Chapter 598 Harem (please subscribe and vote monthly)

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Chapter 600 Harem (please subscribe and vote monthly)

When Chu Xisheng returned to Wuxiang Shenzong by boat, Chu Yunyun just broke out of the attic.

Chu Yunyun couldn't help but squint her eyes when she saw him park the sun-bathing boat in front of Tianlanju and stand on the boat as if nothing had happened.

This guy traveled nearly 200,000 miles back and forth in three hours just to see that woman. He was really affectionate and affectionate.

She secretly hummed, but didn't bother to reveal it, and walked directly to the boat.

"Where are Sect Master Luo and Mr. Feng?"

Sect Leader Luo naturally refers to the ‘Grand Master of the Stars’ Luohan Sect.

These two people had previously made a reservation to go south with them to attend the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China in Xiushui County.

"Sect Master Luo has his own flying magic weapon."

Chu Xisheng touched the bridge of his nose: "Mr. Feng got impatient with waiting, so he got on Sect Master Luo's boat and left together."

The truth is that they heard that Chu Xisheng ran to Le Tan Cave alone when he was about to set off, so the two of them set off first.

At this time, Taiweiyuan was already experiencing signs of revitalization.

The Luohan Sect recruited more than 7,000 talented disciples and placed them in Taiwei Yuan to train and teach them.

Therefore, the artifact in his hand, the 'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Zhou Compact Disc', was no longer carried with him and could only be suppressed in Taiwei Cloud to prevent external evil.

The Luohan Sect’s daily transportation weapon has been replaced by a ‘Ziwu Star Light Shuttle’.

Compared with Chu Xisheng's "Sun-bathing Shenzhou", it is just like the old man's sports car now.

However, Mad Sword Feng San would rather take the Arhat Sect's much slower flying magic weapon than go with them.

"I see!"

Chu Yunyun didn't ask any more questions and sat down directly on the bow of the boat: "Then let's set off too. Don't keep those people in Xiushui County waiting."

Just when Chu Xisheng was gradually accelerating on the Sun-Sun Divine Boat and flying out of the Wuxiang Mountain, Chu Yunyun talked about the wishing stone again: "Your natal artifact is indeed magical. I have experienced it for three days, and the effect is unparalleled.

, it is simply a first-class miracle. But it is too wasteful for you to use it this way. Using a wishing stone to strengthen your understanding and wisdom for ten days is the most cost-effective way."

Chu Xisheng nodded.

He had already figured out the best way to use the wishing stone.

The problem is that what he lacks now is time, and many times he cannot take cost-effectiveness into account.

Chu Yunyun continued: "Also, don't use the wishing technique on me in the future. I don't need it for the time being. If I need to use the wishing stone, I will come to you. Your natal artifact can help me break through some bottlenecks."

"Why?" Chu Xisheng asked in confusion: "Isn't it good to improve your understanding and spiritual intelligence?"

"What I lack now is not understanding."

Chu Yunyun shook her head and looked down at her body with some annoyance: "What I lack now is practice time. Even if I study and understand more martial arts, I still don't have enough time to practice and become familiar with it. And I don't have enough time to practice and become familiar with it.

My body, and due to the Six Yin Resurrection Curse, often cannot keep up with my martial arts progress."

Chu Xisheng suddenly became speechless.

He was deeply stimulated by Chu Yunyun's words.

It turns out that what Chu Yunyun lacks is not her understanding, she has always had some leftover.

Also, the key to limiting the growth of Chu Yunyun's strength now is Chu Xisheng.

"The main reason is that I don't have time to practice. I can't practice in a dream like you."

Chu Yunyun looked at Chu Xisheng: "It seems that your natal artifact is not simple. It should not just be the remains of the Donghuang Mirror. It should be integrated into a powerful artifact with the 'dream' heavenly rule. Someone can help you put it together."

They blend together.”

Chu Xisheng nodded slightly when he heard the words.

He thought so too.

The method of 'reversing yin and yang' arranged by Chu Fengge cannot accomplish such a miraculous thing.

It is estimated that before the yin and yang were reversed, the natal artifact in his body was already in a qualified embryonic state.

‘Inverting the yin and yang’ simply activates it.

——The person who arranged all this is so capable!

While they were talking, Bai Xiaozhao, with his crew cut, popped his head out from the stairs and looked at the two people on the deck.

She had seen Chu Xisheng running to Le Tan Cave before, and she thought that her brother would inevitably be beaten again, so she took her little crew cut and took shelter in the cabin in advance.

Didn't even see Mr. Feng run away?

