Chapter 544: The Battle Between Gods (please subscribe and vote monthly)

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PS: This is a big chapter with nearly 8,000 words, please give me your monthly vote!


The prefecture of Huizhou is Boshan County.

The county government hall in the city, which temporarily served as the commander's residence, was brightly lit and overcrowded.

Hundreds of generals of the third rank and above are gathered around the map, and thousands of generals of the fourth and fifth ranks are lined up outside.

In this Huizhou War that lasted for nearly two years, both Daning and Far East Bingcheng invested five to six million troops each, and the battle line stretched for 6,700 miles, dividing the entire Huizhou into two.

However, the main battlefield has always been in Boshan County. Daning alone has more than three million troops stationed here, confronting the Bingcheng Army in the vast plain to the north of the county. They are intertwined with each other, and every inch of land must be fought for hundreds of times a day.


At this time, most of the officers in the Boshan army with more than a thousand households gathered here.

"——The people of Jinyiwei are disbanding the Far East Ice City. The news that Wen Suyi has proclaimed himself is spreading widely among the Ice City army. This news will take some time to ferment. By tomorrow morning, the generals on the opposite side will be shaken and the people will be panicked!

This is also our best time to defeat the enemy. Tomorrow we will prepare food at the Yin hour, break camp at the Mao hour, and send out troops at the Mao hour! According to the strategy formulated by Grand Master just now, we will attack to the east! In this battle, our army will be overwhelming and overwhelming.

Crush the Ice City Army and defeat it!"

At this time, in the lobby, Grand Master Dugu Shou was holding a cup of tea, sitting on the Grand Master's chair, closing his eyes and relaxing.

Next to the map, holding a long whip and giving orders to the generals, was Shi Xuan, the "General of the Conquest of the East".

His voice was as passionate as a bell: "Everyone, one sword can conquer the city. Although Zhuoyi had to seal herself within Xuan Bing due to your majesty's plan. However, before she sealed herself, this woman conquered Bing City's tens of millions of troops.

, entrusted to Chu Xisheng, the leader of the Iron Banner Gang!

Once these soldiers and horses retreat into Youzhou, or retreat to the south of the Canglang River, they will still be a serious trouble for our Daning. They will definitely bring disaster to all directions, causing the lives of our Daning to be devastated, and the army will cause disasters, and the people everywhere will not be able to


Therefore, in this battle, our army must defeat them as much as possible! Kill them! Exterminate them! Force them to surrender! The key point of this battle is entanglement. The enemy will never surrender, and will definitely block and counterattack with all their strength, and may even win locally.

However, their military morale has been dispersed, they have no backup, their food routes have been cut off, and countless rebels from behind are swarming towards the imperial court to cut off their return. Even if they have an advantage for a while, it will never last. So there is no need for us to worry, just do it

If you attack forward, it doesn't matter even if you lose. As long as you entangle your opponent, the enemy will be in danger!"

As the words of 'General Zhengdong' Shi Xuan fell, all the generals in the hall raised their hands and said the word 'Promise'.

The roar and the roar of the armor were intertwined, like thunder exploding.

But after that, most people in the hall turned their attention to the Grand Master who was at the head of the hall.

Dugu Shou also opened his eyes at this time and put down the tea cup.

"What General Shi said is what I meant too. This time the fighter plane is rare, our army must kill the enemy as much as possible to facilitate the subsequent counter-insurgency war."

He has learned about everything that happened inside the Far East Ice City more than half a day ago through channels different from those of the imperial court.

Dugu Shou never expected that Emperor Jianyuan would give him such a surprise.

He did not think the emperor's methods were despicable.

Dugu Shou deeply resented Emperor Jianyuan's various measures for treating court laws as nothing, repeatedly corrupting Daning's internal and external laws, and causing the royal family to lose trust with the people and the people in the world.

However, Dugu Shou also used all possible means to deal with the enemy.

Dugu Shou would never let go of this opportunity to severely damage the millions of Ice City elite soldiers on the opposite side.

