Chapter 517: Divine Mirror Heavenly Sword (Please subscribe and vote monthly)

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In the early morning of the tenth day of the first lunar month in the thirty-seventh year of Jianyuan, Shimei County, Yanzhou.

A troop of 40,000 soldiers and horses were marching through a wilderness on the northeast side of Shimei County.

This is exactly the center of the Xuanwu Army.

Their marching array was a little scattered and not as orderly as other main armies in Bingzhou, but the soldiers in the army were in good spirits.

Even though I was trudging through the mud and my boots were covered with black mud, my morale was still high.

Only the humid weather here made them a little uncomfortable.

Xia Longxiang, the commander of the Xuanwu Army, also felt that the moisture here was too strong.

It was so strong that some of the hidden wounds left in his body in his early years began to ache.

Although it is the end of winter and spring has not yet begun, the temperature in southern Yanzhou has warmed significantly. The early morning sunlight evaporates water vapor and disperses it in the air.

The environment of Yanzhou is a bit like the southern states of China and Penglai, a city that never sleeps. Due to the strong sunshine on the plateau, even the lowest temperature here in winter is comparable to that of Youzhou in summer.

Bingzhou is located on the south side of the endless ice field and is extremely cold.

Many places there will freeze over at the end of autumn until the beginning of the following spring.

The people who moved to Bingzhou could only grow food for one season.

Fortunately, the land in Bingzhou is fertile and the grain yield is extremely high. The land is vast and sparsely populated, and there is fields for farming and grazing everywhere.

They can also collect elixirs and hunt animals to supplement their livelihood.

Xia Longxiang used to be a staff general of the Anbei Army. After the commander-in-chief defeated Bingzhou, he was stationed in Bingzhou all year round.

He was used to the severe cold and dryness of Bingzhou, but after arriving in Yanzhou, he felt uncomfortable all over.

Xia Longxiang's body was itching and painful, which was simply unbearable.

——These are the consequences of the lack of medical treatment and lack of knowledge of maintenance when we were young.

Even though he is now at the second level of cultivation, he is still troubled by this old injury.

He moved his muscles and bones, causing his bones to make a popping sound like soybeans.

At the same time, powerful true energy penetrated the whole body, suppressing all the itching sensation in the body.

Xia Longxiang immediately looked around with eyes like a torch.

He was observing the marching formation and the status of the soldiers.

Not long ago, he and a group of Xuanwu Army officers spent the New Year of the 37th year of the founding of the Yuan Dynasty in the military tent on the Yanzhou Plateau.

Xia Longxiang had led the army for many years and didn't care about New Year's Eve or Spring Festival.

This is likely to affect military morale.

The most serious situation can even lead to the collapse of the entire army.

But he obviously thought too much.

During these ten days, the army had sufficient supplies and everyone was well fed and well-fed.

Although the Commander-in-Chief changed his name and became the wife of Lord Wuji Dao, and changed his name to Chu Yunyun, he is still the Commander-in-Chief who cares about the soldiers.

On New Year's Eve, their army slaughtered chickens and sheep to make enough bread and bread, and also sent a large amount of sea fish from the rear.

For seven days in a row, the Xuanwu Army was not allowed to drink alcohol. There was an endless supply of all kinds of meat and delicacies, and every day was different. The quartermasters were honest and did not dare to make any deductions, which greatly satisfied the soldiers.

What's more, most of Xia Longxiang's subordinates are bachelors. They are young and have no family to worry about.

They all came here for the generous salary and promotion secret medicine offered by the 'Zhenbei Grand General's Mansion'.

Of course there is also the promise of dividing the land.

The General's Office in Zhenbei made a rule that the frontier troops were allocated twice as many fields as the civilians, and additional military fields were allocated.

As long as they capture Yanzhou, they will have land, women, and cultivators. If they have enough military exploits, they can even be granted a wife and a wife.

But if you can't win, then don't mention anything.

Therefore, all the troops were excited, their eyes were red, and they were wailing like hungry wolf dogs, waiting for battle.