Mr. Feng has never been afraid of Sister Yunyun, but this time he avoided it in advance.

It can be seen that Mr. Feng also knows the seriousness of the matter.

The one-sword sword that is frozen in Li Tan Cave is a thorn in Sister Yunyun's heart.

Before that woman proclaimed herself, she took away everything that should have belonged to Sister Yunyun, and Sister Yunyun had to pinch her nose to clean up her hands. How angry should she be in her heart?

The little flathead doesn't want to be beaten anymore. It was badly hurt by its owner three days ago.

No matter how hard they work together, it and its owner can't defeat him, and he's covered in bruises all over his body.

They will retaliate, but in the face of such an absolute disparity in strength, no matter how stubborn they are, it will not help.

What's strange is that the two of them stayed under the cabin for a long time, and the plywood was calm and uneventful.

Bai Xiaozhao couldn't restrain his curiosity and wanted to see what happened.

But as soon as she emerged from the stairs, she saw a green finger stretched out and flicked her forehead.

Bai Xiaozhao's vision immediately went dark and he fainted. Xiao Pingtou also followed suit and also fainted on the stairs.

"Keep working hard. Xisheng, you are making rapid progress in martial arts and are almost catching up with me."

Chu Yunyun's pretty face had red clouds rising again for some reason.

She held up her hair and looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, her blue eyes full of shyness: "The promise I made to you three days ago is still valid. If you are sure, come and find me."


Chu Xisheng didn't react for a while, but then his eyes lit up and he was overjoyed: "You are at my mercy and you can do whatever you want?"

Chu Yunyun couldn't help but clenched her fists again.

She did not answer, but looked at him: "The sword moves you performed three days ago still have many flaws. I have some ideas to help you make up for them. Just like paying back ten times, I have better ones.

The method will help you strengthen, do you want to listen?"

The blush on Chu Yunyun's face became more obvious and even spread to her neck.

Chu Xisheng grinned; "Listen, of course you must listen!"

This is called master's wife's skill in making a wife. You must listen carefully.


Only two hours later, Chu Xisheng sailed his boat to the sky above Xiushui County.

His Shenyang bloodline has been upgraded to the twenty-fourth level, reaching the threshold of the realm of mortal gods, so the escape speed of the 'Sunbathing Shenzhou' has been greatly improved.

He could travel back and forth 200,000 miles in three hours, so it was hard not to do his best in front of Chu Yunyun at this time.

Even though Chu Xisheng was distracted and listened to Chu Yunyun's explanation of martial arts, he still sailed across a hundred thousand miles in two hours.

When the 'Sun Bathing Shenzhou' stopped in the sky above the Iron Flag Gang's chief helmsman, the couple descended hand in hand on the steps in front of the chief helmsman's Juyi Hall.

Everyone here, led by Tie Kuangren, Tie Xiaosheng, and Jian Zangfeng, all bowed towards Chu Xisheng and the others.

"Subordinates and others meet the flag master!"

Chu Xisheng smiled and raised his hand to signal everyone to get up.

But at this moment, a scribe in white clothes walked out of the crowd and bowed deeply to Chu Xisheng.

"Sword Lord Rong, the current Emperor of Daning is unjust, so that the world is in chaos, and laws and regulations are abolished; demons are everywhere, ghosts and gods are plundering; the people are displaced, trapped in water and fire; the people are in dire straits, and disasters are everywhere; the mountains and rivers are in turmoil, and the country is in turmoil!

But today, the people of the world are already on the edge of the cliff. If they take a step back, they will starve to death all over the land and suffer from the catastrophe of chaos in ten houses and nine rooms. The common people ask the Sword King to ascend the throne immediately, with the dignity of the human emperor, clean up the world, clean up the evil dust, calm the people's hearts, and save all living beings from water and fire!


Everyone raised their heads and looked at the scribe.

There was a strange color in their eyes.

That was none other than the Grand Tutor of the Ning Dynasty—‘Wen Guan Wu Jue’ Ding Cansheng!

The local civil servants and heads of wealthy families present were particularly shocked.

Before they came, they had a premonition that Chu Xisheng was about to proclaim himself emperor from the south.

But he never expected that Ding Cansheng, the Taifu of Daning, would abandon Daning and join the new dynasty, and today he would initiate the idea of ​​proclaiming himself emperor and founding a country.

What on earth did Emperor Jianyuan do to such an extent that he became so corrupt that Ding Cangsheng, a veteran of three dynasties and the chief minister of the cabinet, abandoned him?