If the Bingcheng soldiers were allowed to fall into the hands of Chu Xisheng, it would be a disaster for the Daning court and the entire world.

Daning cannot waste all the national power it has raised with a lot of money on war.

This is the people's wealth and anointing, how can we squander it at will?

"After you all return to camp, you need to explain clearly to your soldiers that this battle -"

At this time, Dugu Shou stopped talking and looked out the door in surprise: "Qin Muge?"

Just when everyone in the hall was stunned and confused after hearing this, they heard a roar.

First, the entire void trembled for a moment, and the ground beneath my feet shook violently, as if it was an earth dragon turning over.

Layers of talismans were activated, appeared one after another around the county government, and collapsed layer by layer.

Some generals and colonels standing near the gate even looked to the southeast, and suddenly a large cloud of smoke and dust was set off.

At that moment, almost everyone in the hall was looking towards the door.

"How is this going?"

"It seems like someone bombarded the city wall?"

"Who is he? It's amazing. This city defense array has been strengthened to this point. Ten second-level magicians are sitting here, but it collapsed in an instant."

"To the southeast, over there is the Xuanhua Gate! The entire city gate has collapsed, no, it's all broken! What kind of immortal figure is this?"

"One blow penetrated the city's defense formation. It's so powerful. Could it be that I'm asking Baht Yi?"

"Impossible. What Wenzhuyi is best at is the cold method. If she takes action, the outside of the city wall will be frozen at most."

"This seems to be the tribulation of the gods from the north?"

At this time, an ethereal and cold female voice came from the distance: "Dugu Shou, my general Chu Yunyun, the general accountant of the Northern Territory, is here to sincerely invite the grand master to come out of the city for a battle!"

In the entire lobby, there was another buzzing sound, and all the generals here changed their colors. Some were puzzled, some were surprised, and some were excited.

"Chu Yunyun? Who is that?"

"Stupid! That's Qin Muge! He returned to the North and called himself General Zhenbei. That's the name he used."

"That king?"

"No. 1 on the Heavenly Ranking! Unparalleled throughout the ages, the blue-eyed military commander Chu Yunyun."

"Is this coming alone to start a fight? She is so brave!"

"Is this woman crazy? She thinks our 3.2 million troops in Boshan County are nothing?"

'General Zhengdong' Shi Xuan couldn't help but show excitement. He turned towards Dugu Shou and clasped his fists and said: "Grand Master! Chu Yunyun is in charge of five million elite border troops in the Northern Territory. She is among the most wanted criminals in our Daning Black List.

Ranked third, after conquering the city with one sword and asking Zhuoyi to declare herself, this woman is my most important enemy in Daning.

Now Chu Yunyun dares to be so trustworthy and come to our Boshan County alone. This is an excellent opportunity to get rid of this woman. General, please immediately mobilize the army to encircle, notify Jin Yiwei and Da Nei masters to come, and join us in the encirclement

Kill, put her to death——"

"She has cultivated the seventeenth level of Divine Will Touching Death Sword, and has condensed the Divine Will Sword Heart!"

Grand Master Dugu Shou's short sentence made Shi Xuan choke and let out a breath of cold air.

Dugu Shou pointed to the center of his eyebrows: "Now within a radius of 200 miles within and outside the city, there are 1.2 million people with hostile and murderous intentions, right here."

When everyone in the hall heard this, their complexions paled slightly, and the more than four thousand generals and commanders turned elegant and silent.

A few years ago, although many of them had heard of the deeds of the Bloody Sword Lord, they only regarded it as myths and legends and refused to fully believe it.

However, now, Chu Xisheng used his Yaizhen sword to defeat the northern night wolf giant spirit and single-handedly suppressed the five million giant spirit army. He even wounded Emperor Jianyuan in the west of Wang'an City. They had to remain in awe of this supreme sword technique.


Dugu Shouze looked at the door from a distance, with an extremely complicated expression on his face: "A body can push 70,000 miles across, and one shot can be used as a million troops. Today, is she trying to use this body to stop our three-million-strong army in Daning?"