After Xia Longxiang glanced around, he felt a little more at ease.

However, there was still a hint of worry in his eyes.

In the past few days, he had been feeling restless and worried.

This is because the fan spread by the Bingzhou army is getting wider and wider. It was only about two thousand miles before, but now it spreads out to more than 3,800 miles on both wings.

The Xuanwu Army's 300,000 troops were initially only responsible for a front of 200 miles, but now it has increased to more than 300 miles.

The giant net they opened became more and more spread out, and the overall formation became more and more sparse.

And due to the terrain, there is a substantial disconnect between the various departments.

Fortunately, the commander-in-chief had the foresight to summon many martial arts cultivators.

Especially the group of demon cultivators in the Demon War Tower. They were full of fighting spirit and roamed back and forth between the various armies and horses, hunting giant spirits and aliens wantonly.

Otherwise, the enemy would have poked countless holes in the net opened by the Bingzhou army.

However, Xia Longxiang was still worried.

Did the commander-in-chief underestimate the enemy and be too careless this time?

If it is an elite force like the Anbei Army and the Tianlang Army, 300,000 people can easily block the 300-mile front line.

The Xuanwu Army has been newly established, so it is not stable!

Especially those members of the Tieshan Qin clan in the army have been undergoing frequent changes recently.

Some of them move around frequently and have close contact, and they clearly have different intentions.

Xia Longxiang could feel the undercurrent surging inside.

Also, the current overall formation of the Bingzhou Army is too lax.

This simply means that the Yanzhou giant spirit is not taken seriously.

This front line, which is 3,800 miles wide, is simply a giant winding and lazy snake. Once attacked, the head and tail must not be able to care about each other.

Is the commander-in-chief relying on Wuji Sword Master to be in charge? Are you relying too much on that person? What if something unexpected happens?

Don’t his colleagues know how to give some advice?

Xia Longxiang was riding a war horse, thoughtfully.

Until a shadowy mountain peak appeared in his field of vision in the thick fog ahead.

"Isn't Wujin Mountain ahead?"

‘Wujin’ is the elegant name for coal and coal. It means Wujin Mountain, which means Coal Mountain.

There is a huge amount of coal beneath the dozen or so peaks of Wujin Mountain.

Shimei County has a large amount of coal, hence its name.

The coal reserves at the foot of Wujin Mountain are particularly rich. It is said that there is coal under the mountain and for dozens of miles around.

Xia Longxiang couldn't help but think of the recently popular heated kang in Bingzhou.

That was something that started to spread in Bingzhou in the winter more than a year ago.

It is said that it was invented by Wuji Daojun.

Wuji Daojun disliked Bingzhou being too cold, so he invented the heated kang. Even in the cold season of ice and snow, it can make the room warm as spring.

At first, it was only spread among wealthy families in Bingzhou, but last winter, many common people also built heated Ondols.

The land in Bingzhou is fertile, and the yield of elixirs is extremely abundant. As long as there are hands and feet in Bingzhou, there are no real poor people, and a heated kang can still be built.

It is a pity that Wuxiang Shenzong worships the Wood Sword Immortal and does not allow people to cut down trees. Usually they can only burn dead wood, cow dung and coal, so the price of charcoal in Bingzhou last year was extremely high.

Bingzhou also has coal, but not much.

Xia Longxiang thought that it would be great if the coal from Yanzhou could be transported out.

However, the terrain of the Yanzhou Plateau is more than 7,000 feet higher than that of Bingzhou, and the mountain roads are difficult and difficult to transport.

Xia Longxiang was thinking about this when he suddenly frowned and looked at the direction of Wujin Mountain again.

He is a veteran of the military, has experienced hundreds of battles, and has rich experience.

So at this moment, with just a casual glance, I realized that something was wrong.

The vegetation above Wujin Mountain is rich, but there are no birds.

He watched intently, and then his heart froze.

"Blow the trumpet! Set off fireworks as a warning! Release Lieutenant Yu Xi and stop the advance of all the troops so that they do not need to reinforce the Chinese army. They can gather troops at selected locations and form formations to hold on!"