At the moment when everyone was surprised, Jian Zangfeng and others had already lifted up their clothes and prostrated themselves on the ground: "I sincerely request the flag master to found the country and ascend the throne to clarify the world, reorganize the world, and save all people from the fire and water!"

Just behind them, thousands of generals and countless gentry also bowed down to Chu Xisheng.

"We see your majesty. May your majesty live forever, be majestic to the world, and bless the world!"

Next, the elite soldiers who were densely arranged in Juyitang Square, as well as several school fields outside, and tens of thousands of Iron Flag Gang soldiers who were guarding the chief helm, all fell to their knees.

"We ask Your Majesty to found the country and ascend the throne, and create peace for all ages!"

"We invite your Majesty to found the country and ascend the throne! May your Majesty be blessed with immeasurable merit and benefit the common people!"

Their voices gathered together were like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, shaking the world!

At this moment, the dragon energy around Chu Xisheng was activated.

Twelve golden dragons shuttled out of the void behind Chu Xisheng, coiling around him.

Chu Xisheng smiled slightly and rolled up the sleeves of his robe: "My lords, please rise! I know what you think. However, the founding of the country is of great importance. We will discuss it later."

According to the etiquette passed down from ancient times, the matter of proclaiming the emperor should have been made with three concessions and three concessions.

But he was too lazy to play this trick.

In this world of great change, we should do our part!

Now, except for him, who in the world can turn things around and save the Chinese race from the fate of decline?


In the next few days, Chu Xisheng fell into a busy state.

Almost all night long, day and night.

In fact, Jian Zangfeng had already prepared all the preparations for the founding of the country and his enthronement, and all the necessary manpower and material resources were ready.

Jian Zangfeng even had people repair the city in Qinhuai County and build another palace.

Although Xiushui County is the place where Chu Xisheng and his wife started their lives, the topography and location here are not suitable for being the capital of a country.

‘Qinhuai County’ is the most suitable place to build a capital in the south.

The east, west and south sides of this place are surrounded by mountains, connected by hills and mountains, shaped like a blue dragon, and are like a celestial city; to the north is the Shenxiu River, which is wide, deep and rough, and is known as the celestial chasm.

Therefore, this place has been known as "dragon crouching and tiger perched" since ancient times. If you advance, you can control the throat of the Shenxiu River and the canal, and compete with the Central Plains; if you retreat, you will have dangers to defend, and it is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is a place favored by kings.

The land here is also very fertile, and the grain production is abundant, which is better than the mountains and rivers inside and outside the two prefectures of Heluo.

However, Jian Zangfeng knew that they would not be able to stay in Qinhuai County for long.

Chu Xisheng definitely wanted to invade the Heluo Prefecture and achieve success in the world.

It is estimated that within a year, this 'Qinhuai County' will become the southern capital of the new dynasty.

Therefore, this palace was only built according to the specifications of a royal palace, and its area is very small. Of course, this palace is small, but it is fully equipped with everything it should have.

However, although Jian Zangfeng had made all the preparations, there were some things that he couldn't do for Chu Xisheng.

Founding a country is not a simple matter.

They first have to decide on a country name.

A group of Chu Xisheng's subordinates, as well as a group of celebrities and scholars he had recruited, argued in the Juyi Hall for a long time.

In the end, Chu Xisheng made a plan and decided on the name of the country as "Lü", which will be called Dalu Dynasty from now on.

This represents his philosophy of governing the country, respecting the law and governing the country according to the law.

They still have to agree on a year name.

Chu Xisheng was too lazy to listen to their argument. His head was pounding when he heard it, so he directly decided on the year name of 'Yuanshi'.

After officially proclaiming himself emperor, he became the First Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

This year number has no special meaning, it is just a simple illustration.

The next step is to clarify the official system.

The official system of the Ning Dynasty was actually extremely mature and only needed minor repairs.

Chu Xisheng only further optimized the cabinet system, abolished Daning's Fifth Army Governor's Office, and established the Privy Council.

He also determined the powers, responsibilities and tenure of cabinet ministers and privy councilors, making them less unclear than before.

Then he split the six ministries and expanded them into thirteen ministries, adding the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Mines, Ministry of Industry, and Ministry of Medicine.

Among them, the Ministry of Culture and Education is in charge of all educational matters.

Chu Xisheng believed that industry and health also needed to be taken seriously, so he established separate business departments and medical departments.

The Ministry of Industry is in charge of "industry" such as workshops in various places, while the Ministry of Medicine is responsible for medical and health care.

In addition, among the six departments, the Household Department, the Rites Department, and the Work Department have too many functions, and sometimes it is impossible to take them all into account. It is better to separate them and assign them full-time responsibilities.