You are worthy of being a king! Very good!"

This woman's intention is not only to have a battle with him here, so as to establish her power, boost the morale of the rebels, and frighten the gentry in Cangzhou and other places! She also wants to use this battle to conquer hundreds of miles around Boshan County.

The imperial army and horses were unable to take advantage of the situation to pursue him.

There was a hint of regret in Dugu Shou's eyes.

These unparalleled generals should have been the iron-walled city of Daning and the pillars of the dynasty.

However, they were forced to rebel by Emperor Jianyuan, making this couple the most dangerous enemies of Daning.

The thing that Dugu Shou regretted most in his life was choosing this person from among the many descendants of the late emperor.

Although Emperor Jianyuan was ambitious and ruthless in his early years, he was diligent in government affairs, accepted advice humbly, selected talents and put them to good use, loved the people, was trustworthy and righteous, and was a wise emperor who directly followed Taizong.

Let Dugu Shou recognize that this deeply beloved ancestor could revitalize Daning.

But today's Emperor Jianyuan is more ambitious, ruthless, and has lost his respect for rules. He is acting more and more unscrupulously and unscrupulously.

Dugu Shou smiled bitterly.

If he had known this, he would rather choose the younger brothers of Emperor Jianyuan. Although they are mediocre, they are the masters of success.

Dugu Shou immediately pushed away these messy thoughts.

The past is over, and there is no use in thinking about it.

Dugu Shou slapped his big hand on his handrail, and then he traveled several miles and arrived in front of Xuanhua Gate in the southeast of the county city.

He put his hands behind his back and stood in the air, looking at the black-armored girl parallel to the front.

When Dugu Shou retired in the past, Chu Yunyun had not yet risen, so he had never met the imperial general Anbei.

However, he had seen Chu Yunyun's shadow figures, which were traced by the most outstanding painter in the court.

So he recognized each other at first sight.

The appearance is the same as the painter's description, with an oval face, willow eyebrows, and clear and beautiful facial features.

This appearance should have been that of a frail woman with unparalleled splendor, but there was a hint of heroism in her eyebrows and eyes, like a peerless sword unsheathed, so sharp that no one dared to look directly at it.

The black hair like a waterfall was simply pulled behind her back by a red rope, giving her an extremely cool and neat temperament.

"Qin Muge!"

Dugu Shou frowned slightly.

He found that the murderous aura of the black-armored girl opposite was extremely fierce. That powerful fighting spirit gathered the boundless soldiers on the battlefield and turned it into a golden pillar of blood and energy, penetrating a layer of clouds 20,000 feet above!

Dugu Shou couldn't help but feel suspicious.

He suspected that there was some deep hatred between himself and Qin Muge? This made the king come with endless murderous intent.

The problem is that he basically stayed out of the death of Qin Tiejun in the past; and he had nothing to do with Qin Muge's death.

Dugu Shou once again suppressed the confusion in his heart and said in a calm voice: "Your Excellency, this place is densely populated and the people are innocent, so it is inconvenient to fight. How about you and I fight in a deserted place? I won't be able to use Zhantian Qihu at that time.

You can't use divine will to kill you, it's a fair fight!"

This is actually a huge advantage.

Although his Zhantian Qihu can gather the energy, blood and will of his army, the Zhantian Qihu has an upper limit of 300,000 people, which is far less than the Divine Will Touching Death Blade. As long as the Divine Will Sword Heart can hold on, the more enemies there will be, the more enemies there will be.

The stronger the fighting power.

However, Dugu Shou is not worried that the other party will not agree.

He understood Chu Yunyun's temperament.

This is a conspiracy to deceive others.

Chu Yunyun, however, held the end of the Nishen Flag Spear and pointed at Dugu Shou from a distance: "Master, do you want to deceive me into ignorance? The Huizhou War has been going on for nearly two years, and the people in the countryside have long been overwhelmed and abandoned their land. Boshan County

Although there are people inside, they are protected by the city defense formation, so their lives are safe."