In an instant, the desolate sound of horns filled the wilderness.

There were also fireworks that shot through the clouds and then exploded at an altitude of 500 feet, emitting a dazzling golden light that illuminated the surrounding area for more than a hundred miles and sent a warning message to the nearby troops and horses.

Dozens of flying dragon knights with flags on their backs took off from the Chinese army and flew to the north and south defense lines.

They are Captain Yu Xi under Xia Longxiang's command, and they are responsible for delivering military orders to the various units of the Xuanwu Army.

Most of these Yuxi captains are powerful in force and are assisted by powerful dragon knights. On the battlefield, they are far more reliable than homing pigeons.

Just as the fireworks exploded in the sky, the entire ground around them shook violently.

A large amount of smoke and dust was actually raised from behind Wujin Mountain, and tall giant spirits rushed out from both sides of the mountain.

Their numbers are increasing, tens of thousands, and they are densely packed. The sound of them running is like thunder and roaring, causing the ground to continue to tremble and the mountains to shake.

There are also countless half-horse tribes, and their number is even more boundless and incalculable, like a monstrous black tide, rushing forward with the giant spirit army.

The sky above Wujin Mountain suddenly became a third darker.

Endless winged warriors soared into the sky from the back side of Wujin Mountain.

Their wings covered the sky and the sun, covering nearly one third of the sky in front of them in an instant.

These Night Wolf Giant Spirits and Yanzhou aliens knew that their troops and horses had been exposed, but they showed no intention of retreating. Instead, they started to attack them with lightning speed.

Xia Longxiang's complexion turned pale.

Just by visual inspection, the giant spirit soldiers and horses ambushing behind Wujin Mountain are as large as a million!

His face was extremely ugly, and he realized that something was wrong with his scouts and scouts.

The Bingzhou army conquered Yanzhou. Although they were invincible and swept across the country, the scouting battles along the way were extremely fierce and cruel.

The Yanzhou giant organized a large number of experts to snipe and kill the Bingzhou army's scouts and reconnaissance cavalry, and blocked the high altitude with all their strength.

Among them, the half-horse tribe and the winged-human tribe are particularly difficult to deal with. They are extremely fast and move quickly.

The commander-in-chief didn't have a good solution to this problem. He could only borrow people from the Wuxiang Shen Sect and the Demonic War Tower to confront the Yanzhou giants tit for tat, and generally maintain an equal balance between the enemy and us.

Xia Longxiang was extra cautious in using his troops.

In addition to the scouts and reconnaissance cavalry in the army, he also organized hundreds of powerful flying dragon knights to conduct reconnaissance far and near, reaching as far as two hundred miles away.

But now they are either negligent or deceived by the other party's illusions.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to miss the millions of giant spirits in Wujin Mountain.

——But the greater possibility is that there is something wrong with these people themselves, and some people are helping the giant spirits cover up their traces.

Xia Longxiang's heart was boiling with anger and resentment.

Back in Canglang Plains, the Tianlang Army was betrayed like this and was almost wiped out.

Now there are some people who want to follow the same example and do this again!

Those bastards, haven't they ever thought that if their Xuanwu Army was buried here, not only would the great situation of the Battle of Yanzhou be ruined, but even Bingzhou would be in danger of falling in the future?

What's in it for them?

Xia Longxiang then felt cold on his back again.

At this time, the Xuanwu Army had 300,000 people, distributed in an area of ​​300 miles from north to south. Among them, there were 10,000 to 20,000 in large groups and 2,000 to 3,000 in small groups. The furthest distance from each other was more than ten miles.

Wujin Mountain was only forty-five miles away from his central army.

Now he can't assemble the army no matter what.

The next result is likely to be defeated by the Yanzhou giant spirits one by one!

Just when Xia Longxiang suppressed his panic and anxiety, he discovered that there was also a huge earthquake behind his military formation.

The land more than thirty miles behind is cracking.

A large number of sturdy stone men were dug out of the soil.

There were more than 300,000 of them, forming a loose but solid formation, blocking the rear of the Xuanwu Army tightly.

