbly: "Most of these gods don't know the existence of this letter, otherwise this place will not be preserved. This "Two Book of Commandments" and the Heavenly Monument of Divine Contract

The remaining pieces had been taken away by them long ago.

However, their divine power, together with the laws of heaven and earth they master, are omnipresent in the world, and they will spontaneously destroy and suppress things that may harm them, which is a bit like animal instinct and subconsciousness."

He shook his head: "You are here early. If you were two years late, I guess there wouldn't be many words left in this entire letter."

Chu Xisheng's eyes couldn't help but show a hint of solemnity.

However, there is still some content in the second half of this letter that is complete.

"After my father learned about the emperor's conspiracy, he tried to contact Wang Qin Muge, but he never got a response. Afterwards, he alerted the emperor and the imperial preceptor, which made the eunuch of the Imperial Palace monitor me even more closely. My father expected that Qin Muge's cronies would

This person must have been bribed and controlled by the emperor. Zheng'er must be careful when coming into contact with the Tieshan Qin family in the future."

"——I was the prince who plotted the plan, but during the few years when I was under a poisonous curse, in order to find the root cause and resolve my own poisonous curse, I did not take into account the changes in the government situation, so that the prince was deposed and suffered the disaster of annihilation. This is my father's life.

, the second thing that will make you feel guilty for a lifetime.

I heard that the prince still has an orphan. If you are destined to meet in the future, Zheng'er can take care of him for his father. It is said that His Highness the prince once joked with me that he wanted to betroth his unborn daughter to you——"

"——My father remotely senses the stars and calculates the secrets of the sky every day. I find that there are several forces in the dark that are driving everything in the world. No one can help it. The emperor, Qin Muge, my father, is even as powerful as the national master Yu Kunlun and the grand master Dugu.

There is no exception to this rule."

"My father is unwilling to give up and wants to compete with these beings who control the fate of mortals. After the 'Inversion of Yin and Yang' is completed, I will have the dead men carry the flags and flags of the God of Rebellion and be buried in Xiushui County, Dongzhou. After my father predicts Qin Muge's resurrection,

I will definitely take you to hide in Xiushui."

"This is the starting point of the chess game, and the beginning of the game between my father and the gods. However, in the next game of chess, you, Zheng'er, can only make the move for my father."

When Chu Xisheng saw this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Chu Fengge buried the God-defying flag in Xiushui County, probably to leave it to him, right?

However, it has led the Imperial Preceptor to deduce the prophecy that "the road to Xiongguan is really like iron, but now we are crossing it all over again", which has also attracted Lu Luanli, Ji Qianqian and others to his side.

The reason why the emperor and the imperial master did not doubt Qin Muge's resurrection from this prophecy was probably because of the divine curse of 'destroying the source of the soul'.

Theoretically, both he and Chu Yunyun should be dead.

There must be another explanation for this so-called "now taking a step forward and crossing over from the beginning".

He held the letter in his hand, closed his eyes tightly, and concentrated on feeling the emotions welling up in his body, remaining silent for a long time.

It wasn't until a moment later that Chu Xisheng took a long breath and put the remaining letter in his hand into his sleeve.

He then looked at the fragments of the Divine Contract Monument and the fragments of the "Two Book of Commandments" in front of him with helpless eyes.

"So this is what my father left me?"

The entire cave, which is a hundred feet in diameter, is empty except for these things.

There were no billions of gold and silver in his imagination, no mountains of spiritual stones, no numerous magic weapons, and no rare treasures of heaven and earth.

It's a pity that Chu Xisheng still wants to raise materials and money from the treasure house left by Chu Fengge for Iron Madman to perform the "inversion of yin and yang" technique.

Of course, Chu Fengge didn’t leave anything behind.

He also left behind a huge library built next to this cave.

The library over there also covers an area of ​​90 feet, and contains at least 1.7 million books. It is the collection of books accumulated by the Chu family in West Beijing over four thousand years, and is the foundation of their inheritance in the Chu family in West Beijing.

However, this did not have much benefit to Chu Xisheng.

The classics in the Scripture Pavilion of the Wuxiang Shen Sect must be more and more complete than those of the Chu family, and the collection of books is at least ten times that of the Chu family.

At this time, Xi Bitian also smiled bitterly and clasped his fists: "The master of the family spent a lot of money before he passed away and ordered us to buy a lot of things. In addition, the person he trusted most at that time was not us, but a second-grade consecrated magician from our Chu family.