Her blue eyes were as sharp as swords and spears: "I came here not only for the Grand Master, but also for the three million imperial troops. How could I abandon this place?"

Dugu Shou couldn't help but be startled when he heard this.

It seems that this king is not as merciful and soft-hearted as Lunwulou and Jinyiwei analyzed. They judged that this woman may have had the benevolence of Duke Xiang in the past when fighting against the human race.

About 270,000 years ago, when the world was divided among the princes, King Xiang of the Song Dynasty said before the enemy's formation, "A gentleman does not harm the injured, does not capture the gray-haired, does not block the enemy at the pass, and does not attack the enemy who is not there."

The enemy, who had set up a good battle array, was defeated and suffered a huge loss. He only escaped with his own life, and thus became the laughing stock of the world.

Dugu Shou couldn't help but frown slightly.

He clenched his fists, and there was a coldness in his eyes: "Perhaps as your Excellency said, but in the surrounding mountains and fields, there are still many villagers who are nostalgic for their hometown and cannot stay -"

He could not let go of this opportunity to attack the main force of Ice City under any circumstances.

We must not be stopped by Chu Yunyun here today!

Otherwise, if the nearly 6 million Ice City troops retreated to Youzhou and reorganized their positions, what would be the difference from the previous situation?

The most the imperial court can do is restore the land of the three states. Once the Northern Territory is able to rectify these Ice City soldiers, the morale and morale of the army will be restored.

These things you have got must be thrown back.

And this time his enemy will be the former Daning Army God, the invincible, invincible and invincible Wang Qin Muge on the northern battlefield!

However, before Dugu Shou finished speaking, a black light appeared in front of his eyes.


This voice was inaudible and only rang in Dugu Shou's ears.

Dugu Shou felt like hearing thunder, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

Chu Yunyun's spear made no sound, but Dugu Shou's eyes saw the heaven-destroying power of the God-defying Spear!

This shows that this woman's control of power has reached an astonishing level. It is simply the highest level and cannot be improved!

Although Dugu Shou was talking, he was already on alert and immediately punched.

What he practices is the 'immovable clutching method', which has constant movement and stillness, and disordered clutching. It comes from the same lineage as Zhu Mingyue's martial arts.

In addition, Dugu Shou also derived the extremely powerful "Heaven-Suppressing" Heaven Rule from the movement, stillness, separation and combination, which can suppress the heaven and earth and subdue everything.

With the fierce and dull roar of "Winter", the whole world shook. The shock wave and force that exploded between the two people swept across the four directions like a halo, and countless smoke and dust were swept up.

, and was forced by the strong wind and waves to roll up in all directions.

As soon as Chu Yunyun took action, the spear was like the nearby Canglang River, surging and endless, with mud and sand falling down, and it cascaded thousands of miles!

Her fight with Grand Master Dugu Shou was completely different from the previous fight with Wen Zhuoyi.

In one breath, both of them could strike more than 5,000 times.

Dugu Shou's method of movement and stillness can also make people move slowly, from movement to stillness, calming all forces, large and small, and all turbulent things, but it cannot restrain Chu Yunyun.

The sharpness of the spear is revealed, piercing the sky, reaching the Nine Netherworlds, and shattering the rules of the sky! Wherever the tip of the spear points, nothing is unstoppable and nothing is indestructible!

There was a sneer at the corners of Chu Yunyun's lips: "The people of the enemy country are not our people! Do you want me to pity the people under Daning's rule, but ignore the safety of the nearly six million soldiers in Bingcheng? This is what I should do.

It is the responsibility of the Daning court, but the grand master expects me to pity their lives. Isn't it ridiculous?"

Dugu Shou remained silent.

Unexpectedly, his fists had been put on metal gloves, and they were swung in all directions like a pair of sledgehammers, shaking the world.

In the past, when Dugu Shou faced enemies, no matter what kind of opponent he was, he always acted calmly, casually, and contentedly, with the style of a master.

However, today, his face was extremely solemn, his boxing skills were as fast as lightning, his movements were like thunder, he was so swift, strong, cruel and overbearing that he couldn't be more domineering!