"Military Gate!"

That was Qin Zhaomei, the Chinese Army Staff General under Xia Longxiang. He was obviously shocked by the scene in front of him. His face turned pale and he looked at Xia Longxiang in panic.

"What should we do now? We are enemies in front and behind. The army is scattered three hundred miles north and south, and may be defeated by the giant spirits one by one."

"Why are you panicking?"

Xia Longxiang's face was cold and calm as usual.

He pulled the reins and looked around, his thoughts gradually becoming as hard as iron: "Order all the soldiers in the Chinese army to prepare their equipment and arrange the fish scale array."

"Fish Scale Formation?"

The fish scale formation is an attack formation and is not conducive to holding on.

However, Qin Zhaomei is one of the most outstanding generals of the Tieshan Qin family.

He gradually calmed down, and after just a moment's thought, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes: "The intention of the military gate is not to defend but to counterattack, to attack from the center, to attack Wujin Mountain and hold on?"

This is a good idea. Although the enemy troops in front are numerous, their formation is not strong due to haste.

As for their 40,000-strong army, they are the most elite members of the Xuanwu Army. In order to support all directions, the 40,000 people are all elite cavalry, and there are also 2,000 flying dragon knights.

At this time, by surprise, there is a great opportunity to attack Wujin Mountain.

The terrain over there is the most suitable place for them to hold on.

"As long as you understand in your heart, there is no need to tell the soldiers below, so as not to shake the morale of the army."

Xia Longxiang pointed towards Wujin Mountain; "We must buy time for the various units of the Xuanwu Army, and we can also hold on here until Lord Wuji Sword arrives. That's right! Let the soldiers polish their shields and polish their armor. They must shine."

But he was thinking in his heart, if he can hold Wujin Mountain, he can hold it.

If you can't hold on, let the military magician ignite all the coals under Wujin Mountain and drag the giant spirits to death together!

As for the armor and shield, these were the commander-in-chief's orders, and Xia Longxiang didn't know what their use was.

"Understood!" Qin Zhaomei immediately clasped her fists, rode away on horseback, and began to organize the army to prepare for a full-scale assault.

Xia Longxiang took out a silver-white, two-finger-thick cylinder from his sleeve and pressed the button toward the sky.

This is something issued by the Commander-in-Chief. Almost every general in the Bingzhou Army with more than a thousand households will carry two or three.

This is a magic weapon refined by the Wuxiang Divine Sect and can only be used when it is judged that heavy casualties may be encountered.

There was no firelight rising from the cylinder, but just a moment later, a dazzling light like a small sun burst out from the sky thousands of feet high.

Just three breaths later, there was a sun-like light a hundred miles away to the south, shining thousands of feet high in the sky.

Next, two hundred miles away, three hundred miles away, groups of brilliance shine, and they continue to relay, going south——

Xia Longxiang glanced south and then rode forward.

As the commander of the Xuanwu Army, he must take the lead at this time and open the way for the entire army.

But at this moment, a loud and sarcastic laughter came from the distance.

"Xia Longxiang! Do you want to ask for help from your Wuji Sword Master? Are you counting on his Jiawan Sword? This is simply wishful thinking! Chu Xisheng's Zhuzi was lured to Tiezhou by us. Even if he has the power to reach the sky, you are now counting on him.

No! Today is the day when the Xuanwu Army falls, and the foot of Wujin Mountain is your graveyard."

Xia Longxiang was stunned for a moment, then rode forward with his normal expression.

He didn't know whether what the other party said was true or false.

However, the aid weapon he released was not only to seek help from Lord Wuji Sword, but also to notify the commander-in-chief to come for help.

In order to seal off the scouts and cover the battlefield, the Yanzhou giants broke out into a fierce scout battle with the Bingzhou army on a 3,800-mile-long front line. A large number of first- and second-level masters from both sides were involved.

Xia Longxiang judged that there should be no more than ten first-level martial arts cultivators gathered in Wujin Mountain.

But this is still not something he can resist.