Mu Liufan.

Mu Liufan lives in a Taoist temple near Xishan. At that time, we were ordered to send all kinds of priceless treasures to this Taoist temple. Therefore, I estimate that our Chu family will not have much money left."

"As it should be."

Luo Zonghan nodded slightly, and pointed at his feet: "They should all be used in this magic circle. If you want to reverse Yin and Yang, reverse life and death, and change the fate of the two of you, how difficult is it? It must be done with a super person.

It is even more extraordinary for a master of fine art to cover up the situation for days and hide it from the public.

Look at the ‘stars’ below, they are not mortal objects. It’s a pity that the source spirit inside them has been exhausted, otherwise they would be excellent materials for making high-quality magic weapons.”

Luo Hanzong then looked at the library next to him, with a burning look in his eyes: "I wonder if Mr. Dao will allow me to study the star array here, as well as these books in your home? Luo is willing to pay for this.


The collection of books here is of no use to Chu Xisheng, but the Luohan Sect regards them as treasures.

The Luohan Sect has no disciples, no sect, and no family background. It only relies on the various methods acquired through trance and death, as well as its own high level of understanding, to get to where it is now.

However, the methods he mastered were fragmented, fragmented and unsystematic.

Therefore, the Luohan Sect is extremely eager for a complete inheritance.

Especially the Chu family in western Beijing is still famous for its "star" method.

There was also Chu Fengge. He hoped that this person could leave his practice notes and his understanding of the technique.

Luohan Zong is extremely eager in his heart.

He even came up with the idea of ​​casting a spell to sweep away the library if Chu Xisheng refused.

"Easy to say!"

Chu Xisheng turned his eyes and said with a smile: "However, knowledge is priceless. The collection of books here is even rarer in the world, and Chu has no shortage of gold and silver. Well, if Mr. Luo is willing to bow down to me,

Guest sir, Mr. Luo is free to browse the library here."

This can be regarded as a loss in the mulberry tree and a gain in the east.

If one could subdue a first-grade sorcerer with the things from this place, it would be equivalent to hundreds of millions of wealth.


Luo Hanzong shook his head decisively.

If he planned to join a powerful force and become a guest minister, he would have been accepted by the world's top sect twenty years earlier.

It is precisely because he is used to being at ease and does not want to be tied down by others that he has always been a casual cultivator.

He frowned: "I can attack you for free up to ten times. As long as it is within the scope of my ability, I can do it regardless of the reason or the enemy."

The hands in his sleeves had secretly held a talisman.

If the negotiation fails, then the only option is to turn the table over.

"Ten times is too few, at least fifteen times is required."

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but secretly regret.

In fact, he also knew that there was little hope.

But I'm too impatient to eat hot tofu. There's still hope for this, so don't worry.

"In addition, you must also promise not to be my enemy under any circumstances in the future."

"Thirteen times!" Luo Hanzong's expression relaxed, and his hands in his sleeves relaxed. He thought it would be good if they could reach a consensus.

"As long as you are not hostile to Luo, then Luo will never use the star technique learned from the Chu family to make an enemy of the Sword Lord."

Seeing Chu Xisheng nodding his head in agreement, he suddenly felt very good: "After what happened here, Brother Tie and I will have to stay here for about another month. The star formation here still has a lot of power left, I just

We need to study it thoroughly, and we can definitely use the power of the stars here to make Brother Tie's 'inversion of yin and yang' more perfect."

Tie Kuangren was browsing around, secretly marveling at Chu Fengge's handwriting and talent.

This former head of the Chu family is indeed an unparalleled genius——

After hearing this, he couldn't help but perk up and looked towards the two of them.

"It would be best if this could be done. To be honest, Tie is also very interested in the Chu family's collection of books. The Chu family's all-encompassing methods can also be used to develop thousands of martial arts. There may be classics from my Iron Armor Sect in them."

"no problem."

As Chu Xisheng spoke, he put the fragments of the Divine Contract Heavenly Stele and the fragments of the two books of precepts into the Qiankun Ring.

This is the benefit of the magical artifact. He can send these two divine artifacts directly to the Taixu Disk stored in the Wuxiang Mountain.

He then stared: "But before that, we still have one thing to do."

This chapter has been completed!
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