The pair of iron fists open and close widely, possessing both strength and softness. They can move as fast or as slowly as you want, with unparalleled momentum. They regard the impossible as a method, the infinite as the limited, and their fists look out over the world!

There was also a constant "dongdong" sound between the two of them.

It was the sound of thousands of clashes that merged into one sound. The sound shook the sky and spread hundreds of miles away, making everyone within two hundred miles sting their eardrums and make it unbearable.

The ground was blasted by the fists and spears of the two men, creating countless deep ravines. The ground below the two men also sank dozens of feet under the pressure of their strength.

The number of laws of heaven that Dugu Shou masters is far inferior to that of Chu Yunyun, but they are all above the thirty-level level, close to the realm of gods.

When he clashed with Chu Yunyun's spear, he was able to suppress and calm all Chu Yunyun's power and heavenly rules, making everything quiet. However, he strengthened his own power to the extreme, making everything about Chu Yunyun violently turbulent.

Dugu Shou also masters the method of clutching and combining, which can break down all the enemy's power and then gather it together for his own use.

For more than a year, he had fought with Wenzhuyi no less than thirty times, and he could always shatter Wenzhuoyi's cold sealing method.

However, today, there was a dark and solemn look in Dugu Shou's eyes.

Chu Yunyun mastered the extremely powerful 'Tongtian' method, which made him unable to clutch or close at will.

This person also possesses the superb method of "covering the sky", which covers all his heavenly powers.

This woman's power of "suppressing the sky" is actually only inferior to his, and she can suppress most of her own turbulence.

This allows Chu Yunyun to swing his sword unscrupulously to bombard! Pierce! Give him absolute penetration, absolute destruction, and absolute killing!

Winter! Winter! Winter!

Dugu Shou's fists were fierce and he used all his strength to activate the Seven Heavenly Guards of War, with seven black dragons coiled around his body.

He wanted to get within five feet in front of Chu Yunyun and fight Chu Yunyun at close quarters and fight at a short distance.

But as time went by, Dugu Shou gradually gave up his offensive. He could only defend, not attack!

At this time, in Boshan City, all the imperial soldiers and people had taken refuge in solid stone trenches and cellars to avoid the aftermath of the power of these two masters.

To the north of Boshan City, two more imperial camps were overturned by Chu Yunyun's spears. The solid stone walls and the protective formations in the camps were all pierced by the domineering, sharp and sharp spears.

Thinly chopped.

The soldiers inside fled frantically for their lives. Some rushed towards the mountains and forests to the west, and some jumped directly into nearby ravines.

Only some martial cultivators of the third level of combat strength were not afraid of being affected by the power of the two. They either stood on the top of the city, or hung dozens of miles away to watch the battle.

Their faces gradually turned pale.

Just three moments ago, they still had hope of surrounding and killing this king.

No matter what price they pay today, they must surround and kill this woman in the city!

Therefore, experts from the imperial court kept coming, and they even forcibly summoned some experts from surrounding aristocratic families and people from all walks of life.

The Ice City in the Far East has collapsed, and the general trend of the world is bound to be reversed, but the Daning court is still as stable as Mount Tai.

Daning can no longer tolerate these people standing on the wall!

However, when they gathered here one after another, they discovered that something was wrong here.

Their grand master, Dugu Shou, who had been at the top of the Heavenly Ranking for hundreds of years and supported the Daning imperial court, was actually at a disadvantage in the battle with Chu Yunyun!

It was no longer as simple as staying downwind. Behind Chu Yunyun, several camps on the Ice City side were unscathed.

To the west, the imperial court already had two large camps of 100,000 people on the verge of destruction.

It can be seen that Dugu Shou no longer has the energy to protect his subordinates.

And the strength of these two people is extremely terrifying.

Even if you are as strong as a first-class person, you will not dare to take action rashly.

Chu Yunyun clearly still has some strength left, and can use it to deal with attacks from others at any time during the battle.

Once they join the war rashly, they will most likely be shot to death by the blue-eyed military governor.