This is also to strengthen the status and authority of the cabinet.

Chu Xisheng predicted that he would not be the Human Emperor for long.

He himself did not have much time to participate in running the country.

As the future emperor, he is actually a symbol.

Therefore, he reduced the constraints on the cabinet and lowered the status of various ministers to facilitate the cabinet's governance.

However, the Privy Council was directly subordinate to the emperor, and the Ministry of War was under the jurisdiction of the Privy Council.

The power to appoint ministers and ministers to the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Rites must also be in the hands of the emperor.

The cabinet has the right to make recommendations, but the emperor must determine the candidates.

Chu Xisheng knew that the government, finance, personnel and military power of a country were the most important. As long as these three points were tightened, the problem would not be big.

Chu Xisheng had no intention of governing the country, and he did not care about worldly authority.

In the past, he took over the Iron Banner Gang in order to complete the Mystery of Chaos.

The purpose of establishing the Dalu Dynasty now is to strengthen the twelve dragon gods and fight against the gods.

Chu Xisheng was actually extremely bored with the tedious paperwork.

However, if he has descendants who have the ambition to govern the country, they can easily gain real power with this structure.

Chu Xisheng also improved the Inspectorate, added more personnel to the Inspectorate, established censors at all levels, and defined their authority and responsibilities in the form of laws.

Unlike the Inspectorate of the Great Ning Dynasty, the censor supervised everything. As a result, he failed to supervise everything well and made the politics of the court a mess.

He also established a separate "Audit Yuan" to audit the financial expenditures of major departments of the imperial court and local counties.

However, Chu Xisheng actually has no hope for supervisory agencies such as the Supervisory Yuan and the Audit Yuan.

These institutions were fine in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China when people's minds were calm and politics were clear.

But once time goes by, under the corrosion of wealth, money, material desires and power, it is difficult for them not to have problems.

Chu Xisheng can only hope that the strict system can delay the decay of these bureaucrats in Dalu Dynasty.

He never expected that the dynasty he established would last forever.

In addition, he also took power from the local area and brought the local impeachment matters under the jurisdiction of the higher-level prosecutor's office.

Next is the appointment of officials at all levels and generals at all levels, as well as the division of defense zones, garrison generals in various places, etc.

There are also rewards for deserving officials.

Chu Xisheng still adopts the five-level title system of Duke, Prince, Bo, Son, and each level is divided into three levels.

For example, a baron can be divided into a country boy, a county boy, and a county boy; a duke can also be divided into a county prince, a county prince, and a country prince.

There is also the difference between hereditary succession and reduced hereditary succession.

Chu Xisheng was quite generous in terms of military honors and titles.

However, the establishment of the Dalu Dynasty was very smooth, with few twists and turns, and thanks to the efforts of Chu Xisheng and his wife, very few generals and ministers were awarded the title of duke, and even fewer were hereditary.

In other words, only brothers Tie Kuangren and Tie Xiaosheng each obtained the title of Duke of the State, and they had to reduce the six-level hereditary rank.

It is impossible for the two of them to unite the army to fight in the future. It is estimated that this will be their final titles.

By the time Chu Xisheng had sorted everything out, it was already nine days later.

Nine days later, Chu Xisheng led his ministers and generals, as well as 200,000 forbidden troops adapted from the six battle halls of the Iron Banner Gang, to Qinhuai County with great momentum.

The day after they arrived in Qinhuai County was an auspicious day, suitable for opening a business, getting married, and offering sacrifices.

Chu Xisheng ascended the throne and founded the country on this day, and he proclaimed himself emperor amidst the worship of hundreds of thousands of people.

At this time, most of the officers and soldiers were flushed and excited.

However, in the Taizheng Hall, the main hall of the palace, some of the people closest to the throne had serious expressions, even hinting at worry.

Ding Cansheng, the "Wen Guan Wu Jue" who has received the imperial edict from Chu Xisheng and serves as an assistant minister in the cabinet, is one of them.

He even frequently glanced sideways at Jian Zangfeng beside him.

Jian Zangfeng was impatient at his look, and turned around helplessly and said: "Your Majesty has made up his mind on the matter of offering sacrifices to heaven. Brother Ding, please don't bother anymore. Don't think about what kind of person your Majesty is. He won't even consider it.

The gods looked down upon him, and under the sacred tree of creation, one man and one sword forced the gods to surrender. How could he follow the example of the previous emperors, sacrifice to the sky, and pay respect to the gods? How could he be an emperor?"

In this founding ceremony, Emperor Yuanshi did not offer sacrifices to heaven or earth, but only to his ancestors.