Xia Longxiang used the secret method of the Emperor's Way, the Seven Heavenly Protectors of War, but his combat power could only touch the edge of the first level.

At this time, the only way to stabilize the situation is to ask the Commander-in-Chief to come as soon as possible.


Just half a quarter of an hour ago, it was over Wujin Mountain.

Huang Tianli, the prince of the Night Wolf Tribe, looked down with a flushed face.

The encirclement has been completed, and the next step is to harvest.

First, wipe out the 40,000-strong Xuanwu Central Army, and then defeat all the Xuanwu Army units one by one!

After seven years, he finally found the opportunity to swing his sword at Qin Muge.

Although he was not able to avenge his father ‘Huang Ji Lie’ and avenge his murder, he could inflict a heavy blow on the king of the human race and make her lose the possibility of fighting for the imperial throne of China.

Today's battle will definitely inspire the hearts of the people within the clan, allowing him to consolidate his reputation and become the true co-leader of the Night Wolf tribes!

Buzhoushan War Commander Huang Heixuan glanced sideways, and he could guess what Huang Tianli was thinking.

This young son of Emperor Jilie is very ambitious and has been seeking to revive the Night Wolf Imperial Court.

However, Huang Heixuan is happy to see the success.

In their heyday, the Yelang Imperial Court and the Buzhoushan Imperial Court fought against each other and refused to be controlled.

But if the Yelang clan collapses like this, it will not be a good thing for Buzhou Shan.

This is the barrier that Mount Buzhou suppresses to the north of the human race, and is the buffer between Mount Buzhou and the forces of the human race.

Only when the Night Wolves become stronger can they cut off the hand of the human race stretching to the north.

Huang Hei

There was a flash of strangeness in his eyes.

The identities of these two masked men in black, one is Qin Fengxian, the 'Invincible Iron Halberd', and the other is Zhuang Yan, the 'Devil Sword King'. They are both great masters of the human race.

At this time, everyone was hiding their head and tail. Not only did they cover their faces, they used magic weapons to change their bodies and look like giant spirits. They also used secret techniques to cover up their own energy.

When Qin Fengxian heard this, he smiled calmly and clasped his fists: "Chu Xisheng and Qin Muge are causing trouble to the world. They are actually the source of trouble for our human race in China. We should do our best to help in this battle, but after all, this is your own family.


They will try their best, but they will not fight tooth and nail.

Huang Heixuan also understood and felt dark in his heart.

He had no worries at all.

To set the stage for today's battle, the lineup Buzhou Shan put out was also quite luxurious.

In addition to himself, there are also the four war commanders of Buzhou Mountain, ‘Huang Tianmu’, and the two chief priests of the eternal gods. The latter two can use the method of sacrifice to temporarily reach the super level.

In addition, there are three war commanders in Tiandi Mountain, ‘Huang Bolong’, whose combat power can reach the mid-level and super level.

Together, they can restrain Qin Muge.

What's more, there are these two stupid humans in front of me.

There are seven super-grades here and ten first-grade experts.

They can even try to surround and kill the blue-eyed military governor whose combat power is said to be close to that of a 'near god'!

At this moment, several dazzling fireworks rose from the opposite side and exploded five hundred feet into the air. The shrill sound of military bugles resounded throughout the world.

Huang Heixuan instantly understood that the other party had discovered their ambush.

He couldn't help but sigh: "As expected of the commander-in-chief promoted by Qin Muge, you are so alert!"

The murderous intention in his heart was so strong that he already had the intention to take action and kill the commander of the Xuanwu Army and all the generals under his command in advance.

But at this moment, Huang Heixuan felt a sharp spear intent, pointing at several of them from a distance, impacting their spiritual thoughts.

Qin Muge!

Surprise appeared in the eyes of several people around Huang Heixuan.

Not only was Qin Muge alert very quickly, he was also extremely fast!

This person is still fifteen hundred miles away from here, but he can target everyone with his domineering spear intent from a distance.

She is traveling through Taixu at high speed, and it will only take a few breaths to reach this place.