Around here, the martial arts cultivators from the imperial court all had ugly faces and were speechless.

Those people from the world, and people from aristocratic families, all gathered together and discussed in low voices.

"The number one on the Heavenly Ranking and the number three on the Heavenly Ranking! As expected, they are both near-godlike!"

"The Grand Master looks like he is trying his best to support himself?"

"Obviously, the Grand Master's combat power is so strong that he has reached the edge of being a god! However, compared with this king, he is still far behind!"

"Unparalleled throughout the ages, Commander-in-Chief Blue Eyes! She is only thirty-two years old, and such achievements are unprecedented!"

"Why don't they gather together and attack?"

"Is the siege useless? This man has also practiced the Yajuan Sword and worshiped the Wuxiang Divine Sect again. His skills in the Yajuan Sword may not be weaker than that of Lord Wuji Sword."

Among these martial arts cultivators, some were filled with doubts, some were shocked and lost their minds, some were lamenting, and some were gloating about their misfortune.

"It's amazing. Five hundred miles from north to south are covered by her guns. A whole three million troops are blocked here. One person with one gun can be an army of tens of millions!"

"The emperor is simply crazy. He is destroying the Great Wall."

"The king's talent is extraordinary and his skills are so great that it is not unreasonable for him to want to get rid of him. The trouble is that he failed to succeed. This man actually resurrected from the dead and came back."

"The imperial court is in serious trouble. Although the Yijian Qingcheng Wenzhuyi has been removed, there is still a Wuji Sword Lord and a blue-eyed military governor. This couple is a perfect match. How should the imperial court deal with it in the future?"

"I heard that many people in Cangzhou, Yunzhou, Qingzhou and other five states are starting a 'rebel army' and want to cut off the Bingcheng Army's retreat. Ha~ This is really interesting."

"Of course! If they think that Ice City will be disbanded and the world will return to Daning, they will want to add insult to injury. They are afraid they will suffer big losses."

"It's no wonder they were there. If we hadn't been lucky enough to see this battle, we would have gone the wrong way."

"Wanhu, the member of Jinyiwei, is urging us to take action."

"Do it? Are you going to die? Let them go on their own."

At this moment, the whole world roared and exploded again. This time the turmoil was even more violent. The mountains and the ground shook for five hundred miles around. The Canglang River next to it first set off huge waves, and then the river rolled back dozens of times.


It was a divine-killing move launched by Grand Master Dugu Shou, but Chu Yunyun used her strength to defeat her strength and forced him to retreat with one shot.

The remaining gunfire even broke through a large camp in the distance.

Dugu Shou even had to retreat to the sky above Boshan County City to take a breather and regroup with the help of the city defense formation below.

He tried his best to suppress the turbulent energy and blood in his body, trying to pretend as if nothing had happened.

However, some sharp-eyed people below noticed that Dugu Shou's chest was rising and falling slightly, and there was blood overflowing from the upper part of both arms.

Dugu Shou was not injured, but his skin was probably broken by the power of Chu Yunyun's gun.

He was far from being at the end of his rope, but this scene gave everyone watching the battle a huge impact.

It should be noted that the two of them have been fighting for only four short moments.

The gap between No. 1 on the Heavenly List and No. 3 on the Heavenly Ranking is visible to the naked eye!

At this time, the imperial martial arts cultivators and General Daning who were watching the battle had different ideas, but they all felt that their chests were cold and their hearts were heavy.

——This king is actually so strong.

——The grand master once fought against Wenzhuyi for thirty times without losing, but he was no match for this woman!

——What should I do?

——Is Daning’s luck about to end? Such a powerful enemy has appeared!

——Your Majesty, Hutu! Even if she is not coaxed, she cannot be pushed to the side of the mortal enemy even if she is such an unparalleled talent.

——What a trouble! One Wen Baht Yi has caused them to fight fiercely for two years. They have exhausted all their efforts, and now a stronger one has come.

In the void, Dugu Shou hid his hands in his sleeves with an expressionless face.