This made many aristocratic families and Confucian celebrities who had defected to the new dynasty feel uneasy. They not only fought in the court, but also frequently wrote letters stating the pros and cons of disrespecting heaven and earth, hoping to change the mind of the First Emperor.

But his junior brother was too lazy to pay attention to them.

The bandit lost his temper and directly stuck his sword on the imperial desk and asked the ministers if my sword was not good enough to fight against the gods. Only then did the Confucian celebrities cease their activities.

"It's not because of this." Ding Cangsheng shook his head slightly: "The gods are unkind, so forget it if Your Majesty doesn't want to pay respect. The reason why the previous dynasties offered sacrifices to heaven and earth, and to the gods, was that they still had the intention of staying in peace and quieting things down. I think.

If you can make good friends with the gods, you can resolve disasters, even win over each other, climb high, and obtain help from the gods.

Your Majesty is an unparalleled hero. He is unwilling to bow his head to the gods. This is actually a good thing. The gods are determined to kill me. This is a blood feud and sworn resentment from generation to generation.

The upcoming Nine-Nine Divine Tribulation cannot be resolved by worshiping and offering sacrifices. Unless it can change the world, it is not disrespectful. I am worried about another thing now. What does your Majesty have to say about the Zhonggong Palace?"

Ding Cangsheng was actually very satisfied with the new emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

This Majesty is not only superb in force, wise and courageous, and tolerant; he is also superb in power, military strategy, and ambitious plans.

In his eyes, this is simply a wise man who meets once in a million years.

The key is that Emperor Yuanshi has not yet taken power, and there is no suspicion of Emperor Jianyuan.

Since these few days, his experience in the cabinet can be known.

The First Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty had little interest in complicated government affairs.

He just sets a general direction and formulates a political program, then selects capable people and leaves it to them to implement it.

The Son of Heaven rules the world from his arches - this is simply the wise king they dream of as a Confucian scholar.

Therefore, even if Chu Xisheng was harsher on their wealthy family and scholar-bureaucrats, Ding Commoners would be willing to accept it.

The annexation issue has troubled all dynasties, and Ding Cansheng, as a contemporary Confucian, is also deeply worried.

What's more, although the First Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty prohibited mergers and acquisitions, he deliberately encouraged "industry", that is, various businesses, workshops, mines, and the like, and even established the Ministry of Mines and the Ministry of Industry for this purpose.

As long as these aristocratic families adapt a little, they can have a place in the new dynasty.

There is only one thing that makes the people worried.

That is Chu Xisheng's harem.

The harem that everyone is most concerned about has never been decided.

This person's harem is incredible. If it is not handled properly, this huge Dalu Dynasty may collapse overnight.

The two girls, Chu Yunyun and Wen Suyi, are both extremely powerful warriors who can fight against gods.

They also have a large number of fans.

Today, nearly 60% of the troops and horses of the Dalu Dynasty, and 60% of the important generals, are their subordinates. In addition, there are many civil servants who originated from Youzhou and Far East Ice City.

Another girl, Lu Luanli, Lu, although she is a little inferior in terms of cultivation, she also has a great background.

At this time, many people had learned that this was the posthumous daughter of the late prince.

This made many famous officials and military generals who were nostalgic for the old dynasty place high hopes in Lu Luanli.

Especially the surrendered ministers and generals who have recently taken refuge in Daning have their support for Lu Luanli, and their power in the Dalu court is even greater than that of the two daughters of Chu and Wen.

Ding Cangsheng has always wanted to know Chu Xisheng's thoughts on the harem.

However, Chu Xisheng never gave the ministers a chance to discuss, and no edict was issued in the past few days to give them reassurance.

"Middle palace?" Jian Zangfeng understood what Ding Cangsheng meant, but chose to play dumb.

He blinked his mung bean eyes: "The master of the middle palace is naturally the General Zhenbei. What else needs to be said?"

Ding Cangsheng's expression froze. He wondered if he hadn't said it clearly enough?

At this moment, he saw Chu Xisheng, wearing a gorgeous Twelve Chapter Gun uniform, holding the hand of Chu Yunyun next to him, slowly walked into the Taizheng Palace, and climbed up the stone imperial steps.

What surprised Ding Cangsheng was that there was another woman beside Chu Xisheng.

Like Chu Yunyun, she actually wore Zhai clothes and a phoenix crown.

Jian Zangfeng saw this and smiled slightly: "Look, your Majesty, didn't you handle it very well? You and I really don't need to worry about the harem."


This chapter has been completed!
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