Huang Heixuan's expression changed slightly, but he was not surprised at all.

Is this Qin Muge's confidence to spread her army across a front of 3,800 miles?

No matter where he is within these 3,800 miles, Qin Muge can come to reinforce him as soon as possible.

"Be prepared to meet the enemy!"

Huang Heixuan put his hands behind his back: "This woman is extremely powerful, and there may be a hard battle ahead. We must try to force this woman to the outside of the battlefield, and we must not let her slaughter soldiers wantonly."

Huang Tianmu, the commander-in-chief of the Four Seats in Buzhou Mountain, had been observing the battlefield from a distance.

There was a look of amazement in his eyes: "He actually wanted to counterattack and attack in the direction of Wujin Mountain. Qin Muge is indeed the human military god. The Xia Longxiang she promoted may be a famous general!"

Just as Huang Tianmu was sighing with emotion, another bright light, like a small sun, exploded thousands of feet high in the sky and illuminated the surrounding area for hundreds of miles.

Next, there was a relay of bright lights, one after another exploding in the south.

Huang Heixuan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

Then he heard Yelang Prince Huang Tianli laughing loudly: "Xia Longxiang! Do you want to ask for help from your Wuji Sword Lord? Count on his Yajuan Sword? This is simply wishful thinking!

Chu Xisheng was lured to Tiezhou by us. Even if he has the power to reach the sky, you can't hope for it now! Today is the day when the Xuanwu Army falls, and the foot of Wujin Mountain is your graveyard!"

Huang Heixuan laughed and shook his head.

This young man still couldn't calm down.

He probably wanted to use these words to dampen the morale of the Xuanwu Army.

However, these 40,000 human soldiers are in a desperate situation and must fight to the death. These words have limited effect.

But Huang Tianli was right about one thing.

Today is the day when the Xuanwu Army fell, and the foot of Wujin Mountain is indeed their graveyard.

The reason for the defeat of Chu Xisheng and Qin Muge also started today!


The moment Chu Xisheng saw the bright light shining in the north direction was twenty breaths later.

At this time, he was at the base of a mountain peak, looking for the main ingredient of a secret medicine that could be promoted to the third level.

After capturing Huang Siyuan, although Shen Chihuo shouted very hard along the way, Chu Xisheng still could not find any trace of those giant spirits.

Chu Xisheng drove the Yuri Shenzhou back and forth for a whole day, sifting through almost the entire northern part of Tiezhou, but found nothing.

He finally gave up and handed the Wangtianhu clone to Supreme Elder Shen Yuan, who arrived overnight, and then turned to look for the secret medicine.

Chu Xisheng had already searched two places, but came up empty-handed.

It is estimated that this place will probably leave disappointed.

He searched all over the area, but could not find any trace of the third-grade subspecies of the Chaos Beast, the Eyeless Raccoon.

It is estimated that they have moved away. Most of the descendants of the 'Chaos Beast' do not like to stick to their territory and divide the territory to defend themselves.

They like to wander around aimlessly.

At this moment, he felt something in his heart and looked up to the sky.

He saw a bright light blasting out in the north direction. First it was five hundred miles away, then four hundred miles away, then three hundred miles away, then two hundred miles away——

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly, showing a look of anticipation: "We are finally here, I wonder what the harvest will be like this time?"

I hope the fish caught this time will be fat and big enough.

Otherwise, there will still be some troubles in the subsequent battle of Zhengyan.

If this battle can annihilate part of the main force of the Yanzhou Giant Spirits, and defeat the will of the Yanzhou aliens to resist.

The next battle will be much easier.

"It seems to be relayed from the direction of Yanzhou. Is this a warning to you?"

Shen Chihuo sat cross-legged on the deck and looked sideways at Chu Xisheng.

There was doubt in his eyes: "You seem to be very happy and looking forward to it? The problem is that you can't get to Yanzhou now."

Could it be that the Wuxiang Divine Sect has some means unknown to the world that can help Chu Yunyun defeat the enemy when Chu Xisheng is far away?