He looked at Chu Yunyun with some admiration: "You have actually condensed a new core bloodline!"

He had already anticipated this when he learned that Chu Yunyun had cultivated the 'Death-Touching Knife with Divine Will'.

After all, this sword technique can only be mastered by special bloodline power.

Dugu Shou originally thought that what Chu Yunyun had condensed was still the 'Gui Yi' bloodline similar to that of Tieshan Qin's.

However, after the battle, he realized that he was wrong.

"Thank you for that stupid king of yours. If it weren't for him, I would have no hope of everlasting life!"

Chu Yunyun's face was expressionless. She pointed her spear far away, and the gun's intention hit Dugu Shou's eyebrows: "Those three super masters who are watching the battle, come out together! He is not my opponent. Unless you join forces today, otherwise

This seventh-generation father-in-law will undoubtedly die!"

Dugu Shou is also no match for Wen Zhuyi!

Although the Grand Master touched the edge of the God, he only stepped over with half a foot.

Dugu Shou's combat prowess is not as good as Wen Bah Yi's, nor is he as good as hers.

The reason why this person was able to compete with Wenzhuyi was because Wenzhuyi was limited by the extreme cold in his body and could not fight for a long time or attack with all his strength.

In addition, there are three super products lurking near the battlefield.

These three people have been locking her with their will from afar, restraining her power.

They also practiced the extremely powerful 'Shen Concentration Technique', which allowed Chu Yunyun to only use one-tenth of their hostile killing intent.

However, this forceful restraint was far from enough to stop Chu Yunyun.

Chu Yunyun was far from having all her fun.

She has accumulated endless anger in her heart, but she still has nowhere to vent it!

The purpose of coming here to find Dugu Shou today is to have a good fight.

Of course, if these people were going to sit back and watch, she wouldn't mind killing Dugu Shou.

This may cost her something.

Dugu Shou will fight to the death at all costs, but this is a good deal.

Dugu Shouze looked dozens of miles away with cold eyes.

It can be found that there are several large camps over there. The soldiers of the Bingcheng Army in the large camps have settled down visibly.

They decisively chose to withdraw their troops overnight, lit torches one after another, and swarmed out of the camp.

Not only did they line up neatly, but their steps were also strict and orderly.

Obviously, his battle with Chu Yunyun stabilized the morale of these Bingcheng Army soldiers.

They may be panicked and saddened by the dissolution of Ice City, and may worry about the future, but they will no longer worry about their demise.

Dugu Shou then turned his attention to Chu Yunyun again.

"General Qin!


Dugu Shou took a deep breath and said in a cold tone: "You are my famous general in Daning, and you understand the righteousness well. You should know that if you rebel, you will definitely cause the Chinese state to be in chaos, causing chaos in all directions, bloodshed for thousands of miles, and harming the people of the world!

Both of you and your wife have unprecedented talents, but this talent should be used on the giant spirits in the north, rather than making enemies of the Daning court and killing each other among our people.

Today, I would like to make the decision to recruit you two on behalf of Your Majesty. As long as you two can promise to call off the war, give up accepting these Ice City soldiers, and promise not to be enemies of the imperial court from now on, the Daning imperial court will allow you two to separatize the five northern states. You two

If you can’t believe it, I’m willing to guarantee it.”

"Your guarantee is worthless!"

Chu Yunyun couldn't help but see ridicule in her eyes, and laughed: "Do you think this is a wishful thinking? I think that if the Grand Master really cares about the people of the world, he might as well surrender my husband, and the world will be pacified immediately."

Unless she overthrows Emperor Jianyuan's throne and seizes the country of Daning, she will not be able to let go of the hatred in her heart!

Dugu Shou couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Yes, it’s impossible!

In today's current situation, even if Daning changes to another emperor, this couple will definitely fight to the death with them!

At this moment, Dugu Shou's entire body suddenly surged with energy, and all his blood energy was fully mobilized.

Since he couldn't persuade her, he could only use his fists to force the woman back.

This chapter has been completed!
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