Just as Shen Chihuo finished speaking, he suddenly made a sound of 'uh'.

He glanced around with vigilant eyes and raised his hand at the same time.

The next moment, a wall of intense fire appeared all around.

Immediately, five powerful qi machines and five huge figures appeared in the sight and perception of the three people on the boat.

However, they were all forced back by the flames of the Divine Red Fire, and their figures retreated hundreds of feet away.



"As an eternal giant, but reduced to a human eagle dog, it's shameful!"

Shen Chihuo's face turned dark, but he immediately calmed down.

She is now a member of the Dragon Clan! And she is the orthodox Queen Ying Long!

When the dragon bloodline in her body is improved, she can transform into a dragon directly!

At the same time, she felt a strong murderous intention in her heart.

After these giant spirits dared to insult her, Yinglong, she simply didn’t want to live anymore!

However, none of the five first-level giant spirits showed any intention of approaching.

They stayed five hundred feet away, looking at Chu Xisheng coldly.

At this time, two more figures with huge wings, human-like bodies, and bird-like claws on their feet appeared ten miles away. They also locked Chu Xisheng with their thoughts in the distance.

As soon as Shen Chihuo changed his mind, he knew what it meant.

These people may have been afraid of her existence and felt that they could not kill Chu Xisheng, so they gave up the siege.

The seven giant spirits and winged warriors at the lower level of the first rank really had nothing to do with Chu Xisheng.

The human race is uniquely blessed. After their bloodline was sealed, they created martial arts that can bring their power to the extreme at every level.

Their second-level martial arts cultivators, even the weakest among them, can defeat most giant spirits of the same level.

As for Chu Xisheng, who is on the top of the Human Race's Heavenly Ranking List, even if she is not around, she can still escape from the encirclement of these seven people.

"Their purpose is to contain you so that you can't go to Tiezhou to help."

After Shen Chihuo stood up, his body instantly expanded to a height of one hundred feet.

She stepped on the void and clenched her five-foot-long fists tightly, hanging on both sides of her body: "Chu Xisheng, what are you going to do?"

She originally had a dawdling mentality.

However, these people were so disrespectful that they completely angered her.

Shen Chihuo decided to use more strength in this battle to make these people shut up their bad mouths!


But Chu Xisheng smiled casually: "If you can't go, you can't go, and it's the same here. Thousands of years ago, Brother Chihuo had seen the Bloody Sword Lord with his own eyes, and saw him using the 'Divine Will Blade Heart' and the 'Divine Heart'

Wuliang', I wonder if you have ever seen the fourth form of the Bloody Sword Master's Divine Intention Touching Death Sword?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and moved forward.

Here comes the knife!

Following Chu Xisheng's thoughts, a Tang-style long knife with gold and red colors, exquisite inscriptions, and a beautiful arc on the blade suddenly stabbed out of the void and fell into his hand.

This is the magic sword ‘Xueyai’!

Shen Chihuo couldn't help but snort when he heard the words.

Back then, Lord Xue Yaidao suppressed the entire Cave of Ten Thousand Demons using only two forms of the Divine Will Touch Death Sword.

Shen Chihuo immediately became curious: "What kind of move is the fourth move of Divine Will Touching the Death Knife?"

Mad Sword Feng San has always been on alert to guard against those seven first-level experts.

But at this moment, he couldn't help but look sideways at Chu Xisheng.

"The fourth form of the Divine Will Touching Death Sword is called the Divine Mirror Heavenly Sword! With this form, Lord Xueyan Sword can control the world with one force, so that the world's warlords dare not make mistakes."

Chu Xisheng has already grasped the ‘Blood-Yai Divine Sword’.

In an instant, countless golden and red qi rushed out from the blade and wrapped around Chu Xisheng's upper arm like two giant pythons.

Fine, smooth dark golden scales naturally appeared all over his body.

Following Chu Xisheng's sword light, he swung forward.

Instantly, silver mirrors turned into swords appeared one after another beside him!

PS: Another 8,000-word chapter, please vote for me and subscribe!

This chapter has been completed!
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